Nuclear Buffoon: Jews Select Politicians for Compliance, Not Competence, by Tobias Langdon - The Unz Review
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Nuclear Buffoon: Jews Select Politicians for Compliance, Not Competence
Confronted by a confederacy of dunces: Dominic Cummings and his crammed cranium

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I was too optimistic. Far too optimistic. I should have remembered what Jonathan Swift (1667–1745) wrote centuries ago: “When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by this sign; that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.” And there was certainly a confederacy of dunces against the highly intelligent and innovative Dominic Cummings, who tried to turn British politics into a powerhouse of physicists and mathematicians, not a monkey-house of “Oxbridge humanities graduates.”

I was hoping that Cummings would face down the hatred of incompetent government officials and leftist journalists, who damned him as the “evil genius” behind the successful campaign for Brexit. And yes, he might well have survived their spiteful scheming and remained as chief aide to the British prime minister Boris Johnson. What he didn’t survive was the hatred and scheming of the intellectually vacuous but psychologically formidable Carrie Johnson, the PM’s wife. Cummings was forced out of government in autumn 2020. But he hasn’t gone quietly. He saw Boris Johnson close-up for a long time and wasn’t impressed by what he saw. Now he calls Johnson a “sociopathic narcissist” and tells very disturbing stories like this:

I spent a lot of time in 2020 trying to push changes across ‘national security’ issues. I also went around some of the deep state sites to talk to people engaged in operations and try to figure out what important things were being starved of money/focus because of the general MoD [Ministry of Defence] horrorshow (leaked by a minister at the time to cause trouble). For example, I found our special forces are deprived of tiny amounts of money for crucial things — literally often so tiny you’re talking THOUSANDS, not even millions, while the MoD blows BILLIONS.

I spent time in the no-phones room under No10 discussing nuclear wargames and the UK nuclear enterprise.

In autumn 2020, I forced the PM to carve out 3 hours to discuss the nuclear enterprise. I had wanted to have a whole weekend at Chequers, including sessions with outside specialists, but he balked at just a few hours. After sort of listening, including to an account of rotten infrastructure and the truly horrific bills amounting to many tens of billions we face in coming years because of 25 years of rot and shockingly bad procurement under both parties, we left the room.

He picked up his phone (left outside for security), turned to me angr[il]y, and spat out.

What a waste of my time.

This sums up a lot not just about him but about our political system. Their single most important job is not seen as a priority! (Dominic Cummings’ Substack, “‘People, ideas, machines’ II: catastrophic thinking on nuclear weapons,” 18th March 2022)

Boris Johnson is a nuclear buffoon — a buffoon with his hand on the nuclear button. And the story is even more disturbing today, when the Jewish neo-cons running American and British foreign policy are poking the Russian bear with ever-sharper sticks at ever-shrinking intervals. But in one sense Johnson was right and Cummings was wrong. It was a waste of Johnson’s time to learn more about how to avoid a catastrophic nuclear war. And the “single most important priority” of our political system isn’t protecting the population from natural or technological disaster and the collapse of industrial civilization.

Grovelling goys in British politics: (clockwise from top) Sajid Javid, Boris Johnson, Priti Patel at Conservative Friends of Israel
Grovelling goys in British politics: (clockwise from top) Sajid Javid, Boris Johnson, Priti Patel at Conservative Friends of Israel

Instead, Johnson’s time is far better spent placating the rich and powerful Jews who put him into office and ensure that he stays there. Similarly, the most important priority of our political system is serving the interests of those Jews. Cummings saw those toxic truths of Jewish control again and again during his time in government. He knows all about Jewish power and the way it corrupts Western politics. He knows that Jews select their political servants for compliance, not for competence. And he knows that this is why the prime minister of Britain is a sociopathic narcissist and the president of America is a corrupt, senile narcissist. But Cummings has never discussed any of that. He has always carefully avoided the topics of Jewish power, in particular, and of race, in general.

Cancelled for crimethink

Sadly, he’s right to avoid those topics. If he’d spoken the truth about them while he was in government, he would’ve been driven out immediately. If he spoke the truth about them now, he would lose what influence he still has. But we can be sure that he knows the truth, because while he was in government, he employed a highly intelligent young White male called Andrew Sabisky. Unlike Cummings, Sabisky hadn’t kept quiet on the topic of race. And he paid the price for telling the truth: in April 2020, he resigned as an adviser to the British government after what the Guardian described as “fierce criticism across [the] political spectrum.”

In fact, Sabisky was criticized only by leftists and their cuckservative allies, but the Guardian has always preferred fantasy to reality and will always misrepresent reality when it can. That’s why it was so horrified by Sabisky’s ideas: “In one post from 2014, he suggested that politicians should pay attention to ‘very real racial differences in intelligence’ when designing the immigration system, and another from that year suggested black people on average have lower IQs than white people.” Sabisky also supported eugenics and other attempts to improve the intelligence, health and behavior of the human race.

That was crimethink. But Cummings didn’t condemn Sabisky for it and didn’t want to lose him as an adviser. Indeed, it’s certain that other people in Cummings’ government-team shared Sabisky’s heretical views. Those other crimethinkers were simply more discreet, that’s all. And this is Cummings himself obliquely expressing his disdain for Black Lives Matter (BLM) and other forms of pro-Black, anti-White agitation:

People in SW1 [the London postcode where British government is based] talk a lot about ‘diversity’ but they rarely mean ‘true cognitive diversity’. They are usually babbling about ‘gender identity diversity blah blah’. What SW1 needs is not more drivel about ‘identity’ and ‘diversity’ from Oxbridge humanities graduates but more genuine cognitive diversity.

We need some true wild cards, artists, people who never went to university and fought their way out of an appalling hell hole, weirdos from William Gibson novels like that girl hired by Bigend as a brand ‘diviner’ who feels sick at the sight of Tommy Hilfiger or that Chinese-Cuban free runner from a crime family hired by the KGB. If you want to figure out what characters around Putin might do, or how international criminal gangs might exploit holes in our border security, you don’t want more Oxbridge English graduates who chat about Lacan at dinner parties with TV producers and spread fake news about fake news. (Dominic Cummings’ Substack, “Snippets,” 7th March 2022)

In other words, Cummings thinks that anti-racism is “drivel.” He wants much more reality in politics and much less rhetoric. That’s why he employed physicists who knew about lambda rather than “Oxbridge English graduates” who knew about Lacan. He wanted to make Britain a beacon of efficient government and technological innovation. But in a sense, he was merely trying to fit faster engines to the Titanic. Thanks to mass immigration from the Third World, Britain is steaming straight for a giant iceberg of societal collapse and civil war. So are America, France, Sweden and all other racially and religiously enriched Western societies. And it’s too late to stop all those ships of state colliding with all those icebergs.

Quantum comfort?

Unless a nuclear war intervenes, of course. And with Jewish neo-cons so thirsty for revenge on Russia, nuclear war is once again a very serious threat to the world. We were lucky to survive the Cold War, the last period of prolonged hostility between nuclear-armed Russia and the nuclear-armed West. And far more people should recognize how lucky we were that the Cold War didn’t turn into a Hot War. Unlike Dominic Cummings, the humanities graduates in government don’t know about heroes like Stanislav Petrov and Vasily Arkhipov. And who were they? They were, in effect, complete nobodies who saved the human race by refusing to allow the Russian military to launch nuclear weapons in response to false alarms. Petrov saved the human race in 1983, but he was able to do only because Arkhipov had saved the human race in 1962.

Jewish control may lead to nuclear catastrophe (image courtesy Wikipedia)
Jewish control may lead to nuclear catastrophe (image courtesy Wikipedia)

We got lucky. Very lucky. Indeed, so lucky that I wonder whether the hair-raising stories of Stanislav Petrov and Vasily Arkhipov count as evidence for quantum immortality, the strange and disturbing concept raised in a famous thought experiment in physics. Some physicists have hypothesized that the universe is continually spawning an infinite number of new universes, each of which spawns new universes in its turn. The human race exists in an infinite subset of those universes — and ceases to exist in an infinite subset of the subset. Perhaps nuclear extinction during the Cold War was probable or even almost certain. The universe I’m writing in just happens to be one of the lucky ones that got through. That’s quantum immortality: if there are infinite copies of any individual in the multiverse, some of those copies will always survive. So I’m immortal, you’re immortal and everyone else is immortal.

I find that a fascinating idea, but it doesn’t comfort me as I contemplate the Jewish fanatics trying to foment a war with Russia. Perhaps there are an infinite number of universes or perhaps there’s just the one. All I know for sure is that the universe I’m in has a nuclear buffoon as British prime minister and governments of grovelling goys all across the West. Jewish power has never been a good thing but now it threatens the survival of the human race. I think Dominic Cummings knows that too and I hope he’s right to keep quiet about it. But in the end the dominance of Dominic wouldn’t be a good thing. Cummings is interested in performance; his leftist enemies are interested in power. None of them are interested in truth, beauty and goodness. Technocracy, even in its genuine and positive sense, isn’t the cure for the pathologies of the West.

(Republished from The Occidental Observer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Trinity says:

    Aah, yeah. The “groveling goy” aka “white traitor trash.” Nonwhite groveling goy at least receive scraps by hating Whitey.

  2. Notsofast says:

    i’m sorry but when i read the teaser to this article:”when a true genius appears…i thought you were talking about putin, so i was bitterly disappointed to find out you were talking about the genius of dominic cummings, who thinks the problem is that they are not spending enough on the war machine. using the word genius to describe any western politician is not only a misnomer but an inversion of the meaning of the word.

  3. Wokechoke says:

    Cummings was a Russophile. A rare thing in English politics.

    • Replies: @Verymuchalive
  4. Not to worry Johnson’s replacement will be much better.

  5. eah says:

    … not a monkey-house of “Oxbridge humanities graduates.”

    Yeah, maybe turning ever larger, ever more powerful governments, as well as the media industrial complex, over to a bunch of midwit liberal arts degree-holders wasn’t the best idea.

    But it’s not just Britain: the same is true of literally every Western nation — the current German government is perhaps the Paradebeispiel.

  6. Hitmarck says:

    If people payed attention to black IQ they might pay attention to the fake Jewish IQ and do the math.
    Check how can it be that Israel,
    despite having not merely 2 percent polish kikes but over 20%,
    just has an average IQ slightly above their retard neighbors.
    It’s what people do, checking world dick maps and world IQ maps.
    Or even worse, they look for psychological differences, and find out that blacks and jews and women are basically the same useless bunch. Neurotic, Solipsistic and Psychopathic.
    IQ. Don’t people ask themself why gaslighters like Jarod Taylor only talk IQ?
    IQ doesnt explain why most people would take a 85 IQ white community to live there over a 85 IQ black or Kike one any day.

    • Thanks: Trinity
    • Replies: @Francis Miville
  7. GMC says:

    Imagine : In order to stay successful and employed , in your very own country, you must stoop to the lowest form of Humanity.

  8. mephisto says:

    We would be so lucky to have a nuclear war. Some human would survive, and it’s unlikely that the Chosenites would survive, due to their weak constitution. So the sooner , the better.
    I would also advise Putin to detonate the Satan Bomb in Western Ukraine. This would collapse western economies, trigger a civil war in the USA and else where. Putin’s thinking of Ukranian as Russian is as wrong as Hitler thinking the Brits are so much like the Germans. In fact, the Brits are nothing like the Germans. Brits are servile. Germans are of the master race.

  9. anonymous[231] • Disclaimer says:

    Below the candidates to succeed Boris Johnson as Tory Prime Minister –
    So very diverse, this set of faces! Barely a euro-white amongst them!

    Tobias Langdon should calm his edgy nerves tho, by understanding the biggest ‘nuclear buffoonery’ of all – the facts that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were long ago proven to be hit with chemical firebombings just like the even-worse Tokyo attack … that mushroom clouds are standard in chemical explosions … and that it has long been clear to the thoughtful that nuclear weapons are a hoax and do not exist

  10. Globo-Cucks have been programmed with Directive 4. Psycho-politically, they simply can’t name the Jewish Power. Goyim as ‘products’ of the Power.

    • Agree: Chuck Orloski
  11. The late Robert Parry was an accomplished journalist who revealed the Iran-Contra scandal.

    Parry believed the 2014 crisis in Ukraine was started by neocons as revenge against Russia because Putin dissuaded Obama from bombing Syria in 2013.

    • Thanks: Orville H. Larson
  12. LondonBob says:

    Cummings really pushed for lockdown and was a big fan of opening our borders to the Hong Kong Chinese, he is a more interesting character than most of those who infest Westminster, but he was not on our side.

  13. @Wokechoke

    Indeedy Doody.

    After attending state primary school, he was privately educated at Durham School[8] and later attended Exeter College, Oxford, where he studied under Norman Stone,
    Norman Stone, no friend of the Neocons.

    After graduating from Oxford in 1994, Cummings moved to Russia and lived there until 1997.
    Journalist Owen Bennett wrote that Cummings “is a Russophile, speaks Russian, and is passionately interested in Dostoyevsky”

    How did this guy even get through the preliminary vetting system, never mind becoming Chief Aide to the Prime Minister.

    He’s no genius, but he is intelligent and experienced enough to know the score, as his quotes in the article indicate.

    • Replies: @Blissex
    , @LondonBob
    , @Wokechoke
  14. Superb summary of everything wrong about the West in the three last sentences Mr Langdon.

  15. @Notsofast

    Agree fully!
    And the insinuation that “Third world immigrants” are the cause of the imminent collapse of British and American Society is more of a racist than and intelligent thought ….in my humble opinion.

    • Replies: @Kim
    , @Lurker
    , @Anon
  16. Sink says:

    Maybe USA Democrats Select Politicians for Race, Not Competence?

  17. A. Clifton says: • Website

    freemasonry comes from talmudic judaism…..

    talmudic judaism is the synagogue of satan

    John 8:44

    in the final analysis…..Matthew 13:39-43

    focus on knowing the truth

    no dallas cowboys at the Alamo,

    no {{{JEWS}}} in the Old Testament

  18. tomo says:

    “…And he knows that this is why the prime minister of Britain is a sociopathic narcissist and the president of America is a corrupt, senile narcissist.”

    According to several books I have read on the subject of psychopaths – the only difference between a psychopath (AKA ‘sociopath’ – it means the same thing) is that narcissists actually care about being liked. Real psychopaths/sociopaths could not care less, although they will use their acting skills to appear otherwise if it suits their exploitative plot/context at the moment.

    I recommend The Sociopath Next Door by Marta Stout and
    Without Conscience by the inventor of the psychopath test – Robert Hare.
    For a good real-life illustration of an extremely pathological psychopath – I recommend Steve Jobs biography by Isak (I forgot the last name – it’s his main biography).

    All these books are available free on and most libraries have them
    One more thing
    There is a great book on Psychopaths as a ‘culture’ – also available on pdfdrive – Jewish History Jewish Religion, The Weight of Three Thousand Years (by Israel Shashak I think).

    • Replies: @Irish Savant
  19. Blissex says:

    «”discussing nuclear wargames and the UK nuclear enterprise. In autumn 2020, I forced the PM to carve out 3 hours to discuss the nuclear enterprise. […] After sort of listening, including to an account of rotten infrastructure and the truly horrific bills amounting to many tens of billions we face in coming years because of 25 years of rot and shockingly bad procurement under both parties, we left the room. He picked up his phone (left outside for security), turned to me angr[il]y, and spat out. ‘What a waste of my time.’ This sums up a lot not just about him but about our political system. Their single most important job is not seen as a priority!”»

    This is a very nice anecdote but it shows how street-smart Johnson is and how unworldly Cummings is:

    * Politicians care about opinion polls and winning elections, and Johnson is totally focused on that.

    * Potential conservative voters care most about real estate and stock market prices, and then about lower taxes, and then about lower wages, and then about the few public services that directly affect them like garbage collection. They don’t even think about infrastructure, nuclear or not.

    * Regardless, the ideology of the Conservative is that the private sector will sort issues out, so dealing with any infrastructure is not at all the job of the government, never mind the “single most important” one. Accordingly they have privatized all infrastructure they could.

    * Anyhow, one of the easiest ways for a politician or a manager to succeed is to postpone costs as much as possible, that it is to do do as little maintenance and depreciation of assets as they can, and planning up-front spending on maintenance to minimize later costs goes against that.

    Also as to nuclear infrastructures (which are safe only if managed and maintained very competently and without short term cost cutting), some scary news. A blogger found this in a long-term budgeting document from the Marine Corps:
    Slide 2. Competing demands in the federal budget FY-09 and beyond are in the range of $7.5 Trillion per year. The price tag alone for recoring the 283 nuclear plants (built in the 70s & 80′s that depend on federal assistance to recore) is $2.5b per plant…comes to over $7 Trillion

    But where else have you read about that, a very real and big problem? Only some “time-wasting” nerds like Cummings, in the Marine Corps or elsewhere, probably care about that kind of stuff.

  20. Blissex says:

    «After graduating from Oxford in 1994, Cummings moved to Russia and lived there until 1997. […] How did this guy even get through the preliminary vetting system»

    David Cameron himself for his “gap year” went to travel around Russia. Most likely both him and Cummings reported everything they saw back to “MI6”. That’s how things works in the UK elites.

    • Disagree: Verymuchalive
  21. BuelahMan says:


    But it ain’t just Dems.

  22. Kim says:

    They are not a cause, merely an accelerating symptom.

  23. @Trinity

    You can escape the White thrash curse 200% by enlisting into the LGBTQP cause. It is not called the Globohomo cause for nothing.

    • LOL: Trinity
  24. @Hitmarck

    Israel has lost all its IQ advantage over its retard neighbours it once had.

    • Replies: @Charles Martel France
  25. Lurker says:

    He’s not a politician. Although he is/was involved in politics.

  26. Lurker says:

    Are there any problems we have that 3rd World immigration doesn’t make worse?

    • Replies: @Charles Martel France
  27. Ray P says:

    History is a humanities subject. So knowing that nuclear war was averted by a couple of Soviet officials is part of the humanities. I know about it by watching BBC documentaries back in the nineteen nineties about the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis etc. Documentaries produced by BBC staff who are mainly Oxbridge humanities graduates.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  28. Anon[186] • Disclaimer says:

    And the insinuation that “Third world immigrants” are the cause of the imminent collapse of British and American Society is more of a racist than and intelligent thought ….in my humble opinion.

    Maybe ! However, when we put Mr Raghubir Singh, Irfan Mohammed or LeShawn Bukoloko in charge, guess who they will hire. That’s right, their own and for the same reason as the title of the article. Back in the 60’s/ 70’s when these people started flooding into the country, laws were passed stating that they had to be hired by the then predominantly white businesses. Now that they are a majority who is going to tell them they must hire anyone other than their own. Hence, they will hire the dumbest of their race rather than the smartest of another.

    Right now, the UK is a shit hole. With Boris gone it looks like there are 2 Indians vying for his job as Prime Minister. I posit if the UK thinks they have hit rock bottom they aint seen nothing yet.

    As for the US and Canada, immigrants bring their own lifestyle and psychology to the land. A bunch of Haitians for example are not going to set up a spic and span Dutch clean neighbourhood. We see this rot in every western city ! The immigrants flooding the southern border are not the elite of their country but the dregs. High end Mexicans, Central and South Americans have no desire to live in the US, for what ?

    Untrammelled immigration and allowing unproductive and destructive elements into the country is like a cancer. It slowly takes over the whole. Many US cities are unlivable and others are on the way.

    In the late 60’s a relative bought a bungalow in a neighbourhood with huge shade trees and residents who were Scottish, English and German. There was an enormous park nearby where one could wander day or night. Now the hood is a wasteland with broken down cars, cracked sidewalks, trash blowing all over and houses and fences falling to pieces. The ’50’s malt shop at the corner became a grubby grocery store/ liquor store/ crack store/ boarded up store. The Park is a no-go zone where rape, robbery and dope dealing and assault is a dull, boring everyday occurrence. The youth take turns smashing the street lights to see who is the most accurate with brick throwing. The Municipality have given up repairing them so at night the area is dark. The oaks and maples have been cut down, vandalised or used for automobile repairs. The Police rarely venture into the area. To remember it then and see it now makes a person weep. The residents abhor the hellhole they themselves created. These are the daily events among the shootouts, killing in broad daylight and groups chasing each other through the streets.

    Third World immigrants will collapse British and American Society. It matters not whether this a racist or not. What matters is that it is already a demonstrated fact. The mentality of a group does not change with a change of environment. That is why immigrants flee their shit holes for a “better life” and recreate the shit holes they fled in the place they fled to !

    • Thanks: Druid55
    • Replies: @Francis Miville
  29. Anon[186] • Disclaimer says:

    Below the candidates to succeed Boris Johnson as Tory Prime Minister –
    So very diverse, this set of faces! Barely a euro-white amongst them!

    Yes, diversity and multiculturalism make us strong !. The Press will gush that “Pradeep Gopaul Hanoman” or “Lilliwatti Ramcharitar” is the first Babu to be elected Prime Minister of the Britain. This will be hailed as a major step toward something and like Mayor of London Mr Khan, they will proceed to turn the UK into a western version of Calcutta.

    I often wonder how the population of India would react if the candidates for Prime Minister of India were mostly white with a sprinkling of black men and women.I would bet that every day above ground for each one of them would be a blessing.

    Whites grant these people leeway that they would never reciprocate and whites will go down for this because these people consider it a weakness.

    Diversity and Multiculturalism is their toilet paper ! They wipe the shit off their black asses with the good intentions and fair play of the stupid whites.

    • Replies: @Francis Miville
    , @Jim H
  30. Barely a White Man (or normal person) there for Cuckservachitt Party.

    One is a black, female, pozzed, sjw Minister for (in)Equality. If thats ‘conservative’, everyone should emigrate!


    DON’T VOTE!!!!

    • Replies: @Francis Miville
  31. Jamesc says:

    Well, what can I say?

    The author has clearly swallowed Cumming’s story.

    He is a brilliant mind who was thwarted by pygmies, who the author adds, are in the pay of the Jews.

    Well, that’s quite a tale.

    The actual achievements of Cummings are less impressive.

    He had a role in education policy, where he made a lot of noise and, after several years, his minister Gove made some exams a bit harder and changed the grades from letters to numbers.

    Then, Cummings brought us Brexit and Boris Johnson, selling them to the British public with help from the Conservative press.

    So, what has the great man done recently?

    Not much that I can see beyond boating to the gullible about bringing down Johnson and promising revelations that never seem to arrive.

    His audience is dwindling but at least the author seems like the story.

    • Replies: @Curmudgeon
  32. LondonBob says:

    Cummings was/is MI6, hilarious the way lefties accuse him of being a Kremlin agent, they really are gone.

    • Replies: @Verymuchalive
  33. @Lurker

    You have to see immigration individually because if you take it collectively almost all problems of immigration are caused by Whites. Try to be humble.

    • LOL: Mike Tre
    • Troll: Richard B
  34. @Anon

    The world-famous misery of Calcutta was a shiny British contribution to local civilization (first of all what was to become the slums of Calcutta started as a giant 10 sq mile wide open-air market coupled with a pilgrimage place, not as a city : the hard-built city itself was rather a fort of more modest proportions), in imitation of what the slums of early industrial England then were. Before the British captured Calcutta, the city properly said was so rich that gilded roofs were not a rarity, and Bengal was on average a world-class pole of prosperity. Not all India was prosperous but the poles of industrial prosperity had been for the most part on the subcontinent for quite a long time rather than in Europe. Maybe their excessive prosperity made them cowardly and prey to the money-worshipping castes that ended up selling their whole country to the highest foreign bidder (which happened to be Persia’s Sassoons together with the British) as America is now undergoing.

    • Replies: @dogbumbreath
  35. It is the same here in the ZUS, the zionists rule and the politicians are puppets and clowns.

  36. @Anon

    You’ve got it wrong. Haiti, before heavy-duty American secret service presence which started manifesting in the 1960’s (under Duvalier), was dirt-poor for sure, but, curiously enough, spic and span : after all possessing absolutely nothing apart from one suit of working dress is a good strategy to stay clean if you wash often, which the Haitians then did. People lived in huts but the huts were constantly whitewashed and repainted according to the current festivals. Having a Black Haitian tenant in Canada was reputed to be a guarantee that the house was to be kept Swiss-tidy, one of the reasons being that the voodoo entities or their Catholic equivalents were reputed to inhabit only temple-like clean precincts. Thereafter the Duvalier regime, enjoying counselling from American universities, transformed the local Black culture onto the American Black delinquent model. All by deliberate design. In both Haiti and US the urban decay was the aim, and the manpower imported to that specific effect.

    • Thanks: Notsofast
    • Replies: @Rich
    , @Anon
  37. Mefobills says:
    @Charles Martel France

    You have to see immigration individually because if you take it collectively almost all problems of immigration are caused by Whites. Try to be humble.

    The causes of immigration are caused by a class of whites/jews. Your attempt to spread blame collectively is some sort of world class hoaxing designed to induce guilt into whitey. Good Job – you are acting like a Jew. If it walks like a duck, right?

    It is the investor class, who wants cheap labor. This class has no connection to the country, or the people.

    They are deracinated rootless cosmopolitans. They use their “capital” as a weapon, to make gains. Those gains are made overseas, with ownership, or they are made by importing labor, to then keep the labor price down.

    So, you assertion that whites are “collectively” responsible, is a bunch of BS.

    London, especially the square mile, is the epicenter of finance capitalism. The square mile, parliamentary government, debt spreading bank (BOE in 1694) was INSERTED into England as a hostile act by Amsterdam’s Jews. They even changed religion in order to allow the jump back into England.

    I’ve repeated below post many times already:


    Stop blowing smoke up Unz readers rectums.

    Here is Hobson in 1902:

    My addition: The “creditor class” that runs America and the West from behind the scenes, was identified by John Hobson in 1902. Stock Market Capital and the “investors” behind the capital got their way by 1912, and the U.S. was no more.


    The key concepts are laid out in Part I of Chapter IV: “Economic Parasites of Imperialism”

    “By far the most important economic factor in Imperialism is the influence relating to investments.”

    “If, contemplating the enormous expenditure on armaments, the ruinous wars, the diplomatic audacity of knavery by which modern Governments seek to extend their territorial power, we put the plain, practical question, Cui bono? the first and most obvious answer is, The investor.”

    “Investors who have put their money in foreign lands, upon terms which take full account of risks connected with the political conditions of the country, desire to use the resources of their Government to minimize these risks, and so to enhance the capital value and the interest of their private investments.”

    “If the special interest of the investor is liable to clash with the public interest and to induce a wrecking policy, still more dangerous is the special interest of the financier, the general dealer in investments. In large measure the rank and file of the investors are, both for business and for politics, the cat’s-paws of the great financial houses, who use stocks and shares not so much as investments to yield them interest, but as material for speculation in the money market. In handling large masses of stocks and shares, in floating companies, in manipulating fluctuations of values, the magnates of the Bourse find their gain. These great businesses—banking, broking, bill discounting, loan floating, company promoting—form the central ganglion of international capitalism.

    There are classes of people of ALL RACES, who are sociopaths, psychopaths, or have money sickness (Philarguria).

    So, this notion that brown people, or Jews are somehow uniquely virtuous, or magick, does not stand up to even the slightest examination. Equally, whites are not “collectively” responsible for mass immigration. Most laboring and heritage nationalistic whites consistently vote AGAINST mass immigration.

    Shabbos Goys, Jews, and other assorted freaks have festooned and attached themselves to the levers of power. If you pull on the red thread, these people are agents for the finance class and are self serving, and self interested.

    • Thanks: Trinity, Swaytonious
    • Replies: @Richard B
  38. @anonymous

    Below the candidates to succeed Boris Johnson as Tory Prime Minister –
    So very diverse, this set of faces! Barely a euro-white amongst them!

    That’s the price to pay for a century of colonization. Just like France with northern Africans. Can’t get your cake and eat it too.

    • Replies: @Anne Lid
  39. Sam Smith says:

    Jews select Politicians for Jews. Compliance, Competence, Good Looks, etc. come secondary!

  40. “Boris Johnson is a nuclear buffoon — a buffoon with his hand on the nuclear button.”

    Pretty sure UK does not have their own launch codes. For that matter, neither does Biden. France might.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  41. jasmin says:

    The samepeople responsible for WW I amd WWII are now working bring about WSW III.

  42. That’s quantum immortality: if there are infinite copies of any individual in the multiverse, some of those copies will always survive.

    These “leaders” act as if they believe that talking about the Jewish question or immigration IQ means nuclear destruction so the only Homo Sapien planets that survive are those where the leadership refuses to speak on these topics.


  43. 25 yrs ago I said “they choose pedophiles so they can always control them.”

  44. @LondonBob

    So the successful Brexit campaign was secretly organised by MI6. Spill the beans, please!

    • Replies: @LondonBob
  45. @Francis Miville

    Maybe their excessive prosperity made them cowardly and prey to the money-worshipping castes that ended up selling their whole country to the highest foreign bidder (which happened to be Persia’s Sassoons together with the British) as America is now undergoing.

    The Sassoon’s who looted India and China (Opium smuggling/distribution) were Iraqi JEWS. The Sassoon’s merged with the Rothschild’s via marriage.

    • Replies: @Dave Bowman
  46. Durruti says:

    Jews Select Politicians for Compliance, Not Competence

    That part of Langdon’s Title for his article is correct. A brief review of the history of appointed Puppets proves that ‘chosen’ (pun intended), Puppet Political leaders rarely rise to – even the level of competence. Gauleiters are second rate, Judas’s.

    A review of recent American Puppet politicians proves the point.

    Clintons, Bushes, Obomber, Casino Trump, Comatose Biden, & Big Country-Little Country Harris, Pelosi, (I cannot add Schumer – who, unfortunately, is competent).

    Add Britain’s (recently deposed) Johnson, France’s Macron, and other sad sacks.

    The competent ones are assassinated.

  47. Ain’t that Sodomerica?

  48. anonymous[116] • Disclaimer says:

    Sri Lanka, Argentina, Albania Germany collapsing ..IT looks that the JEWS did it again..plunging the world into depression chaos wars..while the jews walk away with TRILLIONS$$,

  49. What crazy phuced up people would invite millions of third world losers to come rape, pillage and destroy the very infrastructure their forefathers built and fought for?

    Those countries listed above headed towards icebergs are not in control of their destiny, they are under direct attack by an entity humanity has been fighting since time itself.

    They were called evil heretic’s, den of thieves in days of yore, and in todays modern world, they’re called GlobalHomoZioBIGsRxMIC3BLM enslavement, aka New World Order.

  50. Anne Lid says:
    @Brian Damage

    That is faulty reasoning. Are there any bantu countries being led by pigmy prime ministers?
    The brown deluge has nothing to do with colonisation and everything to do with Jews and corrupted Goyim.
    The same happens in Sweden and Canada.

    • Replies: @Charles Martel France
  51. @Jamesc

    Then, Cummings brought us Brexit and Boris Johnson, selling them to the British public with help from the Conservative press.

    The referendum brought you Brexit. Theresa May intentionally trying to sink it, brought you Boris Johnson. Conservative press????? LOL You mean the Conservative press controlled by the tribe?

  52. Jim H says:

    ‘I often wonder how the population of India would react if the candidates for Prime Minister of India were mostly white with a sprinkling of black men and women.’ — Anon

    Likewise, I often wonder how Mexicans would react if their large cohort of expat USians demanded that Mexico adopt July 4th as a national holiday.

    Not only would they be told “¡Ay caramba, no!” but also the pushy, presumptuous American interlopers might even be deported.

    Yet Jews fanning out through rural America regularly demand that their sabbath and holidays be observed by legislative bodies and public schools. (Of course, this is long since the rule in the imperial US Clowngress.)

    Years ago, a triumphalist NY Times article celebrated how Jews moving to Bentonville, Arkansas to work at Walmart HQ (thanks to their renowned mercantile abilities) had forced local government bodies to stop holding public meetings on Friday nights, Saturdays, and Jewish holidays.

    Unlike Mexicans, norteamericanos sheepishly acceded to the Jews’ insolent demands.

    And so it goes …

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  53. In the fascist, crony capitalist oligarchy of the USA, sucking up to power and money while simultaneously cloaking everything in flowery PR and outright lies is all there is left. The medical and media establishments, for example, clearly put liability protection for Pfizer and Moderna WAY above the health, safety and fertility of our toddlers and young people.

    Blue State/Biden culture is more than happy to sacrifice our children to their cult of unquestionable authority and herd-culling experimental drugs. And if you speak out, they will use violence, intimidation and bullying to try and get their way by force. It’s just who they are.

  54. @Sink

    You’re racist if you don’t enjoy or employ the company of gay Magik Negroz or POC in your organizations.

    Unfortunately Gay apes have been let out of gages and gay monkeys are throwing MonkeyPox Schitt at the anal walls faster than they can clean it up.

  55. For now we can sleep in peace, but it won’t always be like this. In the Book of Daniel, we read, “And both these kings [Great Britain and Russia. In 1882 British troops occupied Egypt. Great Britain then took the role of “the king of the south”. Around the same time, Russia expanded its influence in the region, which previously belonged to Seleucus I Nicator, and took the role of “the king of the north”], their hearts (will be) to do mischief, and at one table (they) will speak a lie; but it will not succeed. Indeed yet (the) completion to (the) appointed time. And [the king of the north] will go back (to) his land with great wealth [1945. This detail indicated that after the previous victories Hitler will attack the Soviet Union and will fight to the bitter end]; and his heart (will be) against the holy covenant [Soviet Union introduced state atheism and believers were repressed]; and will act; and go back to his own land [1991-1993. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. The troops from the Soviet military bases returned to their country]. At the appointed time [he] will return back [Russian troops will return to where they were previously stationed. It also means military actions, a major crisis, plus the break-up of the EU and NATO], and will enter into the south [because of ethnic conflict], but it will not be as the former or as the latter [these military actions will not lead to a global nuclear war. This war will only begin after the return of the “king of the north”], then the dwellers of coastlands of Kittim [the distant West] will come against him, and (he) will break down [mentally], and will go back.” (11:27-30a) This will be a mutual slaughter and world war not only by name. And the great power sword will be used. (Revelation 6:4) Jesus characterized him in this way: “A frightening things both and extraordinary (related to unusual phenomena) from sky powerful will be.” (Luke 21:11) Because of the use of these terrible weapons there will be significant tremors along the length and breadth of the regions [of strategic importance] and famines, and pestilences. Some ancient manuscripts contain the words “and frosts”. The Aramaic Peshitta: “and will be great frosts”. (Luke 21:11) We call this today “nuclear winter”. In Mark 13:8 there are also words of Jesus: “and disorders” (in the sense of confusion and chaos). The Aramaic Peshitta: “and confusion” (on the state of public order). The global nuclear war, (this will be the fulfillment of the sign of Jesus), will start with an ethnic conflict: “For nation will rise against nation”, like as in 2008 in Georgia. (Matthew 24:7) It won’t be Armageddon. “But all these things are a beginning of birth-pains.” (Matthew 24:8, DLNT)

    • LOL: Thim
  56. @Anne Lid

    That is faulty reasoning. Are there any bantu countries being led by pigmy prime ministers?

    The brown deluge has nothing to do with colonisation and everything to do with Jews and corrupted Goyim.

    The same happens in Sweden and Canada.

    Those who once tried and failed to occupy and destroy Europe and its Christian culture should never be allowed to succeed through other means. The issue is not colour but culture and cultural space. If you insist on the use of ” brown deluge ” what about the white deluge in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Namibia …… ?

    That is faulty reasoning. Are there any bantu countries being led by pigmy prime ministers?

    Try to look at it the other way around .The South Sudanese are led by tall people but most of the people there are tall but if you take a country like Senegal its president Abdou Diouf who towered over almost everyone was an affront to the international community.

    Shall we talk about Paul Kagame and his daughter ?

    • Replies: @Anne Lid
    , @Hillaire
  57. Rich says:
    @Francis Miville

    You are off your bird. Haiti has been a poor, backwards country since the small French population was run out of the country. When the murderous blacks killed and chased away the French, they lost all their brainpower and ability to innovate. They were a land of subsistence farmers led by violent iron-fisted rulers long before any American marines ever set foot on that God-forsaken island. If you Canadians got the good Haitians, we must’ve gotten the bad ones in the US, because their neighborhoods down here are filthy crapholes

  58. Anon[186] • Disclaimer says:
    @Francis Miville

    Bro Mil, I know one or two of the wealthy families who live in the Petion or rather still have houses there. These people are no slouches let me tell you. Most are now living quite lavishly in Miami or NYC. FYI the richest billionaire in Haiti is Gilbert Bigio who is ??? You guessed it !!

    Now if you know anything about Haiti (CIA aside) the country was a shit hole long before Papa and Baby Doc took over. There you are either really wealthy or shitbird poor. Haiti gained independence from France around the very early 1800’s long before the CIA even existed. The USA at that time was still a frontier country so dont give me that bunk about the CIA blah blah.

    Having a Black Haitian tenant in Canada was reputed to be a guarantee that the house was to be kept Swiss-tidy, one of the reasons being that the voodoo entities or their Catholic equivalents were reputed to inhabit only temple-like clean precincts.

    LOL, I bet if we took a poll and asked how many white (or even black ) Americans, Canadians and English would rent out to a Haitian the result would be zero ! What you are telling me is irrational. The Voodoo spirits only visit the clean houses in the West and shun the hovels in the Port Au Prince slums ? What a colossal load of shit even assuming anyone other than these people believe in all that poppycock.

    Tell you what. If I had a place to rent and some Haitians offered me 10 times the going rate I would refuse. Who wants a seance with a flock of people dancing, chanting and killing chickens in order to induce the VOODOO Spirits.

    If possible, you can rent your place to them. Let us know okay. As for the rest of your comment, most of it is nonsense. Baby Doc and his entourage fled Haiti with $40M which he washed in the UK. His wife used to air condition the Palace to freezing so she could wear her fur coat. Ever been to Haiti ? You can come out of a cold shower and in minutes be soaked in sweat. That bitch lived lavishly while her own people lived on a dollar a day. Successive regimes have bled the country dry.

    You cannot blame the CIA for ALL the ills of the world. They are not totally innocent but then again neither are the Black Presidents past and present of that toilet bowl. Haiti, like just about every other West Indian Island that gained Independence has been ruined by the Black Man, both those Governing and those governed. Blacks, it should be obvious to you by now, are inept, except of course in the art of summoning the Macumba Jumbies from the spirit world. LMAO

    Other than that the race is the biggest bunch of fuck ups to inhabit earth.

  59. Wokechoke says:
    @Jim H

    It’s bad enough that some Catholics and Prots start talking about worship being sneakily switched to Sunday by Constantine. Hey Christians, the Resurrection was on a Sunday. Not Saturday. Literally the promise of eternal life was manifested on a Sunday.

    • Agree: camus10
  60. Wokechoke says:
    @Naughtius Maximus

    The UK does. The Trident submarine commanders can launch anything they like.

  61. Someone finally speaks the truth. Don’t fall for frauds like Yoram Hozany who seeks to hide the Jewish-supremacist role in ‘woke’ culture.

    Disney and Goldman Sachs(and Blackrock and Pfizer) are run by ultra-rightist Jewish Supremacists who’ve engineered a bogus kind of ‘leftism’, aka ‘wokism’, to burden whites and normal folks with ‘guilt’ while there’s never ever any pressure on Jews to deal with Zionist tyranny over Palestinians. Hazony would have us believe that the agenda of super Jewish-tribal-supremacist capitalists is ‘neo-Marxist’. The guy is a total fraud.

    The Iron Rule: Any Jewish ‘conservative’ who doesn’t name the Jewish Power is a phony and working with the other side. It goes for Hazony, it goes for Yarvin. Yarvin’s real message is “you goy serfs exist to serve us Zionistocrats.”

    • Replies: @Charles Martel France
  62. Christopher Rufo and Charles Murray are like that nasty puke in England called Dominic Cummings who let Nigel Farage do the dirty work on the Immigration Question to keep that asshole Oxford rich boy turd Johnson’s hands clean from getting even close to White Identity Politics — or there in England it would be White English Nationalism or something — and Rufo and Charles Murray are well paid whores who denounce and disavow any attempt to advance the interests of Whites as Whites or the English as English.

    Boris Johnson has a Classics degree from Oxford and not a PPE — Politics/Philosophy/Economics — but Boris Johnson is still a baby boomer globalizer asshole who wants to keep flooding in the mass immigration into one of the most densely populated nations in Europe — England — and even if a splendid island off the coast of Europe it is still a part of Europe. Mark Zuckerberg’s sister might be interested in Boris Johnson’s Classics degree from Oxford.

  63. Boris Johnson and the Tories push financialization and globalization and mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration and multicultural mayhem. Now they are without the EU to slough off the blame for policies that they push anyway.

    Now the JEW/English Ruling Class of England must own all the things they do that they previously had blamed on the bureaucrats at the EU. Boris Johnson and the Tories and the JEW/English Ruling Class will be in a tricky situation without the fig leaf covering of the EU to cover their sneaky tracks.


    England Is Under Attack From A JEW/English Ruling Class-Sponsored Mass Immigration Invasion

    Boris Johnson and the nasty scum in the treasonous Tory Party are colluding with all elements of the JEW/English Ruling Class to flood out the historic English nation with mass illegal immigration and mass legal immigration.

    The JEW/English Ruling Class must be politically decapitated and removed from power.


    Tweet from 2015:

  64. @Wokechoke

    You did say he was a Russophile, so it would be an odd thing for a Russophile to do.
    I’d like to see proof. But,in the absence of proof, that’t doesn’t mean he wasn’t.
    Definitive proof will only be revealed by official documents made available after our deaths. If, of course, they’re not destroyed.

    Is Trump a MOSSAD agent, or is it Jared ?
    Will MOSSAD ever release the documents ? NO !

  65. @Priss Factor

    …..ultra-rightist Jewish Supremacists who’ve engineered a bogus kind of ‘leftism’, aka ‘wokism’, to burden whites and normal folks with ‘guilt’ ……

    You are demonstrating a primitive kind of white tribalism. People of your ilk want to lynch black people – reminiscent of the ugly past in the South – and let the police kill them like animals in the streets of America while the whole world is watching as far away places as Australia and the Amazon rainforest and then to expect no reaction from blacks and the civilized world. Times have changed. There is no hiding.

    For all reasonable white people who belong to the Christian civilization Black Lives Matter, Jewish Lives Matter ( The Holocaust will be always remembered ) ……..

    • Troll: Druid55
  66. @Verymuchalive

    Trump is a good Christian who loves Jerusalem and the Guardians of Jerusalem. Millions are behind him.

    • Replies: @Druid55
  67. lloyd says: • Website

    Boris Johnson is a very intelligent man and a Classical scholar. Educated in old fashioned Classics at Oxford, he could recognise mass hysteria and put Covid in perspective. However, he was spooked out by the Covid death rate and his own (probably) poisoning. If he had held to his original plan, Covid would be over in U K. He however lost his nerve. He knew how the media would have vilified him for not bringing in the mandates. Then he recovered it, better late than never. But he is now deposed for ending the mandates.

    • Replies: @Justvisiting
  68. @Charles Martel France

    Lynching is when the people take justice into their own hands because they don’t gave faith in the justice system.. like the case of Leo Frank.

    Lynching is merely direct democracy in action.

    • Replies: @Dave Bowman
  69. Richard B says:

    Great comment!

    you are acting like a Jew

    For a reason.

    If it walks like a duck

    Then it is a duck. Or in CMF’s case, a JIDF Troll.

    • Thanks: Mefobills
  70. Mike Tre says:
    @Charles Martel France

    I suppose I’ll have to judge each of your brain cells individually because collectively they appear to be suffering from retardation.

  71. Competence, Courage and Honesty – if you want a seat at the top of the system have 2 and only 2.

    Competent and Courageous/Bold aka the Sociopath – can be relied upon to effectively implement policies to enrich the corrupt elite.

    Competent and Honest aka The Geek – can be relied upon to do the hard work to forward an evil agenda because they never have the courage to say no or resist.

    Courageous and Honest aka The Grunt – willing to sacrifice himself for the elite, and to enforce its dictates not because he is evil but because he is too stupid to know what he is doing.

    Courageous, Competent and Honest = Threat. Competent enough to understand what is wrong, honest enough to want to oppose it and courageous enough to take active oppositional measures. These types have been purged and that is why the West has no Leaders and why its collapse is inevitable.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  72. @Charles Martel France

    want to lynch black people

    Not Gary Coleman

  73. Anne Lid says:
    @Charles Martel France

    “What about the white deluge?” Well, what about it? It’s not a reason nor a justification to just open the gates wide to any invader to please, come in, the more the merrier!
    Hungarians are not about to invade Turkey and make over their country, just because some time ago Turks had ruled us. Neither do Greeks, who have more recent injuries from Turks. Pigmies (you seem to misunderstand my analogy) are not invited by Bantus into government, teaching, culture, power just because they took over the territories the pygmy type people populated once. In my eyes the pygmies are actually a nicer type of people and I would love to see them prosper, that is, to keep up the lifestyle they kept for millenia in greener lands that bantus populate now, but used to belong to the small statured hunter gatherers.

    Hungary was moderately successful in introducing new populations into the country. We are a hodgepodge of Europian and Eastern tribes and people. The brown deluge is far from us genetically and also culturally, and we still have enough problems with our gypsies and Jews. Nope, the brown countries can keep their browns. As a matter of fact we do have some, most but not all students who decided to stay. I cannot say all are great additions. Some decided to start fake Christian (neoprotestant, Pentecostal, whatever) money making operations. The gypsies take to it like fish to water.

    I started to hope there is something to the three days of darkness prophecies and can’t wait for it to come and clean up. That is not a kind thought at all. Not at all… I wish there was a peaceful, kind solution that is an actual solution and not the slow death of white cultures and genetics.

    Are you a neoprotestant as well? I am curious to know.

  74. @Mario Partisan

    Austfailia is a perfect example. When I was young political leaders were of the Depression and WW2 generations, and honesty and integrity were by-words. Even on the Right. Many, also even on the Right, were NOT driven by greed and egomania, but by a desire to serve the society. In that society virtues of ‘mateship’ were ubiquitous ie comradeship, support, honesty, hard work etc. Women were somewhat oppressed, with exceptions like Germaine Greer, but she had run away to the relative safety of the UK. Females did their own things, child-raising, community support etc, and had rich networks of mutual aid and fellowship. And those who wished could rise in academia, even if politics and business were more or less male only.
    Now, some decades later, there is really no-one in public life that I can think of as a real exemplar of moral and intellectual virtue. Certainly none in politics, where the ‘Liberals’ are quasi-fascists, the ‘Labor’ Party, who pioneered Blairism in the 80s, are liberal fascists, and both are slaves of the USA. Business is just a sewer of greed and staggering incompetence and malice, the MSM is unspeakable, with NO spectrum of opinion whatsoever, just 100% Groupthink in adoration of the USA, Israel, the rich, etc and hatred of China, Russia, Iran and sundry others.
    The MSM and the malevolent shade of Satan Murdoch has MUCH to do with those spiritual journey into the Inferno. His machine is a mighty engine of hatred and lies, and ideological brainwashing, specialising in relentless, hate-crazed, vendettas against the remaining decent in the country, even decades post-mortem, as with the eminent historian Manning Clark. This cancerous swamp remaining furiously denialist concerning anthropogenic climate destabilisation, and pro-fossil fuels.
    It is quite an experience to go from hope of a bright future, to the deepest despair as the country has been seized by the Evil and the gutless and the stupid, the arrogant and the greedy. As for ‘mateship’, bullying is ubiquitous, in schools, workplaces, the military etc, numerous Commissions of Inquiry have outlined massive, organised, child abuse, often by the ‘religious’, elder abuse in nursing homes and abuse in the military is rife, the Special Forces have been exposed for atrocities in Afghanistan, the recipients of welfare are treated with exquisite cruelty and kept on starvation disbursements, we treat our Indigenous in the usual vicious Anglosphere manner, with the world’s highest incarceration rates and life expectancy decades less than the social average etc. Yet we can still spew hatred and venom at China over its ‘human rights’ record.

    • Thanks: Irish Savant
  75. Anne Lid says:
    @Anne Lid

    Not to mention the immense Ukrainian mass coming into Hungary. They are close to us and still, a bunch of them will stay and form a group that helps each other even to our detriment. They may soon become voters and who will they mostly vote for? The globalist scum, likely. Taking immigrants in is a risky endeavour.

    • Agree: Irish Savant
  76. Anonymous[124] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ray P

    History is a humanities subject.

    And North Korea is a “democratic” People’s Republic.


    Words are one thing, reality another. It used to be that words were expected to reflect reality and/or improve it. Today they’re mostly used for political purposes.

    Similarly, History used to assay the discovered nuggets of the Past. Today it mostly propagandizes. It seeks to program tender mush-minds to hate All Things White, memory-holing the stupendous number of spectacular, stellar White creations…from the wheel to space-stations and everything in between.

    • Agree: Bubba
  77. LondonBob says:

    Not everything is a conspiracy, the British people got Brexit because Cameron erroneously thought he could win the referendum.

  78. @lloyd

    “However, he was spooked out by the Covid death rate and his own (probably) poisoning”

    If Boris was truly spooked he should have immediately resigned.

    Instead he led Big Pharma’s medical experimentation on his people.

    There are no excuses for that.

  79. @Sink

    If you mean “demopublicans”, you’re right. God save us from competent politicians anyway. Politicians are sociopaths if or psychopaths. A competent politician is like a successful serial killer: a total failure as a human being, succeeding only at destruction.

  80. @Anne Lid

    Are you a neoprotestant as well? I am curious to know.

    I do not like the ” fake Christians “, let alone to be one of them. From what I hear there seems to be some degree of Christian consciousness, at least in a cultural sense, in Hungary. Is that true ?

    If Hungary preserves its Christian culture and tradition and protects its young people in particular its young women the future will be bright.

  81. Hillaire says:
    @Charles Martel France

    HaHa… l don’t think for one moment she was being literal about dwarf negroes… although perhaps her metaphors were getting a tad mixed..

    presumably someone as confused and undoubtedly Catholic as your good self is familiar with that?..

    • Replies: @Charles Martel France
  82. @Hillaire

    I am glad that I could make you laugh. That was my intention in the first place when I replied to Anne Lid.

  83. @Charles Martel France

    You have to see immigration individually because if you take it collectively almost all problems of immigration are caused by Whites. Try to be humble

    Congratulations !! for the stupidest, least intelligible and most retarded comment on the internet this week. And by the rotting arse of Moloch, that’s a blindingly-high bar to reach.

    On the basis of every one of your previous idiotic and almost hysterically-stupid comments on whatever topic I have ever previously read here – Please leave. You are lowering the average IQ of this forum.

    • Replies: @Charles Martel France
  84. @dogbumbreath

    The Sassoon’s who looted India and China (Opium smuggling/distribution) were Iraqi JEWS

    Bravo – Precisely correct.

  85. @Charles Martel France

    Black Lives Matter, Jewish Lives Matter

    Just out of interest… do you believe – as a “good Christian” – that any other lives also matter ?

    “The White race is the cancer of the earth. Sooner or later it simply has to go” – White-hating genocidal racist Jew Susan Sonntag

  86. @Swaytonious

    Lynching is when the people take justice into their own hands because they don’t gave faith in the justice system.. like the case of Leo Frank

    But in fact, the filthy degenerate sex-obsessed Jew runt Frank who raped and murdered a terrified little White girl (and then tried to frame a Black retard) was NOT lynched. The citizens who abducted and hanged him carried out a legally-validated sentence by a properly-constituted Court of Law AFTER exhaustive trial and conviction – simply because he was about to be UNLAWFULLY released following massive political and legal lobbying by the wealthiest Jews in the state. Thankfully, brave, determined White men exterminated the rat first – and avenged the slaughter of poor Mary Phagan.

    • Agree: anarchyst
    • Replies: @anarchyst
  87. @Dave Bowman

    Cool down ! I am still waiting for your reply.

    @Dave Bowman

    I’m going to hazard a wild guess that you have never even heard o f – let alone read – any of the comprehensive reference works of David Irving. That would certainly be a problem for anyone interested in truth. Are you interested in truth ?

    If so, I recommend you start your education the easy way – by reading and understanding the implications of an article written by our host here, Ron Unz himself, and frequently re-posted at the lower end of the main page. The article is titled “The Remarkable Historiography of David Irving” – and it represents the best single brief introduction you will ever find to the great and monstrous Lie of the Holocaust, and the lengths the power of international Jewry is prepared to go to, in order to support, protect and continually and relentlessly promote the lie.

    You’re welcome.

    It is difficult to avoid David Irving in particular when the issue of revisionism is raised. I heard and read about him and his work long time ago.

    I like the approach of Mr Unz. He doesn’t impose himself on you or tell you to think in a certain way. What he wants you to do is to look at an issue from all sides and make up your own mind.

    Following his approach I have indeed read the article titled ” The Remarkable Histography of David Irving. ” My conclusion : David Irving like most British intellectuals is very articulate and interesting but the Holocaust as ugly as it is remains an undeniable and indelible historical fact.

    My knowledge of the German language, the books that I have read on the subject, the documentaries that I have watched and more importantly the surviors of the Holocaust that my brother and I had the opporunity to talk to compel me to recognize the suffering of the Jewish people and the untold crimes committed on them by the Nazis.

    • Replies: @Anne Lid
  88. Anne Lid says:
    @Charles Martel France

    The sufferink will never end.
    Are you really Catholic? Then you should love truth more than your closest family members, or Jews.

  89. This is Baroness Thatcher’s legacy.

    William Jefferson Blythe III did the same thing. His was the most Jewish-oriented administration in American history.

    One of his appointees started provocative NATO expansion.

  90. anarchyst says:
    @Dave Bowman

    You are correct.
    Frank and his moneyed jewish supporters had a “deal” with the corrupt governor for a “pardon” or “commutation of sentence” which would have allowed Frank to go free. When the townspeople found out that “the fix was in”, they took care of the “problem” themselves.
    Thankfully, true justice did prevail. Frank would not be raping and murdering any other under-age girls. This should have been a warning to other criminal jews–instead, (((they))) founded the ADL to exonerate Frank (and other criminal jews) which (((they))) are attempting to do to this very day.
    With the present-day collapse of the American “justice system” with the appointment of Soros-backed and paid prosecutors, look for more “extra-legal” justice to be exacted. Only this time, it will not be publicized.
    The occasional random body found will not be connected to those successfully obtaining true justice.

    • Agree: Druid55
  91. @tomo

    Interestingly I’ve looked for this book about Jobs and can find no mention of it. That includes pdfdrive.

  92. Druid55 says:
    @Charles Martel France

    Not surprising that a tribaliylike you…..

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