Suture (Movie, 1993) -
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Suture (1993)

Thriller | 105 minutes
3,51 36 votes

Genre: Thriller

Duration: 105 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Scott McGehee and David Siegel

Stars: Dennis Haysbert, Mel Harris and Sab Shimono

IMDb score: 6,5 (2.150)

Releasedate: 14 September 1993

Suture plot

"A thriller where nothing is black and white."

Brothers Vincent and Clay first meet after their father's funeral and are amazed at the number of similarities they share. Clay is extremely happy with his "newly discovered" brother, but is oblivious to the fact that Vincent plans to kill his brother Clay. In this way Vincent wants to fake his own death and start a new life with his father's legacy. However, Clay survives the assassination attempt and wakes up in the hospital with amnesia.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Clay Arlington

Dr. Renee Descartes

Dr. Max Shinoda

Alice Jameson

Vincent Towers

Lt. Weismann

Mrs. Lucerne

Sidney Callahan

Dr. Fuller (as Sandy Gibbons)

Detective Joe

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  • 56 messages
  • 97 votes

Saw this film 15 years ago in a better cinema in Antwerp, and what an experience! I was a bit taken aback then, I didn't know how to divide my attention between the intriguing story, with the genius casting jokeat the beginning of the film as an extra confusing factor , the beautiful photography/editing, the beautiful modern stylized decors and the extremely original soundtrack. Now, 15 years and the same amount of film experience later, the film and the story seemed a lot simpler on a second viewing. After a flashback followed by the (simply beautiful) opening scene, the story is, apart from a few dream sequences, simply told in chronological order. The confusing effect of the casting joke had of course disappeared by the second sitting, and there was no question of a surprise anymore. Still really enjoyed this film, which even after 15 years still comes across as very avant-garde and original. Should be (or have become) a cult classic, but maybe everything is just a bit too good for that. Seasoned with a bit of Tarantino spice, this probably would have turned out differently.

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Strange but at the same time very intriguing film. That still haunts my head a few weeks after seeing it. The story, among other things, feels Hitchcockian to a great extent. De Palma's Body Double also crossed my mind as a possible influence, but I could be wrong. In any case, the content is well put together, although a certain suspension or disbelief is required. And especially the choice to make the two main characters completely dissimilar, while they are supposed to be practically each other's mirror image, is a very, well, strange but at the same time interesting one. I don't think Siegel substantiates this choice very well in his film - at times it feels a bit like an interesting act or a gimmick - but I get it, and I support it. Dennis Haysbert knows how to carry the film well, but Michael Harris in particular is chilling. The almost expressionist-cubist black and white style looks very pleasant, and often gives Suture an almost otherworldly feeling, as if it doesn't take place in our world, but at the same time it certainly does. It creates an unsettling feeling. Cold and distant, yet strangely catchy.

I'm not a fan of the very explanatory and moralistic last five minutes, but overall this was a very unique movie experience. Definitely worth immersing yourself in for a good hour and a half, without a doubt. 3.5*.

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