上月  2019-04  下月


            6. 博士后出站留深工作可享受深圳市政府30万元(免税)科研资助,并可获得160万至300万元左右的购房补贴。        
            1:将详细个人简历(包括:个人基本情况、教育和工作经历;主要研究成果,如论文、专著、专利、成果证书或奖励等清单;联系方式等)以及能体现个人科研能力和学术水平的相关资料发送至张老师邮箱 zhangjiaheng@hit.edu.cn。        
            张嘉恒博士至2012起分别作为项目研究员助理和博士后研究员师在美国Office of Naval Research(ONR)-University of Idaho从事研究,合作导师为含能材料领域世界知名专家,美国前总统George H. W. Bush军事顾问Jean’ne M. Shreeve 教授。2015-2017年入选日本学术振兴会(JSPS)研究员在日本横浜国立大学从事研究,师从世界知名离子液体和电化学专家Masayoshi Watanabe教授,2017年6月起,全职回国并被聘为哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院教授。张嘉恒承担及参与了包括美国海军研究署、中国重点基础研究发展计划、日本学术振兴会和深圳市科创委资助的多个基础研究项目以及法国欧莱雅基团、日本花王株式会社、日本日清紡等企业资助的多个产学研项目,主持了日本学术振兴会的军转民项目一项,回国后主持了军委装发部X86的外协项目一项,近年来共发表SCI论文120余篇,其中影响因子10以上的30余篇,包括J. Am. Chem. Soc. (7篇,5篇为第一作者), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (6篇,4篇为第一作者/通讯作者),Chem. Rev. (共同第一作者1篇)及Nature. Commun.(共同第一作者),共以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表SCI研究论文40余篇,论文总影响因子之和大于450,论文他引次数1900余次,h指数为27,三篇J. Am. Chem. Soc. (第一作者)及一篇Daltron Trans. (第一作者)文章入选ESI高引论文(含能材料领域全球仅13篇ESI高引论文)。        
            张嘉恒教授在美国期间参与了美国海军研究署(Office of Naval Research)和美国国防部的军工项目“高性能离子液体火箭推进剂”的研发,开发的绿色环境友好的硼烷类含能离子液体推进剂,其性能全面超越传统剧毒的肼类衍生物,被视为该领域的突破性工作。作为研究骨干参与美国国防威胁降低局(Defense Threat Reduction Agency)的军工项目“新型含能材料设计”的研发,开发的固态高能材料具有环境友好、爆速爆压高、密度高、感度适中等特点,其性能可以超越目前美国军方大规模使用的高能含能材料RDX(黑索金)和HMX(奥克托今)。作为研究骨干参与美国海军研究署的军工项目“高性能氧化剂设计”的研究,开发出一系列固态氧化剂,具有高氧平衡、高密度、点火延迟低等优点,可以用于替换推进剂中大规模使用的高氯酸铵。        


    2008.9-2013.6  中国农业大学,理学博士学位                  
    2006.9-2008.7  中国农业大学,经济管理学士学位                  
    2004.9-2008.7  中国农业大学,应用化学理学学士学位

    2017.6-  哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)教授                
    2015.10-2017.5  日本横滨国立大学,外国人特任研究员                  
    2013.6-2015.9  美国爱达荷大学,博士后研究员                  
    2012.6-2013.6  美国爱达荷大学,项目研究员


    2016.6-  广东省农业科技交流服务中心,首席专家顾问

    2018.4-  世界健康产业大会研究员,专家理事

    2016.6-  中国医疗保健国际交流促进会,副会长

    2018.1-  中国工程物理研究员化工材料研究所,客座教授

    2018.1-  宁夏大学,特聘教授

    2018.8-  广东省韶关市产业研究院特聘专家


    2017.6-  中央军委装备发展部X86项目子课题一项            
    2017.9-  离子液体规模化生产-企业横向课题            
    2018.7-  植物多酚类产品开发及规模化生产-企业横向课题(600万)            
    2018.9-  深圳市科创委学科布局            

    2018.9-  焊接国家重点实验室自主课题

    2019.9-  国家自然科学基金-自燃例子液体的设计与制备


    2020 共青团广东省委向上向善好青年

    2020 深圳市优秀班主任

    2020 第四届“中国创翼”创业创新大赛广东省赛银奖

    2020 第六届“创青春”广东青年创新创业大赛第二名

    2020 广东“众创杯”创新创业大赛博士博士后赛金奖

    2019 广东“众创杯”创新创业大赛科技海归领航赛铜奖

    2019 第二十三届全国发明展览会银奖

    2015-2017 日本学术振兴会奖学金

    2012年度 北京五四青年标兵

    2011年度 分析检测行业-青年论文二等奖




    ~130 peer-reviewed journal articles including Chemical Reviews (1), Nature Communications (1), JACS (7), Angew Chem (6), JMCA (7). Over 3800 citations with an h-index of 37 (Google scholar).

    *:corresponding author; #:equal contribution


    132. Yuanbo Tan, Zhenye Zhu*, Xueting Zhang, Jiaheng Zhang*, Yinghao Zhou, Huang Qin, Yiyang Bo, Zuchen Pan, Nb4C3Tx (MXene) as a new stable catalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Accepted.

    131. Zhixiong Yang, Guangxing Pan, Yuanyuan Hu, Jiaheng Zhang*, Sulfur crystallization in the cathode of lithium-sulfur battery during the charging process: a possible alternative to reduce the shuttle effect, Materials Today Energy, Accepted.

    130. Zhenyu Zhang, Zirui Zhao, Binshen Wang, and Jiaheng Zhang*, Boron Based Hypergolic Ionic Liquids: A Review, Green Energy & Environment, Accepted.

    129. Mingjie Yi, Beibei Lu, Xueting Zhang, Yuanbo Tan, Zhenye Zhu*, Zuchen Pan, Jiaheng Zhang*, Ionic Liquid-Assisted Synthesis of Nickel Cobalt Phosphide Embedded in N, P Codoped-Carbon with Hollow and Folded Structures for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction and Supercapacitor, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Accepted.

    128. Xueting Zhang, Zhenye Zhu*, Xiongyi Liang, Fei-Xiang Ma, Jiaheng Zhang*, Yuanbo Tan, Zuchen Pan, Yiyang Bo, Chi-Man Lawrence Wu, Encapsulating Dual-Phased Mo2C-WC Nanocrystals into Ultrathin Carbon Nanosheet Assemblies for Efficient Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution, Chemical Engineering Journal, Accepted.

    127. Jichuan Zhang, Joseph P. Hooper, Jiaheng Zhang*, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Well-balanced energetic cocrystals of H5IO6/HIO3 achieved by a small acid-base gap, Chemical Engineering Journal, Accepted.

    126. Shuqi Hu, Wenpeng Ni, Daihui Yang, Chao Ma, Jiaheng Zhang, Junfei Duan, Yang Gao, Shiguo Zhang*,Fe3O4 nanoparticles encapsulated in single-atom Fe–N–C towards efficient oxygen reduction reaction: Effect of the micro and macro pores, Carbon, 2020, 162, 245-255.

    125. Ultrasonication-assisted synthesis of alcohol-based deep eutectic solvents for extraction of active compounds from ginger, Yun-Hao Hsieh, Yuanbin Li, Zuchen Pan, Zhengjian Chen, Jiahai Lu, Jumao Yuan, Zhenye Zhu, Jiaheng Zhang*, Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry, 2020, 63, 104915.

    124. Qiyou Wang, Yan Zhang, Wenpeng Ni, Yi Zhang, Tian Sun, Jiaheng Zhang, Junfei Duan, Yang Gao, Shiguo Zhang*, Free-standing phosphorous-doped molybdenum nitride in 3D carbon nanosheet towards hydrogen evolution at all pH values, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2020, 50, 44-51.

    123. Hui Li, Zhenye Zhu*, Jiaheng Zhang*, Huang Qin, Yuanbo Tan, Xueting Zhang, Zhixiong Yang, Guangxing Pan, Wanbao Wu, Mingjie Yi, Shunyou Hu, Ke Qin, Miaomiao Chao, Electrochemical performance of Sn-doped cobalt-free Li1.15Ni0.27Mn0.58-xSnxO2 cathode material for Li-ion batteries, Ionics 2020, 26, 3785-3794

    122. Zongwei Yang, Haojing Wang, Jichuan Zhang, Yuan Ma, Yanwei Tan, Fude Nie, Jiaheng Zhang*, Hongzhen Li*, Rapid Cocrystallization by Exploiting Differential Solubility: An Efficient and Scalable Process toward Easily Fabricating Energetic Cocrystals, Cryst. Growth Des. 2020, 20, 4, 2129-2134.

    121. Wenquan Zhang, Honglei Xia, Rujing Yu, Jiaheng Zhang*, Kangcai Wang, Qinghua Zhang*, Synthesis and Properties of 3,6‐Dinitropyrazolo[4,3‐c]‐pyrazole (DNPP) Derivatives, Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2020, 45, 546-553.

    120. Jinchao Ma, Jiaheng Zhang*, Gregory H. Imler, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, gem-Dinitromethyl-Functionalized 5-Amino-1,3,4-oxadiazolate Derivatives: Alternate Route, Characterization, and Property Analysis, Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 12, 4771-4775.

    119. Beibei Lu, Fan Xiao, Zhenyuan Wang, Binshen Wang, Zuchen Pan, Weiwei Zhao, Zhenye Zhu*, Jiaheng Zhang*, Redox-Sensitive Hyaluronic Acid Polymer Prodrug Nanoparticles for Enhancing Intracellular Drug Self-Delivery and Targeted Cancer Therapy, ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng.2020, 6, 7, 4106-4115.

    118. Jichuan Zhang, Zhenyuan Wang, Yunhao Hsieh, Binshen Wang, Haifeng Huang, Jun Yang, Jiaheng Zhang*, A promising cation of 4-aminofurazan-3-carboxylic acid amidrazone in desensitizing energetic materials, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 2519-2525.

    117. Yuanbin Li, Zuchen Pan, Binshen Wang*, Wen Yu, Siwei Song, Huanhuan Feng, Weiwei Zhao, Jiaheng Zhang*, Ultrasound-assisted extraction of bioactive alkaloids from Phellodendri amurensis cortex using deep eutectic solvent aqueous solutions, New. J. Chem., 2020, 44, 9172-9178.

    116. Pengdong Feng, Yunhuan Yuan, Mao Zhong, Jian Shao, Xiangli Liu, Jie Xu, Jiaheng Zhang, Kang Li, Weiwei Zhao*, Integrated Resistive-Capacitive Strain Sensors Based on Polymer–Nanoparticle Composites, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2020, 3, 5, 4357-4366.

    115. Yueyang Wang, Jie Liu, Yuping Feng, Ningyuan Nie, Mengmeng Hu, Jiaqi Wang, Guangxing Pan, Jiaheng Zhang, Yan Huang*, An intrinsically stretchable and compressible Zn–air battery, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 4793-4796.

    114. Ling Zhang, Hongjun Ji, Houbing Huang, Ning Yi, Xiaoming Shi, Senpei Xie, Yaoyin Li, Ziheng Ye, Pengdong Feng, Tiesong Lin, Xiangli Liu, Xuesong Leng, Mingyu Li, Jiaheng Zhang, Xing Ma, Peng He*, Weiwei Zhao*, Huanyu Cheng*, Wearable Circuits Sintered at Room Temperature Directly on the Skin Surface for Health Monitoring, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 40, 45504-45515.

    113. Beibei Lu, Gaoxin Zhou, Fan Xiao, Qianjun He*, Jiaheng Zhang*, Stimuli-responsive poly(ionic liquid) nanoparticles for controlled drug delivery, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020, 8, 7994-8001.

    112. Jichuan Zhang, Zhenye Zhu, Mingqing Zhou, Jiaheng Zhang*, Joseph P. Hooper, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Superior High-Energy-Density Biocidal Agent Achieved with a 3D Metal–Organic Framework, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 36, 40541-40547.

    111. Shuang Han, Yuan Gao, Lin Li, Beibei Lu, Yongxing Zou, Ling Zhang*, Jiaheng Zhang*, Synergistic Enhancement Effects of Carbon Quantum Dots and Au Nanoclusters for Cathodic ECL and Non‐enzyme Detections of Glucose, Electroanalysis 2020, 32, 1155-1159.

    110. Yihong Liang, Zuchen Pan, Zhengjian Chen, Yuqing Fei, Jiliang Zhang, Jumao Yuan, Ling Zhang, Jiaheng Zhang*, Ultrasound‐Assisted Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents as Separation‐Free Extraction Media for Hydroxytyrosol from Olives, ChemistrySelect 2020, 5, 10939-10944.

    109. Yuanbin Li, Yun-Hao Hsieh, Zuchen Pan, Ling Zhang, Wen Yu, Binshen Wang, Jiaheng Zhang*, Extraction of Alkaloids from Coptidis Rhizoma via Betaine‐Based Deep Eutectic Solvents, ChemistrySelect 2020, 5, 4973-4978.


    108. Kunkun Jiang, Dandan Xu, Zhongyang Liu, Weiwei Zhao, Hongjun Ji, Jiaheng Zhang, Mingyu Li, Tingting Zheng, Huanhuan Feng*, An invisible private 2D barcode design and implementation with tunable fluorescent nanoparticles, RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 37292-37299.

    107. Yingqian Wang, Zhixiong Yang, Tianlai Xia, Guangxing Pan, Ling Zhang, Hong Chen*, Jiaheng Zhang*, Azo‐Group‐Containing Organic Compounds as Electrode Materials in Full‐Cell Lithium‐Ion Batteries, ChemElectroChem,2019, 6, 5080-5085.

    106. Wenpeng Ni, Yang Gao, Yi Zhang, Hussein A. Younus, Xiaoguang Guo, Chao Ma, Yan Zhang*, Junfei Duan, Jiaheng Zhang, Shiguo Zhang*, O-Doping Boosts the Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction Activity of a Single Fe Site in Hydrophilic Carbon with Deep Mesopores, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 49, 45825-45831.

    105. Tianlai Xia, Yuan Gao, Ling Zhang*, Xinyu Wang, Guangxing Pan, Zhenyuan Wang, Shuang Han, Xing Ma, Weiwei Zhao, Jiaheng Zhang*, Sensitive Detection of Caffeic Acid and Rutin via the Enhanced Anodic Electrochemiluminescence Signal of Luminol, Analytical Sciences, DOI: 10.2116/analsci. 19P274

    104. Beibei Lu, Yuanbin Li, Zhenyuan Wang, Binshen Wang, Xi Pan, Weiwei Zhao, Xing Ma, Jiaheng Zhang*, A dual responsive hyaluronic acid graft poly(ionic liquid) block copolymer micelle for an efficient CD44-targeted antitumor drug delivery, New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 12275-12282.

    103. Beibei Lu, Zhourui Xiao, Zhenyuan Wang, Binshen Wang, Weiwei Zhao, Xing Ma, Jiaheng Zhang*, Redox-Sensitive Polymer Micelles Based on CD44 and Folic Acid Receptor for Intracellular Drug Delivery and Drug Controlled Release in Cancer Therapy, ACS Appl. Bio. Mater. 2019, 2, 10, 4222-4232.

    102. Ling Zhang, Pengdong Feng, Senpei Xie, Yong Wang, Ziheng Ye, Zhenbang Fu, Qiyuan Wang, Xing Ma, Jiaheng Zhang, Peng He, Kang Li and Weiwei Zhao, Low-temperature sintering of silver nanoparticles on paper by surface modification, Nanotechnology, 2019, 30, 505303.

    101. Jichuan Zhang, Jiaheng Zhang*, Gregory H. Imler, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve* Sodium and Potassium 3,5-Dinitro-4-hydropyrazolate: Three-Dimensional Metal–Organic Frameworks as Promising Super-heat-resistant Explosives, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2, 10, 7628-7634.

    100. Zhenyuan Wang, Guangxing Pan, Binshen Wang, Ling Zhang, Weiwei Zhao, Xing Ma, Jichuan Zhang, Jiaheng Zhang*, Synthesis and Properties of Azide‐Functionalized Ionic Liquids as Attractive Hypergolic Fuels, Chemistry -An Asian Journal, 2019, 14, 2122-2128. (Front Cover)

    99. Beibei Lu, Yuanbin Li, Zhenyuan Wang, Binshen Wang, Xi Pan, Weiwei Zhao, Xing Ma and Jiaheng Zhang*, A dual responsive hyaluronic acid graft poly(ionic liquid) block copolymer micelle for an efficient CD44-targeted antitumor drug delivery ,New Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 43, 12275-12282.

    98. Tianlai Xia, Yingqian Wang, Binshen Wang, Zhixiong Yang, Guangxing Pan, Ling Zhang*, Jiaheng Zhang*, Natural Compounds Gallic Acid Derivatives for Long‐Life Li/Na Organic Batteries,ChemElectroChem, 2019, 6, 4765 –4772.

    97. Pengdong Feng, Hongjun Ji, Ling Zhang, Xuan Luo, Xuesong Leng, Peng He, Huanhuan Feng, Jiaheng Zhang, Xing Ma, Weiwei Zhao, Highly stretchable patternable conductive circuits and wearable strain sensors based on polydimethylsiloxane and silver nanoparticles, Nanotechnology, 2019, 30, 185501.

    96. Jie Liu, Mengmeng Hu, Jiaqi Wang, Ningyuan Nie, Yueyang Wang, Yukun Wang, Jiaheng Zhang, Yan Huang, An intrinsically 400% stretchable and 50% compressible NiCo//Zn battery, Nano Energy, 2019, 58, 338-346.

    95. Huanhuan Feng, Tingting Zheng, Mingyu Li, Junwei Wu, Hongjun Ji, Jiaheng Zhang, Weiwei Zhao, Jinhong Guo, Droplet‐based microfluidics systems in biomedical applications, Electrophoresis, 40, 2019, 1580-1590.

    94. Yaoyin Li, Qiyuan Wang, Ling Zhang, Songbai Hu, Lang Chen, Peng He, Huan Huan Feng, Jiaheng Zhang, Hongjun Ji, Xing Ma, Kang Li and Weiwei Zhao, Self-assembly of Nickel: From Nanoparticles to Foils with Tunable Magnetic Properties , CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 5317-5321

    93. Tianlai Xia, Yingqian Wang, Chengkang Mai, Guangxing Pan, Ling Zhang,* Weiwei Zhao and Jiaheng Zhang*, Facile in situ growth of ZnO nanosheets standing on Ni foam as binder-free anodes for lithium ion batteries , RSC Advances, 2019,9, 19253-19260

    92. Pengdong Feng, Xinyu Wang, Beibei Lu, Guangxing Pan, Xuesong Leng*, Xing Ma, Jiaheng Zhang* Weiwei Zhao*, Ionic liquids-filled patterned cavities improve transmittance of transparent and stretchable electronic polydimethylsiloxane films, Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54, 11134-11144.

    91. Yaoyin Li, Qiyuan Wang, Yong Wang, Mingjun Bai, Jian Shao, Hongjun Ji, Huanhuan Feng, Jiaheng Zhang, Xing Ma and Weiwei Zhao*, A flexible and conductive metallic paper-based current collector with energy storage capability in supercapacitor electrodes ,Dalton Transactions, 2019,48, 7659-7665

    90. Jichuan Zhang, Ping Yin, Guangxing Pan, Zhenyuan Wang, Jiaheng Zhang,* Lauren A. Mitchell, Damon A. Parrishd and Jean’ne M. Shreeve*, 5-(4-Azidofurazan-3-yl)-1-hydroxytetrazole and its derivatives: from green primary to secondary explosives ,New Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 43, 12684-12689

    89. Zhi Wang, Yunhe Jin, Wenquan Zhang,* Binshen Wang, Tianlin Liu, Jiaheng Zhang* and Qinghua Zhang, Synthesis and hypergolic properties of flammable ionic liquids based on the cyano (1H-1,2,3-triazole-1-yl) dihydroborate anion ,Dalton Transactions, 2019,48, 6198-6204

    88. Binshen Wang, Yousong Liu, Mucong Deng, Jin Luo, Guangcheng Yang, Shiguo Zhang, Jiaheng Zhang*, Qinghua Zhang *, From energetic cobalt pentazolate to cobalt@nitrogen-doped carbons as efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction,Science China Materials, 2019, 62, pages1403–1411.


    87. Fanyu Zeng,Dandan Xu,Chen Zhan,Chunyan Liang,Weiwei Zhao,Jiaheng Zhang,Huanhuan Feng*,Xing Ma*, Surfactant-Free Synthesis of Graphene Oxide Coated Silver Nanoparticles for SERS Biosensing and Intracellular Drug Delivery, ACS Applied Nano Materials,2018,16,2748-2753

    86. Mengmeng Hu, Jiaqi Wang, Jie Liu, Jiaheng Zhang, Xing Ma and Yan Huang*,An intrinsically compressible and stretchable all-in-one configured supercapacitor , Chemical Communications, 2018,54, 6200-6203

    85. Zongwei Yang,Haojing Wang,Yuan Ma,Qi Huang,Jichuan Zhang,Fude Nie,Jiaheng Zhang*,Hongzhen Li*,Isomeric Cocrystals of CL-20: A Promising Strategy for Development of High-Performance Explosives, Crystal Growth & Design,2018,18,6399-6403

    84. Xuesong Leng, Wei Yang, Jiaheng Zhang, Xing Ma, Weiwei Zhao*,Jiuchun Yan*,High-performance joining technology for aluminium matrix composites using ultrasonic-assisted brazing, Materials Science and Technology,2018,34,660-663

    83. Yong Wang,Chao Zhou,Wei Wang,Dandan Xu,Fanyu Zeng,Chen Zhan,Jiahui Gu,Mingyu Li,Weiwei Zhao,Jiaheng Zhang,Jinhong Guo*,Huanhuan Feng*,Xing Ma*,Photocatalytically Powered Matchlike Nanomotor for Light‐Guided Active SERS Sensing, Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2018, 57, 13110-13113

    82. Jiapu Jiao, Dandan Xu, Yuhuan Liu, Weiwei Zhao, Jiaheng Zhang, Tingting Zheng, Huanhuan Feng,* and Xing Ma*,Mini-EmulsionFabricated Magnetic and Fluorescent Hybrid Janus Micro-Motors, Micromachines 2018, 9(2), 83

    81. Jichuan Zhang, Jiaheng Zhang,* Damon A. Parrishd and Jean'ne M. Shreeve*,Desensitization of the dinitromethyl group: molecular/crystalline factors that affect the sensitivities of energetic materials , Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018,6, 22705-22712

    80.Chunyan Liang, Chen Zhan, Fanyu Zeng, Dandan Xu, Yong Wang, Weiwei Zhao, Jiaheng Zhang, Jinhong Guo*, Huanhuan Feng*, Xing Ma*, Bilayer Tubular Micromotors for Simultaneous Environmental Monitoring and Remediation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 35099-35107

    79. Hua Wang, Jie Liu, Jiaqi Wang, Mengmeng Hu, Yuping Feng, Panpan Wang, Yueyang Wang, Ningyuan Nie, Jiaheng Zhang, Han Chen, Qunhui Yuan, Junwei Wu, Yan Huang*, Concentrated Hydrogel Electrolyte-Enabled Aqueous Rechargeable NiCo//Zn Battery Working from ?20 to 50 °C, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 49-55

    78. Zhen Xu, Guangbin Cheng, Hongwei Yang, Jiaheng Zhang,* Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Synthesis and Characterization of 4‐(1,2,4‐Triazole‐5‐yl)furazan Derivatives as High‐Performance Insensitive Energetic Materials, Chemistry – A European Journal , 2018,24,10488-10497.

    77. Qi‐An Sun, Ze‐Hai Lu, Xiao‐Qiu Pu, Hui‐Lian Hu, Jia‐heng Zhang,* Xian‐Jin Yang*, Deoxyalkoxyamination of Alcohols for the Synthesis of N‐Alkoxy‐N‐alkylbenzenesulfonamides , European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 29, 3920-3927

    76. 张计传,王振元,王滨燊,梁一红,潘光兴,张嘉恒*,富氮稠环含能化合物:平衡能量与稳定性的新一代含能材料, 含能材料(Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials),2018,26(11):983-990.


    75. Zhe Li, Shiguo Zhang , Jiaheng Zhang , Miao Xu, Ryoichi Tatara, Kaoru Dokko , and Masayoshi Watanabe, Three-Dimensionally Hierarchical Ni/Ni3S2/S Cathode for Lithium–Sulfur Battery, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (44), pp 38477–38485

    74. Fan Yang, Shihua Yang, Bo Hu, Lingyue Zeng, Zhongyang Liu, Jiahui Gu, Weiwei Zhao, Xing Ma, Jiaheng Zhang, Mingyu Li, Rapid fabrication of joints using low temperature sintered silver nanoparticles, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2017, 9 (21), DOI: 10.1109/ICEPT.2017.8046741

    73. Caihong Wang, Kei Hashimoto, Jiaheng Zhang, Yumi Kobayashi, Hisashi Kokubo, and Masayoshi Watanabe, Micellization/Demicellization Self-Assembly Change of ABA Triblock Copolymers Induced by a Photoswitchable Ionic Liquid with a Small Molecular Trigger, Macromolecules, 2017, 50 (14), 5377–5384

    72. Tianlin Liu, Xiujuan Qi, Kangcai Wang, Jiaheng Zhang*, Wenquan Zhang, Qinghua Zhang*, Green primary energetic materials based on N-(3-nitro-1-(trinitromethyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazol-5-yl)nitramide, New Journal of Chemistry, 41 (2017) 9070-9076

    71. Qiong Yu,Prof.Dr. Hongwei Yang, Xuehai Ju, Chunxu Lu, Qiuhan Lin, Jiaheng Zhang, Guangbin Cheng*, 1D Energetic Metal-Organic Framework: Sodium 6-Nitro-5-oxidopyrazolo[3,4-c][1,2,5]oxadiazol-4-ide with Good Thermal Stability, ChemistrySelect, 2 (2017) 4673-4677

    70. Wenquan Zhang#, Jiaheng Zhang#, Mucong Deng, Xiujuan Qi, Fude Nie, Qinghua Zhang*, A promising high-energy-density material, Nature Communications, 181 (2017)doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00286-0.该工作曾被《科技日报》头版报道

    69. Qiong Yu, Ping Yin, Jiaheng Zhang, Chunlin He, Gregory H. Imler, Damon A. Parrish, Jean’ne M. Shreeve*, Pushing the Limits of Oxygen Balance in 1,3,4-Oxadiazoles, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139 (26) 8816-8819.

    68. Ping Yin, Jiaheng Zhang*, Gregory H. Imler, Damon Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Polynitro-functionalized Dipyrazolo-1,3,5-triazinanes: Energetic Polycyclization toward High Density and Excellent Molecular Stability, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56(2017)8834-8838.

    67. Zhen Xu, Guangbin Cheng, Hongwei Yang,* Xuehai Ju, Ping Yin, Jiaheng Zhang* and Jean’ne M. Shreeve* , A Facile and Versatile Approach for Synthesis of Energetic Furazan-functionalized 5-Nitroimino-1, 2, 4-triazoles, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56 (2017) 5877-5881

    66. Srinivas Dharavath, Jiaheng Zhang,* Gregory H. Imler, Damon A. Parrish, and Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, 5-(Dinitromethyl)-3-(trinitromethyl)-1,2,4-triazole and Its Derivatives: A New Application of Oxidative Nitration Towards Gem-trinitro-based Energetic Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 4785-4790

    65. Shiguo Zhang#*, Jiaheng Zhang#, Yan Zhang, Youquan Deng*, Nanoconfined Ionic Liquids, Chemical Reviews, 117 (2017) 6755-6833


    64. Jiaheng Zhang#, Srinivas Dharavath#, Lauren A. Mitchell, Damon A. Parrish and Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Energetic Salts Based on 3,5-Bis(dinitromethyl)-1,2,4-triazole Monoanion and Dianion: Controllable Preparation, Characterization, and High Performance, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138 (2016) 7500–7503

    63. Yuji Liu#, Jiaheng Zhang#*, Kangcai Wang, Jinshan Li, Qinghua Zhang* and Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Bis(4-nitraminofurazanyl-3-azoxy)azofurazan and Its Derivatives: Multiple 1,2,5-Oxadiazole Structure towards High-Performance Energetic Materials, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55 (2016) 11548-11551

    62. Yin Ping#, Jiaheng Zhang#, Lauren A. Mitchell, Damon A. Parrish and Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, 3,6-Dinitropyrazolo[4,3-c]pyrazole-based Multipurpose Energetic Materials Via Versatile N-Functionalization Strategies, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55 (2016) 12895-12897

    61. Jiaheng Zhang, Ping Yin, Lauren A. Mitchell, Damon A. Parrish and Jean’ne M. Shreeve*, N-Functionalized nitroxy/azido fused-ring azoles as high-performance energetic materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4 (2016) 7430-7436

    60. Jiaheng Zhang*, Srinivas Dharavath, Lauren A. Mitchell, Damon A. Parrish, Jean’ne M. Shreeve*, Bridged Bisnitramide-Substituted Furazan-based Energetic Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4 (2016) 16961-16967

    59. Shi Huang, Wenquan Zhang, Tianlin Liu, Kangcai Wang, Xiujuan Qi, Jiaheng Zhang*, Qinghua Zhang*, Towards N-alkylimidazole-borane-based hypergolic fuels, Chemistry – An Asian Journal, 11 (2016) 3528-3533

    58. Jiaheng Zhang and Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, 3D Nitrogen-rich metal–organic frameworks: opportunities for safer energetics, Dalton Transactions, 45 (2016) 2363-2368. (ESI高引论文)

    57. Jiaheng Zhang* and Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Time for pairing: cocrystals as advanced energetic materials, Crystengcomm, 18 (2016) 6124-6133


    56. Jiaheng Zhang, Qinghua Zhang, Thao T. Vo, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Energetic Salts with π-Stacking and Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions Lead the Way to Future Energetic Materials, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137 (2015) 1697-1704 (ESI高引论文)

    55. Jiaheng Zhang, Lauren A. Mitchell, Damon A. Parrish, and Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Enforced Layer-by-layer Stacking of Energetic Salts towards High-performance Insensitive Energetic Materials, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137 (2015) 10532-10535 (ESI高引论文)

    54. Jiaheng Zhang, Jean’ne M. Shreeve*, Nitroaminofurazans with Azo and Azoxy Linkages: A Comparative Study of Structural, Electronic, Physicochemical and Energetic Properties, Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 119 (2015) 12887-12895

    53. Hao Wei, Chunlin He, Jiaheng Zhang and Jean’ne M. Shreeve*, Combination of 1,2,4-Oxadiazole and 1,2,5-Oxadiazole Moieties for the Generation of High-Performance Energetic Materials, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 54 (2015) 9367-9371

    52. Hao Wei, Jiaheng Zhang, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Energetic Salts Based on Furazan-Functionalized Tetrazoles: Multi-strategies to Boosting Energy, Chemistry - A European Journal, 21 (2015) 8607-8612

    51. Hao Wei, Jiaheng Zhang, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Synthesis, Characterization, and Energetic Properties of 6-Amino-tetrazolo[1,5-b]-1,2,4,5-tetrazine-7-N-oxide: A Nitrogen-Rich Material with High Density, Chemistry – An Asian Journal, 10 (2015) 1130-1132.

    50. Yongxing Tang#, Jiaheng Zhang#, Lauren A. Mitchell, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Taming of 3,4-Di(nitramino)furazan, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137 (2015) 15984-15987.

    49. Deepak Chang, Jiaheng Zhang, Jean’ne M. Shreeve*, Borohydride ionic liquids as hypergolic fuels: a quest for improved stability, Chemistry - A European Journal, 21 (2015) 13297-13301.

    48. Ping Yin, Jiaheng Zhang, Damon A. Parrish, Jean’ne M. Shreeve*, Energetic fused triazoles – A promising C-N fused heterocyclic cation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 8606-8612.

    47. Jiaheng Zhang, Damon A. Parrish, Jean’ne M. Shreeve*, Curious Cases of 3,6-Dinitropyrazolo[4,3-c]pyrazolebased Energetic Cocrystals with High Nitrogen content: An Alternative to Salt Formation, Chemical Communications, 51 (2015) 7337 - 7340


    46. Jiaheng Zhang, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, 3,3'-Dinitroamino-4,4'-azoxyfurazan and Its Derivatives: An Assembly of Diverse N-O Building Blocks for High-performance Energetic Materials, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136 (2014) 4437-4445. (ESI高引论文)

    45. Venugopal Thottempudi, Ping Yin, Jiaheng Zhang, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, 1,2,3-Triazolo[4,5,-e]furazano[3,4,-b]pyrazine 6-Oxide—A Fused Heterocycle with a Roving Hydrogen Forms a New Class of Insensitive Energetic Materials, Chemistry - A European Journal, 20 (2014) 542-548.

    44. Qinghua Zhang, Ping Yin, Jiaheng Zhang, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Cyanoborohydride‐Based Ionic Liquids as Green Aerospace Bipropellant Fuels, Chemistry - A European Journal, 23 (2014) 6909-6914.

    43. Ping Yin, Jiaheng Zhang, Chunlin He, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Polynitro-substituted pyrazoles and triazoles as potential energetic materials and oxidizers, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2 (2014) 3200-3208.

    42. Jiaheng Zhang, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Thermally Stable 3,6-Dinitropyrazolo[4,3-c]pyrazole-based Energetic Materials, Chemistry – An Asian Journal, 10 (2014) 2953-2960.

    41. Qinghua Zhang#, Jiaheng Zhang#, Xiujuan Qi, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Molecular Design and Property Prediction of High Density Polynitro[3.3.3]-Propellane-Derivatized Frameworks as Potential High Explosives, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118 (2014) 10857-10865.

    40. Ping Yin, Jiaheng Zhang, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Energetic N,N'-Ethylene-Bridged Bis(nitropyrazoles): Diversified Functionalities and Properties, Chemistry - A European Journal, 20 (2014) 16529-16536.

    39. V. Thottempudi, Jiaheng Zhang, Chunlin He, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Azo substituted 1,2,4-oxadiazoles as insensitive energetic materials, RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 50361-50364.

    38. Yubo Li, Xiaoling Yang, Jiaheng Zhang, Min Li, Xuhao Zhao, Kun Yuan, Xiaobing Li, Runhua Lu, Wenfeng Zhou, Haixiang Gao, Ultrasound-assisted emulsification magnetic microextraction: A fast and green method for the determination of triazole fungicides in fruit juice, Analytical Methods, 6 (2014) 8328-8336.


    37. Qinghua Zhang, Jiaheng Zhang, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Energetic N-Trinitroethyl-Substituted Mono-, Di- and Tri-Aminotetrazoles, Chemistry - A European Journal, 19 (2013) 11000-11006.

    36. Chunlin He, Jiaheng Zhang, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, 4-Chloro-3,5-dinitropyrazole: a precursor for promising insensitive energetic compounds, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8 (2013) 2863-2868.

    35. Ping Yin, Qinghua Zhang, Jiaheng Zhang, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, N-Trinitroethylaino functionalization of nitroimidazoles: a new strategy for high performance energetic materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1 (2013) 7500-7510

    34. Thao Vo, Jiaheng Zhang, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, New Roles for 1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene (FOX-7): Halogenated FOX ? 7 and Azo-bis(diahaloFOX) as Energetic Materials and Oxidizers, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135 (2013) 11787-11790

    33. Jiaheng Zhang, Chunlin He, Damon A. Parrish, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Nitramines with varying sensitivities: functionalized dipyrazolyl N-nitromethanamines as energetic materials, Chemistry - A European Journal, 19 (2013) 8929-8936

    32. Chunlin He, Jiaheng Zhang, Jean'ne M. Shreeve*, Dense Iodine-Rich Compounds with Low Detonation Pressures as Biocidal Agents, Chemistry - A European Journal, 19 (2013) 7503-7509

    31. Min Li#, Jiaheng Zhang#, Yubo Li, Bing Peng, Wenfeng Zhou, Haixiang Gao*, Ionic liquid-linked dual magnetic microextraction: A novel and facile procedure for the determination of pyrethroids in honey samples, Talanta, 107 (2013) 81-87

    30. Jiaheng Zhang, Min Li, Yubo Li, Zongyang Li, Fenfen Wang, Qiu Li, Wenfeng Zhou, Runhua Lu, Haixiang Gao*, Application of ionic-liquid-supported magnetic dispersive solid-phase microextraction for the determination of acaricides in fruit juice samples, Journal of Separation Science, 36 (2013) 3249-3255

    29. Bing Peng, Jiaheng Zhang, Runhua Lu, Sanbing Zhang, Wenfeng Zhou, Haixiang Gao, Dispersive micro-solid phase extraction based on self-assembling, ionic liquid-coated magnetic particles for the determination of clofentezine and chlorfenapyr in environmental water samples, Analyst. 138 (2013) 6834-6843

    28. Jiaheng Zhang, Zhe Liang, Hao Guo, Peng Gao, Runhua Lu, Wenfeng Zhou, Sanbing Zhang, Haixiang Gao*, Ionic liquid-based totally organic solvent-free emulsification microextraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography for the determination of three acaricides in fruit juice, Talanta, 115 (2013) 556-562

    27. Yubo Li, Jiaheng Zhang, Bing Peng, Songqing Li, Haixiang Gao, Wenfeng Zhou, Determination of triazole pesticides in rat blood by the combination of ultrasound-enhanced temperature-controlled ionic liquid dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction coupled to high-performance liquid chromatography, Analytical Methods, 5 (2013) 2241-2248

    26. Bing Peng, Xiaoling Yang, Jiaheng Zhang, Fengpei Du, Wenfeng Zhou, Haixiang Gao*, Runhua Lu*, Comparison of two ultrasound-enhanced microextractions combined with high-performance liquid chromatography for determining acaricides in water samples, Journal of Separation Science, 36 (2013) 2196-2202

    25. Cheng Yu, Sanbing Zhang, Jiaheng Zhang, Songqing Li, Wenfeng Zhou, Haixiang Gao*, Runhua Lu*, An in situ ionic liquid-dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method for the detection of pyrethroids in environmental water samples using an orthogonal array design, Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 24 (2013) 1034-1040

    24. Zongyang Li, Jiaheng Zhang, Yubo Li, Haixiang Gao*, Combined theoretical and experimental study on the molecular structure, FT-IR, and NMR spectra of cyadox and 1,4-bisdesoxymequindox, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1035 (2013) 69-75

    23. Peng Bing, Jiaheng Zhang, Chenghao Wu, Songqing Li, Yubo Li, Haixiang Gao*, Runhua Lu(, Wenfeng Zhou, The use of ionic liquid-based dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and high-performance liquid chromatography to detect formaldehyde in air, water and soil samples, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 37 (2013) 815-828


    22. Xin He, Jiaheng Zhang, Haixiang Gao*, Theoretical thermochemistry: Enthalpies of formation of a set of nitrogencontaining compounds. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 112 (2012) 1688-1700.

    21. Jiaheng Zhang, Min Li, Miyi Yang, Bing Peng, Yubo Li, Wenfeng Zhou, Haixiang Gao*, Runhua Lu, Magnetic retrieval of ionic liquids: Fast dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for the determination of benzoylurea insecticides in environmental water samples, Journal of Chromatography A, 1254 (2012) 23-29.

    20. Jiaheng Zhang, Zhe Liang, Songqing Li, Yubo Li, Bing Peng, Wenfeng Zhou, Haixiang Gao*, In-situ metathesis reaction combined with ultrasound-assisted ionic liquid dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction method for the determination of phenylurea pesticides in water samples, Talanta, 98 (2012) 145-151.

    19. Jiaheng Zhang, Haixiang Gao*, Bing Peng, Yubo Li, Songqing Li, Zhiqiang Zho*, Simultaneous determination of four synthesized metabolites of mequindox in urine samples using ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction combined with high-performance liquid chromatography, Talanta, 88 (2012) 330-337.

    18. Songqing Li, Peng Gao, Jiaheng Zhang, Yubo Li, Bing Peng, Haixiang Gao, Wenfeng Zhou*, Sequential dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for the determination of aryloxyphenoxy-propionate herbicides in water, Journal of Separation Science, 35 (2012) 3389-3395.

    17. Jiaheng Zhang, Min Li, Linxia Li, Yubo Li, Bing Peng, Suxia Zhang, Haixiang Gao, Wenfeng Zhou*, Investigation of the ultrasound effect and target analyte selectivity of dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and its application to a quinocetone pharmacokinetic study, Journal of Chromatography A, 1268 (2012) 1-8.

    16. Yubo Li, Haixiang Gao, Jiaheng Zhang, Songqing Li, Wenfeng Zhou*, Comparison of GIAO and CSGT for calculating 13C and 15N nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts of substituent neutral 5-aminotetrazole and 5-nitrotetrazole compounds, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 50 (2012) 16-21.

    15. Jiaheng Zhang, Linxia Li, Bing Peng, Songqing Li, Zhiqiang Zhou, Haixiang Gao*, Suxia Zhang, Convenient synthesis of quinocetone metabolites: Characterization, theoretical investigation, and cytotoxicity study, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1022 (2012) 32-36.

    14. Zhang Jiaheng, Li Linxia, Liang Zhe, Yang Miyi, Gao Haixiang, Zhou Wenfeng*, Application of ionic liquid-liquid microextraction in animal biological fluids as pre-slaughter monitoring method for acaricide residues, 中国科技论文在线, http://www.paper.edu.cn, on line version

    13. Jiaheng Zhang, Haixiang Gao*, Bing Peng, Songqing Li, Zhiqiang Zhou*, Comparison of the performance of conventional, temperature-controlled, and ultrasound-assisted ionic liquid dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction combined with high-performance liquid chromatography in analyzing pyrethroid pesticides in honey samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 1218(2011) 6621-6629.

    12. Songqing Li, Haixiang Gao*, Jiaheng Zhang, Yubo Li, Bing Peng, Zhiqiang Zhou*, Determination of insecticides in water using in situ halide exchange reaction-assisted ionic liquid dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction followed by high-performance liquid chromatography, Journal of Separation Science, 34 (2011) 3178-3185.

    11. Jiaheng Zhang, Yanmei Xiong, Bing Peng, Haixiang Gao*, Zhiqiang Zhou*. Density Functional Study on the Bioactivity of Ellagic Acid, its Derivatives, and Metabolites. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 963 (2011) 148-153.

    10. Yubo Li, Wenfeng Zhou, Jiaheng Zhang, Songqing Li, Haixiang Gao*, Zhiqiang Zhou*, Theoretical calculation of heats of formation, bond dissociation energies, and gas-phase acidities of fluoromethanes, chloromethanes, and eight other monoderivatives of methane, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 968 (2011) 64-70.

    9. Jiaheng Zhang, Qingrong Peng, Suxia Zhang, Yubo Li, Songqing Li, Haixiang Gao*, Zhiqiang Zhou*. The structure elucidation of mequindox and 1, 4-bisdesoxymequindox: NMR analyses, FT-IR spectra, DFT calculations and thermochemical studies, Journal of Molecular Structure, 987 (2011) 34-39.

    8. Jiaheng Zhang, Qingrong Peng, Suxia Zhang, Yubo Li, Songqing Li, Haixiang Gao*, Zhiqiang Zhou*, Synthesis, mass spectral characterization, NMR analyses, and DFT calculations of 1-desoxymaquindox and 4-desoxymaquindox. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1004 (2011) 109-115.

    7. Jiaheng Zhang, Fengpei Du, Bing Peng, Runhua Lu, Haixiang Gao*, Zhiqiang Zhou*, Structure, electronic properties, and radical scavenging mechanisms of daidzein, genistein, formononetin, and biochanin A: A density functional study. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 955 (2010) 1-6.

    6. Jiaheng Zhang, Wenfeng Zhou, Yubo Li, Haixiang Gao*, Zhiqiang Zhou*, Comparison of the theoretical methods for assessing the heat of formation of C1 and C2 chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 131 (2010) 606-611.

    5. Songqing Li, Jiaheng Zhang, Haixiang Gao, Wenfeng Zhou*, Zhiqiang Zhou*, Computational calculation of heat of formation for a series of substituted furan derivatives by DFT methods, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 948 (2010) 108-110.

    4. Jiaheng Zhang, Wenfeng Zhou, Bing Peng, Suxia Zhang, Haixiang Gao*, Zhiqiang Zhou*. Density Functional Theory for N-O Bond Dissociation Enthalpies of Quinoxaline-1,4-dioxide Derivatives: Theoretical Method Assessment and Prediction .Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 957 (2010) 36-40.

    3. Yubo Li, Wenfeng Zhou, Jiaheng Zhang, Runhua Lu, Haixiang Gao*, Zhiqiang Zhou*, Heats of formation of cyano derivatives from ab initio and DFT calculations. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 955 (2010) 42-46.

    2. Jiaheng Zhang, Shiqian Wei, Chaozhu Mao, Liang Chen, Haixiang Gao, Wenfeng Zhou*, Zhiqiang Zhou*, Heats of formation for boron compounds based on quantum chemical calculations. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 6 (2010) 1009-1019.

    1. Jiaheng Zhang, Ying Sun, Chaozhu Mao, Haixiang Gao, Wenfeng Zhou*, Zhiqiang Zhou*, Theoretical Study of pKa for perchloric acid, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 906 (2009) 46-49.

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