Lyrics & Chords Editor

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Use the Lyrics & Chords Editor to create and edit chord charts for a song arrangement. After you create the charts, they are automatically transposed and added to the arrangement. Numeral and Number charts can also be automatically generated.

Select Lyrics & Chords to open the Editor and add lyrics or chords.

lyrics & chords_arrow.png

From the Editor, enter your lyrics and chord charts on the right then use the options to make sure the lyrics and chord charts look the way you want them to look in the preview on the left.

Enter or Paste Text

Add your text to the box on the left in one of four ways:

  1. Type it in from scratch.

  2. Copy and Paste from another document.

  3. Import lyrics from SongSelect, and then add in your own chords.

  4. Import a text chord chart from PraiseCharts and customize it.

  1. Original Key: This is the key for the original chart that you enter.

  2. ChordPro: You can enter your chords inline with your lyrics by placing the chords in brackets as demonstrated in the verse. This is called ChordPro and ensures your chords always align perfectly with your lyrics even after you transpose or change fonts. The Original Key will determine how the chart will be transposed, and can be changed using the Original Key dropdown.

  3. Standard Chords: You can also place your chords on a separate line from the lyrics, as shown in the chorus. This is simpler, but if you change fonts or keys, chords can shift a little won't always stay aligned with the correct syllable.

  4. Transposed Key: To preview a transposed version of your chord chart on the right, click the key dropdown and choose a key. You can also click the download button to instantly save a PDF of that transposed chart.

  5. Preview: The live preview on the right will automatically refresh to show you exactly how your chord and lyrics will show up when you print or view in PCO Music Stand. To not constantly have your chart refresh on the right, while you're typing in your text, you can click the Auto-refresh button to disable it.

  6. Saved File Types: To create PDFs for Number or Numeral charts, or a separate PDF with just the lyrics, click the buttons in the upper right corner.


Number or numeral charts can only be created by saving a PDF of a chord chart. Numbers and numerals can't be added to the file while editing it.

Number and Numeral Charts

Number charts are commonly used by studio musicians who show up and need to be ready to play a song in any key. Instead of having twelve chord charts all in different keys, you only need one number chart. Chords are replaced by numbers based on the scale of the key you are in. In D, 1=D, 2=E, 3=F# and so on. Then just by saying you are now in E, the musicians see 1 and now play E instead of D.

Numeral charts are a little different. In a numeral chart, if your chord is major, the numeral is uppercase, but if the chord is minor, instead of showing the 'm', you use a lowercase numeral. In the key of C, II would be D major, but ii would be D minor.

For both numbers and numerals, if you ever use a chord or note that is not in that key, it will always be represented using flats. So in the key of C, if you have a G#, it will show as b6 or bVI instead of #5. Likewise, E/G# would be 3/b6 or III/bVI.

When you have a C2 chord, we'll put the 2 in superscript to make it clear this is a 12 chord and not a 12 chord. Superscript chord suffixes on number and numeral charts make it easy to tell what is the chord and what is the suffix.


Style Options

The Options menu above the chord chart includes buttons to insert page breaks, column breaks, and the code to help you remember how to bold or italicize words or phrases.

Your changes are saved automatically as you type. If you make changes and decide you'd rather undo them all, you can choose Revert All Changes from the Options menu. That will undo all changes made since you first opened the editor.


The More Codes button provide link a link to the Special Codes article that has more information on formatting codes.

options dropdown.png

Print and Formatting Settings

Click the formatting button to open the formatting toolbar.

font options.png

You can change print and formatting settings for this chart. Organization Administrators can update the default settings for the Lyrics & Chords editor.


Access PDF Files

Click the back button in your browser or the top left back arrow to return to the song arrangement page where you'll see your Planning Center Lyrics & Chord charts with the rest of your files. Once you've entered lyrics and chords, you'll see Lyrics, Number, and Numeral Charts as arrangement files, and regular chord charts and capo chord charts as key files.

To transpose the chart into another key, click Add Key to create a main key and capo chart.

add key_arrow.png
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