Free Invitation Maker - Create Invitations Online | Canva
Kids Birthday Invitation

Free Invitation Maker

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With hundreds of free templates to choose from and easy-to-use tools, you’ll love creating invitation cards in Canva.

card invitation

Invitation card maker: The solution to your every event

Make an invitation that’s impossible to decline. With Canva’s extensive range of online invitation templates—designed by professionals—you’ll be starting your event off on the right note.

Canva’s invitation creator has a template for every occasion, from birthdays to charity events, from weddings to retirement parties and so much more.

Say goodbye to generic invitation cards that will be easily forgotten. Simply choose a template, add your details, customize the images, and choose page borders(opens in a new tab or window), colors, and fonts. Got something specific in mind? Then simply design from scratch.

And there you have it: A one-of-a-kind invitation card that’ll impress your guests well before the event itself

How to make an invitation

Create my invitation

Launch Canva and search for "Invitation." Check out our template suggestions or start from scratch.

Narrow down your search by specifying the specific occasion the invite is for. Pick the invitation template that suit your preferences by adding keywords that relate to your theme, color motif, mood and style.

Use the drag-and-drop tool to select image, illustration, or other elements and move them to your design. Jazz up your invite by adding text boxes and using the animation and photo effects features.

Upload your own photos, images and artwork. Choose your own background, font style and color scheme. Rearrange elements, resize text and images, duplicate or delete elements and continue to experiment with your design.

Once you’re finished, you can share your invitations online in a few clicks. Or, you can download and print them out with Canva Print.

Create my invitation

Create the perfect invitation card for any occasion

Canva’s image library has images that will entice guests to every kind of event. We’ve got over 2 million photos, icons, and illustrations, with an extensive range of free options and premium images offered at a very competitive price.

Fill in the details

Want to add a personal touch—or highlight your brand? Simply drag and drop your photos from your desktop, and they’ll be uploaded into Canva in a jiffy. Create things easier with our invitation maker.

Invitation card printing: Mail to get excited about

Build hype by getting your invitation card professionally printed(opens in a new tab or window). Canva Print will take care of your invitation cards from start to finish. With a range of paper stocks and finishes, you’re sure to get the look you want, at a price that suits you.

You can also publish your design as JPEG or PNG images, ready for uploading or emailing. Or, you can post your new poster straight to your Facebook, X (Twitter), and LinkedIn followers.

Our team of awesome designers works hard to create layouts that are original, diverse and most of all – inspiring! Check out the amazing collection in our library by clicking on the “Card” design type on the Canva homepage. If you’re stuck for inspiration, layouts are a great place to start.


Writing an invitation card is simple. Address your card to the person you’re inviting; name the event you’re inviting them to; spell out the date, time and location; and provide contact details so they can RSVP. Be sure to note if your guest should bring anything but themselves.

An invitation card should include text that describes the basic event details, an eye-catching color scheme and typography, images or illustrations to make the card stand out and white space to balance it all out. If your event has a theme, choose elements and graphics that reflect it.

The standard invitation size for formal events like weddings and achievement ceremonies is 5 x 7 inches, but invitations for less formal events like birthdays and graduation parties are 4 x 6 inches. A smaller size, 5.25 x 5.25, is often used for more modern designs.

Quotation mark
Canva is way easier to use than other design programs for projects like invitations, event programs, flyers, and signs. We also love printing our designs because Canva is scary fast and reasonably priced!

Leah Chapman

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