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Was Helen Keller a fraud???

there is a conspiracy theory that she wasn’t actually deaf and blind and she was faking. I have recently looked into it and honestly it makes sense. last night i did watch videos of her and i could not believe that it was real. she completely made up her own language which would be impossible to try to translate without being in her own head. it is almost impossible to think about all the things she did as a deaf and blind woman like she flew a plane??? wtf it makes no sense. and why hasn’t there been any deaf and blind people like her? as well as it couldn’t have been possible to teach all those things and actually get brain activity going if someone was deaf and blind- they just didn’t have the technology back then and therefore no one even thought to say that she was faking it or at least faking half of it. furthermore she became famous. with the lack of information in your head of being deaf and blind your brain neurons couldn’t connect anything together. everything would have its own special name in her head but there would be no way for her to put together water is water and i drink water everyday to survive. OUR BRAIN WORKS FROM TAKING IN THE SENSES BUT 87% or more of what we take in is all from our hearing so sounds and vision which is what we see. in fact her head would’ve just been a total void. the concept doesn’t make sense at all when you think deeper and more scientifically about it. just like gypsy rose it was all made up about her illnesses and she still looked sick. so i think the same thing happened with helen but she just went along with it to make money and gain attention. when she died she had a net worth of almost 5 million which was an insane amount of money to have in that time of the late 1800s and early 1900s. please let me know your thoughts.

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u/HansAcht avatar

Zero doubt in my mind. How does a girl that was supposedly blind and deaf from the age of 18 months develop an English accent when she spoke.

She was "outspoken" about woman's suffrage and socialism too.


How tf did she even know what a woman is?

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u/timetiger1111 avatar

The fact that no other person besides helen keller has ever done anything close to what she supposedly did and that once her handler died she was never really heard from again. Should make it pretty obvious her handler used her for fame and fortune etc...

And like you said if you watch the official videos of her on like YouTube its obvious her handler is making it up on the fly. I dont doubt helen had disabilities i just think her handler used helen for fame and fortune and to give her own politics and views more exposure. She taught Helen how to repeat a couple sounds that vaguely sounded like words and milked it for all she could.

wow i had never even thought about the handler being the main schemer but you are totally right. the handler died with a net worth ranging from 1-5 million. insane money for that time.

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Not sure, but if true it would certainly make me feel better at all the Helen Keller jokes I've made over the years...

How do you punish Helen Keller?

Rearrange the furniture.

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u/iFLED avatar

Don't get why she would get any praise anyway her poetry, if even hers, was fuckin awful.

u/EternalFuneral88 avatar


Never heard of this one or thought about it, but I too am now thinking "wtf"... She did accomplish a lot of what would seem like impossible feats for some one like her, but the brain is a pretty powerful organ and can learn to adapt when injured. Similar to how people who get brain damage and then wake up as musical geniuses or something. It seems odd though that we never hear about anyone else like her.

I got to see her house when I was a kid growing up in Alabama on a school field trip. I got to see the water pump in the back. It was a very small house and the bedrooms were incredibly tiny. Most of it was turned into a "gift shop".

wasnt she an occultist

u/Typoqueen00 avatar



The sign is often confused with the deaf’s signing of the phrase, ‘I love you.’ While at first this appears odd, it starts to make more sense when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf, Helen Keller, was herself an occultist and Theosophist. This is easily proven by reading from her book originally called My Religion, published in 1927 when she was 47 years old, which was later revised in 1994, and called Light in My Darkness. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Co-Mason, Russian mystic and Egyptian Hindu devotee, who founded the occult group, Theosophy in 1875, openly stated that ‘It is Satan who is the god of our planet and the only god’. Her classic occult text, The Secret Doctrine, inspired Adolf Hitler and thousands of others:

u/Mimik116 avatar

But Helen Keller didn't invent sign language. Making this whole article garbage. Apparently she even refused to use sign language at all.

u/Randyscott avatar

You think so?

Thr Bible also states god is not the god of this planet. Very interesting!

I'm just wondering where she influenced Hitler.

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Helen Keller didn't even exist


None of us even exist man

u/Scorosin avatar

Fuck sorry for the necro but the fact that both of these users are gone just makes this the best joke ever.

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Lot of people were faked for publicizing things. Rosa parks wasn’t the first person to boycott on a bus, but she was the one that the press pushed. Which nowadays sounds like the FBI/CIA allowed it.

u/Gold_Cartographer342 avatar

Rosa Parks had multiple reporters from different outlets on scene to photograph the event, her husband was a registered member of the communist party, and MLKs movement did a remarkable amount of elbow rubbing with them.

This was absolutely staged. The only thing that bothers me about it is how many people believe that it was spontaneous. It's ridiculous.


That one is more easily explained. I don't remember the specific organization but it was the 1 MLK was apart of at the time, they were looking for there marter (no clue if that's how you spell it) but they needed a citizen with nothing on them that the public could demonize them for. Think about the narrative the gop put on George Floyd

Yeah, wouldn't the truth getting in the way of our narrative, would we.

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u/Lucky574-3867 avatar

I don't believe that she was. I think there is a massive number of disabled people & people financially dependent on their " care " through profession in this country. This kind of applies pressure that disabled people can be helped with the right help & I don't think they want that. This country is currently trying to figure out how to smoothly dump a massive population of cashiers & replace them with automation, amongst many other jobs the same. Like, who wants to get a disabled person back on their feet? They're trying to figure out how to disable healthy people at this point. Having a so-called mental illness myself, everything I know about mental health, medicine and therapy I've learned myself. This is despite having had a college professor Phd for a therapist for 7 years as all she wanted to do was chit chat.


This country is currently trying to figure out how to smoothly dump a massive population of cashiers & replace them with automation

They claim this, yet insist on mass immigration of literally millions of new cashier-level workers PER YEAR. The type of people being brought in are incompatible with things like fully automated stores. They will steal\destroy any unattended property. it is not possible to have 10s of millions of 3rd world immigrants alongside a futuristic, trust-based, automated infrastructure. They will destroy\steal it.

Automation is a red herring. The plutocrats have always wanted to be allowed to just ship in new labor competition whenever they want. This is the primary visible outcome of all their 'over population' rhetoric: more work competitors somehow.

Do not believe anything they say about 'over population'. They just want to be allowed to kill us at will. It has nothing to do with population. It is called Malthusianism, and it is hundreds of years old in our 'elite'.

u/Lucky574-3867 avatar

I've wondered that before - that what if its just good old fashioned devaluing. Thanks for your post, you're a truly unique voice & wow ! you can think !


Thx :D

I owe some large part of my understanding and philosophy on overpopulation to James Corbet. You can see his lucid and detailed explanations of 'elite bloodlust'[depopulation rhetoric] here:


I also recommend looking into Thomas Malthus and the resulting modern version of Malthusianism, which we call 'over population'. This is one way to approach understanding the technocratic demand for the 'right to kill'.

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I live just a couple of miles from her birth-place (Tuscumbia, AL). My niece was always in the 'Helen Keller play' that they perform every summer (with proceeds going to the foundation she helped set up for the blind/deaf). The story they perform was actually written by her friend/teacher and set during her early days.

After being engulfed with her history my entire adult life and after reading TONS of papers, watching TONS of videos, pictures, actual accounts of neighbors, friends, teachers, those that helped her become famous (she certainly did not do it alone like they insinuate!)...there is NO way she was faking any part of it. Period.

I have read/watched that 'theory' (and I use that term lightly) and it is a really sad conspiracy theory that is not based in any reality. They take one true or believable video/pic and add a whole lot of BS to make it sound plausible. Please do real research, and I don't mean watch one video that sounds plausible. Research is a LOT more, read articles, watch interviews with those that were around back then, etc.

Rant over...My Humble Opinion. Please do not blast me for it. I am just thankful for all of the work she did and coverage she received which helped thousands (and I do mean thousands) of people. Her millions...was all donated to the foundation, that is still running and still helping thousands.


I've tried finding proof Helen Keller isn't a fraud. All I've found are articles calling this theory stupid but not even taking the time to explain why the theory isn't true

u/brandelyn_ avatar

I only started reading this thread because this is such a bizarre idea. It's also absolutely hilarious, as are some of the comments.

Thank you for sharing your experience, though. I hope some of the believers will decide to look at the overwhelming evidence against their idea and choose a more fact-based reality.

That's how it works, right?

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u/Advanced-Evening-693 avatar

Lmao my roommates are convinced she was a fraud or at the very least something sus was going on with her lol

Even Hellen Keller knew life stinks

Helen Keller was actually a half vampire have reptilian.

u/Typoqueen00 avatar

What would be the point though that would require a ton of people being in on it, for what propaganda purpsoes though ?

u/Enzemo avatar

Helen was famous, allegegly gave many speeches and wrote books.. But it was all done via her handler, who died extremely rich, and was able to exploit a famous disabled person to give any message she wanted. Religion, women's rights, personal struggle, whatever it was, her handler very clearly used her to project her own words

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u/Cherfan420 avatar

This is a conspiracy theory from Tik Tok.

It would be the same thing as finding a conspiracy theory under the lid of your Coca-Cola.

no. this conspiracy has been of question for years. tiktok just brought it to mention


Where did Coke get it from?

All of the late nights with Charlie Sheen?

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There have been many other deafblind individuals like Helen Keller, some didn't even have a sense of smell or taste. Usher syndrome can also cause deafblindness. Check r/deafblind.


Imagine having such an impressive life story that people refuse to believe it's real lmao.


Funny you say refuse. I'm trying to find articles disproving this conspiracy but all I'm finding are articles calling the theory stupid

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