Pros And Cons Of Online Learning Vs Traditional Learning |

Pros And Cons Of Online Learning Vs Traditional Learning

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With the development of the network, online learning has slowly entered the people's eye, and the impact is becoming more and more powerful. It brings a great challenge to the traditional classroom. Comparing online learning and traditional teaching, this article will analyze in several ways to know why online learning is now better. Talking about education, our focus should be on students and teachers. Which way is better for them, which one is better. The reason that network learning is better than traditional classroom is that it has the characteristics of keeping pace with the times, develops new advantages, and solves the problems existing in traditional classroom teaching.
Firstly, as the limitations of the class bring a lot of inconvenience to the traditional classroom, network learning can solve these problems well. For example, the time and place of traditional teaching are fixed, but online learning can quickly get into the classroom anytime or anywhere(Fedynich 3). Another thing that needs to be noticed is that the number of students is increasing every year. …show more content…

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