About SparkNotes

About SparkNotes

Sometimes you don't understand your teacher, your textbooks make no sense, and you have to read sixteen chapters by tomorrow.

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As SparkNotes editors, our mission is to help you make sense of confusing schoolwork. We are well qualified to lend a hand: we're graduates of top schools, we have advanced degrees galore, we've taught undergraduate and graduate classes, and we've edited books on Shakespeare, The Scarlet Letter, and the SAT (and that's just the S's!). We work with experts to create books, blogs, quizzes, and flashcards that will help you master hard material.

Our Stuff

At SparkNotes, we give you multiple ways to study: online, on your eReader, and with good old books. Here's what we offer:

SparkNotes Guides: Our guides contain thorough summaries and insightful critical analyses. We offer more than 500 guides for English literature and Shakespeare, and a vast number of guides for history, math, biology, and other subjects. Our most popular guides now include quick quizzes, so you can test your retention before the test.

No Fear Shakespeare: No Fear Shakespeare provides side-by-side translations of Shakespeare into plain English. No Fear Shakespeare is available online and in book form.

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