Trinity Hall Virtual Tour - Trinity Hall Cambridge

Trinity Hall Virtual Tour

Daffodils in the foreground in Latham Lawn, Trinity Hall. Buildings are blurred in the background.

Wherever you are in the world, we are very happy to welcome you to the Trinity Hall Virtual Tour…

The College is always keen to show prospective applicants round the physical College. As not everyone is able to visit Cambridge in-person, and most people don’t get the chance to visit the other sites that make up Trinity Hall, we commissioned Venue View to create virtual tours of the College’s three sites.

You can virtually explore all around Trinity Hall, from the historic buildings of Central Site to some of the student bedrooms at our ultra-modern WYNG Gardens accommodation, as well as the sports facilities and beautiful gardens at our Wychfield Site in North Cambridge.

We hope this online experience will help you learn more about the friendly and supportive educational environment we offer here at Trinity Hall. If you can’t visit us in person, then this is the next best thing.