Industrial Revolution Study Guide Answers Flashcards | Quizlet

Industrial Revolution Study Guide Answers

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industrial revolution
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industrial revolution
refers to the greatly increased output of machine-made goods that began in England in the middle 1700s.

-spread from England to Continental Europe and North America
agricultural revolution
wealthy landowners took over land that village farmers worked on.
The large landowners dramatically improved farming methods. These innovations amounted to an agricultural revolution.
larger fields

The increase in the landowners landholdings enabled them to cultivate larger fields
crop rotation
one of the best developments by the scientific farmers
less soil exhaustion
the development of industries for the machine production of goods.
factors of production
the resources, including land labor & capital (money), that are needed to produce goods & services
large buildings where wealthy textile merchants set up the machines in
a person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business.
how did changes in farming during the 1700s trigger the industrial revolution?
the process prior to the 1700's: peasant farmers, majority of family members worked on farm

1700's: wealthy landowners came in and bought land from peasant farmers and putting all small pieces of land into one big piece of land.

results of enclosures:
^^^this makes the peasant farmers
-move to cities, looking for work, go work in factories
-work for wealthy landowners who bought land from them (tenant farmers)
-asking for advancements in agricultural advancements (farming methods)

^^^they want to find a way to maximize their profits. they do this by (agricultural revolution)
-improve crop rotation system from middle ages
-improved breeding practices (selective breeding)

increase in food supplies leads to increase in quality of life, increase in pop, and living conditions.
this lead to a demand for food & other supplies is the agricultural revolution.
why was england the right time & place for the industrial revolution to begin?
***large pop. of workers

***extensive natural resources
• water power and coal to fuel the new machines
• iron ore to construct machines, tools, and buildings
• rivers for inland transportation
• harbors from which merchant ships set sail

expanding economy- this happens because they are producing more food- so they make a profit by shipping out goods to other countries (overseas trade)

***highly developed banking system
:gives entrepreneurs loans

political stability
:they are not participating in wars on their soil.

gov. passed laws to help encourage & protect business ventures.
:gov works together with banks

england had land, labor, money (factors)
describe the key inventions and improvements that evolved during the industrial revolution
(textile industry)

-john kay: doubled the work a weaver could do in a day. (flying shuttle) ***man powered machinery

james hargreaves: allowed one spinner to work eight threads at a time. (spinning jenny)***man powered machinery

richard arkwright: used the waterpower from rapid streams to drive spinning wheels (water frame) **water powered

samuel crompton: made thread that was stronger, finer, and more consistent than earlier spinning machines (spinning mule) **water powered

edmund cartwright: sped up weaving after its invention in 1787 (power loom) **water powered
how did transportation impact british industry?
prior to industrialization, transportation consisted of boats or horse draw and wagon.

all of these resources are being demanded faster to meet the demand of transportation methods.

-james watt improved steam powered engines
demand for coal comes about

-rivers are now navigable because steam engines can take you. water is also good because england is in similar latitudes of america.

-road systems start to develop better.

-railroad system develops
:industrial growth increase
:hundreds new jobs being created
:increase in mining operations
:increase in fishing
2. urbanization
city building and the movement of people to cities

growth of factory systems makes urbanization occur
middle class
a social class made up of skilled workers, professionals, businesspeople, and wealthy farmers
what challenges existed in industrialized cities?
as they expand,
-lack of sanitary codes
-development plans
-building codes

-adequate housing
-police protection for the people who poured in from the countryside to seek jobs

workers lived in dark, dirty shelters

sickness was widespread.