TropHEE Landing page – Institute of Applied Geosciences – TU Darmstadt

TropHEE at TU Darmstadt

The Master of Science Course “Tropical Hydrogeology and Environmental Engineering” (TropHEE) aims at combining a comprehensive understanding of geoscientific fundamentals with a specific focus on issues of application that are essential in hydrogeology and environmental management. In particular, TropHEE concentrates on methods and modern techniques enabling the participants to find ways for a sustainable development of tropical and subtropical countries from a geoscientific point of view. Although in the broader framework of international development cooperation, TropHEE offers a comprehensive, research-oriented education in Hydrogeology and Environmental Geosciences and Engineering on Master level.

Wasana from Sri Lanka,
TropHEE student

I am grateful for the opportunity to study Hydrogeology and Environmental Engineering as a Master's degree at one of the world ranking universities, the TU Darmstadt. Selecting the international study programme TropHEE is the best decision I have made to expand my knowledge on key aspects of groundwater geology for my career path.

Picture: Kyle Glenn / Unsplash

TropHEE Team

No matter if you have general questions about the TropHEE programme or if you want to get specific information, we inform you about the course and support you during your studies!

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