Ch. 14 Final Flashcards | Quizlet

Ch. 14 Final

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Based on research about teacher expectations, which of the following high school students is likely to sustain the highest expectations from teachers?
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Based on research about teacher expectations, which of the following high school students is likely to sustain the highest expectations from teachers?
Lei is an Asian American boy
In her literature class, Ms. Campos wants her students to engage in divergent thinking about the book they're reading. Which of the following questions is she most likely to ask?
What do you think the main character was feeling when he closed the door?
Mr. Franks creates a classroom environment in which his elementary students work productively at centers and engage in group activities to apply principles they are learning. His establish routines help students stay on track and maximize learning time. Which aspect of Robert Pianta's model is most closely associated with these characteristics of Mr. Franks' teaching?
Behavioral dimensions
Mr. Nguyen gives The following feedback to Shawna: "you are creating interesting slides. Check your rubric to see if you have met all the criteria for the assignment." What type of feedback is this?
Self-regulation Feedback
Mrs. Kohler asks Brady easy questions, gives him very few prompts, and praises his answers, even when they are not quite correct. Brady is most likely a:
low-ability student
Mrs. Orozco wants to learn how to conduct class discussions affectively in her literature class. She should do all the following EXCEPT:
Direct student comments and questions back to the teacher
Ms. Boudreaux is choosing math tutorials to use in her inclusive fourth-grade classroom. Should she choose programs with universal design? Why or why not?
Yes, universal design considers the needs of all users and works for students with disabilities.
Mrs. Simms Reviewed her class roll and read the permanent files of her income in fourth grade students before school started in August. She noticed that Gabe had poor grades in several subjects last year, and his second and third grade teachers left notes about his bad conduct in the permanent file. When school started, Mrs. Sims told Gabe she was happy to have him in her class and said she knew he would like fourth grade subjects and learn a lot. Throughout the year, Mrs. Simms encourage Gabe and expressed her believe in his ability to learn. In the spring, Gabe scored in a higher percentile on his districts standardized test's then he had the previous year. His gains were much higher than expected. This is an example of:
the Pygmalion effect
Ms. Pringle is writing a test for the unit on persuasion and her high school speech class. Based on guidelines for using instructional objectives, her test question should:
Relate to her objectives
The national Common Core Standards have been adopted by many states. I might implementation pose problems for teachers, students, and scores?
The high expectations of the Common Core Standards do not match current curricula and texts
Which of the following statements expresses a behavioral objective?
When students are given a short grade level passage, they will be able to identify the main idea 80% of the time.
Which of the following teachers is using direct instruction?
Mrs. O'Malley presents a mini lecture about a new concept and science
Which of the following teachers use as a constructivist approach in instructional planning?
Mr. Anthony and his students discussed their unit about crustaceans and decided to create centers that integrated science knowledge, writing skills, and vocabulary.
Which teacher is using seat work most appropriately?
Ms. Cranfield give students a word puzzle to complete at their seats. They just finished reviewing the vocab words for the integrated reading and writing unit.
Which of the following teachers uses backward design?
Mr. Browning begins to develop his math unit by looking at the state standards and aligning key elements of the lesson with the standards. He thinks about the important end results students need to achieve in the unit.