Industrial revolution Flashcards | Quizlet
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How did the Agricultural Revolution lead to the Industrial Revolution?
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How did the Agricultural Revolution lead to the Industrial Revolution?
When farming methods improved, food supplies increased, and so did England's population; this led to increased demand for goods. Small farmers lost their land to enclosed farms and became factory workers.
How did an abundance of natural resources contribute to the industrial revolution?
Natural resources such as coal, water, and iron were all used to power and make machines.
How did political stability contribute to the industrial revolution?
With political stability people could take out loans which led to entrepreneurs making new machines and expanding their businesses.
What are the factors of production?
land , labor, and wealth
what technological advances were in the textile industry?
a shuttle- it weaved twice as much as a weaver in a day
the spinning jenny- could work 8 threads at a time
the spinning mule- was strong and was very consistent
How did entrepreneurs support the Industrial Revolution?
they were the people who took on the risks of a business and often created new or improved machines
How did the building of factories contribute to the the industrial revolution?
wealthy textile merchants set up machines in large buildings called factories. this is where goods were mass produced and more jobs were created.
How did the railroads guarantee the success of the Industrial Revolution?
it made transportation of goods and materials easier.
How did the industrial revolution change the lives of poor city dwellers?
During the industrial revolution there was a lack of housing, education, protection, and no sanitary codes. they lived in unhealthy and unsafe conditions because of the city's growth
how did the industrial revolution change the lives of the factory workers?
the factories were unsafe working conditions where they could get stuck in a machine and loose a limb. They had to work 13- 16 hours a day for 6 days a week.
How did the industrial revolution affect the lives of wealthy merchants, factory owners, and shippers?
It led to the development of a middle class and people could live comfortably.
How did the industrial revolution affect the lives of children?
children as young as 6 had to work in the factories and children were sometimes beaten to stay awake during the long hours.
How did the industrial revolution change the lives of skilled workers and factory overseers?
they were not poor and they lived at a comfortable standard. their lives gradually improved in the 1800's. people with skills usually got paid more and lived more comfortably.
How did the industrial revolution affect large landowners and aristocrats?
they lived very comfortable and looked down upon businessmen
How was the environment changed after the industrial revolution?
the water turned brown and smelled bad because factories dumped chemicals in the water. The smoke from the steam also polluted the air. Food production was awful as well.