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Guide and Walkthrough (SNES) by Meowthnum1

Version: 3.1 | Updated: 10/28/2004

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Thanks go out to Atom Edge for the lovely ASCII art.

|                                             |
| Super Adventure Island II                   |            
| For the Super Nintendo Entertainment System |
| FAQ/Walkthrough                             |
| By Meowthnum1 (    |
| Last updated: 10/28/04                      |
| Version 3.1                                 |
|                                             |

Table of Contents:

I. Introduction
     1.01: Table of Contents
     1.02: Introduction
     1.03: Dedication
II. Basics
     2.01: Controls
     2.02: Story
     2.03: Starting Up
     2.04: Playing Screens
     2.05: Random Encounters
III. Walkthrough
     3.01: Waku-Waku Isle
     3.02: Poka-Poka Isle
     3.03: Hiya-Hiya Isle
     3.04: Boa-Boa Isle
     3.05: Puka-Puka Isle
     3.06: Sala-Sala Isle
     3.07: Fuwa-Fuwa Isle
     3.08: Fuwa-Fuwa Isle Revisited 
IV. Appendices
     4.01: Bosses
     4.02: Magic
     4.03: Weapons
     4.04: Shields
     4.05: Armor
     4.06: "Equipment"
     4.07: Other Items
     4.08: Life Bottle Locations
     4.09: Magic Bottle Locations
     4.10: Inter-isle Warps
     4.11: Bestiary
     4.12: PAR/GameGenie Codes
     4.13: Shops/Casino
     4.14: Ending
V. Last Words
     5.01: Copyright Information
     5.02: Revision History
     5.03: Email Policies
     5.03: Credits
     5.04: End


                                I. Introduction


| 1.01: Table of Contents |

You have to wonder...

| 1.02: Introduction |

Hello, and welcome to this guide for Super Adventure Island II.  Odds are, you 
won't be reading this, but it's here just in case.  Anyway, this game was made 
for the Super Nintendo years ago.  It is a sequel to Super Adventure Island, a 
souped up version of the Adventure Island series for the Nintendo.  This game, 
however, defies most of the traditional Super/Adventure Island characteristics.
You still play as Master Higgins.  Unlike others, this game also plays like a 
pseudo RPG. You do collect gold and you can buy good weapons.  Most of them
you find, but those you buy are considerably better.  You do have to learn the 
shove, down jab, and up jab techniques.  In my opinion, this is the strongest 
Adventure Island game in the series.  But that's just me.

And I'm going to make sure I count right this time.

| 1.03: Dedication |

This guide is dedicated to Ronan "AlaskaFox" Murphy, my very cool Alaskan/Irish
friend.  He's an excellent writer, and I suggest you check out some of his 
work.  He is in love with a movie star, whose name I'm not supposed to say.  I
promised him that we'd go on a tour of America, so that he may stal- he may try
to find her.  Master of polls and of moos.


                                  II. Basics


| 2.01: Controls |

| Button |                   Function                          |
| A      | Select on the menu; Use selected magic in the field |
| B      | Jump                                                |
| Y      | Attack with your selected weapon, run (hold)        |
| X      | Menu                                                |
| L      | Nothing                                             |
| R      | Nothing                                             |
| Select | Nothing                                             |
| Start  | Nothing                                             |
| Up     | Climb up, up jab (+B), Use doors, speak/read        |
| Down   | Climb down, down jab (+B), work switches, duck      |
| Left   | Move left                                           |
| Right  | Move right                                          |

It should be noted that A, B, Y, and X can also stop the slots in the casino.

| 2.02: Story |

Master Higgins and his lovely bride Tina have just been on their honeymoon.  
They're on the raft, waiting for land to appear, when suddenly a huge cyclone 
arose in the ocean!  It stuck the raft, breaking it in to splinters, and 
seperating the two lovers in the sea...

Soon the king of Waku-Waku island, on a pleasant walk, discovered Tina.  He 
gave her medical care, and it was soon discovered that she had amnesia.  The 
king had already fallen madly in love with her, and asked her to marry him.  
Tina accepted.

On the wedding day, who should wash up on shore, but Master Higgins?  He walks
to the castle, seeing it in a very festive-like mood.  He too has suffered 

Meanwhile, at the ceremony, the rite is almost complete.  The king is just 
about to place the ring on Tina's finger, when suddenly a gigantic eagle 
swoops in from nowhere!  He grabs the girl, and flies off in to the great 

Master Higgins, being the famous person he is, is recruited by the king right
then.  He asks Higgins to find Tina.  This is where the game begins.

| 2.03: Starting Up |

The first screen you will come across after pressing start will ask you to
choose between stereo and mono sound.  I've personally never used mono, but do
what you want.  You'll then be asked to choose between resuming an adventure,
starting an adventure, or deleting one.  Pick whichever one tickles your fancy,
and then yet another option will come your way.  This one allows you to choose
between three save files to do the action that was selected at the previous
screen.  So if you chose to continue an adventure, you'll pick which adventure
between the three you wish to continue.  Don't ask me what the little, "P-672"
means; I don't know either.  But if you know, I'd appriciate it if you told me.

| 2.04: Playing Screens |

This was originally the menu section, but wanting to be concise and wanting to
add the main screen in, I just made it this section.


| Return      | Shove      |
| Weapon      | Down Jab   |
| Armor       | Up Jab     |
| Shield      | 2,220 Gold |
| Magic       |------------|
| Equipment   |Wand        |
| Stage       |            |
| World       |  i*oca     |
| Save        |            |
 ------------- ------------

Return     - Go back to the adventure.
Weapon     - Pick which weapon you want to have equipped
Armor      - Pick which armor you want to have equipped
Shield     - Pick which Shield you want to have equipped
Magic      - Pick which magic spell you want to have equipped
Equipment  - These are key items.  Pick which one you want to use.
Stage      - This shows you a map of the stage, and where you are in it.  This
             only works on an island.
World      - This shows a map of the world, and where you are on it.  This only
             works on the overworld.  Note that it also shows which islands you
             have found the warps to.
Save       - This allows you to save your game
Shove      - This shows that you are able to use the Shove technique
Down Jab   - This shows that you are able to use the Down Jab technique
Up Jab     - This shows that you are able to use the Up Jab technique
2,220 Gold - This shows how much gold you have.  The gold is used in the
             Puka-Puka Casino.
Wand       - This shows that you have the wand, and are therefore able to use
i*oca      - The magic spells.  When you get all five, you have access to Fuwa-
             Fuwa Isle.  They are light, star, sun, moon, and aqua.

(/)        (  )                                           o     oooooo
/   1       \/   4                                      \|||/   oooooo 3
                                                         / \ 2

          5        7                    

1 - This is your weapon.  In this case, it's the ax.
2 - This is your selected magic.  In this case, it's Power Boost.
3 - These are your magic bottles.  The ones that are dark are empty.
4 - This is a heart.  When your hearts have been depleted of red, you die.
5 - This is lazi-  I mean, this is your enemy.  You don't like your enemy.
6 - These are axes coming at your enemy.
7 - You are here.

-<Level Map>-

This map is accessed by opening the menu and selecting, "Stage," on an island.
It will not work when on the world map.

  --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --
 |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |=|  |=|  |=| 2| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | | 1|
  --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --

1 - These are squares.  They represent rooms.
= - These show that the rooms are connected.
2 - This square is blinking.  You are there.


| -------                            |
|    --  |   /              |        |
|   | 3| |  /               |        |
|        | |       1        |        |
|        | o----------------o        |
|        | | Poka-Poka Isle | - 2    |
|        | o----------------o        |
|                  0                 | 
|     ===                            |
|     =o=                            |
|     ===                            |
|             WORLD MAP              |

1 - The island.
2 - The sign indicating which isle you're in front of.
3 - A cave.
0 - The whirlpool.  Sail in to it to enter the level.
o - Master Higgins
= - The raft

-<World Map>-

This map is accessed by opening the menu and selecting, "World," on the world
map.  It will not work when on an island.  You can see that I suck at making
ASCII maps, so I'll just keep this to numbers.  The map marked, "Start," is how
the map looks at the beginning of the game; "End" is when you've found all of
the warps.

     Start                                           End

  6          5                                   6---------5----
                                                /               |
1                                              1                |
       7                                       |       7        |
                                               |                |
                                               | 8              |
2       3      4                               2--------3-------4

1 - Boa-Boa Isle
2 - Poka-Poka Isle
3 - Fuwa-Fuwa Isle
4 - Puka-Puka Isle
5 - Sala-Sala Isle
6 - Hiya-Hiya Isle
7 - Waku-Waku Isle
8 - You are here
- - This shows that you've found the warp between the islands
/ - See above

| 2.05: Random Encounters |

There's not all that much to say here.  You'll be traveling on the world map,
when you'll here this annoying music.  You now have to fight some enemies.  You 
can go left or right, sailing on your raft, and killing all enemies in your 
way.  You don't really have to kill all of the enemies; you just have to get to 
the far left or far right to exit.  The enemies that you face depend greatly
upon to which island you're closest.  If you're near Boa-Boa, then you'll fight
Dracos; if you're near Poka-Poka, you'll fight crows, etc.


                            III. Walkthrough


Before we begin, I'd like to take the time to point out that you should always
visit the hot springs in any given level.  The Wing spell (four magic bottles)
will allow you to go to the entrance to any given island and its hot springs
that you have visited.

Now for a few tips:

-Always equip the most recent weapon you have
-Listen to the stone tablets.  Listen, read, whatever
-Common sense is your friend
-Give money to the author
-When you get anything that will allow you to explore new areas, go back to all
 of the areas you've visited and explore!  Items like these include the Shovel,
 the Shove, Jab Up, and Jab Down
-Only use your shield if you have to.  Don't rely on it
-Save often
-Explore as much as possible before heading to a new area

With that out of the way, let's start our adventure!

 ...our super adventure!

| 3.01: Waku-Waku Isle |

                               Waku-Waku Isle
                              Items: 100 coins

You start out in a castle.  Begin by talking to the king (press up).  After 
explaining his problem, he'll give you 100 coins.  Leave the room, pass by the 
innkeeper, and leave the castle altogether.

| 3.02: Poka-Poka Isle |

Now go southwest towards the green island, passing through the strait between
the green island (Poka-Poka) and the mountain island (Fuwa-Fuwa).  When you get
to a crossroads (you can head west or east), head east to the whirlpool that
is underneath the sign for Poka-Poka Isle.  If you ran in to any foes on your
way to the island, continue past the whirlpool, and then head up to the cave.
Enter this cave, jump in the hot springs to heal, leave, and go to the
whirlpool.  Enter the whirlpool to be at Poka-Poka Isle!

                                Poka-Poka Isle
            Items: Silver Sword, Life Bottle, Dagger, Light Stone 

Welcome to Poka-Poka Isle!  This is a grassy land and is home to the Light

Let's begin.  Start off by going right.  As you go right, you'll encounter a
man-eating plant.  Kill it with two punches, and then continue on until you
reach a hill.  Kill the plant on the top of the hill, and then continue heading
to the right.  Go down the hill to encounter two flying foxes.  These guys take
three hits a piece.  Once they've been killed, grab whatever they drop and keep
going.  As you continue on, you'll find two more plants.  Kill them off and go
right.  You'll reach an area of patchy ground.  You can't do anything with this
area just yet, so just keep going.  You'll encounter one more fox before you
reach a cave within a tree.  Enter it and jump on the stone pedestal, which
will tell you to break the rock and swim through.  Cryptic, but you'll get it
soon enough.  Leave the cave, and continue right.  Kill off the fox as well as
the next two plants, and you'll reach a vine.  You can also jump past the vine
and continue right.  Ignore that path for now, and head down the vine to the
bottom level.

At the bottom, go right and defeat the roly-poly with two punches.  Note the
transparent blocks with a lightning bolt on them as you enter the cave.  The
pedestal within the cave will tell you about the five different switches on all
of the islands except for Waku-Waku and Fuwa-Fuwa.  Leave the cave, and go
right to find one of the switches that the pedestal was talking about.  This is
the Light Switch.  Jump on it and squat down to activate it.  Now we can work.
Go left and kill the roly-poly again.  Continue left, past the vine, and jump
on to the now solidified Light blocks.  Jump from block to block until you
reach a cliff on the far side.  Defeat the roly-poly here and go left to the
hill.  Descend the hill to see a crow flying above you.  When you see him, turn
around.  He'll pass you, turn around, and then swoop at you.  One fist hit will
take him out.  Continue left and kill this roly-poly.  After he is dead, go up
the hill in front of you.  At the top, kill the pig with four punches, as well
as the crow that comes at you.  Open the treasure chest to receive the Silver
Sword!  Equip this, and go back the way you came.  As you face the enemies on
the way back, notice how they only take one hit to kill.  After you've jumped
past the Light blocks again, go to the vine and ascend it.  Stop at the next
"floor" of the cavern.  Go in to the room on the right where you'll see a rock
blocking the water flow.  Using the Silver Sword, destroy this rock to have all
of the water come in to that room.  We've got something to do before we go
that way.

Leave the room by going left.  Climb up the vine to be back outside.  Climb to
the top of the vine and jump off to the right.  This used to be a pond, but
now that you've destroyed that rock, this area is drained.  Drop off the ledge
and kill the first fish if you want.  Open the treasure chest to discover a
life bottle.  This is nice.  Kill the fish to your right if you want, and then
return to the left, up the ledge, and to the previous screen.  Once here, climb
down the vine again to the second level, where you should jump off and go right
in to the room where the rock used to be.

Jump in to the water and swim across.  Ignore the spikes; Higgins can't swim
underwater.  Go as far right as you can to encounter a pig.  Kill this pig with
two slashes from your Silver Sword, jump over the ledge where he used to be,
and then swim in to the whirlpool.  You'll go down an underwater chamber, and
end up in a room where you're standing on a leaf in water with a quicker tide
change than the Gulf of Mexico.  In this room, just go straight across the
room, ignoring the fish.  Jump if they get near you, but don't bother with
them otherwise.  When you reach the other side of the room, wait for the tide
to be somewhat high, and then jump on to the vine.  Ascend it to enter the next

In this room, run to the left.  Kill the two roly-polies on your way over.  At
the far end, you'll notice a treasure chest on an inaccessible ledge.  The only
way to get there is by the transparent Moon blocks.  We'll get that in a bit.
For now, jump on to the spring with an arrow on it.  These springs work in
intervals of three.  The first bounce is small.  The second is medium, and the
final is large.  After the third, the cycle starts over.  Jump from the first
spring to the second spring and from the second spring to the ledge with the
pig on it by using high jumps.  On the ledge, kill the pig and travel to the
right.  Drop off the ledge, and note the stone blocks with the arrows pointing
down on them.  Ignore these for now, and jump on to the spring.  Using a high
jump, jump from the spring you just stepped on to the one above you.  Once
there, perform another high jump to the right to land on a ledge with a cave on
it.  Enter this cave and bathe in the hot spring.  Once you're done, leave the
cave, and jump on to the spring to the left.  Traverse these five springs by
using medium jumps until you reach the far ledge.  Kill the pig, and then climb
up the vine.  Ignore the first room that you come to, and climb up to the 

You're back outside now.  Jump off the vine and go left.  As you proceed up the
hill, kill off the two plants.  You'll come to a small dropoff with a rock
inside.  You can't do anything with it (you'll need the Shove technique), so
for now, jump over it and climb up the vine.

Climb up to the top of the vine and wait for a second.  A little brown guy with
a helmet and a spear.  We'll call him a Trojan.  The Trojan will walk right to
the vine and fall down.  Simple, eh?  Now jump off the vine.  As you're
falling, kill the owl with one slash of your Silver Sword on your way down, and
then continue to the left.  You'll encounter another Trojan.  Stab him twice to
kill him, jump up, slash the owl once, and then continue to the left.  You'll
come to yet another vine.  Ignore it (it leads back down to the Poka-Poka Pond)
and jump over the gap.  You'll see a switch on a tree next to you.  Jump on it
and squat.  

Diagram 3.02a |

              TTT        TTT          TTT         TTT   
   D          TTT     ===TTT       ===TTT         TTT
----          TTT===     TTT===       TTT===      TTT
           ===TTT        TTT          TTT      ===TTT
              TTT        TTT          TTT         TTTSSS
              TTT        TTT          TTT         TTT

T - Tree             |
D - Dagger           |
- - Permanent branch |
= - Temporary branch |
S - Switch           |

As you traverse the platforms, ignore any enemies that seem to be near you, as
they won't be hitting you.  At the end of the path, claim your prize - the
dagger!  Once you jump off, kill the two Trojans who are down there, as well as
the fox.  After you've killed them, go to the far left and climb up the vine

At the top of the vine, jump off to the right.  You'll be in front of this big
clump of leaves.  I've had this game for eight years as of the date of this
writing and what these leaves are remains one of the two unsolved mysteries of
this game (the other being the P-### at the adventure select screen).  But I
digress.  Continue to the right, where you'll see a palm tree going up and down
and up and down and so on.  That's all it does.  Must be hard to reproduce if
you know what I mean.  Anyway, there's no time to think about that, as a crow
swoops down on you.  Jump up and kill it.  No sooner do you kill the crow than
a fox comes at you.  Kill this guy, wait for the palm tree to be at its lowest
point, and then jump on it.  Once on the palm tree, jump off to the right.
Proceed to the right, kill the plant, and then jump on to the next palm tree.
Jump off the palm tree again and kill the fox, the plant, and the crow.  Jump
on to the next palm tree and kill the crow and fox that attack you as you jump
off.  This is getting annoying, isn't it?  This must be what the trees do for
fun - move up and down in a suggestive fashion and try to stop you with its
spikes.  Yipee.  Go to the right and jump over the next palm tree.  Kill the
plant on the other side and then go to the far right of the screen.  There's
another big leaf cave thing with a door on it.  This door is freakin' ugly.
Enter it to meet the first boss of the game!

                               Boss: Demon Tree

I recommend using the Dagger for this fight.  It's fairly easy.  The tree has
three main attacks: he can pull an apple down and throw it, he can shake a lot
of apples from the top of himself, and he can call down a little miniature tree
to run at you.  Aside from that, he can shake his hands at you.  While I do
recommend the Dagger, the best way to do it involves both the Dagger and the
Silver Sword.  Start off by jumping up and down and throwing Daggers.  The
Daggers will hit when his hands are low (like when he's swinging his hands).
When he gets one apple from the tree, stop throwing Daggers.  Wait for him to
throw it and jump over it.  If he releases a miniature tree, jump over it and
the tree-ette will run off screen.  When he reaches both arms up in to his
branches is when the fun start.  When he does this, equip your Silver Sword.
While avoiding the apples that are raining down on you, make small jumps and
hit the tree.  After he is done shaking, resume the previous method.  After
about sixteen Dagger hits, he'll "yell" and shrink some.  You'er almost done
with him.  Keep up the pattern until he shrinks again.  At this point, all of
your Daggers will hit him.  He'll be finished in no time.

If you're feeling daring, you can do this using only the Silver Sword.  The
only times you can get hits in, however, are when he shakes himself and when he
brings one apple down.  When he brings one apple down, go to the side that is
holding the apple and make a few hits.  It'll take about as long, but it's much
more fun.


Once he's dead, a treasure chest will drop.  Open the treasure chest to get the
Light Stone!  You'll now talk to the Queen-to-be, Tina.  She'll tell you that
she knows she'll be rescued and that she is currently being held on the frozen
wasteland of Hiya-Hiya Isle.

| 3.03: Hiya-Hiya Isle |

From Poka-Poka, travel northeast to Waku-Waku, and from there, go northwest to
a triangular-shaped island with a cave on it.  Enter the cave.  You'll notice
a pedestal to your right.  Atop the pedestal is a chair with the Light symbol
on it.  Stand on the pedestal and open the Equipment menu.  Select the Light
Stone to submerge the Light Gate.  From the Light Gate, go west to the volcanic
isle of Boa-Boa.  You're not going to Boa-Boa proper, though.  Going west,
proceed past the whirlpool to the western-most side of the world map.  From
here, go north in to the cave.

                               Boa-Boa Isle Cave
                               Items: Sun Stone

Jump on the tablet and read it to find out that Higgins recently won the Mr.
Universe competition or something, and then you're issued a challenge.  You are
challenged to jump on the cloud and ride it to the heavens to fight an evil
monster.  To do this, jump on the cloud and then jump over to the right.

                              Boss: Alien Turtle

YES, IT IS ALIEN TURTLE.  I SUCK AT NAMING.  Anyway, here's what you do.  Run
over to him and hit him three or four times with the Silver Sword.  Now back 
off, as he will spit out a fireball (that must have been some spicy Mexican 
food!).  Jump over it, and then repeat the strategy from the beginning.  After 
a little while, he'll be backed in to a corner.  This makes the fight even 
easier.  Keep hitting him and backing off until he dies.


When he dies, stand there for a minute and a treasure chest will drop from the
ceiling.  Open it to get the Sun Stone!  Now go back to the far left.  Walk off
the screen to leave the cave.  Start off by going south.  Go east when you can,
and then north to the white gate.  This is the Sun Gate.  Like the last time
with the Light Gate, jump on to the pedestal with the chair on it and pull out
your Sun Stone.  Now go north until you reach the snow-covered island.  We
don't want to go to the main part of the island yet, though.  Go west to the
edge of the world map, and then north.  Ignore the first whirlpool that you
come to for now.  Continue north to the north edge of the world map.  Go east
as far as you can (past the cave that you come to), and then go south to the
whirlpool.  I'll borrow a name for this place from Chrono Cross.

                              Hermit's Hideaway 1
                                 Items: Shove

This is a nice scene.  There is a rock in front of Master Higgins.  Beyond the
rock is a gap.  Beyond the gap is an old man sitting in a tree.  Jump over the
rock and the gap and talk to the old man.  For a modest fee of 100 coins, he
will teach you the Shove technique.  Jump back across the gap and pass the 
rock.  For kicks, let's push this thing.  To push it, just walk into it.
Push it towards the gap.  With that done, let's blow this joint.

Back on the world map, head north and then west.  If you need some health, stop
at the cave to find a hot spring.  Now continue west to the western edge of the
world map.  At the western side of the world map, proceed south until you reach
the a whirlpool.  Enter the whirlpool to get to an area that has a rock
blocking the entrance.  Of course, now that we have the Shove technique, we can
enter this area.  Push the rock into the gap.  Using the rock as a stepping
stone (if you get the reference, let's hope the rock isn't a Monkees fan!),
leap to the ledge above you.  Open the treasure chest to get the Ice Bell.
There is nothing else here, so drop back down to the rock and exit to the left.
On the world map, go south until you can go east.  When you can, go east.
Continue east until you can go north, into the icy regions of Hiya-Hiya Isle.
Once you are as far north as you can go, go west until you can enter a
whirlpool.  Enter this whirlpool.

                                Hiya-Hiya Isle
      Items: Fire Sword, Fire Armor, Fire Shield, Life Bottle, Star Stone

Upon entering the frozen island of Hiya-Hiya, you'll notice that the entrance
to the main part of the island is blocked by an oversized ice cube.  Jump on
the pedestal in the first room and open up your equipment menu.  Use the Ice
Bell to summoneth the Ice Giant to knocketh down the dooreth.  Now you can
enter the main part of the island.  Shove the giant block of ice in front of
you into the gap.  Jump over the block and start going down the hill.  At the
'landing' of the hill, kill the little snow bunny.  Go down the next part of 
the hill to reach another snow bunny.  Kill it, and then proceed down the next 
part of the hill to encounter an ice turtle.  Defeat it with three slashes from
your Silver Sword.  Go to the far right of this landing and jump down.
Continue until you reach another snow bunny.  Kill it and then start down the
next hill.  You'll notice above you an ice turtle guarding a cliff.  While
still on the hill, jump up and kill the turtle.  After it is dead, jump on to
the cliff.  Destroy the ice turtle on the ledge above you, and then jump on the
ledge.  From this ledge, jump on to the cloud above you.  The clouds form a
staircase.  Climb them by jumping from cloud to cloud.  When you reach the
third cloud, you'll find an ice turtle.  Kill this guy, jump on his cloud, and
then jump on to the next cloud.  I'll take this time to say that you have a
sick mind if you do something else when instructed to jump on that turtle's
cloud.  So you're on a big cloud now.  From here, go left and jump to the next
cloud.  You are now presented with two choices - left and right.  Seeing as how
you haven't done anything with the Sun Switch yet, you've gotta go left.  Jump
to the cloud to your left.  You'll probably encounter one of those freaky
flying penguins up here.  From this cloud, get a running start and jump over to
the cloud to the distant left, where you'll find a treasure chest.  Open it to
get the Fire Sword!  Be sure to equip it.  Fall off the cloud to the right, and
go right, down the hills, and killing the snow bunnies and ice turtles as you
go.  Instead of jumping on the cliff this time, however, we're going to 
continue down the hill.  There is a thin pillar of ice blocking your passage in
to the next room.  Slash it with your Fire Sword, and then head on to the next

| 3.04: Boa-Boa Island |

Now, head east of Hiya-Hiya, and enter the gate.  There, use the Star Stone.
Go northeast, and in to the whirlpool.  There, open the treasure chest to get
the Wand.  You can now use magic!  Your only spell right now is Feather.  See
Spell Descriptions for info about that.  Now head southeast to the gate-
looking thing.  There, open the treasure chest to get the Sun Ring.  Now, go
southwest, above Poka-Poka Island to...

                              Boa-Boa Island
              Items: Ice Armour, Ice Shield, Magic Bottle

Once here, stand on the pedestal and use the Sun Ring to open the way.  Go
right until you cannot go right anymore, and then go left, down the vine.
Here, go left, and make very small jumps to get across the lava without
hitting the spikes.  Once you are at the end, you will notice a cave on the
far left.  Ignore it for now.  Fall down the invisible hole between you and
the cave.  You now have a big rock chasing you (Indiana Higgans), so do the
logical thing to do--RUN AWAY!!  Jump on to the platforms QUICKLY to escape.
Now, climb up this passageway.  At the top, you can go left or right.  Go
left.  There, get on to a platform.  After awhile on the platform, you will
see a platform with a treasure chest on it.  Get this chest, as it contains
the Ice armour.  Equip this, and get back on the moving platform.  Now, go
left only to fall down another invisible hole, and run away from another big
boulder.  You will end up in that vertical passageway again.  This time, at
the top, go right.  Continue right until it looks like there is only a wall
and a vine.  Jump through the wall to get to the sun switch.  You know the
drill with this thing.  Now, take the closest vine down. Land on the
platform, and jump in to the room on top of the cliff, to enter hot springs.
After you are done with that, go to the very bottom of the room.  Go right,
and push the switch right.  Now, go to the far right of the ground.  You will
fall through the floor.  Go in to the room, to see a switch above a door.
Push the switch.  If you go through the door, you will end up on Poka-Poka

                            Poka-Poka Island
                     Items: Ice Sword, 500 coins

Well, you're back.  Go all the way to the right, right in the next room, and
right in the next room.  There, you will have gone back in to the whirlpool.
Make your way up the room with the springs.  On the next floor, go to the
right, and enter the area previously blocked by sun blocks to get the Ice
Sword.  Equip it.  Now go up, and to the left.  There, you will find that
boulder that was once impossible to remove.  Shove it down the pit, and
follow it.  Open the treasure chest to get 500 coins.  Now, go to the left,
and jump over the whirlpool.  Continue to go left until you reach the warp

                             Boa-Boa Island
                            Items: Aqua Stone

Go back to the room where you fell through the ground.  Now, go back up to
the top of the room, and exit this room via the ceiling.  Go left, and down
the first vine you see.  Now, go to the first room on the left in this room,
and push the switch. Once again, when you reach the bottom, go in to the
room, and push the switch.  Go back in to the previous room, and exit it via
the ceiling.  Now, go down the next vine you see.  Go in to the first room on
the right, and push the switch.  Then, go to the second room to the left, and
push the switch.  Now climb up the vine, after leaving the room via the
ceiling.  Go back to the room with the Sun Switch and reactivate it.  Climb
up the clouds, and go left.  At the end of the path, you will find the ice
shield.  Get it and equip it.  Now go to the right.  At the end of the path,
you will see a bridge made of sun blocks.  In the treasure chest at the end
of the bridge is a Magic Bottle.  Now, go back to the vine and climb down it,
but first, re-deactivate the sun switch.  Now, again, go back to the two way
vine.  Fall all the way down, through the hole at the bottom.  Now, go to the
right, and climb up on to the vine.  It will begin to move.  When it gets
near the next vine, jump off the vine on to the next one, then jump on to the
platform.  For the next vine, climb on it, and descend to the bottom of the
vine.  When you get as close as possible to the next platform, jump to it.
Repeat this process.  Go down the "stairs," and board this rock-turned-
platform.  Keep that up until you get to the left side of this room.  There,
go up the stairs, and to your right to reach the boss room.


                               TURTLE STRATEGY
                                  Hits: 15


Once he lands, he'll poke his head out.  Hit it, then jump, as he
will shoot a turtle at you.  After 5 hits, he will poke his head out, and
close his eyes.  You cannot hit him like this.  He is about to shoot a group
of turtles at you.  Wait until the last minute, then jump.  He will then duck
in to his shell, and fly off.  Now, he'll use an attack where he spins around
at you.  To avoid this, duck.  Now, he'll come at you, and start shooting
turtles at you.  Avoid these, and maybe kill some.  Then, the battle will
basically start over, except he'll be faster/shoot more turtles.  After you
have gotten 14 hits on him, he'll duck in to his shell.  One more hit, and
he's done!

Once you beat him, you'll get the Aqua Stone.

| 3.05: Puka-Puka Island |

From Boa-Boa Island, head east toward the gate.  Once there, use the aqua
stone, by standing on the pedestal and selecting it.  Now, go as far east as
you can, then go north. Once at the top, begin to go west until you see a
cave.  Enter the cave, jump on the cloud, and jump to the right to face the
Giant Cougar.


                          GIANT COUGAR STRATEGY
                                Hits: 33


Simple.  Jump over his fireballs, hit smack him when you can.

Once he is beaten, you'll get the Power Fan.  Now, exit this cave.  Now, head 
all the way to the west, and enter the whirlpool.  Get the treasure chest to 
get the Shovel.  Now, go back east, and south.  Go as far south as possible, 
then go west to enter a whirlpool.  Here, pay the 300 coins to learn the Down 
Jab technique.  Now, go east, and north.  Enter the whirlpool to enter...

                              Puka-Puka Island
Items: Magic Bottle x2, 500 coins, Aqua Armour, Thunder Sword, Life Bottle,
                                 Moon Stone

You start out on the pedestal.  Here, use the Power Fan.  With the gate gone,
go to the right.  You seem to be back on the world map again.  Go to the
whirlpool left of where you just were.  Here, go left until you get to some
blocks that are in your way.  Equip the shovel, and make your way through
them.  Once you've finished with the shovel, you must reequip you
weapon/armour/shield, so do that every time you use the shovel.   Once you
reequip one, the others will follow.  Now, continue going left to leave the
"room."  Now, go up, past the first whirlpool, and in to the second, at the
top.  Here, go left across the room.  In the next room, go down the vine, and
go right on the bottom landing.  Go right, and go up.  Shovel all of those
blocks away, to get 500 coins.  Now, go back to the vine, and go to the
second landing.  Go all the way across this room.  You are now on the world
map again.  Go in to the next whirlpool.  Now, go right.  Use the down jab on
the blocks marked like this:

 |  \/  |

to get a magic bottle.  Continue right until you are out on the world map
again.  Go down the platform, and then make your way across the room.  Ride
the platform next to the up jab blocks upward.  Board the next platform, the
leap over to the treasure chest to get the Aqua Armour.  Equip it.  Continue
to go right until you leave the room.  Go to the bottom left whirlpool.
Here, drop down, and hold right.  Defeat the clam, and open the treasure
chest to get the Thunder Sword.  Equip it, then head back out the way you
came.  Now go to the bottom right whirlpool.  Make your way through this
room, through the platforms, avoiding all of the spikes.  You are back on the
world map again.  Go to the whirlpool.  Go to the far right of this room.
Push the switch to make all of the water drain.  Now, leave this area, and go
to the upper-right whirlpool.  Here, go all the way right, jump up on the
switch, and duck to make the Aqua switch turn off.  Now, leave this area, and
go to the bottom-center whirlpool.  Now, go right until the platform stops.
Here, go left, and open the treasure chest to get a magic bottle.  Now, go
right until you leave this room.  Now, go left, and shovel your way through
these blocks.  Once past those blocks, go right, and get through more blocks.
Open the treasure chest to get a life bottle.  Now, go all the way left,
through the next couple of rooms, killing the enemies, and shoveling through
the sand.  Here, you'll appear on the world map. Go in to the left whirlpool.
Here, you see the Boss Door.


                              OCTOPUS STRATEGY
                                  Hits: 21


This is one of the harder fights.  First, he'll stab you with his
tentacles.  Avoid these (you cannot do any harm to them yet).  Now the entire
head will come up.  He will stretch his head upwards when you hit his
tentacle.  This is when you should hit him.  Note that during this, he's
shooting nuts at you.  Now he'll shoot out ink, making it harder to see.
Repeat this process until he is destroyed.

Once he's beaten, he'll give you the Moon stone.

| 3.06: Sala-Sala Island |

From Puka-Puka Island, head northwest to the gate.  There, use the Moon Stone
to submerge the gate.  Once the gate is gone, go northeast to the whirlpool.
There, pay the 500 coins to learn the Up Jab.  Now, go around this "block,"
and north to...

                           Sala-Sala Island
                Items: 2000 coins, Axe, Crystal Sword

From the start, go right until you reach the next screen.  Here, go all the
way right until you reach the second chain.  Climb this chain to the top
level, and go left until you reach another chain.  Climb up this chain.
Here, go right and climb up this chain.  Up here, at the top, activate the
Moon Switch.  Now, make your way down two levels.  When you climb down this
chain, you will notice a bridge of moon blocks.  Use this bridge, go right,
and enter the door.  Go to the second set of blocks, dig through them, use
the down jab on the rocks, enter the door, and collect the Crystal Sword.
Now, exit this door.  Here, climb down the chain, get back up on the bridge,
and re-enter that room.  Go to the far right set of blocks, and dig through
them until you reach the bottom.  Once on the bottom, take the left door.
Here, you'll fall.  Take this door.  Now, go right and up another chain.  Go
left, and up another chain.  Now, go left, and up ANOTHER chain.  Go left and
up another chain.  Go left and through the door.  Go right and through the
door. Push the block off the platform, and push it left.  Break through the
blocks to get 2000 coins.

Now, push the block right, but not in to the depression.  Climb up it, and in 
to the door.  Go right, and in that door.  Now go right, and let the spring 
bounce you up.  Now, go left.  Go all the  way up and right across this room, 
then go down, and left.  Here, go down the chain.  Work your way across this 
room, but DO NOT GO IN TO THE BOSS DOOR. Instead, fall down, to the right, and 
enter the door.  Here, push the block off the platform, and to the right, in 
to the depression.  Jump up, and push the switch to the right.  Now, go to the 
right, and board the platform.  At the top, enter the door.  Here, get the 
Axe.  Now, go back down, left, down the chain, and through the room.  This 
time, enter the boss door, to face the Mummy.


                              MUMMY STRATEGY
                                  Hits: 58:
                                  Hand: 16
                                  Body: 16
                                  Head: 26


hands, only when they come down to attack you, or the tape'll hit you.  Dodge 
his hands, and then hit them.  Now, equip the axe. Throw your axe up to hit 
mention, if it'd help you relax, that he can only hurt you if you jump.  The 
best way of hitting him here is to run across the room.  Once you reach the 
other side, jump, and throw an axe at him.  Repeat this until the body is 
gone.  Now you have the head to deal with.  The head will float around the 
room shooting stuff at you.  Dodge the head and its projectiles while hitting 
it with your axe.  Keep this up until the head goes down, and you beat Sala-
Sala Island!

After you beat him, you will gain the elven flute.  You will now talk to Tina 
again.  She will have regained her memory.  Now, all that's left to do is save 
her.  But where?

| 3.07: Fuwa-Fuwa Island |

Well, who better to ask than the ruler of this land: the King of Waku-Waku

                             Waku-Waku Island
                               Items: none

The king will tell you that she is held at the top of Fuwa-Fuwa island.  So,
let's go there!  On a side note, one does begin to wonder how he knows where 
she's being held.

                             Fuwa-Fuwa Island
                               Items: none

From Waku-Waku, head south.  You will be near Poka-Poka Island.  Instead of
going west, go east.  Here, you will find Fuwa-Fuwa Island.  Once here, you
will find your way blocked.  Above you, you will see five symbols: Light,
Star, Sun, Aqua, and Moon.  Leave Fuwa-Fuwa, and head west to...

                              Poka-Poka Island
     Items: Life Bottle, 2000 coins, Fireballs, 1000 coins, Light Spell

Go all the way right, killing enemies, until you reach a dirt patch.  Here,
dig to get a Life bottle.  Now, go down and right.  Go all the way right
across this screen, the next screen, and the next.  Here, climb the vine.  G
all the way left, climb the moon blocks, and open the treasure chest to
receive 2000 coins.  Now, go right across the first set of springs.  Here,
use the down jab to get to the treasure chest.  Inside this treasure chest is
the weapon Fireballs.  Now, go up and left across the screen.  Go up the
vine.  Go all the way up to the top.  Once up here, go right until you reach
a big stone structure with the Light symbol on it.  Enter this.  Stand on the
pedestal, and use the elven flute.  This will cause the earth to shake.  Go
outside, and to your right.  Climb down the vine to get 1000 coins, then
climb up it.  Now, go left until you reach a branch with a yellow knob on the
end of it.  Get on this, and duck.  Now, branches will start to pop out.
Follow the branches until you reach the vine.  Climb up this vine, and go
right.   At the end of this path, you will reach a cave.  Enter this cave,
open the treasure chest, and get the Light spell!  Now, leave Poka-Poka, and
go to...

                           Hiya-Hiya Island
             Items: Magic Bottle, Life Bottle, Star Spell

Go all the way right until you reach snow covered patches of dirt.  Dig here,
and go left.  Now you will be faced with a forked path: up or down.  Go up,
and get a Magic Bottle. Now, go back right all the way to the end of this
screen.  Here, go ALL the way right (don't bother climbing the vine) until
you reach a giant stone structure with the Star symbol on it.  Enter here,
use the elven flute, go outside, and go all the way right to the next screen.
Now, make your way up the vines, and to the left.  Here, pick up the Life
Bottle, and make your way right.  Now you are faced with some scales.  The
way to do this is: jump on the one closest to you.  When it is all the way at
the bottom, jump over to the next one.  Keep jumping on that until it is at
your desired height.  Once you are all the way across, climb up the vines,
and to the left.  Once you are all the way left, enter the cave.  Here you
will find the Star Spell.  Now that you have this, you can leave Hiya-Hiya.

                              Boa-Boa Island
         Items: 1000 coins, 2000 coins, Magic Bottle x 2, Sun Spell

Go all the way right, down the vine, and left.  Dig at the dirt patch.  Here,
open the chest to get 1000 coins.  Now go left, and down the invisible hole.
Go all the way right, escaping the boulder, until you come to the next
screen.  Here go up and right.  Here go up the vine.  Now, go right, going
down the holes and getting their treasures.  Now, go back left to the vine
that you could go up or down on, and climb up it.  Once up here, go right,
enter the building with the Sun symbol on it, use the elven flute, and go
right.  Once in this room, go all the way right until you reach a treasure
chest.  Open it to get yet another Magic Bottle.  Now, go down the vine, and
down to the bottom of this screen.  There will be a cave.  In this cave is
SWITCH.  You'll thank me later.

                              Puka-Puka Island
           Items: 1000 coins x 2, Magic Bottle x 2, Aqua Spell

Once you enter Puka-Puka, go right through this screen.  Take the left
whirlpool.  Make your way through this screen.  Now, use the top whirlpool.
Go left, down the vine to the middle level.  Go right.  In the next part, go
right, climb the block bridge, open the treasure chest to get 1000 coins,
climb back down, and go right.  Now enter the next whirlpool.  Go to the
bottom right corner of the room.  Use your up jab to get a Magic Bottle.
Now, get to the top right corner of this room, and exit.  Go to the whirlpool
in the upper right corner, and re-activate the aqua switch.  Now, leave this
area.  Go to the whirlpool in the bottom left corner.  Make your way through
this room, and then go to the next whirlpool.  In here, you will find the
structure with the Aqua symbol on it.  Enter here, and use the elven flute.
Go left and allow yourself to be caught in a bubble.  You can move around in
the bubble.  If you run in to an enemy, spike, or press A, your bubble will
pop.  Wait for each spiky enemy to move, and then get past them.  Once you
get through this first part, you will have to get in to a new bubble.  Go
down to get a Magic Bottle.  Now go up, and work your way through this area.
Go to the upper right corner to get 1000 coins.  Now go left.  Get a new
bubble, then go up and right.  You will notice that now you have to deal with
those starfish enemies.  DON'T STOP and you'll get through it fine.  Once you
get to the next bubble, go up.  Go left, enter the cave, and get the Aqua
spell.  Now do yourself a favor, and use the feather.  Now that you are at
the beginning, go back in to Puka-Puka.  Instead of going left, go up.  Now,
go up in to the next whirlpool to enter the Casino.

Price List:

Item                Price
----                -----

Life Bottle         1275
Boomerang           14750
Light Shield        9950
Light Armor         29975
Light Sword         49950

For now, buy a Life Bottle, and a Light Shield.  If you don't have enough,
play some games...

Game Name: Flash 'n Cash
Description: You put a certain amount of money on a color.  If the wheel
stops on that color, you get the amount of money you bet times the amount on
the color.  The hardest one to hit multiplies your betted money by 20!

Color        Amount Multiplied
-----        -----------------

Black                0
Red                  2
Yellow               4
Blue                 6
Green                8
Pink                 10
White                20

Game Name: Moneymaker
Description: The classic slot machine game!  If you bet one coin, then your
combination of pictures HAS to be in the middle row.  If two coins, then it
can be in any of the three rows.  If three coins, then it can be three rows
AND diagonal.  This is a pretty fun game.

Picture Combination       Amount of coins paid
-------------------       --------------------

Cherry     (1)                    1
Cherries   (2)                    3
Cherries   (3)                    10
Oranges    (3)                    30
Mangos (?) (3)                    50
Pineapples (3)                    100
Grapes     (3)                    200
Bells      (3)                    300
Bar Bar 7  (2/1)                  3000
7 7 Bar    (2/1)                  5000
Bars       (3)                    10000
7s         (3)                    30000

Game Name: Run for Doe
Description: Bet on a creature.  If they win, you get whatever coins you bet
multiplied by the number in front of the animal (not 1, 2, 3, or 4, but 
something like 8.42).  There isn't much to say about this game.

Once you have the two items, go north to...

                               Sala-Sala Island
               Items: Aqua Shield, Magic Bottle, Moon spell

Go all the way right through the first two screens.  Go to the far patch of
dirt, dig to the bottom, and use the far door.  After you enter the next
door, go right and up the chain.  Now go left and up the chain.  In this
room, go left and up the chain.  Now go left and up the chain.  Now go left
and... through the door =P.   Now go right and through doors until you reach
a spring.  In this room, you will find out why I had you re-activate all of
those blocks.  Go right until you find some blocks.  Climb up these blocks to
get the Aqua Shield (not much use since now you have the Light Shield =P).
Now, continue to go right until you fall down the hole.  Go right.  Make your
way across this room until you reach a stone structure with the Moon symbol
on it.  Here, use the elven flute.  Go right and down the pit.  Here, use the
down jab until you reach a treasure chest, which contains a Magic Bottle.
Drop left, and begin to navigate your way through the room.  When you've
reached the last door, enter it to get the Moon Spell.  Now, use the feather,
and leave.

                             Fuwa-Fuwa Island
               Items: 5000 coins, Power Sword, Sky Bell

You will notice that the huge block is gone.  Once past that room, go all the
way right.  In the next room, go right, up, and left.   In this room, go
left, and climb up the vine.  In this next room, make sure that you jump on
all of the leaves.  ALL OF THEM.  Go all the way across the room, then go up
and left to get 5000 coins.  Now go all the way right.  In this next room,
RUN right, and up the vine.  You are now faced with another leaf room.  Make
your way up to the top left corner of the room.  Now you are at another
bubble room.  Make your way through this room, avoiding all enemies.  Now run
right and up the vine.  Go left, dig, and enter this door.  Go left, but
don't bother getting on the scales yet.  Instead, go up and right to get the
Power Sword.  NOW, go left and up the vine.  You will find a rock blocking
your way.  Hit it with the Power Sword for it to be "destroyed."  Now work
your way up the clouds.  When you see a door, enter it to refill your life.
Now, continue working your way up.  Enter the first boss door you see to
fight the Buzzard.  Yes, this is the same Buzzard that kidnapped Tina in the


                              BUZZARD STRATEGY
                                  Hits: 110


Attack the eggs that he drops with the Power Sword.  When an egg is
killed, he'll swoop down at you.  Now, equip the Fireballs.  Make it so he
BARELY misses you.  The Fireballs will hit him.  After he runs out of eggs,
he'll stick to swooping.  Continue with the Fireball strategy.  This becomes
easy as you can get right in front of where you think he's going to start to
go back up and hit him.  The number of hits looks like a lot, but it goes by
QUICKLY with the Fireballs.

Once you beat him, you'll get the Sky Bell.  After this fight, you'll find 
Tina.  You have rescued her, therefore completing your mission.  The end?  No. 
Now a phantom appears and kidnaps Tina.  He also informs you that he's 
kidnapped the King.  You'll have to challenge him, but where do you find him?

                             Waku-Waku Island
                               Items: none

You'll have a conversation with the Innkeeper, who'll tell you that they went
to Fuwa-Fuwa Island.  He tells you that you'll need the Sky Bell to get to
him.  You have the Sky Bell, so what are you waiting for?  I'll tell you
what.  We need better equipment!  If you don't want to bother, skip ahead.
Otherwise, go to the...

                           Puka-Puka Island Casino
                  Items: Boomerang, Light Sword, Light Armor

Now, play games until you get enough money to buy all of the above items.  I
personally recommend Run for Doe.  Once you buy all three items, use the wing
to get to...

                          Fuwa-Fuwa Island Summit
                               Items: none

Climb up the clouds all the way until you reach the second boss door.  Enter
this to find... a pedestal.  Here, use the Sky Bell to climb up to the top of
the sky to fight the Phantom.


                        FINAL BOSS: PHANTOM STRATEGY
                                 Hits: 250


[Update: I went through and beat this game again today with the Light Shield,
Power Sword, and Aqua Armor.  I realized how crappy the previous strategy was 
and am now correcting it.  I might rewrite this thing soon.]

Note: This strategy, in an effort to cater to people who were too lazy to get
      the Light equipment or Boomerang (by which I mean that I didn't feel like
      getting them), uses the Power Sword, Aqua Armor, Light Shield, Ax, and
      Dagger.  So no super equipment.

All of his attacks take away a full heart container.

The Phantom is crazy.  It seems hard at first.  His first form is that of a 
wizard who creates a fireball shield and fires fireballs at you.  There are a 
couple of ways to counter this.  If you have a lot of patience, you can spend 
five minutes firing daggers at the Phantom.  This is by far the safest method.  
Just stand on the far side of the screen, duck, and lay into him.  Be sure to 
dodge his shield if it grows too wide.  Otherwise, you have to use the Power 
Sword.  Stand really close to the Phantom, duck, and hit him a few times.  
Because it can take a full heart container away, avoid being hit by his shield 
at all costs.  He can also fire a fireball at you.  This is the attack that 
follows the creation of the shield (you'll see him doing it; he looks like he's 
casting a spell).  The fireball will go over you, even if you're standing.  
However, as the match wears on, the fireball gets low to the point where you 
have to duck.  So keep that in mind.

Once you've killed this first form, the Phantom separates into two parts: a 
head and a body.  This part is extraordinarily easy.  Ignore the head.  The 
body does the exact same attacks as the first form did, but it goes down a lot 
quicker.  Just move in and hit him with the Power Sword a whole lot.  If he 
doesn't go down in the first round of swipes (which ends when the shield gets 
near you), move back.  After the shield expands to a certain length, the 
Phantom will phaze out, move around a bit, and end up on the opposite side of 
the screen from where he was.  Don't let the illusions fool you (from when he 
is moving around).  You can't hit them, and they can't hit you.  Your concern 
should be the shield that is still rotating.  When the Phantom becomes solid 
again on that far side of the screen, hit him some more.  He will probably go 
down in this round.

Now you've got the head to worry about, and for this I recommend using the Ax.  
There's a good chance that, for the first part of the phase, the shield from 
the body is still going.  Still worry about avoiding that.  To attack the 
Phantom, jump and throw some Axes.  He has two attacks.  He'll swoop down at 
you (this is where, if you're using a sword, you hit him.  Don't get hit by 
him).  Whether or not he is in the process of swooping down or 
just...uh...floating there, he has this fireball on the bottom of the cloak.  
It doesn't get there for a minute, so use that time wisely.  Once you see the 
fireball, it will, every second or two), fire three fireballs like-a this:

Diagram 3.07a |

                              /o o\ 1
                             /     \
                            /       \
                           /         \
                          /           \
                                O 2
                            o   o   o  3

1 - The Phantom.  Check out those eyes! |
2 - The big fireball that generates...  |
3 - The smaller fireballs.              |

Sometimes the fireballs are closer.  One thing that might help to know is that 
the Light Shield can actually absorb these fireballs.  If he gets you into a 
corner -- and he will -- use that knowledge to your advantage.  Continue 
jumping and throwing Axes at him until he turns into a shadow and does a cool 
morphing thing.  The screen turns black, his eyes still shine, and WHOA THERE 

Somehow, you've now landed on the moon or something.  The backdrop is 
presumably the PALACE OF GREAT EVIL (isn't it always?), and you're on the path 
leading there.  Symbolic (not really).  Anyway, the Phantom has now turned into 
a giant, one-eyed scorpion, whom I will now refer to as Scorpion.  I'm good.

The first form of the Scorpion is another form on which you should use the Ax.  
His weak points are the two claws, so aim your Axes there.  Keep running 
around, though.  He has two attacks as well.  When he shakes his claws and puts 
them over his head, the Scorpion is going to dive down on you.  Make sure 
you're out of the way.  His other attack is signalled by his pulling one claw 
forward.  The Scorpion is about to launch a lot of fireballs.  The only way to 
avoid these is to be on the inside (i.e., the side farthest away from the 
claw).  If you're close to the corner, you'll have to jump.  Once he has shot 
one round of fireballs at you, the other claw will do the same.  Make sure to 
run to the other side of the arena when this happens.  Continue to dodge hte 
fireballs and the claws while hitting the claws.  When both claws fall off, he 
sprouts legs and a mean tail.

This last form is ridiculously easy as long as you use the Dagger.  As weak as 
it is, there is no better weapon.  He will charge to one side of the arena, 
swing his tail at the ground a few times (note: your Daggers cannot penetrate 
the tip of his tail), and run back to the other side.  To avoid him, get a 
running jump, and jump over him as he is running at you.  Your target is the 
Scorpion's eye.  Once you are safely on the other side, throw as many Daggers 
as you can at the eye, then avoid him again.  Repeat the process to beat the 


                             IV. Appendices


| 4.01: Bosses |

Here is the way it works:


Boss name: Whatever name I came up with for the boss.
Location: Where he is found
Hits: This is the amount of hits it takes to beat him with the recommended
weapon.  The recommended weapon is whatever sword you got in that stage,
unless otherwise indicated.
Strategy: The strategy to beat him goes here, silly! =)



Boss name: Mad Tree
Location: Poka-Poka Island
Hits: 45 (with recommended weapon)
Strategy: I highly recommend you use the dagger for this.  It takes longer,
but makes it easier.  Anyways, just hit him with a dagger when his hands are
low.  After quite a bit of hits, he'll drop his mouth, and shrink.  15 hits
later, he'll do it again.  This time, it is so low, that you don't have to
worry about the hands.  When he gets ready to throw an apple at you, go to
the other side, and start hitting him with daggers.  When he reaches up to
shake apples from the tree, hit him will all of the daggers you can.  He'll
be gone in no time.



Boss name: Bowser's cousin
Location: Boa-Boa Island Cave
Hits: 15
Strategy: For this, use the silver sword.  This guy shoots fireballs (hence
the reason I call him Bowser's cousin) from his mouth, and is only vulnerable
in the head.  So, what I recommend doing is hitting him three times, then
backing off to avoid the fireball.  Keep this up until he is defeated.



Boss name: Mammoth
Location: Hiya-Hiya Island
Hits: 25
Strategy: First (this should take 5 hits), you must avoid his ice balls,
while attacking his ice cage.  Once he is free, he will charge at you, and
swing his trunk at you.  When he is swinging his trunk, carefully make your
way to his face, and hit him.  To avoid his charge, jump when he is about to
hit you [you should be at the opposite side of the room). He is hard, but you
will win eventually =)]



Boss Name: Turtle
Location: Boa-Boa Island
Hits: 15
Strategy: Once he lands, he'll poke his head out.  Hit it, then jump, as he
will shoot a turtle at you.  After 5 hits, he will poke his head out, and
close his eyes.  You cannot hit him like this.  He is about to shoot a group
of turtles at you.  Wait until the last minute, then jump.  He will then duck
in to his shell, and fly off.  Now, he'll use an attack where he spins around
at you.  To avoid this, duck.  Now, he'll come at you, and start shooting
turtles at you.  Avoid these, and maybe kill some.  Then, the battle will
basically start over, except he'll be faster/shoot more turtles.  After you
have gotten 14 hits on him, he'll duck in to his shell.  One more hit, and
he's done!



Boss Name: Giant Cougar
Location: Cave north of Sala-Sala Island
Hits: 33
Strategy: This is pretty simple.  Just hit his head, and avoid his jumps.



Boss name: Octopus
Location: Puka-Puka Island
Hits: 21
Strategy: This is one of the harder fights.  First, he'll stab you with his
tentacles.  Avoid these (you cannot do any harm to them yet).  Now the entire
head will come up.  He will stretch his head upwards when you hit his
tentacle.  This is when you should hit him.  Note that during this, he's
shooting nuts at you.  Now he'll shoot out ink, making it harder to see.
Repeat this process until he is destroyed.



Boss name: Mummy
Location: Sala-Sala Island
Hits: 58

16 per hand

16 for the body

26 for the head

beginning, hit his hands, only when they come down to attack you, or the
tape'll hit you.  Dodge his hands, and then hit them.  Now, equip the axe.
Throw your axe up to hit the body.  WATCH OUT FOR THE TAPE.  IT CAN TAKE 1
FULL HEART AWAY.  I might mention, if it'd help you relax, that he can only
hurt you if you jump.  The best way of hitting him here is to run across the
room.  Once you reach the other side, jump, and throw an axe at him.  Repeat
this until the body is gone.  Now you have the head to deal with.  The head
will float around the room shooting stuff at you.  Dodge the head and its
projectiles while hitting it with your axe.  Keep this up until the head goes
down, and you beat Sala-Sala Island!



Boss Name: Buzzard
Location: Fuwa-Fuwa Island
Hits: 110
Strategy: Attack the eggs that he drops with the Power Sword.  When an egg is
killed, he'll swoop down at you.  Now, equip the Fireballs.  Make it so he
BARELY misses you.  The Fireballs will hit him.  After he runs out of eggs,
he'll stick to swooping.  Continue with the Fireball strategy.  This becomes
easy as you can get right in front of where you think he's going to start to
go back up and hit him.  The number of hits looks like a lot, but it goes by
QUICKLY with the Fireballs.



Boss Name: Phantom
Location: Skies above Fuwa-Fuwa Island
Hits: 250(!)

[Update: I went through and beat this game again today with the Light Shield,
Power Sword, and Aqua Armor.  I realized how crappy the previous strategy was 
and am now correcting it.  I might rewrite this thing soon.]

Note: This strategy, in an effort to cater to people who were too lazy to get
      the Light equipment or Boomerang (by which I mean that I didn't feel like
      getting them), uses the Power Sword, Aqua Armor, Light Shield, Ax, and
      Dagger.  So no super equipment.

All of his attacks take away a full heart container.

The Phantom is crazy.  It seems hard at first.  His first form is that of a 
wizard who creates a fireball shield and fires fireballs at you.  There are a 
couple of ways to counter this.  If you have a lot of patience, you can spend 
five minutes firing daggers at the Phantom.  This is by far the safest method.  
Just stand on the far side of the screen, duck, and lay into him.  Be sure to 
dodge his shield if it grows too wide.  Otherwise, you have to use the Power 
Sword.  Stand really close to the Phantom, duck, and hit him a few times.  
Because it can take a full heart container away, avoid being hit by his shield 
at all costs.  He can also fire a fireball at you.  This is the attack that 
follows the creation of the shield (you'll see him doing it; he looks like he's 
casting a spell).  The fireball will go over you, even if you're standing.  
However, as the match wears on, the fireball gets low to the point where you 
have to duck.  So keep that in mind.

Once you've killed this first form, the Phantom separates into two parts: a 
head and a body.  This part is extraordinarily easy.  Ignore the head.  The 
body does the exact same attacks as the first form did, but it goes down a lot 
quicker.  Just move in and hit him with the Power Sword a whole lot.  If he 
doesn't go down in the first round of swipes (which ends when the shield gets 
near you), move back.  After the shield expands to a certain length, the 
Phantom will phaze out, move around a bit, and end up on the opposite side of 
the screen from where he was.  Don't let the illusions fool you (from when he 
is moving around).  You can't hit them, and they can't hit you.  Your concern 
should be the shield that is still rotating.  When the Phantom becomes solid 
again on that far side of the screen, hit him some more.  He will probably go 
down in this round.

Now you've got the head to worry about, and for this I recommend using the Ax.  
There's a good chance that, for the first part of the phase, the shield from 
the body is still going.  Still worry about avoiding that.  To attack the 
Phantom, jump and throw some Axes.  He has two attacks.  He'll swoop down at 
you (this is where, if you're using a sword, you hit him.  Don't get hit by 
him).  Whether or not he is in the process of swooping down or 
just...uh...floating there, he has this fireball on the bottom of the cloak.  
It doesn't get there for a minute, so use that time wisely.  Once you see the 
fireball, it will, every second or two), fire three fireballs like-a this:

Diagram 4.01a |

                              /o o\ 1
                             /     \
                            /       \
                           /         \
                          /           \
                                O 2
                            o   o   o  3

1 - The Phantom.  Check out those eyes! |
2 - The big fireball that generates...  |
3 - The smaller fireballs.              |

Sometimes the fireballs are closer.  One thing that might help to know is that 
the Light Shield can actually absorb these fireballs.  If he gets you into a 
corner -- and he will -- use that knowledge to your advantage.  Continue 
jumping and throwing Axes at him until he turns into a shadow and does a cool 
morphing thing.  The screen turns black, his eyes still shine, and WHOA THERE 

Somehow, you've now landed on the moon or something.  The backdrop is 
presumably the PALACE OF GREAT EVIL (isn't it always?), and you're on the path 
leading there.  Symbolic (not really).  Anyway, the Phantom has now turned into 
a giant, one-eyed scorpion, whom I will now refer to as Scorpion.  I'm good.

The first form of the Scorpion is another form on which you should use the Ax.  
His weak points are the two claws, so aim your Axes there.  Keep running 
around, though.  He has two attacks as well.  When he shakes his claws and puts 
them over his head, the Scorpion is going to dive down on you.  Make sure 
you're out of the way.  His other attack is signalled by his pulling one claw 
forward.  The Scorpion is about to launch a lot of fireballs.  The only way to 
avoid these is to be on the inside (i.e., the side farthest away from the 
claw).  If you're close to the corner, you'll have to jump.  Once he has shot 
one round of fireballs at you, the other claw will do the same.  Make sure to 
run to the other side of the arena when this happens.  Continue to dodge hte 
fireballs and the claws while hitting the claws.  When both claws fall off, he 
sprouts legs and a mean tail.

This last form is ridiculously easy as long as you use the Dagger.  As weak as 
it is, there is no better weapon.  He will charge to one side of the arena, 
swing his tail at the ground a few times (note: your Daggers cannot penetrate 
the tip of his tail), and run back to the other side.  To avoid him, get a 
running jump, and jump over him as he is running at you.  Your target is the 
Scorpion's eye.  Once you are safely on the other side, throw as many Daggers 
as you can at the eye, then avoid him again.  Repeat the process to beat the 


| 4.02: Magic |

Spell Name: Feather
Spell Cost: 1 bottle.
Spell Use: It takes you back to the beginning of the stage

Spell Name: Recovery
Spell Cost: 2 Bottles
Spell Use: Heal about 1/2 of a heart

Spell Name: Tie
Spell Cost: 3 Bottles
Spell Use: This will temporarily freeze all of your enemies.

Spell name: Wing
Spell Cost: 4 bottles
Spell Use: This can transport you to the following places:

Waku-Waku Island
1. Entrance

Poka-Poka Island
1. Entrance
2. Hot Spring

Hiya-Hiya Island
1. Entrance
2. Hot Spring

Boa-Boa Island
1. Entrance
2. Hot spring

Puka-Puka Island
1. First island
2. Hot Spring

Sala-Sala Island
1. Entrance
2. Hot spring

Fuwa-Fuwa Island
1. Entrance
2. Hot Spring
3. Hot spring near Summit

This is BY FAR my favorite spell!

Spell Name: Blizzard
Spell Cost: 5 Bottles
Spell Use: It summons a Blizzard attack which instantly kills all on-screen
enemies!  This doesn't work against bosses, however.

Spell Name: Power Boost
Spell Cost: 6 Bottles
Spell Use: THIS MAKES YOU INVINCIBLE!!!  The effect lasts for about 15

Spell Name: Blaze
Spell Cost: 7 Bottles
Spell Use: This summons a Blaze attack that kills all enemies that you can
see.  It doesn't work against bosses ='(

Spell Name: Cure
Spell Cost: 8 Bottles
Spell Use: One word*: FULL RECOVERY!!!!!

* = Don't send emails about that.

| 4.03: Weapons |

Weapon Name: Fist
Location: none
Description: uh... very short ranged and weak.  Thank goodness that you get a
new weapon quickly!

Weapon Name: Silver Sword
Location: Poka-Poka Island
Description: It can break most rocks that you encounter.

Weapon Name: Dagger
Location: Poka-Poka Island
Description: It has a very long range, but is still weak.

Weapon Name: Fire Sword
Location: Hiya-Hiya Island
Description: It can break pillars of ice and is powerful against Ice enemies.

Weapon Name: Ice Sword
Location: Boa-Boa Island
Description: It is very powerful against Fire enemies.

Weapon Name: Thunder Sword
Location: Puka-Puka Island
Description: It works well in water.

Weapon Name: Shovel
Location: Cave north of Sala-Sala Island
Description: It digs.  Don't use it for anything else.  Ever.

Weapon Name: Fireballs
Location: Poka-Poka Island
Description: Two fireballs surround you (like the Jupiter + Salamander
             combination in Castlevania: Circle of the Moon), and continue to 
             spin around you for about 10 seconds.

Weapon Name: Crystal Sword
Location: Sala-Sala Island
Description: More powerful than mere metal.  This is a strong weapon.

Weapon Name: Axe
Location: Sala-Sala Island
Description: Basically an advanced version of the dagger - more powerful, and
             can go high.  The only down side is that it doesn't go all the way 
             across the screen, but the height it gets rectifies that.  Plus, 
             we get classic Adventure Island sound effects for it!

Weapon Name: Power Sword
Location: Fuwa-Fuwa Island
Description: This can break all of the rocks that you find on Fuwa-Fuwa, and
             is a decent weapon.

Weapon Name: Boomerang
Location: Puka-Puka Casino
Description: You throw it and it comes back.  Easy!  Quite powerful too.

Weapon Name: Light Sword
Location: Puka-Puka Casino
Description: The most powerful sword in the game.  This is EXTREMELY
             POWERFUL.  Could possibly be a powerful sword, too.

| 4.04: Shields |

Shield Name: None
Location: None
Description: Absorbs all attacks that aren't...uh...used at all.

Shield Name: Fire Shield
Location: Hiya-Hiya Island
Description: It can absorb most snowballs that are thrown.

Shield Name: Ice Shield
Location: Boa-Boa Island
Description: It can absorb most fireballs that are thrown.

Shield Name: Aqua Shield
Location: Sala-Sala Island
Description: Absorbs MOST flying objects (not actually most, but some)*.

Shield Name: Light Shield
Location: Puka-Puka Casino
Description: Absorbs all flying objects (not actually all, but most)*.

*This does not include enemies.

| 4.05: Armor |

Armor Name: None
Location: On you.
Description: You take the full blunt of all attacks!

Armor Name: Fire Armor
Location: Hiya-Hiya Island
Description: Lowers damage of Ice attacks.

Armor Name: Ice Armor
Location: Poka-Poka Island
Description: Lowers damage of Fire attacks.

Armor Name: Aqua Armor
Location: Puka-Puka Island
Description: Lowers damage of Water attacks.

Armor Name: Light Armor
Location: Puka-Puka Casino
Description: Lowers damage of all attacks.

| 4.06: "Equipment" |

NOTE: Equipment is just the name of the menu.  A better name would be KEY
ITEMS.  This is especially since you cannot equip any of this.

Item Name: Light Stone
Location: Poka-Poka Island
Description: Submerges the Light gate

Item Name: Sun Stone
Location: Boa-Boa Island Cave
Description: Submerges the Sun gate

Item Name: Star Stone
Location: Hiya-Hiya Island
Description: Submerges the Star gate

Item Name: Aqua Stone
Location: Boa-Boa Island
Description: Submerges the Aqua gate

Item Name: Moon Stone
Location: Puka-Puka Island
Description: Submerges the Moon gate

Item Name: Ice Bell
Location: Cave near Hiya-Hiya Island
Description: Summons the Ice Giant, which breaks down the barrier to Hiya-Hiya

Item Name: Sun Ring
Location: Cave near Sala-Sala Island
Description: Causes volcanoes to erupt which breaks down the barrier to Boa-
             Boa Island

Item Name: Power Fan
Location: Cave north of Sala-Sala Island
Description: Causes tornadoes, which breaks down the barrier to Puka-Puka

Item Name: Elven Flute
Location: Sala-Sala Island
Description: Use this in stone structures to cause an earthquake to get to
             the secret area!

Item Name: Sky Bell
Location: Fuwa-Fuwa Island
Description: Use this in the empty boss room atop Fuwa-Fuwa Island to get to
             the Final Boss!

Life Bottles:

Poka Poka Isle Pond (must be drained)

| 4.10: Bestiary |

Note: It was hard to count for the fireballs, so that might not be as accurate.

Note: For the boomerang counts, it is for each time that the boomerang hits the
      foe (normally two per throw)

Plant: hits: 2 (fist) 1 (ss) loc: po
fox: hits: 3 (fist) loc: po
roly-poly: hits: 2 (fist) 1 (ss) loc: po
crow: hits: 1 (fist) 1 (ss) loc: po
Pig: hits: 4 (fist) loc: po
fish: hits: 4 (fist) 2 (ss)
*TREE: Hits: 45 (fist) 24 (ss) 10 (fs) 8 (is) 7 (ts) 6 (cs) 5 (ps) 3 (ls) 
             21 (fire) 3 (boom) 6 (ax) N/A (shovel) 46 (da)

*A. Turtle: Hits: 32 (fist) 16 (ss) 7 (fs) 6 (is) 5 (ts) 4 (cs) 4 (ps) 2 (ls)
                  32 (da) 14 (fire) 2 (bo) 4 (ax) N/A (sh)

| 4.11: PAR/GameGenie Codes |

These are courtesy of and Darth Nemesis.  They're not mine.  The PAR
codes don't have dashes in them; the GameGenie codes do.

Full Health:                         - 7E011A00R + 7E011E00

Full Magic:                          - 7E011C00R + 7E012000

All spells:                          - 7E01200E

Light Gate Down                      - 7E013101

Sun Gate Down                        - 7E013201

Star Gate Down                       - 7E013301

Aqua Gate Down                       - 7E013401

Moon Gate Down                       - 7E013501

Invincibility                        - C29B-EF0F 

Loads of cash                        - CB45-ED6D 

Small potions do not restore energy  - C2B4-7D8E 

Fall slowly                          - DFF1-770B 

No falls                             - DDF1-770B*

Have Item Codes.  To work these, input this code:

7E04xx01 and replace the xx with the number that corresponds to the item you
wish to have.

4D - (No Weapon)
4E - Silver Sword
4F - Fire Sword
50 - Ice Sword
51 - Thunder Sword
52 - Crystal Sword
53 - Power Sword
54 - Light Sword
55 - Dagger
56 - Fireballs
57 - Boomerang
58 - Ax
59 - Shovel
5A - (No Armor)
5B - Fire Armor
5C - Ice Armor
5D - Aqua Armor
5E - Light Armor
5F - (No Shield)
60 - Fire Shield
61 - Ice Shield
62 - Aqua Shield
63 - Light Shield
64 - Magic Wand
65 - (No Equipment)
66 - Ice Bell
67 - Sun Ring
68 - Power Fan
69 - Elven Flute
6A - Sky Bell
6B - Light Stone
6C - Sun Stone
6D - Star Stone
6E - Aqua Stone
6F - Moon Stone 
70 - Thunder Spell
71 - Star Spell
72 - Sun Spell
73 - Aqua Spell
74 - Moon Spell
7D - Shove
7E - Up Jab
7F - Down Jab

*Disable this code to return to ground level. 

| 4.13: Shops/Casino Lists |

You have no idea how close I was to naming this, "PLACES WHERE YOU CAN EARN AND
SPEND MONEY."  Sadly, the all-caps title wasn't really catchy, so here this is.


                              V. Last Words


| 5.01: Copyright Information |

Super Adventure Island 2 and all characters, stages, items, and other related 
things are copyright Hudson Soft, 1996.  This guide/FAQ/walkthrough is 
copyrighted (c) 2001-2004 to Trace Jackson and is the intellectual property of
Trace Jackson.  This guide/FAQ/walkthrough is protected under International
Copyright Laws.  Please feel free to put this anywhere you like, as long as I
get credit for it.  After all, this is to help the readers!  It should be
spread around!  I WOULD like it if you emailed me asking for permission, but
it's not necesary.  Just realize that the latest updates to this guide can and
will always be found at IGN FAQs (, GameFAQs (,
and (

The following are sites that can not use my work. If you see these sites using
any of my FAQs, please e-mail me ASAP. Each of these websites are sites that
have plagiarized myself or others in the past, or simply taken our works
without our prior permission. Since they do not have enough respect for the
authors (or an ignorance of the law), I am expressly forbidding them from using
my work. I will not condone such sites that partake in these actions.

   911 Codes           
   9 Lives             
   Bean's PSX Dimension
   Cheat Code Central  
   Cheat Index         
   Cheat Matrix        
   Cheat Search        
   CNET Gamecenter     
   Console Domain      
   Dirty Little Helper 
   Dark Station        
   Games Domain        
   Game Express        
   Games Over          
   Mega Games          
   Square Haven        
   Ultimate System          

| 5.02: Revision History |

Version 0.5: The initial release of the guide.  The walkthrough is complete
             up to Boa-Boa Island.  That is how the boss part is.  Spells are 
             completed up to feather (wow).  Basics are done.

Version FINAL: The walkthrough is finished.  The spells are all done.  The
               bosses are done.  The equipment is done.  Everything...done.

Version FINAL: I added some ASCII art.  And you thought that would be the
               last update... =P

Version FINAL: OK, this is really, REALLY the final update.  I fixed
               something that had been bugging me for awhile: the magic spells 
               section.  It has so much more in it, that I felt I REALLY needed 
               to change the Table of Contents section.

Version 2.0: Took out my email and added an ezboard.

Version 2.1: Reformatted the guide, added a new email, and added the lovely
             ASCII art you see there at the top.

Version 2.2: Redid the box; added some pretty ASCII to go with the bosses.

Version 3.0: Added some boss info; reformatted the guide.

Version 3.1: Due to excessive boredom, I beat the game again and revised my
             strategy for the Phantom.  Hopefully I'll do a rewrite later.
             There is also a bestiary in progress.  Just ignore it.

| 5.03: Credits |

-Shoecream ( for creating that awesome 
 center-er tool.  That helps so much.

-CJayC ( for being a great guy, and creating GameFAQs. ( and 
 for spell checking this thing.

-102.9 ( - The Point (Jacksonville) for providing me with
 good 80s music while writing (80s). 

-Cool 96.9 ( of Jacksonville for music (Oldies).

-Al Amaloo ( for the GameGenie codes

-Darth Nemesis 
 for the PAR codes

| 5.04: End |

Yeah, now THAT'S a good one.  Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this and I hope it
helped.  Sorry for any cheap humor.  See you in any future guides that I write.
If you need anything, just email me!

To get a free Meowthnum1 t-shirt, get a blank t-shirt and write, "I [heart]

 -Trace "Meowthnum1" Jackson

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