Razinschina. The beginning of the peasant war

Razinschina. The beginning of the peasant war

Razinschina. The beginning of the peasant war

Article "The Persian Campaign of Stepan Razin" we talked about a high-profile battle campaign of 1667-1669: a trip of the chieftain of this chieftain down the Volga and to Yaik, which ended with the capture of the Yaitsky town, and a pirate expedition to the Caspian Sea, the culmination of which was the defeat of the Persian fleet at the Pig Island.

After giving a big bribe to the greedy Astrakhan governor I.S. Prozorovsky, Razin got the opportunity to enter the city and sell the booty there for 6 weeks, after which he went to the Don and stopped about two days from Cherkassk. Through Colonel Wideros, Razin handed over to the Astrakhan governor I. S. Prozorovsky that he was not afraid of him or “the one who is higher”, and promised to “pay off and teach me how to talk to me”:

“How dare they bring me such dishonest demands? Should I betray friends and those who followed me out of love and devotion? Tell your boss Prozorovsky that I do not reckon with him or the tsar, and I will soon appear that this cowardly and cowardly man does not dare to speak like this and command me as his serf when I was born free. "

(Jan Jansen Streus, Three Travels.)

This chieftain did not throw words into the wind, and therefore already in the spring of the next, 1670, he appeared on the Volga - “to settle accounts and teach.”

Commemorative medal "300 years of the peasant war led by Stepan Razin"

The country at that time was ruled by Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, who entered history under the amazing nickname Quiet.

"The pious great sovereign tsar and grand duke Alexei Mikhailovich, all Great and Small and White Russia autocrat"

During his reign, there were great riots: salt (1648), bread (1650) and copper (1662), as well as a great split, ending in a scandalous trial of the disgraced Patriarch Nikon and his dismissal in 1666. There were brutal persecutions of the Old Believers, wars with Poland, the betrayal of the hetman Vygovsky, the Bashkir uprising of 1662-1664. And now the real and full-fledged peasant war has begun at all.

Ernest Lissner. Salt Riot

These are the paradoxes of Russian history: the century was “rebellious,” and the tsar, whose short-sighted policy led to these upheavals, is the Quietest.

Hike Vasily Usa

The flight of peasants from the landlords in those days was massive. It is known that in Ryazan County alone for 1663-1667. the authorities were able to “find” and return to their former places of residence about 8 thousand people. The number of those who were not caught and managed to get to the Volga, Don, Ural, Slobozhanshchina, it is impossible to calculate, but it is obviously not hundreds, but thousands and tens of thousands of people. A special place in the dreams and thoughts of these fugitives was occupied by Don, from whom “there was no extradition”. However, milk rivers did not flow there and the banks were not at all sour: all the free lands had long been occupied by the "old dominated Cossacks," who also received royal salaries, as well as lead and gunpowder.

Johann Gottlieb Georgi. Don Cossack

By the way, when you read “the old Cossack Ilya Muromets” in Russian epic, keep in mind that this is not an indication of age, but of social status: the storyteller tells us that Ilya is a staid and respected person, not a messy person without a clan and tribe.

If the Icelandic skald took this epic, we would read something like this in his saga:
“At that time, the mighty bond Ilias traveled to Nidaros, where, gathering on Ting, feasting with the chosen people of his hird, Konung Olav, son of Tryggvi.”

"Don Cossack of the XVI and XVII centuries." Illustration from the Military Encyclopedia published in St. Petersburg by the partnership of I. D. Sytin

But back to the Don.

Joining the Tsar’s Cossack service was the ultimate dream of the poor Cossacks, and in May 1666, Ataman Vasily Rodionovich Us, gathering a “goofy” team, which numbered from 700 to 800 people, led her directly to Moscow, to the Tsar — ​​to personally ask him to enroll them to serve and give a salary. On the way to them, neighboring peasants (Voronezh, Tula, Serpukhov, Kashir, Venev, Skopinsk and others) began to adjoin them, who were also not averse to “cossacking” to the state account. Vasily Us promised everyone who joined his unit 10 rubles, weapon and the horse - not from himself, of course, but from the "royal bounty". The peasants beat and prevented the owners from going with Us to the tsar and robbed them, while the Cossacks eagerly supported them in the robberies of the landowners' estates - and it is necessary to eat something on the campaign, and “swag” is never superfluous. As a result, at the end of July, the chieftain had at his disposal an entire army of 8 thousand people - desperate and ready for anything. With such forces and with the king it was already possible to interpret in his own way. And the king entered into negotiations, but made a condition: the Cossacks who came from the Don receive a salary, and the peasants who joined them return to their villages. Vasily Us even visited Moscow at the head of the Cossack delegation, but he could not accept the conditions of the authorities, leaving to the mercy of fate those who believed him. And the rebellious peasants would hardly have obeyed him and would have returned to their landlords for reprisal. As a result, Usp left Serpukhov from the boyar son Yaryshkin, who was supposed to conduct him for negotiations with the commander of the tsarist troops, Yury Baryatninsky, and returned to his camp, built on the banks of the Upa River about 8 km from Tula. What happened then?

Sergei Yesenin wrote about this Cossack leader:

Under a steep mountain
Mother parted with a faithful son.
"You do not stand, do not cry for the road,
Light a candle, pray to God.
I’ll collect Don, spin the whirlwind
I’ll sow the king, I’ll take off famously "...
On a steep mountain, near Kaluga,
Us got married with a blue blizzard.
He lies in the snow under the spruce,
With fun revelry, with a hangover.
Before him know everything and the boyars,
In the hands of gold spells.
"Do not disdain you, Us, do not be angry,
Rise, at least sip, try!
We drank red wines
Of your high breasts.
How drunk your spouse is from them,
White-haired girl-blizzard! "

No, near Kaluga Vasily Us did not die, and even did not enter the battle with the regular units of the tsar’s army: having divided his army into three detachments, he took him to the Don. After that, he himself preferred to “disappear” for a while, to step aside, and some of his team members joined Stepan Razin’s detachment, which in 1667 went on his famous expedition to the Volga, Yaik and Persia. In 1668, Vasily Us, at the head of 300 Cossacks, was in the detachment of the Belgorod governor G. Romodanovsky, but in the spring of 1670 he left him to join Razin. Stepan carried out the general command and led the ground army, and Us became his commander of the “ship rati”, and the rebels, according to Jan Streus, were already 80 then, and each of them had two guns.

Strugs of the Don Cossacks

And the commander of the Razin cavalry was Fyodor Sheludyak, a baptized Kalmyk who became a Don Cossack who was destined to survive both Razin and Usa, and to lead the last center of resistance in Astrakhan.

We part for a short time with Vasily Us and Fedor Sheludyak to talk about the beginning of the great Peasant War.

First successes

The previous campaign was a reconnaissance battle for Razin: he was convinced that the situation on the Volga was extremely favorable for the start of a large-scale uprising. For the outburst of popular anger, only the leader was missing, but now, after the triumphant return of the removed chieftain from the fantastically successful campaign to the Caspian, which glorified him both on the Don and the Volga, such a universally recognized super passionary leader has appeared.

Portrait of Stepan Razin. XNUMXth Century Engraving

Razin, moreover, was also “spellbound” from any danger by a “magician,” he commanded the devils and was not afraid of the Lord God himself (this was described in the article "The Persian Campaign of Stepan Razin") Yes, with such an ataman you can drag the king over his beard! Peasant warfare became almost inevitable.

Campaigns of Stepan Razin, map

The beginning of the peasant war

In the spring of 1670, Stepan Razin again came to the Volga, where ordinary people met him as "his father" (to whom he declared himself to all the oppressed):

"Revenge the tyrants who still held you in captivity worse than the Turks or Gentiles. I have come to give everyone freedom and deliverance, you will be my brothers and children."
After these words, everyone was ready to go to his death and everyone shouted in one voice: "Many years to our Old Man (Batske). May he defeat all the boyars, princes and all bonded countries!"

(Jan Jansen Streus.)

The same author wrote about the rebellious ataman:

“He was a tall and sedate man, with an arrogant straight face. He kept modestly, with great severity. He looked forty years old, and it would have been completely impossible to distinguish him from the others if he had not stood out for the honor that he had been shown when during a conversation they knelt down and bowed their heads to the ground, referring to him as nothing more. ”

From all sides, Cossacks, peasants, “working people” fled to Razin. And people are "walking", of course - but where would such a dashing business go without them?

Ahead of the rebel troops flew "lovely letters", which sometimes turned out to be stronger than guns and sabers:

“Stepan Timofeevich writes to you all the mob. Hto wants to serve God and the Emperor, and the great army, and Stepan Timofeevich, and I sent the Cossacks, and at the same time you would expel the traitors and extort the secular krapivivtsi. "

But this very letter, written in 1669:

Razin's deed

Vasily Us agreed with the residents of Tsaritsyn to knock down the locks of the city gates and let the rebels in. Governor Timothy Turgenev locked himself in the tower, which was taken by storm. Captured, Turgenev spoke roughly to Razin and for this he was drowned in the Volga.

The combined squad of Moscow archers, commanded by Ivan Lopatin, who was going to help Tsaritsyn, was taken by surprise during a break on the island of Denezhny (now it is opposite the Traktorozavodsky district of modern Volgograd, but in the XVII it was located north of the city).

Money Island

Archers fired from two sides (from the banks) sailed to the walls of Tsaritsyn and, seeing the Razin Cossacks on them, surrendered.

Razintsy entered Kamyshin under the guise of merchants. At the appointed hour, they killed the sentries and opened the gate. About the same Cossacks took the city of Farahabad during the Persian campaign of Razin.

Astrakhan seemed impregnable: 400 cannons protected the stone walls of the fortress, but the "black people" shouted from them: "Climb up, brothers. We have been waiting for you. ”

Sagittarius, according to Jan Streus, said:

“Why should we serve without a salary and go to death? Money and supplies were spent. We don’t get paid for the year, we are sold and betrayed. "
"They shouted a lot more, and the authorities did not dare to restrain them from this otherwise than with a kind word and great promises."

Ordinary archers. Drawing from the book of Brickner A.G., 1882

The same author (J. Streus) writes about the state of affairs near Astrakhan:

“His strength (Razin) grew day by day, and in five days his army increased from 16 thousand to 27 thousand people who approached peasants and serfs, as well as Tatars and Cossacks, who flocked on all sides by large crowds and detachments to this gracious and generous commander, as well as for the sake of free robbery. "

But as Ludwig Fabricius already describes the surrender of the detachment in which he was:

“Sagittarius and soldiers consulted and decided that this was the luck they had been waiting for so long and ran across with all their banners and drums to the enemy. They began to kiss and hug, and swore life to be with them, to destroy the treacherous boyars, throw off the yoke of slavery and become free people. "

The commander of this detachment S.I. Lvov and the officers rushed to the boats, but some of the archers of the Black Yar who were in the fortress opened fire on it from its walls, others cut off the path to the boats.

And Astrakhan fell, its city chieftain (and, in fact, the governor of Razin in the territories controlled by him) became Vasily Us, his assistant - Fedor Sheludyak (he "was in charge" of the ambush).

Astrakhan. Engraving of 1693 from the book of Nicolaes Witsen. Noord en oost Tartarye, 1705

Vasily Us held power tightly, didn’t give anyone “pamper”, and when Ataman A. Katorzhny, who came from the Don, started fooling around, after the first complaints the townspeople who didn’t “understand the concepts” were immediately “taken under guard”. Vasily Us even began to register the marriages of citizens, affixing the acts with a city seal (Razin himself had no time to think of this: he “married” the lovers near a willow or birch).

XNUMXth Century Astrakhan Seal

In Astrakhan, the rebels were captured and the newly built ship of the Western European type "Eagle".

Taranov V. Capture of the ship "Eagle"

The crew of this vessel consisted of 22 Dutch sailors led by Captain David Butler (among these Dutchmen was the master Jan Streus quoted by us) and 35 archers, armed with 22 squeakers, 40 muskets, four dozen pistols and hand grenades. Usually this ship is called a frigate, but it was a three-masted Dutch sailing-rowing pinas. For the Cossacks of Razin, the “Eagle” turned out to be too difficult to manage, so he was brought into the Kutum duct, where he rotted a few years later.

After that, the army of Razin went up the Volga, and the number of plows in it had already reached 200. Cavalry marched along the coast — about 2 thousand people. Saratov and Samara surrendered without a fight.

Buzulukov S. “Stepan Razin in Saratov”

Shortly before, in May 1669, the first wife of Alexei Mikhailovich, Maria Miloslavskaya, died. And a few months later, two of her sons died: 16-year-old Alexei and 4-year-old Simeon. And there were rumors among the people that they were poisoned by traitor boyars.

Tsarevich Alexey Alekseevich Romanov

Tsarevich Simeon Alekseevich Romanov

However, many doubted the death of Tsarevich Alexei - they said that he managed to escape from the villains, and he was hiding somewhere - either in the Don, or in Lithuania or Poland.

In August 1670, near Samara, a man appeared in the Razin camp, calling himself the saved Tsarevich Alexei. At first, the chieftain did not believe him:

"Stenka beat that sovereign and tore his hair."

But then, having thought, he nevertheless announced that the “Great Sovereign Tsarevich” Alexey Alekseevich from “boyar untruths” fled to him, a Don ataman, and on behalf of his father instructed him to start a war with “traitors boyars” and give all ordinary people free rein . The Razinians called the false Aleksei Nechai - because the heir to the throne accidentally and unexpectedly showed up in their army. The name Nechay became their battle cry. In the cities that had sided with Razin or in the captured cities, people began to be sworn allegiance to Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich and Tsarevich Aleksei Alekseevich.

It was also announced that the disgraced Patriarch Nikon was going to Moscow with Razin’s army.

“The leader of the rebels arranged this idea: on one ship, which had a stern elevation, put in red, he put the one whom he passed off as the sovereign’s son, and on the other ship, whose silk decoration was black, there was a likeness of a patriarch.”

(Johann Justus Marcius.)

About the uprising that swept into Russia, at that time they wrote abroad.

So, in the "European Saturday newspaper" on August 27, 1670, one could read:

"In Muscovy, according to rumors, a great rebellion broke out, and although the Tsar sent a letter to the rebels urging them to obey, they tore it up and burned it, and those who delivered it were hanged."

In the Hamburg newspaper North Mercury on September 1, 1670 it was reported:

“Astrakhan continues to be taken away from Moscow by rebels - Cossacks and various Tatars. They say the same thing about Kazan. If it is also taken away, then all Siberia is lost. In this case, the Muscovite is in the same condition as he was in 1554, and will have to pay tribute to the Astrakhan. The number of rebels has reached 150, and they are led by an old secret enemy of Moscow named Stepan Timofeevich Razin. ”

But the situation soon changed.

Defeat at Simbirsk

September 4, 1670, the troops of Razin, whose strength reached 20 thousand people, besieged Simbirsk.

Taranov V. “Strugi of Stepan Razin at Simbirsk”

The battle with the troops of Prince Baryatinsky lasted a whole day, and ended in a “draw”, but thanks to the help of the local population, the Razins managed to occupy the posad, and the garrison of Simbirsk, commanded by Prince Ivan Miloslavsky, was forced to take refuge in a "small town". Hoping to get reinforcements, Baryatinsky retreated from Simbirsk to Kazan, while Razin sent several detachments to Penza, Saransk, Kozmodemyansk and some other cities. You can probably talk about the tactical success of Stepan Razin, but at the same time he made a mistake by spraying his forces too much.

However, the situation for the tsarist government was very serious. Johann Justus Marcius of Mühlhausen wrote about the mood in Moscow:

“The property, life, fate of wives and children, and most importantly the honor of the nobility and the dignity of the king — everything was in jeopardy. The hour of the last trials came, bearing evidence of the fragility of his fate to the king, and Razin the evidence of his take-off ... The premonition of disasters worsened when it became known that supporters of the rebels with torches were already in town and, enjoying revenge, in their unbridled anger had already made several arsons. I myself could see how close everyone was to death, especially the royal dignitaries, because it was Razin who accused them of all troubles and demanded that they be extradited to many of them, so that certain death awaited them. ”

The title page of the thesis by Johann Justus Marzius, 1674

Meanwhile, Alexei Mikhailovich gathered a huge army of horsemen from the capital and the provinces noblemen and children of the boyars - their number reached 60 thousand people. Archers and regiments of the new system also went on a campaign against the rebels. Their governor was headed by Yuri Dolgoruky, "comrades" to whom K. Shcherbatov and Yu. Baryatinsky were identified. Dolgoruky led his troops from Murom, Baryatinsky September 15 (25) again went to Simbirsk - from Kazan.

Kosheleva O. E. "Army of Prince Yu. Baryatinsky"

Having broken up the rebel detachments at the village of Kulanga, the Karla River, the villages of Krysadaki and Pokloush, Baryatinsky again approached Simbirsk.

A decisive battle took place on October 1, 1670: government troops won thanks to a cavalry strike from the flank led by Baryatinsky himself. Razin fought in the most dangerous places, received a saber strike in the head and a musket bullet in the leg, and in an unconscious state was transferred to prison. Having regained consciousness, on the night of October 4 he organized a new desperate attempt to storm Simbirsk, but failed to take the city. Everything was decided by a joint attack by the troops of Baryatinsky and Miloslavsky: cramped on both sides, the Razinians fled to the plows and sailed down the Volga from the city.

Kosheleva O. E. “Retreat of the Razintsy from Simbirsk”

Razin with the Cossacks went to Tsaritsyn, and from there - to the Don to gather a new army. To meet him, Vasily Us sent 50 two-cossack Cossacks, who were supposed to "protect the Old Man."

A popular legend says that, retreating, Razin hid his saber in the crevice of one of the Zhiguli shekhan (coastal hills). Allegedly, he said to the Cossacks accompanying him:

“I feel death on the Don, another chieftain will continue my work. I’ll put my saber on the mound for him. ”
And he found the chief Razin saber on the mountain ataman Emelyan Pugachev and went to bring out the boyar evil spirits in Russia. ”

False Aleksey was captured near Simbirsk, whose death will be described in the next article. In it we will also talk about some of the “field commanders” of this Peasant War, the final defeat of the rebels, the execution of Stepan and the death of his associates.
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  1. +14
    6 February 2020 07: 28
    Interesting article. Thanks to the author.

    By the way, the uprising was preceded by a wave of crop failures that swept through Russia in the mid 60s of the XNUMXth century, which also increased the influx of peasants into the ranks of the Razin army.
    1. +26
      6 February 2020 10: 15
      The reasons are not only poor harvests. This century was generally a "rebellious century." The uprising of Stepan Razin is only one (albeit the most striking and tragic) episode of the time that came in Russia after the Time of Troubles. I see the main reasons in the final enslavement of people, which was caused by the adoption of the Cathedral Code of 1649, and the beginning of a mass search for fugitive peasants. The deterioration of the situation of peasants and townspeople was due to the increase in taxes and duties caused by the wars with Poland (1654-1657) and Sweden (1656-1658). Then the general flight of people to the free south began. In such conditions, the accumulation of the poor Cossacks (whose freedom the authorities tried in every possible way to limit) and the fugitive peasantry on the Don simply could not fail to happen a popular uprising. To the author, many thanks, read in one breath, I look forward to continuing!
      1. +6
        6 February 2020 10: 20
        Do not neglect the factor of personal revenge of Stepan for the executed brother Ivan. But this already has to do with whoever led this whole mass. There would be no Razin, another would have been found.
    2. -4
      7 February 2020 08: 24
      In Astrakhan, the rebels were captured and the newly built ship of the Western European type "Eagle".

      actually Ryzhov before sculpting a hunchback you need to at least study the topic.
      Here is the Russian bead and on such ships the Russians sailed, both in the Khvalynsky / Galensky / Sea of ​​Bach, and in the rest of the seas.
      Overlooking this ship
      ship box
      - ship - sausage
      corvette ship
      ship caravel
      these are Russian words
      very similar to the same Portuguese and Spanish caravels and galleons


      and this is a caravel

      as you can see, this is the same ship.

      the galleon, which the priest Lukyanov called in Istanbul -galen i.e. Galician ships.

      1. +2
        9 February 2020 16: 22
        before sculpting a hunchback you need to at least study the topic

        Do not poke, Ryzhov could not take the topic from your head, he used publicly available data.

        Here is the Russian bead and on such ships the Russians sailed, both along the Khvalynsky / Galensky / Sea of ​​Bach, and the rest of the seas
        And probably the Dutch traveled to Russia studying shipbuilding?
        Where and why did Russians sail on caravels with a displacement of 80-100 tons in the Caspian?
        Just skated?

        Unlike the tales of Zadoronov, from your head, large ships are needed for a large cargo turnover, across the Atlantic to the Pacific and Indian oceans. The Dutch traded with Japan, China, Ceylon, Indonesia. By 1669, the Dutch East India Company was the richest private firm the world had ever seen, including from above. 150 commercial vessels 40 warships, 50 employees (including 000 employees in Asia and 25 employees in the Netherlands), a private army of 000 soldiers
        The Russians did not have their fleet caravels and shipbuilding until Peter 1.

        galens i.e. ships of gal

        What a silly game of related words?
        Galleon is a large multi-deck sailing vessel of the XVI-XVIII centuries with sufficiently strong artillery weapons, used as a military and commercial one. The main impetus for its creation was the emergence constant transportation between Europe and the American colonies.
        1. -2
          9 February 2020 18: 11
          Quote: nickname7
          Do not poke, Ryzhov could not take the topic from your head, he used publicly available data.

          I do not poke.
          "Public" data is the data of the official history of the OI, but the OI electoral system adapts only suitable facts for itself. And there is a lot that the OI cannot adapt for itself, even if it exists on many documents of Great Tartary.
          It is now quite clear that historians are hiding history. For this they are contained.
          Quote: nickname7
          And probably the Dutch traveled to Russia studying shipbuilding?

          the Dutch are Gala. of which there were many scattered around the world. For example, the table of distances of European capitals to Moscow of clerk Andrei Vinius is the time of Peter the Great, which says that
          -Amsterdam is the head of the city, in the distance ...

          so Vinius, who had the post of clerk of the embassy order, said that Amsterdam is a city of Galov, hence the name of this country is Holland.
          So the Dutch Gala is not at all what the JI implies.
          Quote: nickname7

          galens i.e. ships of gal

          What a silly game of related words?

          yes no buddy, the fact that there are so many different languages ​​in the world is by no means casual. The more languages ​​there are, the worse people understand each other, take the same Ukraine, where the creation of a new Ukrainian language is in full swing. Previously, there were much fewer languages ​​and the main language was Russian, it was spoken by ALL European nations, the main language was also Turkic.
          I mean that if different offhand words have one root for example
          then this means not only the kinship of the roots, but the kinship of the meanings of words.
          there are many galos, because it was on this principle that the old civilization was built, going from the circles of the halo.

          it is in this form that the world is logical and not contradictory, like the OI.
        2. 0
          14 February 2020 03: 00
          Hello! Who told you that before Peter there was no shipbuilding .. There was also sickly What the Arkhangelsk "cod-eaters" used to go to Novaya Zemlya Grumant. What did Dezhnev's Cossacks use? . The fleet built by Peter and rotted because further than the Gulf of Finland did not protrude .. Also "great."
    3. 0
      13 March 2020 09: 11
      By the way, the uprising was preceded in 1613 by the theft of the victory of Minin and Pozharsky by representatives of the Kiev panist-seven-boyars who seated Mikhail Romanov on the throne during the siege of the Kremlin, sitting with the Poles (Poles) and Cherkesses (Ukrainians) in the Kremlin. According to the patterns of the Commonwealth, complete slavery for the peasants was introduced - serfdom. True, his introduction was blamed on Ivan the Terrible, a decree about this has not yet been found. Then our church was split with the filing of Kiev's Peter Mogily, the best friend of the Lyakhs Zholkevsky and Khodkevich. Then there was the Inquisition on 12 articles of Sophia. Russian people in their own country fell into the colonial yoke of the Kiev panny until 1917.
  2. +6
    6 February 2020 07: 36
    Respect to the author. Good, informative article.
  3. +7
    6 February 2020 07: 39
    The demarcation between the aristocracy and ordinary people is very characteristic, which in fact contributed to the victories of the rebels.
    1. +8
      6 February 2020 22: 12
      The "History" section definitely pleases today - then "East Wind", now Ryzhov V.A.
      Well done good Keep it up! Thank!
  4. +9
    6 February 2020 07: 45
    Thanks! I read it with pleasure!
    Regards, Kote!
    1. +6
      6 February 2020 09: 55
      Thanks! I read it with pleasure!
      Regards, Kote!

      I will join Vladislav! drinks Valery continues to delight in cycles. good
  5. +3
    6 February 2020 08: 24
    Connoisseurs, tell me, were there any similar popular uprisings in Europe, in Indochina or in the east?
    ps: About the Hussite wars heard.
    1. +9
      6 February 2020 08: 56
      Quote: Sentinel-vs
      Connoisseurs, tell me, were there any similar popular uprisings in Europe, in Indochina or in the east?
      ps: About the Hussite wars heard.

      In Germany there was a peasant war in 1524-1526. And there was a hero, the German knight Florian Gaer, and, well, the preacher Thomas Münzer
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. Alf
          6 February 2020 19: 46
          Sounds powerful.
          [media = https: //ok.ru/video/805456905693 ..]
          1. Alf
            7 February 2020 18: 26
            Quote: Alf
            Sounds powerful.
            [media = https: //ok.ru/video/805456905693 ..]

            I wonder why my post with the lyrics Florian Gayer was deleted?

        2. 0
          7 February 2020 06: 03
          The slogans in the song are quite comparable with the Razinshchina))
    2. +4
      6 February 2020 10: 28
      but in England in the 14th century it was. french jacqueria
    3. 0
      6 February 2020 19: 09
      Quote: Sentinel-vs
      were there any similar uprisings in Europe, in Indochina, or in the east?

      There were, they were ... Khar Khar, Mahabet! Rani Jancy, for example.
  6. +3
    6 February 2020 08: 27
    Samara did not immediately surrender; on the first attempt, Razin’s units failed to capture the city, which was a fortress, under whose walls there were various courtyards and shops, a small Samara garrison managed to fight back, Razin’s units retreated. On the second attempt, the Samara fortress was captured, at the time of the assault, local residents rebelled in support of Razin, there was no chance of holding the fortress.
  7. +7
    6 February 2020 08: 40
    Right. Alexey Mikhailovich The Quietest. And riot after riot.

    "Impostors, thieves and uncut.
    Nightingale whistle and prison "(c).
    1. +7
      6 February 2020 10: 01
      Right. Alexey Mikhailovich The Quietest. And riot after riot.

      Sergei, do you remember that one visiting foreigner painted "An authentic portrait of the cat of the Grand Duke of Muscovy"? Attributed to Vaclav Hollar, 1663. The engraving itself is not signed. That is, perhaps the artist depicted an allegory for the character of the king himself! Strong, cunning, cunning, confident! wink drinks at the same time he managed to enrich himself with lands, improve the army, and carry out church reform, and crush all the riots with a hairy clawed paw! wink
      1. +11
        6 February 2020 10: 19
        Can not argue. In many ways, the forerunner of Peter the Great.

        Although I always admire the stamina of Protopope Avvakum.

        And the eternal question, on which there is no answer, and which is intrusive when reading the article: "When is it good to live in Russia?"
        1. +7
          6 February 2020 10: 41
          Can not argue. In many ways, the forerunner of Peter the Great.

          Sergey, I’ll say a seditious speech now, and maybe I’ll even be hanged a few cons. When we talk about great contradictory figures - Peter I, Stalin, Alexei Mikhailovich, Ivan the Terrible, we must remember the following. Yes, there were great things. But at the same time, all great things are paid for with great blood. People’s. Both in wars and in domestic politics. Therefore, it is impossible to sculpt an icon or a cherub with a beard / in a wig / with a pipe from any state figure, I think. hi
          Although I always admire the stamina of Protopope Avvakum.

          The other day on "Culture" they showed "Split". I watched one episode. Despite the vague selection of artists, I also liked the role of Avvakum. As far as I remember, he denounced not only church affairs, but also the deeds of "those in power." That is, it can be called "human rights activist" - in a good sense of the word, not what it is now. hi and yes, he is the first Russian memoirist!
          I like this picture, Avvakum in Siberia. The character is clearly fascinated by the beauties that captivates.

          And the eternal question, on which there is no answer, and which is intrusive when reading the article: "When is it good to live in Russia?"

          Nekrasov did not finish .... request The eternal question! drinks
          1. +5
            6 February 2020 10: 46
            Not seditious thought. It is clear that the princes have their own cross. And its own responsibility.

            And everyone looks at events differently from his own hearth, from his estate, and from his time.

            Some topics of school essays come out. And it's still sober.
            1. +2
              6 February 2020 10: 52
              Some topics of school essays come out. And it's still sober.

              Nothing, tomorrow is Friday. And it will be possible to philosophize about the life of the people and church affairs. wink just not about superethnos! lol
              1. +5
                6 February 2020 11: 00
                No. It is impossible only to coincide with the days of the week. Moreover, for many, "Monday begins on Saturday."
                1. +5
                  6 February 2020 11: 15
                  Moreover, for many, "Monday begins on Saturday."

                  and, yes, I started talking. what And some respected Cats in general - work seven days a week. soldier
                  I just found an interesting article on the "regiments of the new order".
                  Trying to detain the most distinguished officers in the service, the authorities strongly encouraged their conversion to Orthodoxy, rewarding money (25-15 rubles to lieutenants, 60-100 rubles to majors, captains and colonels), estates and even estates, higher ranks for baptism. The famous A. Leslie, who was baptized in 1653, was immediately promoted to general, and his local salary was increased to 1200 quarters.
                  there are two pages, you have to flip through. But, as they say, everything was "far from unambiguous" and not easy! drinks
                2. +2
                  6 February 2020 19: 05
                  Thank you buddy! And there is! Already a quarter century.
          2. +2
            6 February 2020 19: 02
            Nekrasov wrote everything fine. Sick soul for the orphans and the hungry. From the estate ... laughing
            1. +2
              6 February 2020 19: 58
              The poem of the estates.

              A poem with a biography can not be compared.
              1. +1
                6 February 2020 20: 13
                That's for sure. In such cases, I recall the tale described by Dovlatov about the pessimism of Byron's work.
          3. +3
            6 February 2020 19: 14
            Quote: Pane Kohanku
            Nekrasov did not finish ...

            Roman shouts: to the landowner,
            Demian yells: to the official,
            Luka shouts: the ass;
            To the merchant’s merchandise, -
            Shouting brothers Gubin.
            Ivan and Mitrodor;
            Pah screams: the fairest
            To the noble boyar,
            To the Minister of the Tsar.
            And Proov shouted: "To the king!"
        2. +2
          6 February 2020 18: 56
          "There is a radio, but there is no happiness" (C)
    2. +15
      6 February 2020 10: 38
      The quietest is not a nickname for the king, as many believe, but part of the official title. This is a translation of the Latin "clementissimus". Officially, not only Alexei Mikhailovich was called the quietest, but also his descendants: Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, Ivan Alekseevich and even, oddly enough, Pyotr Alekseevich. Later, in the transition from Latin to French, "the quietest" was replaced by a translation from French "tres gracieux" - "most merciful".
      1. +6
        6 February 2020 10: 48
        In our history, nevertheless, Alexei Mikhailovich remained the Quietest. To whom else will this title suit?
        1. +7
          6 February 2020 11: 52
          Peter Alekseevich, one hundred percent !!! laughing
          I'm joking! Nikolay for the cat, special thanks !!!
          Playing with facts, centuries later and knowing only the bright features of sovereigns and the high-profile events of those distant years, it would be strange if we were not mistaken in our assessments of the personality and events of the past! For example, anyone without exception holding out a hand to the affairs of those who have passed inevitably makes a mistake by passing information about the past through himself, his stereotypes, habits and worldview. About "times and customs."
          Therefore, the national title is expensive. Well, if Alexei Mikhailovich is “quietest,” then what were the Grand Dukes bearing the names “formidable” or “formidable eyes”?
          1. +4
            6 February 2020 11: 57
            Not everyone in the Horde Danilovich chop.

            With all the conventions, the nickname is worth a lot. And colors with bright colors and person and time.
          2. +5
            6 February 2020 12: 47
            Nikolay for the cat, special thanks !!!

            yes, I think you have something in common with this cat too wink regarding respect! drinks
    3. +3
      6 February 2020 18: 53
      "Old Man is an ax,
      Yes, my mother is a whip! "(C)
  8. -2
    6 February 2020 08: 44
    Quote: Ryzhov V.A.
    Razinschina. The beginning of the peasant war

    This is a continuation of the begun confrontation between the Russian spirit and Western culture, periodically passing into the hot phase. This can be understood only by seeing the big picture.

    It began in 988, continued with "internecine" wars (1015-1019), the "Tatar-Mongol" yoke (1243-1480), the Nikon schism (1663-1664), sitting in Solovki (1668-1676), an uprising Razin (1667-1669), Streltsov (1682), Pugachev (1773-1775) - these are only well-known events - they are open wars with us (Swedes, French, Germans) I omit. This confrontation continues to this day - Western society is again preparing for a crusade against us.

    Russia does not accept the West, but the West does.

    Thanks for the article.
    1. +5
      6 February 2020 11: 32
      Quote: Boris55
      the uprising of Razin (1667-1669), archers (1682), Pugachev (1773-1775)

      Peasant wars were in Europe and the revolution too - there whose spirit was opposed to whom ?! The right of the people to revolt was also enshrined in the Declaration of Independence of the USA of 1776 and the French Declaration of the Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen of 1789.
      1. +8
        6 February 2020 11: 37
        The right of the people to revolt was enshrined <....> and the French Declaration of the Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen of 1789.

        Yeah ... only then the "friends of the people" drowned Vendee in blood. hi
        1. +7
          6 February 2020 13: 09
          Quote: Pan Kohanku
          The right of the people to revolt was enshrined <....> and the French Declaration of the Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen of 1789.

          Yeah ... only then the "friends of the people" drowned Vendee in blood. hi

          The Vendeans themselves were far from angels and drowned in the blood of their enemies no less. The interventionists (British) called for help, and this was a small part of France ... Hugo has a novel - “Ninety-third year”, there this topic is very well described hi
          1. +4
            6 February 2020 13: 25
            The Vendeans themselves were far from angels and drowned in the blood of their enemies no less.

            I think, Michael, this is ordinary civil war in all her cruelty ... request
    2. +12
      6 February 2020 11: 56
      Quote: Boris55
      This is a continuation of the begun opposition of the Russian spirit to Western culture.

      Tell me, how can I have such a mess in my head and still get fingers spelled on the keyboard? I definitely do not understand ...
      Quote: Boris55
      It began in the year 988

      This is probably the baptism of Rus. Once it "started", it means that it did not exist before. Consequently, the adoption of Christianity by Russia according to the Eastern rite marked the beginning of this opposition. Pagan Russia did not oppose "Western culture" and lived ... Uh-uh ... How did she live, Boris? Peace and prosperity or groaning under the thumb of the Masters of the West? Explain, please, who is the enemy in this case, whom to hate?
      Quote: Boris55
      continued "internecine" wars (1015-1019 g)

      Here I am also confused. I mean, of course, the struggle of Yaroslav with Svyatopolk. Which of them was the representative of the Masters of the West? Yaroslav, who mined the Kiev table with Swedish and Norwegian swords, or Svyatopolk, who fought with the help of the Poles, and finally escaped to Poland? Who do we root for?
      Quote: Boris55
      "Tatar-Mongol" yoke (1243-1480)

      Here, in general, everything is not immediately clear. The conflict between Russia and the West is understandable. But who is Russia and who the West is not clear. Russia is the Mongol empire and the Golden Horde, and the West is Russia? No, something is wrong. Russia is Russia, and the West is ... eastern neighbors of Russia? Damn, Boris! How do you live with this?
      And by the way, why didn’t you mention the wars of 1094 - 1100, (conditionally, Vladimir Monomakh - Oleg Svyatoslavich), 1146-1154. (Yuri Dolgoruky - Izyaslav Mstislavich), 1228-1236 (Mikhail Chernigovsky - Daniil Galitsky)? They also fought notably ... Which of the participants was for Russia, and who was for the West?
      There was an even greater feudal war of 1425-1453. (Vasily Dark - Yuri Galitsky + Vasily Kosoy + Dmitry Shemyaka), you forgot about her. Who was who in it? Who is ours, who is the enemy?
      Quote: Boris55
      Nikon schism (1663-1664)

      Here for the first time some kind of clarity. Nikon and Alexei Mikhailovich - hirelings of the West, right? Avvakum is our hero. It’s a pity ours lost ...
      Quote: Boris55
      sitting in Solovki (1668-1676)

      And again, ours eventually lost. What kind of setbacks are continuous? Maybe in the future there will be victories?
      Quote: Boris55
      the uprising of Razin (1667-1669), archers (1682), Pugachev (1773-1775)

      Razin - is he ours or is he for the West? Weakened Russia to please its Masters or vice versa defended the Russian idea? What about archers? They, created on the model of Western infantry by Ivan the Terrible, are the embodiment of the Russian spirit, or just the opposite? And Pugachev, pretending to be Karl Peter Ulrich, son of Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein - was he the personification of Russian spirituality or the secret agent of the West, designed to weaken Russia during the war with the Turks? And other riots - copper, salt, Bashkir rebellion? How do we relate to their members? Bashkirs - are they for Russia or for the West?
      Kindly explain to us what is happening in our history. I believe that I'm not the only one - confused.
      1. +9
        6 February 2020 12: 26
        Yaroslav, who mined the Kiev table with Swedish and Norwegian swords, or Svyatopolk, who fought with the help of the Poles, and finally escaped to Poland? Who do we root for?

        For figure skating laughing
        Bashkirs - are they for Russia or for the West?

        Michael, recalls:
        - Vasily Ivanovich, and who are you - for the Bolsheviks, or for the Communists?
        - I ... for the International!
        (c / f "Chapaev") drinks
        1. +7
          6 February 2020 12: 50
          Quote: Pane Kohanku
          For figure skating

          Then for synchronized swimming. laughing
          True, even there these, like theirs, minorities are trying to squeeze their skinny bodies. I'm rooting for HMB (historical medieval battle) - there ours at the "Battle of the Nations" take everyone out in one wicket. This year, however, will not be held, it's a pity. Probably the intrigues of the world behind the scenes. angry
          1. +1
            6 February 2020 13: 26
            Probably the intrigues of the world behind the scenes.

            Yeah and those who joined them trilobite homo-Zionists with left haplogroups. laughing joke! Israeli colleagues - dick, do not be offended! drinks
            1. +3
              6 February 2020 19: 25
              Such Zionists, they are not a homo, but very hetero. You’ve never seen a family of Orthodox Jews!
          2. +3
            6 February 2020 19: 29
            Then for synchronized swimming.
            1. 0
              7 February 2020 09: 43
              Then for synchronized swimming. Exactly!

              Well, for Efimova I would have cheered on the Internet .... wink
      2. -3
        6 February 2020 12: 52
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        Kindly explain to us what is happening in our history.

        Andrew the First-Called came to the shores of the Black Sea in the 1st century and reached the White Sea. Thus, he presented our sorcerers a new concept of management. The Magi dismissed her, but they didn’t offer anything new either. As a result, the promotion of their concept and from the 10th century Christianization of Russia began. Many magi accepted it and many did not, which resulted in their confrontation. Echoes of the confrontation are visible by the presence of both the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church.

        The current slaveholding biblical concept of governance has brought the Earth to the brink of economic, environmental, and military disaster.

        To the beginning of this century In Russia, a new concept for managing society on the whole planet Earth, known as the Concept of Public Safety (BER), has been formed. Today, representatives of the old concept are trying to discredit it and take control of it.

        All your other questions are consequences of these processes.
        1. +9
          6 February 2020 13: 09
          Quote: Boris55
          It is a well-known fact that Andrew the First-Called came to the shores of the Black Sea and reached the White Sea.

          Are you serious? wassat
          Andrew the First-Called on the White Sea, Russian Magi in the first century of a new era, some concepts of management ...
          Boris, what are you reading? Or maybe it's your own fantasies?
          Well, enlighten me, where did this "well-known fact" come from, from what sources is it known about the wise men, their thoughts and actions in the XNUMXst century AD, what is the essence of the new "concept of government" rejected by them, and how it differs from old.
          I am especially interested in the magi - who they were, how they lived, due to what, what functions they carried, what else they did, except for rejecting new management concepts ... Maybe there are names, dates, specific acts, but I don’t know?
          1. +4
            6 February 2020 13: 21
            Could the White Sea be the "White Sea"?

            It is like Bulgaria from sea to sea.
          2. +3
            6 February 2020 13: 23
            Andrew the First-Called on the White Sea, Russian Magi in the first century of a new era, some concepts of management ...

            Michael, you will laugh ... feel or curse the inquisitive In the Bath Loaf Pana Kohanku! laughing
            So, 10-15 kilometers from Chudovo, between Petersburg and Novgorod, there is the village of Gruzino - the former estate of Count Arakcheev. According to local legend, Andrew the First-Called set up a cross on gruzinsky hill .... a memorable place so far! hi

            the photo is not mine, but in 2018, I photographed everything there on the way. drinks
            1. +3
              6 February 2020 15: 01
              Quote: Pane Kohanku
              According to local legend, Andrew the First-Called set up a cross on a hill in Uzin

              Even if we presume the reality of the existence of Andrew, it could be no later than the XNUMXst century. AD, that is, two thousand years ago. But the locals remember everything. In Izborsk there is also a cross - Truvorov. He, of course, is not so ancient, but also nothing. The GrUzintsy, of course, surpassed everyone, what to say. I just don’t understand - why not John the Baptist? Why give neighbors a chance to find a more ancient relic? smile
              1. +6
                6 February 2020 15: 06
                Why give neighbors a chance to find a more ancient relic?

                The authorities sold out in 1696, when the fake double of Peter I returned from Holland, and they were hiding it! request this is how Anglo-Saxon culture takes revenge on the spiritual super-Russian ethnos! By the way, then the Mongol was invented - to quarrel the peoples in the federation. Invented personally by Patrick Gordon (in fact, he had a little different surname, but the authorities hide it) at the instigation of the British Queen, moreover, suppressing a rightist uprising of the bearers of conciliar spirituality - archers. Moreover, for the sake of the triumph of capital, the Angles, through the Saxons (Saxony), pushed us with another branch of the Slavic-Russians - the Swedes - in the Northern War. And this is good only to Valery Ryzhov, who writes about this event of the article! laughing So the rules? Or highlight a part of the text in bold? drinks
                1. The comment was deleted.
                2. +5
                  6 February 2020 18: 40
                  Quote: Pane Kohanku
                  Patrick Gordon personally invented (in fact, he had a slightly different surname, but the authorities hide this too)

                  Duncan MacLeod?
                  Quote: Pane Kohanku
                  at the instigation of the British Queen, moreover, by suppressing a rightist uprising of the bearers of conciliar spirituality - archers.

                  By oneself! This one could ... laughing drinks
                  1. +2
                    7 February 2020 11: 23
                    Duncan MacLeod?

                    caused arthritis maclaustrophobia wassat
                    By oneself! This one could ...

                    Yeah, like the witcher Geralt of Rivia. Having drunk himself with elixirs, he frightened the bearded lazy army by jumping and sweeping, and dispersed it with a tattered towel .. fellow drinks
                3. +3
                  6 February 2020 19: 52
                  No, not norms. Where are the revelations ?! What kind of intelligence does Ryzhov work on ???
                  Okay, about me, Shpakovsky, VikNik, Bocharov, everything is clear, but Ryzhov !!! "A dark horse"....
                  1. +3
                    6 February 2020 20: 09
                    "To the left of the Octobrists, whom Kislyarsky represented at the meeting, there was no one" (c).
                    1. +2
                      6 February 2020 20: 18
                      "- Who's walking there nafig ?!
                      - Nefig! Nefig! Nefig! "
                      1. +2
                        6 February 2020 20: 27
                        "To the north - ten and ten, to the east - five and five" (c).
                      2. +2
                        6 February 2020 20: 30
                        "The value of the sine, in wartime, can reach" four "!"
                      3. +2
                        6 February 2020 20: 32
                        "Best of all, of course, five stars" (c).
                      4. +1
                        6 February 2020 20: 37
                        "Look, the second" star "rolled,
                        You - on shoulder straps "(C)
                      5. +1
                        6 February 2020 20: 40
                        "In the distant constellation Tau Ceti
                        Everything became incomprehensible to us "(c).
                      6. +1
                        6 February 2020 20: 43
                        Well this one ...
                        As the old militarist Heinlein used to say: "Beware of the Stobors!"
                      7. +1
                        6 February 2020 20: 55
                        "But, friend, beware if you suddenly come across
                        Instead of Snark to Bujuma "(c).
                      8. +1
                        6 February 2020 21: 00
                        "We do not cry in icy water,
                        And we hardly burn in the fire "(C)
                  2. +2
                    7 February 2020 11: 59
                    What kind of intelligence does Ryzhov work on ???

                    (with the most serious face): we are working on it. soldier Presumably in Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire. soldier
                    "A dark horse"....

                    exactly what. Dark a hired horse of capitalism with Black the continent soldier drinks
                    Valery, do not be offended by a friendly joke! drinks
              2. +4
                6 February 2020 15: 24
                In Izborsk there is also a cross - Truvorov.

                There is also a hillfort .... Truvorovo ... and they feed there very well .. and they sell smoked fish .... good
              3. +3
                6 February 2020 19: 46
                I just don’t understand - why not John the Baptist?
                Because the Jews still kicked everyone! They staked out the championship and overlaid it with a minefield, 3 km inland. I was there, I can send pictures.
              4. +3
                6 February 2020 20: 01
                But what glorious landscapes Izborsk has. Truvor's cross does not interfere at all.
                1. +4
                  6 February 2020 20: 09
                  Quote from Korsar4
                  Truvor's cross does not interfere at all.

                  He's great!
                  But unfortunately, he cannot have any relation to Truvor, even if we take it as an axiom that this Truvor really existed and was a Christian. It is dated to the XNUMXth century, if my memory serves me right. But the legend ... how can one live without it? Beautifully ...
                  Personally, I think the title should stay. And let the legend be, especially since it will still be. As with Shum-Mountain, that is, "Rurik's grave" with a golden coffin. smile
                  1. +3
                    6 February 2020 20: 24
                    This is what I like about our "gatherings", that it is easy to transfer from the drowned princess to the Cross of Truvor.

                    And there are almost no dissatisfied.

                    Although, with due attention, at least compile volumes of comments.
                    1. +2
                      6 February 2020 20: 47
                      Although, with due attention, at least compile volumes of comments.
                      Or denunciations ...
                      1. +3
                        6 February 2020 21: 10
                        Then there must be a criterion of "loyalty" and deviation from it.

                        Portraits of the Emperor are not so often hung here, and flies do not fly on the net.
                      2. +2
                        6 February 2020 21: 13
                        I keep repeating: "We are all hooked on Miller!"
                        Can you refute?
                      3. +2
                        6 February 2020 21: 18
                        Each for himself establishes a permissible boundary.

                        But if we report everything:

                        "And I am eating an apple,
                        And I look out the window "(c) the conversation will not work.
                      4. +1
                        6 February 2020 21: 29
                        No, Sergey. The boundaries of what is permissible for each person are dictated by circumstances.
                      5. +1
                        6 February 2020 21: 32
                        Circumstances may be identical. The reactions of people are different.
            2. +2
              6 February 2020 17: 47
              Not not Andrew! Jesus Christ himself affirmed this cross! Flying over Cuckoo's Nest!
          3. +7
            6 February 2020 15: 38
            With understanding, this is now a rare comrade, KOBovets. Well, I honestly thought that they had already died out naturally, but no .. they save the Magi to Hyperborea))
            Given that even the Kremlin was built almost entirely by Italian architects, the opposition to Western culture has a dramatic connotation.
            1. +4
              6 February 2020 17: 12
              Quote: Ryazanets87
              With understanding

              "Packs, packs ... Like cherubs"
              "So how can you understand if you don't say anything?" (c) Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession.
              It seems to me that they sometimes do not understand themselves, so everything is mixed up in their concepts. I don’t understand, sincerely I don’t understand how this is possible, but apparently it’s easier for some ...
              1. +4
                6 February 2020 19: 55
                On the "Buckle" they don't understand them yet laughing
          4. +6
            6 February 2020 18: 57
            Boris, what are you reading?

            The source of information is understandable, but, unfortunately, does not always work:
            "... And then the head physician Margulis banned the TV ..." (V. Vysotsky) request
            1. +5
              6 February 2020 20: 13
              Quote: Sea Cat
              The source of information is understandable

              From hell, I didn’t think about the TV. I don’t look for a long time. I don’t even turn it on, I completely forgot. Yes, you cannot judge people by yourself - you will certainly be mistaken. request
              1. +2
                6 February 2020 20: 33
                Our spouse looks at the "box" for all three, and the cat and I pass by more and more. He has mice and fights with local cats, I have a computer and a quadric, there is no room for a "chest". request
                1. +1
                  6 February 2020 20: 57
                  No, TV is a cool thing, especially when you need to chop wood, but laziness!
                  1. +2
                    6 February 2020 21: 06
                    What kind of wood, Anton? Krantik twisted it, pressed the button, so the bath is ready for you. However, there are also disadvantages, so an hour ago they called from the "Electric Networks" that tomorrow from 9 to 17 there would be no scheduled work and there would be no light. Well done, they could not do it in the summer ... And I have to tinker with the generator in the morning, a quad bike is not enough for me. And you - the TV - cool thing, would kill everyone to hell! I'm going to pump up a hundred square meters, as I knew, I went to the store and bought a sedative. drinks
                    1. +6
                      6 February 2020 21: 22
                      Well, in rural areas, several churbachks, as a sedative, Celentano himself, 35 years ago, advertised laughing
                      1. +3
                        6 February 2020 21: 30
                        You are welcome, there is an ax, "raw materials" too, you can also bungle an ear on a fire. The pond is nearby, there is fish in it, but I drive to the store. fellow
                      2. +3
                        6 February 2020 21: 37
                        Idyll, damn it! The question is, do Valkyries flock to the light?
                      3. +3
                        6 February 2020 22: 02
                        The question is, what do you mean by Valkyries. But I think I understood: "There are women in Russian villages!"
                      4. +2
                        6 February 2020 22: 09
                        Today, in Russian villages, something like this:
                        "The huts were burning, the horses were racing,
                        She was not Russian .... " laughing
                      5. +6
                        6 February 2020 23: 17
                        Quote: 3x3zsave

                        Today, in Russian villages, something like this:
                        "The huts were burning, the horses were racing,
                        She was not Russian .... "

                        Chukchi visited an Uzbek wedding. Upon arrival home, relatives, of course, began to ask what and how?
                        "Everything is wonderful. - the Chukchi answers - And the food is delicious, and the music is fun, and the people are good ... One thing is bad - there were only two Russians ... I, yes Vaska is a Korean."
                      6. +3
                        7 February 2020 09: 52
                        You are welcome, there is an ax, "raw materials" too, you can also bungle an ear on a fire. The pond is nearby, there is fish in it, but I drive to the store.

                        You know, Konstantin seems to me like that now roman patrician. wink In the morning he goes out onto the porch in sheets, they bring him a glass of culture with lemon, graces of herds around in translucent rags run, chirp .... winked
                        After that, you can go to the pond, throw a fishing rod, and continue a philosophical conversation on the Voennoye Obozreniye in the sheets under the tincture .... Lepota! fellow good
                        Have you ever seen the movie "Zorn"? Swedish film of the 90s. There, at the beginning, it is shown how a Swedish voluptuous artist lives ... And he breathes great and pure love with the villagers, and with visiting friends he culturally spends time in the outfit of Bacchus ... wink drinks that's about the same seems! drinks
                      7. +1
                        7 February 2020 16: 38
                        Hi, Nikolay! hi In some ways, you really hit the spot, but I don’t fish, I prefer rouge. I could have thrown a couple of photos from my "personal life", but I'm afraid they will immediately be banned, but it's a pity ... wink drinks
                      8. 0
                        7 February 2020 17: 06
                        I could have thrown a couple of photos from my "personal life", but I'm afraid they will immediately be banned, but it's a pity ...

                        Hmm .. Intrigued, but I think it’s not really worth it! wink drinks
                        Something in which you really hit the nail on the head, but I don’t catch fish, I prefer rouge.

                        and the last time I caught fish in 2018 ... sad
                        So I guessed from the sheets? drinks
                      9. +2
                        7 February 2020 17: 26
                        It happens that too lazy to throw a sheet, still through the thickets not a damn thing to see. smile
                      10. +2
                        7 February 2020 09: 45
                        The question is, what do you mean by Valkyries. But I think I understood: "There are women in Russian villages!"

                        Hmm .. Yes you, my friend, a naughty connoisseur! good I would even say - professional! drinks
                      11. +1
                        7 February 2020 16: 40
                        And again, censorship, you can’t describe everything, let alone show. request drinks
                      12. +1
                        7 February 2020 17: 08
                        And again, censorship, you can’t describe everything, let alone show.

                        I admit, I have already begun to quietly envy .... wink drinks that is, for good reason I always wanted to call you a hussar! good
                      13. +1
                        7 February 2020 17: 14
                        Well, if a tanker, although a former one, can be equated to a hussar, then - yes, of course. laughing
          5. +4
            6 February 2020 19: 33
            what are you reading?
            "Vladigor - Long Legs, Gaugraf, Conqueror of Darkness"?
        2. +5
          6 February 2020 17: 08
          Quote: Boris55
          Many magi accepted it and many did not, which resulted in their confrontation. Echoes of the confrontation are visible by the presence of both the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church.

          Boris, explain, please, who was the magician Habakkuk, or Nikon, or both, but one was wrong, who had not yet transferred to the new management concept that Andrew the First-Called brought back in the 1st century AD? Even I, in your logical constructions, got confused.
          1. +3
            6 February 2020 19: 58
            Even I, in your logical constructions, got confused.
            No wonder Igor, you’re not a psychiatrist.
      3. +2
        6 February 2020 16: 28
        and you are done) brave, and these citizens have Holy Russia with Western Christianity, Christ with Jewish mother, and grandfather Lenin and Nikolai 2 merged in the ecstasy of war) of our good with their evil)))))
        1. +2
          6 February 2020 18: 54
          Quote: Tonya
          and Christ with Jewish mother,

          Why only mom? lol
          1. +2
            6 February 2020 19: 00
            the folder is their holy spirit)))))
            1. +6
              6 February 2020 19: 20
              Quote: Tonya
              the folder is their holy spirit)))))

              Poor Yosik ...
              "I'm coming back from work,
              I put the rasp against the wall.
              Suddenly, someone is flashing out the window
              Out of bed, from my wife!

              Of course, I ask:
              Who it?
              And she answers me:
              "Holy Spirit!"

              Oh, I will meet that Spirit!
              Oh, I will mark it in the ear! "(C)
      4. +6
        6 February 2020 17: 02
        Thank you, Michael, this is a knockout. smile And in the eyebrow and in the eye, and on the ass. With all my heart and in a good way I envy how you do it, easily and naturally, I won’t succeed, I don’t have enough knowledge. Bravo, as our Anton says! good
        1. +3
          6 February 2020 20: 00
          This is not me, this is Weller. I only cut to the point.
      5. +1
        6 February 2020 17: 41
        That you asked a rhetorical question! What for? I’ll try to express my opinion, which, in my opinion, relates to your rhetorical question: - The Western world is the heir of the Ancient Roman civilization, the Russian world is the heritage of the Horde culture
      6. +2
        6 February 2020 19: 12
        Damn, Boris! How do you live with this?
        Yes, the psychology of a "kid from the area".
  9. -1
    6 February 2020 08: 52
    The article is interesting. Good novel by Ivan Nazhivin "Stepan Razin" ("Cossacks") (1928). Actually - it was a time when the Don Cossacks were at the forefront of the struggle for the rights of the people! At the beginning of the 20th century, they already passed into the category of punishers.
  10. +3
    6 February 2020 09: 42
    Dove big bribe to the greedy Astrakhan governor I.S. Prozorovsky, Razin got the opportunity to enter the city and sold the loot there for 6 weeks, after which he went to the Don and stopped about two days' journey from Cherkassk. Through Colonel Wideros, Razin handed over to the Astrakhan governor I. S. Prozorovsky that he was not afraid of him, nor of "the one who is higher", and promised "Pay off and teach, ":

    It can be seen that the bribe was really too big Yes

    During his reign, there were great riots: salt (1648), bread (1650) and copper (1662), as well as a great split, ending in a scandalous trial of the disgraced Patriarch Nikon and his dismissal in 1666. There were brutal persecutions of the Old Believers, wars with Poland, the betrayal of the hetman Vygovsky, the Bashkir uprising of 1662-1664. And now the real and full-fledged peasant war has begun at all.

    The usual everyday life of any country in Europe TOGETHER.
    Having regained consciousness, on the night of October 4 he organized a new desperate attempt to storm Simbirsk, [/ b].

    So why was this all done? Clear goals of the uprising, no ....
    1. +6
      6 February 2020 09: 54
      Quote: Olgovich
      Clear goals of the uprising, no ....

      Or they are hiding.
      As one of the leaders of the next uprising said: "We will cut all the landowners and boyars and ourselves will become landowners and boyars" - no matter what the goal.
      Something similar was offered to us in perestroika, and you were led.
      1. +1
        6 February 2020 10: 25
        Quote: Boris55
        "We will cut all the landowners and boyars and we ourselves will become landlords and boyars "

        What are we talking about ....

        Only these will definitely become .... "kind and fair" landowners and boyars. Yes
    2. +3
      6 February 2020 10: 06

      So why was this all done? Clear goals of the uprising, no ....

      What could be the purpose of the gang except robbery, murder for fun, rape
      1. +9
        6 February 2020 12: 41
        The goal was (as noted above) - to change the personal composition of the top of society.

        Razin foolishly used the old, already well-known method of legalizing his power by "gaining" a false prince and a false patriarch. But for more than half a century (since the Time of Troubles) the state power has already succeeded in propagandizing the population, giving them truthful information about the impostors.

        Therefore, the reception of the beginning of the 17th century did not work in the middle of this century, and the social base, and, most importantly, the number of Razin’s troops at the time of the clash with mobilized tsarist troops, was an order of magnitude smaller.

        By this time, the state power had managed to form a middle class in the country, loyal to itself, from yard people (endowing them with estates), boyar children (without the status of boyars and without hereditary estates) and former unit princes - Rurikovich (making them civil servants - governors).

        Plus, state authorities managed to launch a transition from the estate (aristocratic-archery) organization of the armed forces to the recruit (with single-channel financing from the treasury), against which the small and fragmented Cossack estate (scattered across different borders) with mostly peasants who did not join the impostors had no chance of words in general.
    3. +4
      6 February 2020 10: 17

      So why was this all done?
      As the author wrote in the first part, presumably revenge for his brother. Why not, Ulyanov did it.
  11. -1
    6 February 2020 10: 05
    Sympathy is on the side of the king and regular troops, and not rebels with a thug at the head. They drowned the governor Turgenev, to the end fulfilling his military duty, for speaking impudently. With whom did he speak impudently? With a murderer-thug and an enemy of the state, to the delight of the west, making trouble in Russia.
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  12. +11
    6 February 2020 14: 45
    These are the paradoxes of Russian history: the century was “rebellious,” and the tsar, whose short-sighted policy led to these upheavals, is the Quietest.
    Yes, reigning at that time was not easy. The people were completely unconscious, that you can’t rock the boat, I didn’t understand by its dense nature, and there was no Ukraine either.
    As soon as the boyar’s thought, led by Prime Minister Boris Morozov, decided to correct its stocks in the economy by raising taxes and salt prices, the salt riot rose immediately.
    And the tsar had to put the disgrace on the faithful comrade-in-arms and already exile in the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery.
    The king tried, on the advice of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ordin-Nashchokin, to mint copper money at the price of serab - then he received the copper riot and had to cancel the copper money.
    Even the people couldn’t get sick with the plague, and because of ignorance, anti-epidemic measures rebelled.
    Today reign is not an example more capable.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +3
      6 February 2020 20: 05
      Even the people couldn’t get sick with the plague, and because of ignorance, anti-epidemic measures rebelled.
      Today reign is not an example more capable.

      "The rivers have cooled and the earth has cooled,
      And they had a little bit of fuss at home,
      This is in the city of coronavirus, this is in the city of coronavirus,
      And outside the city - plague, plague, plague! "
      1. +1
        7 February 2020 14: 08
        It's in the city of coronavirus, it's in the city of coronavirus

        I got one sick, caught a cold. I now call him a Chinese .... feel
        the Chinese do not drink vodka! drinks so to speak, do not follow the way of gentlemen in the colonies - to disinfect themselves from the inside with a lot of rum and gin! laughing there were two articles on drinking at that time:

        The historian of the time, Richard Hopton, wrote about the British: “Those who went to India did not see any reason to change their habits, despite the climate, which is less favorable for drinkers than the northern regions of Europe. In the seventeenth century, the per capita consumption at the British trading post in Surat was a quart of wine and half a pint of brandy at each meal. ” Rate the volume and be horrified!

        So that's it! laughing drinks
        That is, at each meal, the ancestors of Sherlock Holmes drank 280 grams of brandy + 1 liter of 100 ml of beer. But I wonder in what order they did it? .... what
        1. +3
          7 February 2020 16: 25
          Based on the classics, beer, as an aperitif, is consumed before meals, and brandy, as a digestif, after meals.
          1. +2
            7 February 2020 17: 03
            Based on the classics, beer, as an aperitif, is consumed before meals, and brandy, as a digestif, after meals.

            Honestly, I didn’t know such subtleties of serving alcohol .... what Thank you, you, as always, pushing the boundaries of my knowledge, Viktor Nikolaevich! hi
          2. +1
            7 February 2020 18: 17
            Avono how! But I still think, why does it break me from the beer so much?
    3. +4
      6 February 2020 20: 14
      Does it follow from the above that the current system is more sustainable?

      But here all the factors - both external and internal, cannot be driven into a working model.
      1. +5
        6 February 2020 20: 27
        Does it follow from the above that the current system is more sustainable?
        From the foregoing, it follows that the system has concluded that passionarity for the system is a constant stress factor and has made every effort to bring these same passionaries to limelight. As a result, the people shredded. "There are few real violent."
        1. +4
          6 February 2020 20: 30
          Sounds like the truth.

          Although so-so pleasure, be aware of belonging to a generation of pygmies.
          1. +4
            6 February 2020 20: 40
            This is a difficult question. Quite recently, under an article by Shpakovsky, they discussed this with orthodox Marxists, to what extent it is possible to discuss with these "canons from Leninism".
            Time is changing, in a normal civil society, many of the issues that in those glorious times were decided by rebellion, today can be resolved in a completely peaceful way. But this also requires appropriate self-awareness and the presence of a certain passionarity.
            1. +4
              6 February 2020 20: 46
              Much depends on the rules of the game.

              But life is not chess. Not everything is visible, and not all rules are followed.

              "I will accept, - the prince tells him, - I am ready -
              But just humble yourself without damage!
              Descent to Hortory ten hundred plows;
              If I get a ransom from the Korsun merchants,
              I will not touch the garden with a finger "(c).
              1. VLR
                7 February 2020 09: 44
                He won't touch the "city" with a finger (not the vegetable garden) smile
                You have a typo
                1. +4
                  7 February 2020 09: 56
                  Of course. The wise typo technique translates in its own way.

                  It turned out funny. Timurovets Prince Vladimir.
  13. +6
    6 February 2020 17: 11
    Thank you, Yes auto RU. Very interesting and easy to read.
  14. +1
    6 February 2020 21: 11
    On peasant riots and their goals

    At that time there was no Marxism, the doctrine of revolution and classless society. Marxism is a science, without it the masses are blind, and therefore the rebels did not have a definite goal, and the Russian rebellion spilled out, and not only Russian, into senseless and merciless. It was a peasant reaction to the fattening urban elite.

    Peasant uprisings are usually doomed to defeat, but sometimes overgrown before the revolution, they could bring its leaders to power. So in China throughout its great history peasant revolutions occurred repeatedly, but peasant leaders who came to power became the founders of new imperial dynasties, and everything was repeated from the beginning.

    And only with the development of capitalism and with the advent of the proletariat did the victory of the socialist revolution become possible. Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin armed the proletariat with the theory and practice of revolution and socialism.

    Thanks to this, a successful peasant revolution took place in tsarist Russia in 1917 (soldiers are the same peasants, only dressed in uniforms), and although it was led by the proletariat and its vanguard of the Bolshevik party, it was reborn for objective and subjective reasons.

    So, the main reason for the defeat of all revolutions is the absence or departure from Marxism. As soon as the Soviet Union abandoned the dictatorship of the proletariat, the degradation of Soviet power and socialism began. This led to their defeat.
    1. +1
      6 February 2020 22: 26
      So, the main reason for the defeat of all revolutions is the absence or departure from Marxism. As soon as the Soviet Union abandoned the dictatorship of the proletariat, the degradation of Soviet power and socialism began. This led to their defeat.

      The USSR officially abandoned the dictatorship of the proletariat in 1961, and we can agree that after this the degradation of Soviet power began. Like a line. But it is unlikely that what happened before 1961 was the dictatorship of the proletariat. The dictatorship of the party before, the dictatorship of the hypocritical nomenclature after.

      In the 21st century, the dictatorship of the proletariat is generally impossible. Due to the practical lack thereof
      1. 0
        6 February 2020 23: 05
        Quote: Pissarro
        ...... hardly what happened before 1961 was the dictatorship of the proletariat ..... In the 21st century, the dictatorship of the proletariat is completely impossible. Due to the practical lack thereof

        1. Before Khrushchev’s reforms in the USSR, there was a dictatorship of the proletariat in the form of Soviets, where deputies were elected, who were nominated and discussed by working groups. There was no dictatorship of the party, it only gave general directives and ruled in the Soviets through its party members

        2. Look at the statistical directory of the Russian Federation, it is written there. that there are about 27 million people in the working class in Russia. Howbeit. but still alive:
        Defense Industrial Complex
        Oil refining industry
        Пищевая промышленность
        Light industry
        Furniture industry
        Chemical Industry
        Power engineering
        Pulp and paper industry
        Pharmaceutical industry
        Building materials industry
        1. +1
          7 February 2020 07: 15
          Here at my enterprise there is an engineer-operator of the CNC machine, an Uzbek loader, a grandmother, a cleaning lady and a driver. Well, and the director, sales manager, accountant. Just for the sake of curiosity, which of us all is the proletariat? Probably Uzbek)
          1. +1
            7 February 2020 17: 45
            Find the answer here:
            1. -2
              8 February 2020 08: 14
              I read the article. It turns out none of us. The proletariat means only in large enterprises. And due to the consequences of the scientific and technological revolution, computerization, and robotization, it will be less and less. A 3D printer managed by an operator-engineer replaces simple hard workers as an example.
              In general, the ideas of the 19th century in the 21st century, you, the Communists need to adapt very much. Otherwise, you have no chance
              1. +1
                8 February 2020 13: 44
                Quote: Pissarro
                the ideas of the 19th century in the 21st century you, the Communists need to adapt very much

                You do not understand. The main thing in the article.

                Firstly, it defines avant-garde the working class, to which the workers of large industry are assigned.

                Secondly that carrier proletarian (collectivist) ideology are only workers whose collective labor is tightly controlled and taken into account, and who receive as wages only what they performed in their working hours. They can have additional income only if they work beyond the established time with additional labor costs.

                So to the detachment of proletarians can be attributed, for example, air traffic controllers, who sit for the whole shift computers and during working hours, it’s not enough to earn money; By the way, in Russia they were on strike not so long ago and the owners had to make significant concessions.
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                2. 0
                  9 February 2020 13: 00
                  good day, Alexander! hi In one of the stories on the net I heard such that now, depending on the ownership of the means of production, within one specialty there can be both the proletariat and the small proprietor.
                  But, it was also said that it is also important how a person sees himself. Depending on the enterprise, working conditions, salary, and everything else. One must agree with the opinion of a person, as he sees himself in this place ....
                  The only bad thing is that I did not try to remember request transmission, but try to find ....
    2. +1
      9 February 2020 04: 28
      Good morning, Alexander! If we talk about 1917, it was then that the elite, being terribly far from the people, thought in the framework of the evolutionary paradigm fool negative that was a minus for herself! Left ideas about the world revolution inspired hope that this was still very far away. The elite could not imagine all the protest moods among the people, and the voluntary abdication of the king inspired hopes for further evolution fool Failed! And they did not think that the tsar's abdication could shock the believer of the common people, which would then be brewing a state of "red turmoil"
  15. 0
    April 27 2020 15: 08
    It was not a peasant, but a civil war against impostors from the Kiev priests who seized power in Moscow in 1613, who organized serfdom and destroyed the Russian Church. Watch the videos of the professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University Pyzhikov "Little Russian chain of Moscow, the Edge of the Russian split, etc.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"