What Are Different Types Of Poetry - Poetry & Poets

What Are Different Types Of Poetry

Tradition Poetry

Poetry is a powerful and timeless art form, one of the oldest forms of expression and communication. Since the dawn of civilization, humans have been crafting and sharing poetic works, expressing their feelings and communicating stories and ideas in creative and aesthetically pleasing ways.
Throughout history, many cultures have developed their own ways and forms of poetic expression. Some of the oldest and most common types of poetry include traditional types like epic poetry, lyric poetry, and dramatic poetry, which have been the cornerstone of the art form for centuries.
Epic poetry is one of the most classic forms, usually long pieces of work written in a narrative form and composed in verse. The Iliad and the Odyssey, both composed by the ancient Greek poet Homer, are two of the most famous examples of epic poetry. This type of poem is typically intended to chronicle grand events and heroic feats, often including characters of great importance.
The lyric, another traditional type of poetry, was meant to accompany musical performance and is focused on a single, deeply personal emotion. Themes of love, sorrow, and joy permeate lyric poems, often relayed in the voice of a poet-speaker. Many of the great poets of the past, such as William Shakespeare and Emily Dickinson, have written some magnificent lyric poems.
The third major traditional poetry form is dramatic poetry, which usually takes the form of a play or story and is often written in the form of dialogue between characters. While this form is often associated with playwrights like William Shakespeare and his contemporaries, it can also be used by authors to write stories.


In addition to the traditional forms of poetry, various forms of the art have arisen throughout the centuries. One of the most popular forms today is the haiku, an unrhymed Japanese form of a poem consisting of three lines of 17 syllables. The focus of the haiku is nature, often using a metaphor and providing a vivid image with few words.
Haiku poem is meant to capture a moment and convey a particular emotion, such as a feeling of wonderment or awe. In the West, haiku is often written in a 5-7-5 syllable format, but in Japan, these rules are often not rigidly enforced. Masaoka Shiki, Mirai Kato and Matsuo Basho are amongst the most famous Japanese haiku poets.


Another popular form of poetry is the limerick, an often humorous form of five-line poem, usually with a rhyme scheme of aabba. Limericks often use nonsensical language and vivid imagery, and are often used to poke fun at different people or situations. Popular examples of limericks include Edward Lear’s ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’ and ‘There Was an Old Man With a Beard.’


The sonnet is a classic form of poetry, originating in Italy in the 13th century. Most sonnets consist of fourteens lines, typically written in iambic pentameter and are organized into one or more rhyme schemes. William Shakespeare’s famous sonnet ‘Sonnet 18’ is a great example of the type.


An ode is a type of poem that often follows a specific rhyme scheme and is used to praise or honor a certain person or thing, usually with a religious or political connotation. A great example of an ode is John Keats’ poem ‘Ode to a Nightingale.’

Concrete Poetry

A relatively recent form of poetry is the concrete poem, also known as shape poetry. As its name suggests, this type of poetry is written in a specific shape, often reflecting the content of the writing. Many modern poets, such as e.e. Cummings, have made use of concrete poems in their work.

Blank Verse Poetry

The blank verse is a type of poem written in unrhymed iambic pentameter and echoes the natural rhythms of speech. Notable authors such as William Shakespeare, John Milton, and Alfred Tennyson have used this type of poetry in their works.

Free Verse Poetry

The free verse is a style of poem that uses natural phrasing, rather than the formal rules of meter and rhythm. While free verse poems have no set structure, they often draw on elements such as rhythm, sound, imagery, and other poetic devices. Walt Whitman is one of the most famous practitioners of free verse poetry.

Rhythm Poetry

Rhythm poetry, often known as spoken word poetry, is a type of poetry that emphasizes rhythm, performed out loud. The artist may use rhymes, alliteration, and a wide range of poetic elements to emphasize the spoken word. This type of poetry is commonly found in hip-hop, but many other poets have used it to great effect, such as Maya Angelou and Robert Frost.

Narrative Poetry

Narrative poetry is a type of poem that tells a story. This type of work often includes characters, a setting, and a conflict, with the story being told through the poet’s perspective. Many famous poets have composed brilliant narrative poems, such as ‘The Canterbury Tales’ by Geoffrey Chaucer and Robert Frost’s ‘The Road Not Taken.’

Experimental Poetry

Experimental poetry is a genre of writing where the poet uses unconventional methods to create unconventional pieces of work. This type of poetry often breaks the traditional rules of what a poem is, featuring elements such as distorted texts, found objects, and abstract imagery. While experimental poetry can be challenging to read and understand, it can also be rewarding and inspiring.

Romantic Poetry

Romantic poetry is a type of poetry that focuses on themes of love and sentimentality, often written in an idealized or exaggerated style. This type of poem is meant to evoke strong emotions in the reader, often using embellished language and imagery. Poets such as John Keats, Alfred Tennyson, and William Wordsworth are famous for their romantic poems.

Political Poetry

Political poetry is a type of work used to express a poet’s political views and beliefs. This type of poem often makes use of satire and metaphors to express ideas and stimulate thought. Famous examples of political poetry include ‘The White Man’s Burden’ by Rudyard Kipling and Martin Niemӧller’s ‘First They Came.’

Performance Poetry

Performance poetry is a type of poem intended to be read out loud, often with a theatrical or emotive performance. This type of poem has become increasingly popular in recent years and is often performed by spoken word artists at open mic nights and other events. Famous performance poets include Saul Williams and Taylor Mali.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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