Scientists Who Contributed To The Cell Theory Flashcards | Quizlet

Scientists Who Contributed To The Cell Theory

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Robert Hooke
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Robert Hooke
1665 -English scientist that cut a thin slice of cork and looked at it under his microscope. To him, the cork seemed to be made up of empty little boxes, which he named cells.
Image: Robert Hooke
Anton Van Leewenhoek
1673 Dutch naturalist who created a very powerful (for the time period) single lens microscope, He observed pond water. In pond scum he discovered small animals he called animalcules,or little animals (protists),and also discovered bacteria while examining scraping of crud from his teeth.
Image: Anton Van Leewenhoek
Matthias Schleiden
1838 German botanist who determined plants are composed of cells.
Image: Matthias Schleiden
Theodor Schwann
German physiologist and histologist who in 1838 and 1839 identified the cell as the basic structure of plant and animal tissue (1810-1882)
Image: Theodor Schwann
Rudolph Virchow
1858 - A doctor who stated that all living cells come from other living cells (part 3 of the cell theory)
Image: Rudolph Virchow
The Cell Theory
Three parts - 1. All organisms are made up of one or more cells. 2 Cells are the basic unit of life.
3. All cells arise from pre-existing cells
Image: The Cell Theory
Francesco Redi
(Italy 1668) Tested the hypothesis of spontaneous generation with flies on meat, and disproved it
Image: Francesco Redi
Louis Pasteur
(1861) Pasteurized wine, milk, disproved spontaneous generation of microbes, discovered several bacterial pathogens
Image: Louis Pasteur

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