Cainite Pilgrims of the Fifth Crusade

The Primogen Council (as of December, 1217)

Heinrich_von_Achern.jpgHeinrich von Achern, Prince of Aken, Chief of Military Affairs for the Order of the Black Cross (7th gen. Ventrue, Childe of Jurgen von Verden, e. 1090 CE)- A scarred, barrel-chested Saxon warrior, dedicated to the eradication of all enemies of Christianity. Although he has merely taken the vows of a half-brother, his friendship with Andras II has afforded him considerable power within the Teutonic Order, and the Marshal tends to flaunt it. Indeed, Heinrich was instrumental in convincing the king to cede the Burzenland to the Military Order. Among the Order of the Black Cross, he is equal second in authority behind Grandmaster Jürgen von Verden, and is known to cooperate well with Grand Commander Lucretia von Hartz. Outside the auspices of the chain of command, he has a well-deserved reputation for unpleasantness, but he somehow manages to channel a kind of aristocratic charm when he must. In total, Heinrich brings more than 450 veteran warriors (including more than 50 knights) to the cause, although he must be careful of how he uses this manpower now that Heinrich von Salza has also arrived at the camp.

Kara_Vlaszy_Lupescu.jpgLady Kara Lupescu, Knez of Pădureni, envoy for the Voivode of Voivodes (7th gen. Tzimisce, childe of Vladimir Rustovitch, e. 975)- The favoured childe, occasional warmaster, and reluctant diplomat of the Voivode of Voivodes, Lady Kara enjoys a great deal of influence over King Andras, who appears to be genuinely mesmerised by her remarkable blend of beauty and aggression. She and Baron Heinrich are old rivals for Andras’ affections, and their hatred is palpable. Lord Dieter has also exchanged insults and threats with Kara, as has Berengar von Dohna, but Rustovitch’s envoy reserves her greatest derision for Veceslav Basarab, whom she calls a “traitorous dog.” The investigations of Marius and Berengar have confirmed that her claim of leading more than 1000 men to the Crusade, including 500 knights, it is also clear that many of those men are not equal to the level of skill evidenced by the Teutonic Order. Like Heinrich, Lady Kara is forced to act with much more circumspection once Heinrich von Salza arrives at the camp, but she still finds ways to make private time with the king.

Ormos_Arpad.jpgOrmos Árpád, courtly conniver of Esztergom (8th gen. Ventrue, Childe of Geza Árpád, e. 1157)- Geza of Esztergom’s most capable intriguer, Ormos has the contacts in both Hungary and Austria to serve his sire well on the crusade. He also enjoys a good working relationship with Heinrich von Achern, with whom he has had frequent dealings since the turn of the 13th century. Ormos presents the facade of a wealthy aristocrat, every bit as jaded as the most privileged mortal magnates of the Kingdom of Hungary, but he has had decades to build up an impressive stock of influence among the nobles and clergy of the royal court. He is too smart to try and get close to the king, but few know the minor functionaries and servants of Andrew II’s court so well as Ormos. In addition to this, he has busied himself networking among the various nobles who have taken the Cross, and he puts this growing list of contacts at the disposal of Baron Heinrich, in return for unspecified favours later. It is unclear just how far Ormos’ influence reaches, or how many men he can move either directly or indirectly, but his bodyguard consists of 6 veteran sergeants and a single knight.

Jadwiga_Arpad.jpgJadwiga Árpád, Lord Vencel Rikard’s diplomat (9th gen. Ventrue, Childe of Lampert Árpád [d?], e. 1138)- Once daughter of Prince Almos, grandaughter of King Bela I, wife of Adalbert Babenberg (Konrad’s older brother). She and Konrad enjoy a friendly correspondence, which has led to a cosy working relationship between them on the crusade. Her missing sire was the prince of Bereg before the War of Griffons and Dragons, and her late grandsire was Zombar, Bulscu’s first and most treasured progeny. She spent her early years undead as an exile and ward of Vencel, and they regard each other as sire and childe. Jadwiga serves her adopted sire as a diplomat, travelling among his contacts in the eastern reaches of the Holy Roman Empire, and also the demesnes of his faction to ensure friendly relations and understanding between his vassals. Like her rival Ormos, Jadwiga is skilled at diguising the true level of strength she can actually bring to the crusade, but she is normally guarded by 10 sergeants and a single knight.

Konrad_von_Babenberg.jpgKonrad von Babenberg, Prince of Innsbruck and Austrian manipulator (6th gen. Ventrue, childe of Valerianus, e. 1144)- The great-uncle and close advisor to Leopold VI, Duke of Austria. His sire was the founder and prince of Vienna for many centuries, but his assassination at the hands of a Tzimisce raiding party caused the city to become a Tremere dominion. Konrad bore the insult with ill-conceived poor grace at the time, but since he was a rank neonate when it happened, he had little recourse but to accept it. No vampire is more influential over the mortal politics of Austria and Styria than Konrad, and while he has brought few men to the pilgrimage himself, his sway over the duke is of inestimable value. He has praxis over Innsbruck, but leaves the night to night running to others, choosing instead to reside in Vienna, close to the duke. His connection to the duke has allowed him to be the primary force for movement upon the crusade, for Leopold is known to be eager to get to the fighting.

Dieter_von_Karlach.jpgDieter von Karlach, Prince of Hartberg and Lord of Karlach, Ventrue of Ill Repute (6th gen. Ventrue, childe of Wulfram of Esseling, e. 965)- A muscle-bound, towering knight of some mortal fame in the Duchy of Styria, Graf Dieter V von Karlach is known for his puissant skill at arms, his mercilessness on the battlefield, and the harshness of his laws. It is said that he was awarded Karlach as a mortal warrior after the Battle of Lechfeld in 955, and he returns to it intermittently to reclaim it from his mortal descendants. He hates Jurgen von Verden for being held up as a paragon of Ventrue virtues while he himself is seen as a base villain. Even his own sire has grown to despise him over the centuries. He has attached himself to Leopold’s retinue as a loyal vassal, and he has brought nearly 600 men to the Crusade. Konrad von Babenburg’s distaste for him is obvious, but not even he is able to deny the manpower that the count brings to Duke Leopold VI. The destruction of his Gangrel servant, Anton, and his later loss of face in his duel with Baron Heinrich, have caused Count Dieter no end of trouble since he arrived in the East, and he has uncharacteristically doubled down on strengthening his base rather than aiming for leadership of the crusade. In particular, after Acre’s curtain of faith fell, he and his servants claimed a large swath of the docks.

Helena_Korosi.pngHelena Korosi, budding merchant-prince (9th gen. Brujah, childe of Dmitar Saronja [d], e. 1212)- This ambitious and practical neonate from the domain of Kronstadt is the adopted childe of its prince, Karsten von Hornburg. Despite her few years among the undead, her foresight in driving an immense herd of cattle and wagons of wine and grain to Zagreb granted her incredible influence in the early stages of the crusade. A donation of her goods has earned her the favour of King Andras, and Helena has taken to using her herd as a means to drive the crusade on to its goals in turn. In this, she has earned the respect and cooperation of Prince Konrad and Baron Heinrich. The logistical nightmare of moving thousands of head of cattle by ship to the Levant has slowed her influence somewhat, but as of the gathering at Acre she still has considerable sway on the pilgrimage.

The Kingdom of Hungary and Croatia

Pal_Bubek.jpgPál Szilassy Bubek, advisor to the Ispán of Gömör (9th gen. Ventrue, Childe of Silas Bubek Árpád, e. 1205 CE)- A garrulous old Hungarian nobleman, he makes little secret of the fact that he is a neonate, but that he served his sire as a ghoul for decades before being brought across. His friend, the count Arisztid Balogh of Gömör, is an ardent supporter and favourite of King Andrew II, and Pál has taken the Cross to watch over him. As the progeny of the influential Prince of Gömör, and a descendant of the late Zombur Árpád, his friendship is hotly contested by the agents of both Vencel and Geza. For his part, Pál is enjoying his first true foray into the arena of Cainite politics, despite his worry that Terenc Balogh (the progeny of Kara Lupescu) seeks to subvert Arisztid to his owns ends. Initially he will be found in the company of Edwina Arlen, but he is eager to socialise, make contacts and allies, and offer wisdom from his extensive (though dated) experience as a knight and főispán (sheriff). Pál brings only about 40 men with him, but his ispán has brought more than 500. After the arrival of the Fifth Crusade in the East, he has busied himself with making alliances and organising logistics for the building projects that Count Arisztid has taken on board for the king.

Tibor_Benedek_Arpad.jpgTibor Benedek, knight of Veszprém (9th gen. Ventrue, Childe of Ladislaus Debroi Árpád, e. 1171)- An ambitious warrior who enjoys a reputation for being one of the finest warmasters among the Árpád Ventrue. He initially took the Cross for the 4th Crusade, but Tibor abandoned that pilgrimage in protest when they turned upon the city of Zara. Now he looks forward to fulfilling his vows in 1217. Tibor is the childe of the prince of Veszprém, who is himself one of the oldest surviving progeny of the late, lamented Zombur Árpád, and Ladislaus has charged Tibor with conducting himself with gallant piety to expiate his grandsire’s sin of suicide. He will seek to establish himself as a military leader, for Tibor travels with the ispán of Veszprém, who brings 700 men to the king’s crusade, and the Ventrue is the most prominent captain at his disposal.

Karl_von_Durles.jpgKarl von Durles, Warden & knight of Mediasch (8th gen. Ventrue, Childe of Nova Árpád, e. 1166)- Karl accompanies his burgrave, who has raised 350 men for the 5th Crusade. One of the few of Nova’s progeny that chose to return when she sent out the call in 1199, Sir Karl is very much in the mould of the Árpád Ventrue. Unlike Tibor, with whom he keeps company, he is scheming, manipulative and occasionally treacherous. Aware of the vast numbers of Siebenburgers that have rallied to the king’s proclamation of Crusade, Nova has sent Karl to take the Cross and to see to his sire’s interests in the East. Although they are not especially friendly, Sir’s Karl of Mediasch and Heinrich of Schäßburg were compelled to form a coterie by virtue of the alliance between their princes, Nova and Janos, and the Gangrel’s sudden absence after arriving at Haifa leaves him with few friends. Soon after the fall of the curtain of faith around Acre, the knight of Mediasch seeks closer ties with the Ashen Band, Pál Bubek, and Terenc Benedek, seeking other warriors who are interested in actually doing something with their time in the East.

Terenc_Vlaszy_Balogh.jpgTerenc Balogh , Knez of Molnyó (8th gen. Tzimisce, childe of Kara Lupescu, e. 1171)- A master logistician and seneschal, Lady Kara’s progeny is the least socially active of her coterie on the crusade. Rather he busies himself seeing to the needs of her camp. The painstaking investigations of Brother Berengar and Marius yielded the fact that he spends most of his time meeting with mortals inside his tent, and so is likely the mastermind behind the enviable network of allies, contacts, and clients that have contributed to Kara’s crusading efforts. Upon arrival in the Levant, he continues his reclusive efforts, but his presence is marked by those who pay attention to such things. Despite his organisational role, he is clearly a warrior of some experience. His mail looks to have seen quite a bit of action, boasting the signs of much repair, and his arming sword, dagger, and mace show considerable wear and tear as well. His surcoat is black, and bears the device of a two headed black eagle on a field of gold.

Elek_Vlaszy_Kiszely.jpgElec Kiszely, Knez of Zádorlak (9th gen. Gangrel, childe of Elena, e. 1087)- One of the two Gangrel attached to Lady Kara’s coterie, this battle-hardened knight is less a talker and more a doer. He has a hard, appraising look to his dark eyes, and the mass of scar tissue on his face lends him a fierce aspect. Elek wears a black wolf fur-trimmed, mud-stained grey cloak, in addition to his blue surcoat, which prominently displays the device of a white swan, feeding drops of blood to three of it’s young. He responds well to other soldiers, and seems to despise politicians, courtiers, and others unwilling to support their convictions with a weapon in hand. Despite his brutal posturing, Elec is a man of honour, who looks forward to doing his duty to king, country, and mistress on the crusade. Like Szilvester, he keeps to Lady Kara’s camp until the crusade arrives in the Holy Land, at which times he is a frequent participant in Ulrich’s sparring club.

Szilvester_Gar_zda.jpgSzilvester Garázda, Knez of Zolonta (10th gen. Gangrel, childe of Arnost, e. 1099)-The other of Kara’s Gangrel, this short, middle-aged Hungarian knight doesn’t seem, at first blush, to be a hard-bitten warrior. His manners are polished, he is soft-spoken, and learned enough to speak Latin easily. His midnight blue surcoat bears the device of a black goat, with golden horns, emerging from a ball of fire on a field of white. If asked about it, he will remark with humour that the Garázda family are called the “Goats of Hell” in some circles, sometimes as a compliment and others as an insult. Szilvester is circumspect in his dealings until he reaches the Holy Land, at which point he begins to make use of the tent Elysium and participate in Ulrich’s sparring club. Like the Green Lion of Swabia, he also makes efforts to introduce himself to newcomers, whom he invites to take employment with his lady.

Heinrich.jpg*Heinrich Bardensleben von Wolfsburg, Scourge & knight of Schäßburg * (11th gen. Gangrel, Childe of Jana von Dorsten, e. 1183). A noted Gangrel soldier, descended from the late Bernhard Billung of Kronstadt (a founding member of the Concord of Ashes), Heinrich has accompanied his burgrave and the significant (400 strong) contingent of his fellow Schäßburgers on this crusade. Sir Heinrich is honourable and gracious to a fault, presenting with the virtues of chivalry lauded by the Western High Clans more than that of the Transylvanian Gangrel. In court, he is courteous but eager to “get on with it.” His main motivation is to see that the majority of his fellow Schäßburgers weather the violence and difficulties of the 5th Crusade well, and that they return home to their families after having done their religious duty. After its establishment, he had little interest in the sparring club, but he competed once or twice, and showed himself to be a master swordsman. After assisting in the escape of Descia Bonda, Heinrich left the crusade to see her to safety, but he indicated that he would return by the end of the year.

Lajos_the_Croat.jpgLajos, Croatian aide-de-camp (8th gen Tremere, Chile of Robi Tamás, e. 1166)- An ethnic Croatian with many contacts in that country, Lajos was coopted by his sire as a favour to Lord Geza. Robi Tamás has served as Geza of Esztergom’s Tremere attache in the royal court for some thirty years, and their cordial relations has come very close to forging an alliance with the Usurpers and the Árpáds. To that effect, the Croat is here to make sure none of Ormos’ ever-growing list of enemies succeed in putting an end to the conniving aristocrat. Lajos is more of a watcher than a talker, but he will exchange pleasantries if approached. Unlike his coterie-mate, Ormos Árpád, Lajos looks very much like a fellow who can handle himself in a fight, and who knows what magical tricks this warlock might have up his sleeve. Lajos is an early participant at Ulrich’s sparring club, but he soon tires of it.

Guszt_v_Beschi.jpgGusztáv Beschyi, Freesword (10th gen. Ventrue, childe of Márk Szolnoky, e. 1162)- A late straggler to join the crusade, this Ventrue is a gruff, scarred Hungarian knight, descended from mortal castle warriors and one of the lesser bloodlines Árpád Ventrue. He makes his presence known on the 29th of August, and is recognised perfunctorily by the prince, and guardedly by both Ormos and Jadwiga, both of whom recognise the thinly veiled displeasure that the knight displays upon meeting them. He travels with a small troupe of equally hard-bitten warriors, and they seem eager to get to the fight. He appears eager to meet others of his clan who are not from Hungary. It is not long before Count Dieter’s agents approach him with offers of employment, and it soon becomes apparent upon arrival in the East that Gusztáv has accepted the Styrian lord’s coin. Even so, he keeps his options open for he is, after all, a mercenary. Gusztáv is a frequent participant at Ulrich’s sparring club.

Heinrich_the_Hound.jpgUlrich von Wettin, aka Heinrich the Hound (7th gen. Ventrue, childe of Hardestadt the Younger, e. 1206)- the progeny of Lord Jürgen’s younger sibling and rival, Sir Ulrich was sent to the Siebenburgen to “cut his fangs” as a loose ally in his uncle’s war against the Tzimisce. Of course, this also meant that he might also serve as a potential foil as well. The outcome has made him noteworthy for the inconveniences he caused Lord Jürgen, and notorious for the manner in which he strengthened his clan’s enemies against his own kin. Jürgen’s vengeance was swift, bringing infamy and criminality down upon Ulrich mortal persona. This required Ulrich to adopt a new persona and face to operate effectively, and so he took the cross to accrue fame and fortune as Heinrich the Hound. His intelligence and skill at networking has made Heinrich welcome in a number of councils on the crusade, as has his promotion of a “Cainite sparring club” to blow off steam and develop teamwork for the forthcoming fighting. In the mortal sphere, as a knight of Kronstadt he answers to Thietmarus von Andernach and Gebhard von Goslar, both seasoned commanders who appear to appreciate his strategic cunning but find his forwardness to give it somewhat irksome.

Marius_de_Simand2.jpgMarius Şimandianu, the inconspicuous agent (10th gen. Lasombra, childe of Iulia, e. 1211)- the handsome, brooding progeny of the formidable prince of Weißenburg, this neonate appears to be little more than a glorified attache between the older, more experienced Concord and the younger Ashen Band. His role within the latter coterie is also unclear, for he appears to be a merely adequate fighter, an ineffectual diplomat, and an unambitious seneschal or merchant. Certainly, all of his companions excel at one or more of these areas, while he seems to be quietly competent in all of them. As one of the youngest vampires to have taken the cross, he strives to be useful without seeking prominence, and he is known as having been present at most of the Cainite council meetings in the early phases of the crusade, where he simply took notes to bring to the attention of his sire.

Andras_Taragos.jpgAndras Taragoš, the exotic easterner (9th gen. Ravnos, childe of Vassily Taltos, e. 1211)- an unlikely participant of the crusade, this gypsy serves the Brujah Theophanos of Epirus as a roving agent and trouble-shooter. The alliance between his mentor and the Concord precipitated a similar arrangement on his own part with the Ashen Band of Kronstadt. Like Marius Şimandianu, Andras is no great warrior, diplomat, or merchant, but unlike the Lasombra he does possess a notable niche, for Andras excels at finding lost people and items, and he has quickly made himself useful to his new friends as their eyes on hands on the streets. He and his kumpaniya, all of whom take pains to display the cross on their wagons and persons, are widely travelled and very skilled at doing so, and together with their skills as entertainers and tinkers they are welcome on the pilgrimage despite their status as strange easterners. Andras has also taken resposibility for Skender and his fellows, all of whom seem curiously ignorant of Cainite ways.

Skender.jpgBrother Skender, ragged holy man (11th gen. Ravnos, childe of Josip, e. 1187)- the old pilgrim is ecstatic to arrive in the Holy Land at the start of November, and he immediately sets out for the court of the Prince of Dirt. He continues to preach to his two companions, as well as any and all crusaders, pilgrims, and camp followers within earshot, and he has developed a minor following. Brother Skender has a gift for delivering the Word, although his interpretations of scripture (a mix of Latin and Orthodox tenets, with a little seasoning of Bogomilism) would probably be taken as pure heresy by the Church. The monk saw Acre as the Omega for his suffering, and his enthusiasm was infectious for his fellows, Demir (who erred on the side of cynicism) and Ana (who is always close to Frenzy, and hopeful that her curse might be lifted). With the fall of the curtain of faith on the very night that he intended to make his fateful walk, Skender became convinced in his madness that it was his presence that caused it to fail. Confirmed in his bias, he swiftly set about proselytising in the streets of Acre.

Demir_the_Bosniak.jpgDemir the Bosnian, pilgrim scavenger (12th gen. Ravnos, childe of Amisa, e. 1201)- The lanky, haggard, scarred Bosnian is the most watchful of the three “Ravnos”, and certainly the most skilled at survival. For his part, he plays the big brother to Ana while Skender plays the father figure; Demir is always close to the younger Caitiff, ready to restrain her when she loses herself to frenzy, which is all too often. Demir knows how to survive – to hunt, to find shelter, and to scavenge for goods, and he tries to put these skills to use for anyone willing to pay, or to patronise him. With the fall of the curtain of faith, Demir’s cynicism asserted itself; he soon became leary enough of Skender’s fanatcism to quietly begin distancing himself from his coterie-mate, but the language barrier makes it difficult for him to find a new master that will treat he and Anastasija well. The Gangrel Armis appears to have taken an interest in the Ravnos; an odd proposition considering the traditional enmity between their clans.

Anastasija_the_Croat.jpgAnastasija the Croat, frightened fledgeling (13th gen. Ravnos, adopted childe of Demir and Skender, e. 1215)- Someone did a cruel thing to embrace this poor girl of 15, and moreso because they did it in a way that shattered her stability, perhaps forever. She is very, very frightened, and she vacillates with mawkish disgust at her state, and great flights of capricious bloodthirstiness when her Beast is up. She is prone to frenzy, and both Demir and Skender do not allow her to hunt unless under their supervision. The Beast claws at her nightly, and her companions give all their energies to protect her from its worst excesses. Danger and unpleasantness follow her, and chaos surrounds her. Desperately, she hoped that the trial of Acre would cleanse her of her curse, for she is truly a girl caught in the body of a monster. With the dissolution of the curtain of faith and her chance vanished, Ana seems even closer to the Beast than ever before.

The Holy Roman Empire

Rudolph_Nostinus_von_Graz.jpgRudolph Nostinus von Graz, the knight of nights, diplomat for Prince Gracis Nostinus of Graz (9th gen. Ventrue, childe of Gracis Nostinus, e. 1099 CE)- Despite his stylish, foppish appearance, Styrian knight who serves as the envoy and strong right hand of his Roman sire. He is a well known friend of Otto of Merania, whom he serves as a fencing and drinking partner. His reputation in the mortal sphere is as a cavalier drunkard who fails to rise in the morning and parties all night, but a skilled swordsman. He and Konrad are friends, after a fashion, and they have decided to band together for the purposes of this crusade. Rudolph is just one of half-a-dozen knights and edlers of Graz to take the Cross, and between them they have brought about 350 men to the Crusade. He took part in the assault on the Baali nest beneath the Tower of Flies, where he distinguished himself by helping to slay a foul demon summoned by the cultists.

Agnes_of_Merania.jpgAgnes von Andechs, ambassador from the Courts of Love (7th gen. Toreador, childe of Miles d’Argentan, e. 1201)- This neonate is grand-childe to the famed Salianna, foremost among the Toreador Queens of Love. She arrives in December, ostensibly to observe goings-on amid the intrigues surrounding both the Cainite and mortal crusades, but appears to have little understanding of or interest in the forth-coming campaign itself. She is an astute political observer, though, and she has an interest in the health and wealth of her mortal family, which includes her brother Duke Otto of Merania and Archbishop Berthold of Kalocsa. This she watches from afar, also, for Agnes passed from the mortal world in 1201, shortly after her ill-fated tenure as Queen and wife of Philip II of France was ended by an edict from Pope Innocent III. She soon makes a friend of Konrad von Babenberg, and while she is not officially part of his faction, their mortal family ties give them common ground.

Nickolaus_von_Radker.jpgNickolaus von Radker, knight of Styria (8th gen. Ventrue, childe of Adalbero der Schwarz, e. 1147)- This tall, strapping knight is the grandchilde of Dieter von Karlach. His sire was a disloyal vassal, who plotted against Dieter on behalf of Wolfram von Esseling, and when his duplicity was discovered Adalbero’s life was forfeit. Prince Dieter destroyed all of Adalbero’s progeny that he could find, save Nickolaus, who was spared on the condition that he take the Blood Oath in order to prove his loyalty. Sir Nickolaus’ ferocity in battle and ruthlessness against his enemies is not unlike the ferocity and callousness of Dieter himself, but the younger vampire also possesses a streak of chivalry that makes him unlikely to assault the weak, defenceless, or truly holy. He also possesses a little more courtly grace than his brutal master, and Dieter sometimes leaves Nickolaus to act as his proxy when intrigue grows tiresome. The knight of Styria fought Brother Berengar at Prince Etienne’s tourney and was beaten, although he impressed his potential rival with both his skill at arms and the surprisingly good grace he displayed in defeat.

Anton_Feistritzer.pngAnton Feistritzer, deceased huntmaster for Prince Dieter von Karlach (10th gen. Gangrel, childe of Anthia [d], e. 1069, d. October 23rd, 1217). A Styrian Gangrel who served the brutal Prince of Hartberg for much of his existence, Anton was very much locked into the master and servant mindset. He had a certain roguish charm to him, but only the lower classes would ever see it, for he stayed silent and kept his eyes on the floor whenever in the presence of his social betters, be they Cainite or kine. When dealing with other vampires of the Low Clans, he was gregarious, and enjoyed throwing his weight around with other Gangrel in particular. He also saw to the camp security of Prince Dieter and his retinue, while his command of Animalism made him an excellent scout in the field. Fate: Anton was a vicious hunter, who felt the call of the Beast more deeply than most. Upon his arrival in the Holy Land, he took his boredom out on the local Syrians and Arabs, viciously murdering a number of them in company with Ramir de Cavaillon and Marie de Cruelly. Vengeance was taken by the Ashirra Hanifa bint Nasir and her band, who captured and staked Anton, tortured him, and left him out for the dawn.

Modesto_the_Mad_Pilgrim.jpgModesto, the Mad Pilgrim (10th gen. Malkavian, childe of Narvia, the Cursed Tongue [d], e. 717)- This old one is one of the last Cainites to arrive at Spalato, paying his respects to Prince Ignatius and the court of Spalato on the 28th of September. The Malkavian claims to have walked all the way from Tuscany to join the Hungarian expedition, once it became clear that the French and Italian elements of the crusade would not be ready until the new year. He is filthy and clothed in rags, but numerous pilgrim badges; some from as far away as London, Cologne, Jerusalem, and Santiago de Compostela are sewn into his rough robes. Like many old ones of his clan, Modesto speaks in riddles, but he seems to enjoy Helena’s company immensely, even if she struggles to understand him. He accompanied her when she takes ship for Haifa, and lingered there until Helena was ready to move on to Acre. After the curtain of faith fell in November of 1217, his visions led to the attack on the Baali nest under the Tower of Flies and, once that affair was concluded, he joyfully joined the throngs of pilgrims flocking to Acre and lost much of his interest in the crusade itself.

Gottfried_von_Strassburg.jpgGottfried von Strassburg, Composer of Epics (9th gen. Toreador, childe of Gerberga of Arles, e. 1210)- A minnesanger and epic poet of considerable fame, Gottfried’s last work, Tristan, is already being lauded as a masterpiece despite his rush to finish it before a wasting illness claimed his life in 1210. He found the embrace of a Toreador instead, but the unfinished work was already in circulation, and so with leave from his sire, Gottfried has taken the Cross hoping to be filled with inspiration for his next work. In mortal company, he travels under the name of Riwalin of Strassburg, a wryly humble nod to his unworthy, unfinished work. Gottfried travels in company with a small band of musicians, all of whom are his retainers, and they pay their way by virtue of their skill. Savvy to the knowledge that the Italian contingents of the crusade are lagging painfully behind, Gottfried and his people rushed ahead to join the Hungarians. He seeks material for his next work, which he hopes to compose solely for the courts of the Children of Caine.

Reiner_von_Sankt_Lorenzen.jpgReiner von Sankt Lorenzen, wealthy pilgrim (8th gen. Brujah, childe of Brother Luidolf, e. 1013)- Another late arrival along with his progeny, Anselma, the Brujah calling himself Brother Reiner hails from a prominent west Styrian noble family, and is also the grandchilde of the ancient Prince of Aquileia. The two travel with a small party of monks, lay brothers, and pilgrims from the abbey of Sankt Lambrecht, where he serves as sub-prior. Reiner is an ancilla of several hundred years, and he brings considerable treasures with him with which to buy their passage and see it done in comfort. They are pilgrims, not warriors, but he seeks to use the security of the crusade to visit holy sites in the East. He walks the Road of Heaven, by his own admission, but he is no arrogant or manipulative than those who stumble along the roads of Humanity or Kings.

Anselma_von_Sankt_Lorenzen.jpgAnselma von Sankt Lorenzen, spoiled fledgeling (9th gen. Brujah, childe of Brother Reiner, e. 1216)- An indirect descendant of the good sub-prior of Sankt Lambrecht, this young noblewoman is stubborn and given to flights of great whimsy, emboldened by her “exalted“ new state. She is also rank fledgeling, having been Embraced quite recently, and she already feels she has learned everything that her sire can teach her. Alas, she is a bit of a spoiled brat of 16, and it shows. In fact, the tension between sire and childe is palpable; he tries to rein her in, to curb her excesses, and teach her the ways of the clan, while she tries to escape him at every opportunity. Indeed, she seems to hate her sire. Anselma sought out Helena almost immediately after hearing of her august position, but the older Brujah’s lack of interest in ’’playing’’ with the fledgeling soon became apparent and she drifted away. After the curtain of faith fell, she was driven into near-frenzy by the excitement and her habitual dislike of feeding. She was captured by the Ashen Band before she could murder a local nun, but the damage to the Sixth Tradition was severe, as the victim shortly after fell into the hands of Hermann von Salza, grandmaster of the Teutonic Order. Anselma has been imprisoned by the primogen council, and as of December 1217, she awaits her fate.

Johann_von_Karlsdorf.jpgJohann von Karlsdorf, Thuringian penitent (10th gen. Ventrue, childe of Abel von Karlsruhe, e. 1109)- This Ventrue nobleman is a zealot from Thuringia, who has sworn to take every Crusade to the Holy Land until it is free for pilgrims once more. He is socially awkward, as he speaks little of the French tongues, no Latin or Hungarian, only a little Greek and relates only on matters of faith. He and his swordbrother, Sir Hans, both proudly fought on the Crusade of 1197, and will also admit with some shame that they are veterans of the 4th Crusade as well. In that ill-starred campaign they served firstly under Guy of Provence and then, after his Final Death, Lanzo von Sachsen, who eventually dismissed them due to their contritious attitude in the wake of the Great Sack. Johann and Hans waited many years for their opportunity to do proper penance, and they travelled the dangerous route from the Kingdom of Thessalonica to join the Hungarian crusade, arriving in Spalato on the 9th of August. They were quickly approached by the agents of Dieter von Karlach, whom they rebuffed respectfully but firmly. At Acre, Johann took part in the attack on the Tower of the Flies, and he was driven into torpor by the Baali warrior dubbed the Nubian, who was subsequently taken prisoner.

Hans_von_Basle.jpgHans von Basle, Burgundian penitent (11th gen. Cappadocian, childe of Brother Ludwig, e. 1122)- a Faithful knight of the Kingdom of Arles, who speaks no Latin or Hungarian, only a few words of the Langued’oil, but decent Greek, this Cappadocian knight also served on the German Crusade of 1197 and the 4th Crusade. Hans is thought to have some strange, even heretical notions regarding the place of the Children of Caine, ideas that were only strengthened by the disaster of the Bitter Crusade. In any case, those who speak with him at length soon discover that he is on an obscure quest to the Holy Land. He will speak nothing of this quest, save to say that he must meet it with sword in hand and faith in his heart. He arrived at Spalato with his sword-brother, Johann, on the 9th of August. After the failed overture from Lord Dieter, Hans was also approached by the Green Lion of Swabia, and agreed to meet with Lady Kara briefly. Nothing is known of the outcome, but Hans leftSpalato only with Johann, not the Lupescu faction. After the curtain of faith around Acre fell, Hans was recruited for the attack on the Tower of Flies. He fought well against the Baali warrior called the Nubian, and survived the encounter. In the wake of the attack, the Cappadocian knight was cheerful despite his companion being driven into torpor. Perhaps he felt that some small amends had finally been made for the Bitter Crusade.

Odo_the_Rat.jpgOdo the Rat, Nosferatu mercenary (11th gen. Nosferatu, child of Rolfmund [d], e. 1129); A Nosferatu with plenty of experience fighting in the Holy Land, this warrior arrived late to Spalato, and was denied a place in the palace by virtue of his low clan, weak blood, and monstrous countenance. He instead sought permission to make his haven in the antiquated sewers of the city, “where he might keep company with the rest of the rats.” Both Dieter and Kara’s factions were not so discerning as Prince Ignatius, and they were quick to offer the experienced scout and soldier employment in their own factions. The Nosferatu elected to go with the coin and favour of the Styrian lord, and he departed for the Holy Land in company with Dieter’s coterie. He has been little seen in the East, however, and it is thought that he busies himself scouting potential targets for attack.

The Kingdom of Cyprus

Alexia_of_Nicosia.pngAlexia, Regent of Nicosia (8th gen. Tremere, Childe of Jervais bani Tremere, e. 1155)- Known to the Concord and their allies for being held complicit in the theft of Sword of Sceptres and Roses at Magdeburg in 1211, this Warlock ancilla appears to have gone from strength to strength in the intervening years. She is now considered to be the preeminent Tremere of the Kingdom of Cyprus, and Alexia has busied herself creating a new persona as a wealthy patron of merchants and a political supporter of the House of Lusignan. In this capacity, she has taken an active interest in the crusade in so far as her king, Hugh I of Cyprus, has chosen to take the cross hoping to recover his perceived inheritance from both the Muslims and King John of Jerusalem. This naturally predisposes Alexia to finding herself in opposition to Cainites who support the House of Brienne. Despite her newfound power, Alexia is a little nervous in company with the followers of Lord Jürgen von Verden, as she was forced to flee Magedburg under penalty of a Blood Hunt. This hunt is technically still in force, although it has no real fangs so far to the East.

Benjamin_d_Alson.jpgSir Benjamin d’Alson, Knight of Cyprus (11th gen. Tremere, Childe of Denelem Obfusco [d?], e. 1179)- Also known to the Concord due to his former association with Hesintrada (aka Hette von Borcke), an affirmed enemy of Maude Khliesl, Sir Benjamin has since returned to his Poulain roots in the East. As his family lands were lost in Saladin’s conquest, he has followed his mortal kin to Nicosia, where they have become stalwart supporters of the new kingdom of Cyprus. For his own part, Sir Benjamin has attached himself to Regent Alexia, and uses his talent for subterfuge in order to subvert the quite newly minted secular Military Order of Cyprus to the will of House and Clan. Like his mortal brothers-in-arms, he is dedicated to the protection of King Hugh on the crusade, and he socialises but little with his fellow Cainites. When he does appear at court, it is because Alexia is in need of his strong arm to complement her sharp mind and Joscelin’s polished manners.

Joscelin_de_Gibelet.jpgJoscelin de Gibelet, Cypriot courtier (9th gen. Tremere, Childe of Askanion, e. 1193)- A smooth, gossipy nobleman with many connections among the nobility of both Cyprus and Jerusalem. His mortal family are Poulain gentry, a cadet branch of the noted Genoese Embriaco family. As the natural son of Etienne, the brother of Hughes II de Gibelet, Joscelin had no prospects and was expected to enter the Church, but he found other interests at the seminary. He was recruited by Alexia herself in the early 1180s, and his connections in Nicosia allowed his father to resettle there after Saladin’s conquest of Jerusalem. Joscelin continues to watch over his young nephew, Amaury, and the other mortal members of his family in service to his own ambitions as a magus and a politician. Neither Alexia nor Benjamin are skilled courtiers, so they rely upon Joscelin to gauge the intrigues in the Cainite Elysiums of the crusade.

Maria_Comnena_2.jpgMaria Comnena, Queen of the Night (9th gen. Toreador, Childe of Helene de Milly, e. 1213)- Although a rank neonate, this elegant lady boasts an extraordinary degree of influence both within the Kingdom of Cyprus and the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Indeed, many years past she was in fact Queen of Jerusalem, and she still cannot help but act with the grace of a born ruler. Her surviving children include the Lord of Beirut and the Bailiff of Cyprus, and her grandchildren include the Queen of Cyprus, the Queen-consort of the Kingdom of Armenia, and the Princess-consort of Antioch. Maria dwells in Nicosia, but she frequently travels to the Second Kingdom in order to build a network that she hopes will strengthen it against the trials to come. Not least among her allies is her husband, Balian of Ibelin, now a Gangrel who goes by the name of al-Shaear Wahid. Throughout the contentious councils of the coalescing crusade, she is ever the voice of common sense and unity, and she seeks like minds. Although she is certainly no warrior, Maria gave the Ashen Band her assistance when they led the attack on the Tower of Flies.

Nicephoros_the_Old.jpgNicephoros the Old, military advisor (10th gen. Cappadocian, Childe of Eudokia Damaskena [d], e. 1180)- Before the crusade arrived in the Holy Land, Nicephoros spent months gathering intelligence on Ayyubid Egypt. He was almost destroyed by Assamites for his trouble, and rescued by the Ashen Band. Now fully recovered, he is seldom far from the side of Maria Comnena, and this proud old Greek soldier appears to be her self-appointed protector and advisor on all matters military. While the strength of his arm had long since deserted him at the time of his embrace, Nicephoros has a keen mind for logistics, strategy, and politics, and he uses this facility to offer wisdom that she then passes on to her son Philip d’Ibelin, the Bailiff of Cyprus. Despite his obvious charisma, the old soldier appears to be a bit of a loner, more interested in listening to discussions in the Cainite councils than offering advice of his own. He socialises little, and shares even less, although he appears to have a good deal of respect for al-Shaear Wahid and a number of other experienced military minds, and he will offer the rare insight if one of these worthies asks him. Despite the wounds from the attempt on his unlife, Nicephoros stalwartly gavce his assistance during the assault on the Tower of Flies.

Adam_de_Telemont.jpgAdam de Telemont, knight-captain errant (9th gen. Brujah, Childe of Raspecia [d], e. 1109)- A mercenary knight, Sir Adam is the ruler of a large band of fellow free knights and free swords known as the Brothers of Kyrenia, who take their name from a castle in northern Cyprus. A few of the oldest among them are English, and remember their valourous role in taking that castle by storm when in the employ of King Richard the Lionheart. For his part, Sir Adam is a Sicilian Norman by extraction and embrace, but he has long since adopted the mannerisms and vernacular of the Poulains of the Holy Land. He arrives with his men in December; they offer their skills as soldiers well-acquainted with the dangers of campaigning in the East, and they command top coin for their services. Sir Adam has a reputation for cynical nous and ruthless leadership.

The Kingdom of Jerusalem

Vicelein_2.jpgVicelin de Marseille, envoy for Lucius Trebius Rufus (7th gen. Ventrue, Childe of Lucius Trebius Rufus, e. 1092)- Polite, valourous and pious to a fault, this Occitanian knight presents as an enviable paragon of chivalry. He exudes command, and wears his honour almost like a palpable cloak. In calm, measured tones Vicelin greets all crusaders he meets on behalf of his sire and the Crusader Ventrue of the Second Kingdom, exhorting all to stay and do their holy duty by the poor, downtrodden small folk, who are once more under the yoke of Muslim rule. Sir Vicelin knows much of the delicate balancing act that is the politics of the city of Jerusalem in which he, his sire, and his consanguineous brother Lefreuy have continued to reside lo these many years of “Saracen occupation.” Any who are willing to fight for the Crusader Ventrue in their holy mission will earn his instant interest, and he promises them initiation into further secrets of this ancient land if they will offer their swords to his sire.

Henri_Malfrique.jpgHenri Malfrique, envoy for Adrianos of Caesarea (8th gen. Ventrue, Childe of Aleran de Troyes, e. 1123)- Grandchilde of the powerful Ventrue Crusader who has ruled Caesarea for much of the last century, Henri is considerably more open and diplomatic in his activities than Vicelin. Prince Adrianos is anxious to see the Kingdom of Jerusalem reinforced in the south, and he hopes that Henri can co-opt a number of the Hungarian and German Cainite lords present to launch sorties against the Ayyubid interests that menace the southern coastal hinterlands. Henri promises patronage and domains to any skilled and ambitious Cainites willing to bend the knee and offer their swords to his master. Unlike Vicelin and Julian, he is a courtier more than a warrior, but Henri is always accompanied by three dangerous looking ghouls to make up for it.

Julian_de_Bethsan.jpgJulian de Bethsan, envoy for Marnat of Jaffa (9th gen. Ventrue, Childe of Ranulph of Ascalon (d), e. 1166)- Uncommonly cheerful and approachable for the servant of an esteemed elder, Sir Julian tends to disarm strangers with the humility of a household knight and scholar. His grandsire, Marnat, is thought to be the eldest and canniest (if not the strongest) of the Crusader Ventrue of the Levant. Like Prince Adrianos at Caesarea to his north, Prince Marnat is less than happy with the insecure coastal domains of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and he hopes to divert the manpower of the crusade to strengthen the castle at Askelon and the walls and towers of his own city of Jaffa. For his own part, Julian is keen to network with the German and Hungarian Cainite crusaders, seeking potential allies of all clans to make up the numbers lost by the disastrous fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem after the Battle of Hattin.

Balian_d_Ibelin.jpgBalian d’Ibelin, Master of Caymont (9th gen. Gangrel, Childe of Elias, e. 1194)- A tall, thick-set knight in his twilight years, slightly bent with age and care, but still healthy and strong. He is very hairy, sporting a thick head of grey, a bushy, slightly unkempt beard, and a thatch of wiry black hair can be seen bursting out of the throat of his surcoat. The back of his hands and his forearms are almost totally hirsute as well. Known as the famous Defender of Jerusalem more than a mortal generation ago, he was known as al-Shaear Wahid (the Hairy One) by the Ayyubid chroniclers, and his legend has followed him into undeath. Balian has seen more military campaigns than some Cainites thrice his age, but after his embrace he walked away from war, choosing instead to dwell peacefully at Caymont, some 13 miles south of Haifa. He has come to council at the behest of his wife, Maria Komnena, but he is cynical regarding the commitment of the European powers that have arrived thus far.

Rajid_Rasim.jpgRajid Rasim, the Rat of Tyre (11th gen. Nosferatu, Childe of Bernardo the Healer (d), e. 1167)- A short, spry man with over-large, watery green eyes and pale, sickly skin, clad in the ragged robes of the perpetually penitent pilgrim. His wooden crucifix, his scrip and his pilgrims badges all seem to have seen better days, but he appears to have made one allowance for the road in that his boots are sturdy, and of good make. Rajid is a native Syrian, and a descendant of Fra’ Gerard, the founder of the Nosferatu splinter of the Military Order of St. Ladre. Athough he is not of their ilk himself, he treads lightly and carefully in the Holy Land, for the pogrom launched against his bloodline by the Muslim Hajj Nosferatu destroyed many of his kin in the wake of Saladin’s conquest. Rajid Rasim appears to be a loose ally of Balian and Maria, functioning as something of a spymaster for them. He appears to be hesitant to offer unsolicited advice or information to others. After the dissolution of the curtain of faith around Acre, Rajid decided to take his leave of the camp temporarily, heading towards the Ayyubid territory around the Sea of Galilee in order gather intelligence.

Robert_of_Norfolk.jpgRobert of Norfolk, clanless sell-sword (12th gen. Caitiff, Childe of Rether, e. 1191)- A middle-aged, bull-necked, rough looking Englishman clad in the weathered leathers and gambeson of a veteran sergeant, this clanless vampire arrived at the crusader camp seeking employment from either mortal or immortal master. Discovered by Nikolaus von Radker, he was quickly retained for Count Dieter’s faction to deny his skills to anyone else. Robert is a veteran of more than a dozen wars, with over thirty years of experience campaigning in the Holy Land. Embraced on the evening after the Battle of Arsuf from among the mortally wounded, his Malkavian sire soon abandoned him when he displayed no special “illumination” over his transformation. He isn’t ambitious, other than a desire for comfort and, God willing, a small domain of his own.

Errard_de_Saint_Symeon.jpgErrard de Saint Symeon, clanless sellsword (11th gen. Caitiff, childe of Eliphas [d], e. 1166)- Younger in appearance than his occasional ally and colleague, Robert of Norfolk, this barrel-chested, muscular sergeant wears much-patched gambeson, and carries a spear and mace in addition to his composite bow. He is a Poulain native of the Principality of Antioch, where he has sold his sword to all paymasters since for more than fifty years. It is thought that he is the progeny of a Lasombra, who was murdered by Assamites in the immediately thereafter, and that the blood of the Clan of Shadows failed to take as a result. Errard hates the Assamites intensely for this reason, and the Lasombra only a fraction less for rejecting him. He has accepted the coin of Count Dieter von Karlach.

Norgi_Norgison.jpgNorgi Norgison, clanless sellsword (12th gen. Caitiff, childe of an unknown sire, e. 1204)- This axeman is a friendly sort, quite out of step with his dour fellow clanless hirelings and their brutish paymaster. He calls himself a Norwegian, although he readily admits that he was born near Jerusalem, as was his father before him, and that he has never actually seen Norway. In addition to his native tongue and that of the Danes and the Low Saxon dialect of Germany, Norgi speaks Arabic and Syriac fluently, making him invaluable to his paymaster, Count Dieter, not least because he can translate the demands of the Ventrue to his fellow Caitiff, who do not speak a lick of any German. He is a pleasant enough looking young man despite scars that mar his nose and the left side of his cheek, clad in a battle-scarred mail hauberk and gambeson, and armed with short bow, battle-axe, dagger, and a footman’s shield. Norgi hasn’t a clue who his sire is, nor why he was embraced, but he has embraced his undead existence with gusto.

The Eastern Lords and the Order of the Black Cross

Brother_Rudiger2.jpgRudiger von Goslar, Commandant of Leer Commanderie (8th gen. Ventrue, Childe of Frederick the Bold [d], e. 1102)- Considered one of the Swordbearer’s better commanders, Rudiger has been brought on board for this Crusade because he has extensive contacts in the Holy Land. Before throwing his lot in with the Teutonic Order, he resided in the Levant some 50 years, serving in both the 2nd and 3rd Crusades. It was in the 3rd that he met Jürgen von Verden, and so impressed was he that Sir Rudiger eventually left the service of Prince Alfred of Haifa to join the newly formed Order of the Black Cross. He is expected to assist Heinrich in any way he can, and to help him direct the Order in the lands he knows so well. With the blessing of the baron, Brother Berengar enlisted him to attack the Tower of the Flies, and Rudiger distinguished himself there by slaying 7 of the cultists.

Brother_Berengar_von_Dohna.jpgBrother Berengar von Dohna, Brother of the Teutonic Order (8th gen. Ventrue, childe of Baron Heinrich von Achern, e. 1205)- The troubled progeny of the Ordensmarshal, Brother Berengar would be famed in the Order of the Black Cross for his masterful skill at arms, but alas a political misstep in Oltenia a number of years ago has blackened his name. He has worked hard to correct his error, and the trust that Heinrich has placed in him throughout the course of the crusade has redeemed his ill reputation as an incompetent, but the recovery of hard won dignitas is a long road indeed, and Berengar has travelled but a few years in a journey that might take decades. His association with Helena Korosi gives him no small amount of influence over the comestible resources of the pilgrimage, and he has also been recognised as Baron Heinrich’s champion and aide-de-camp. He distinguished himself both at Prince Etienne’s tourney, and later the same night in the assault on the Baali nest beneath the Tower of Flies.

Ulrike_von_Alvensleben.jpgUlrike von Alvensleben, Lay Sister of the Order of St. Mary of Jerusalem (10th gen. Toreador, Childe of Reinhard von Blankenburg, e. 1139)- A quiet, watchful secular canoness of the Teutonic Order, Ulrike busies herself being something of an adjutant between Heinrich at court and the knights in the field. She is a recent addition to the Order of the Black Cross, having been brought on board by the aggressive recruiting efforts of Lucretia von Hardtz. It is thought that she is one of a handful of Cainites nuns that that the combative grand commander is training as an auxilliary fighting force to compliment the male brothers. Sister Ulrike is also a talented singer and seamstress, and she has been using the former facility to compose new hymns for the Teutons. She hails from a ministerial knightly family with lands near Magdeburg.

Brother_Otto_von_Weimar-Orlamunde.jpgOtto von Weimar-Orlamünde, Brother of the Teutonic Order (9th gen. Ventrue, childe of Siegfried von Orlamünde, e. 1207)- A very grave warrior-monk in his late twenties, who stands at over 6 ½ feet tall. The mortal Otto belonged to a cadet branch of the House of Ascana, and was once heir to the counties of Weimar and Orlamünde. However, such was his devotion to God that he renounced his inheritance to enter the Teutonic Order in 1205. Several years later, he found the Embrace at the fangs of his great uncle. He conducted himself with great gallantry against the Vlach insurrection near the Siebenburgen city of Schassburg in AD 1213 and 1214. Indeed, so well did he perform that Lord Jürgen has rewarded him with leave to Embrace a new childe himself, should he find a worthy candidate. To that end, Brother Otto asked to take the Cross for the Fifth Crusade, the better to see his brothers at their best.

Cainite factions of the Templar Order

Brother_Alaric_of_Taranto.jpgBrother Alaric di Taranto, Commander of the Crucible of Shadow (7th gen. Lasombra, adopted childe of Santiago de Girona, e. 1099)- This Templar ancilla leads a coterie of dangerous Lasombra of a secret sub-order, dubbed the Crucible of Shadows. The coterie serves Santiago, a Spanish Lasombra who has long meddled with the Templar Order in Italy and Croatia. Alaric’s coterie hails from the small preceptory at Glogovnica rather than the much larger one at Vrana, and it can be safely assumed that the 80 odd knights and sergeants that travel with them are loyal to the Crucible. Brother Alaric is an old ally of the Concord, and upon the arrival of the Crucible at Spalato they were met with considerable pleasure by Prince Iulia, who spent much time talking with Brother Alaric in private. Immediately after, the Cainite Templar sought out Marius for private training, and he also sent Brother Josip to make overtures to Baron Heinrich, promising limited cooperation with the Order of the Black Cross.

Brother_Josip_od_Viljevo.jpgBrother Josip Vilgevo, Templar leader (9th gen. Lasombra, childe of Ivan Svačić, e. 1143); An aristocrat from a minor Slavonian-Croatian noble family, this tall, athletic Templar is both the most socially adept and the most knowledgeable captain among the Crucible of Shadows. His sire Ivan was the first in a long series of steps that Santiago de Girona took to suborn the Knights Templar chapterhouses of Croatia, and Josip in turn was brought across because of his natural leadership skills and flair for organising and recruiting men. He is not so masterful in the arts of Obtenebration as Brother Alaric, nor is he so fearsome a warrior as Brother Martin, but Josip’s capacity for networking and intrigue has earned him a solid place in the leadership of the growing coterie. Of the Crucible, he is the most easily sought out and also the most likely to seek alliances among the other Cainite crusaders.

Brother_Martin_Lap_ani.jpgBrother Martin Lapčani, Templar champion (10th gen. Lasombra, childe of Stepan Oršić, E. 1177)- The youngest of the Cainite crusaders of the Crucible of Shadows, Brother Martin is their most capable fighter. As such, he spends most of his time drilling the mortal and ghoul brothers in the use of sword, axe, mace, and lance, as well as the finer points of mounted combat. He has little interest in indulging in the intrigues of other Cainites, and even less in pointless socialising with them. Brother Martin bears the name of a powerful Croatian noble family, but his apparent disinterest in politics probably indicates that this avenue of influence currently lies fallow for his great-sire, Santiago de Girona. Rather, the taciturn Templar seems much more interested in perfecting his skills in the arts of war and Obtenebration. Of the 3 members of the Covenant, Brother Martin was by far the most eager to cross swords with Gondemar and Guillaume when the two Ventrue factions fell to arguing over possession of Acre’s primary Templar commanderie after the curtain of faith fell. He seemed disappointed when an accord was reached.

Brother_Gondemar2.jpgBrother Gondemar of Tortosa, Commander of the Compact of Clairvaux (7th gen. Ventrue, childe of Hugh of Clairvaux [d], e. 1191); once the chief aide-de-camp of his late sire, who was briefly credited with almost revivifying the 4th Crusade in the wake of the Great Sack of Constantinople, this deeply devoted and dignified Templar now leads the remnants of Hugh’s men from the small island of Ruad, some 2 miles west of the port city of Tortosa. While he lacks the heroic presentation, charisma, and elan of Hugh of Clairvaux, and his lank black hair and hooded eyelids make him seem shabby and even stupid, Brother Gondemar has come into is own as a leader and master strategist. He and his large coterie, the Compact of Clairvaux, bring a good deal of local military and logistic experience to the Cainite Crusade, but they are suspicious of the German and Hungarian crusaders, and paranoid of Assamite assassins. Gondemar has chosen to travel to Acre with just one Cainite aide, choosing instead to bring a handful of ghouls to help him keep abreast of developments within the city.

Guillaume_de_Rousillon.jpgBrother Guillaume de Rousillon, knight of the Compact (8th gen. Ventrue, childe of Brother Endric, e. 1193)- Those who first meet this calm Templar and his superior, the surly Brother Gondemar, could be forgiven for thinking Guillaume the master, not the other way around. Unlike the somewhat shabby appearance of his consanguineous uncle, Guillaume presents as quite tall, very handsome, and possessed of the sort of franchise that marks him as noble born, trained to lead others in battle. Unlike many of his Templar brethren, who often grow their beards somewhat wild, he keeps his beard very short and finely groomed. His role in the Compact of Clairvaux appears to be something akin to that of a seneschal, a position that Gondemar himself once filled with considerable ability. For the purposes of the Cainite intrigues at Acre, Guillaume’s job is to act as a proxy for his commander, whose distaste for politics is obvious.

The Order of the Sable Rose

Ancelin_de_Barfleur.jpgBrother Ancelin de Barfleur, envoy of Andrew of Normandy (9th gen. Toreador, Childe of Brother Godefroi de Caen, e. 1181)- A young, short, soft-featured French Norman, this Hospitaller knight is a late arrival at Acre, appearing around the Ides of November. Ostensibly, he comes to investigate the intrigues surrounding the Cainite efforts on the crusade, and he makes quite the impact with his genteel manner, piety, and sharp mind. However, gossip will soon circulate that he has visited Prince Etienne’s court many times to investigate the holy aura that isolates the city. The discomforts that even a ghoul faces within Acre limits the influence of the Sable Rose and “Angel Andrew,” the Toreador ancient who stands as the Grandmaster of that secret cabal within the Hospitallers, has long coveted an understanding of what causes such dread agony to the children of Caine here, of all places. On a more prosaic level, Brother Ancelin appears to be chiefly concerned with feeling out the direction and speed of both mortal and Cainite crusades, and his many retainers fall to the task with practiced ease.


Charisse_de_Grey.jpgMarie de Creully, pilgrim spectator (7th gen. Toreador, Childe of Arnoul de Muret, e. 1210, missing since October 23rd, 1217)- An achingly elegant lady of France who drifted into the court of Prince Etienne in the middle of 1217, Marie purported to be a pilgrim visiting the holy sites of the East. Despite this apparent pursuit of piety, Lady Marie seemed singularly delighted with the arrival of so many dangerous and interesting vampires in her midst, and she eagerly threw herself into meeting as many of them as possible. She naturally gravitated toward her clan-mate Ramir de Cavaillon, and they soon became the darlings of Elysium with his musical talents and her inestimable charms. By the middle of October, they were almost inseparable, hunting and carousing together with almost savage glee; they fed from the energy of court as much as the vitae of their mortal victims, which inspired both envy and disgust in a number of the more pious Cainites in attendance. Marie reportedly accompanied Ramir and Anton Feistritzer on their fateful, bloodlustful foray into the hills near Acre. Unlike her two companion hunters, no evidence was found of Marie’s remains, and their Ashirra executioners indicated that she was not with them when they were apprehended.

Ramir_de_Cavaillon.jpgRamir de Cavaillon, deceased troubadour (8th gen. Toreador, Childe of Sança de Cavaillon [d], e. 1132, d. October 23rd, 1217)- Athletic, dashing and handsome, this young Provençal knight fit the classic exemplar of the ballads and epics of the troubadours. He habitually wore a smirk, as if some secret humour seemed to tug at his lips, and he was rarely without a joke or wry witticism to disarm those around him, be they Cainite or kine. Ramir’s charm was undeniable, his roguish savoir vivre delightful, his rakishness incorrigible, and the court naturally took to him. He was a beloved fixture of the Elysium at Spalato, and his antics continued first in Haifa and then in the caravansery courts of Acre. There, he appeared to find a carousing partner in Marie de Creully, a fellow Artisan on brief sojourn to the East.
Fate: They choose to hunt together as well, and a darker, crueller side to Ramir began to show itself. During an extended hunt into the countryside near Acre, they butchered a Muslim family, and together with the Gangrel Anton Feistritzer, they were in return hunted by a band of local Ashiira. Ramir and Anton were apprehended and executed for their crimes, but Marie appears to have escaped.

Sir_Michael_of_Durham.jpgSir Michael of Durham, Grail Knight (10th gen. Gangrel, Childe of Edward, e. 1070)- A Norman knight in his prime, with an intensely pious, tireless mien about him, wearing a blue surcoat bearing a golden chalice on a field of red. The knight’s skin is a very pale, almost luminous white, as if of moonlight striking snow. When he first met the Ashen Band, Sir Michael claimed that he had chosen to take the cross as a direct response to the folly perpetrated by Cainites meddling in the course of the 4th Crusade. He quietly but fervently counseled the need to keep an eye out for the machinations of the Cainite Heresy and the Settites, both of whom might seek to pervert this pilgrimage as well. He speaks authoritatively, for he is well acquainted with the crusading movement, having wandered the East as a knight errant for scores of years. During the assault on the Baali nest under the Tower of Flies, he revealed himself to be a Knight of Bitter Ashes, a semi-legendary chivalric order rumoured to guard the Holy Grail. Sir Michael knows Etienne de Fauberge, and is an infrequent guest at the court of the Prince of Acre.

Baudouin_of_Charnoy.jpgSir Baudouin of Charnoy, retired prince (7th gen. Lasombra, Childe of Prince Remaclus of Namur, e. 1130)- A very tall, barrel-chested old knight wearing fine, if slightly threadbare, garments embroidered with white lilies and golden lions. Baudoin is a figure of some fame both in the Lasombra clan and also throughout the fractious Cainite demesnes of Lower Lotharingia. He served his sire as seneschal of Namur honourably and well for nearly 50 years, before abruptly abandoning his role and orchestrating a masterful conquest of the Cainite court in the newly fortified town of Mons. Other Lasombra study the action as an ideal example of a coup. Strangely, Baudouin abandoned his prosperous and prestigious domain in 1211, which inspires only more gossip as to his current ambitions. He watches more than speaks, his cold eyes taking notes of the seething intrigues in the councils of the crusade. He took part on the assault on the Baali nest at the Tower of Flies, although he was horribly burned by an old ghoul in the initial stages of the attack. In the course of their scuffle, something else evidently passed between the two, for Charnoy’s condition worsened over the coming nights and he slipped into torpor. Several nights later, a swarm of bloated ghoul flies erupted from his mouth, though it is thought that the Flemish Lasombra survived, albeit worse for wear. He remains in torpor somewhere beneath Prince Etienne’s caravansery.

The Concord

Iulia_5.pngIulia, Prince of Weissenburg (9th gen. Lasombra, Childe of Katerina of Adrianople, e. 1182)- This much respected ancilla has now ruled her city for the best part of a mortal generation, and the skill with which she has done so has earned her acceptance both within the Council of Ashes and throughout Hungary in general. Her ability to simultaneously keep abreast of everything within her city whilst also keeping the movements of her court secret from the mortal bishop and his suspected networks of witch hunters has been the envy of the other councillors, but Iulia is secretive in the extreme concerning her methods. Even though the Siebenburgen are little more than a footnote in the tale of the Cainite history of the Kingdom of Hungary, the skill with which Iulia has honoured the demands of her elders and served her own ambitions has not gone unnoticed by the wider clan. Along with her companions among the Concord, Prince Iulia joined the the crusade at Zagreb. This move was thought to be an attempt to atone for their involvement in the disastrous Bitter Crusade, but her abrupt leave-taking at Haifa has caused something of a stir in the ranks, despite her statement that it is pointless remaining idle while the campaign has stalled.

Veceslav_Basarab.jpgVeceslav Basarab, erstwhile knez of Tihuta (7th gen. Tzimisce, childe of Gabor the Bulgar, e. 1153)- The most famous, or perhaps infamous, figure among the noted coterie known as the Concord, this mild mannered, genial Fiend was recently ousted by Vladimir Rustovitch from his castle in the Tihuta Pass. This news is notable to the Cainites of Hungary, for Veceslav’s defeat means that the Cainite servants of Bulcsu have lost any claim to power in the north of the entire Transylvanian basin. His reputation suffers from the alliance of his bloodline with the Árpáds, a gesture which has earned the derision of much of his clan, but it is arguably countered by his involvement in the Fourth Crusade, which finally brought down the Byzantine Obertus faction that had long been enemies of the Carpathian Voivodate. In addition, his defeat and diablerie of a noted Holy Roman Imperial Ventrue crusader has become widely publicised among the Fiends, which also heals his notoriety somewhat. For some reason, Veceslav shares a noted antipathy with Lady Kara Lupescu, whom he has known since his breathing days, but which has surely worsened with his recent dimunition of power and prestige. Deprived of his lands, the erstwhile knez is hungry for a new home, and his sudden leave-taking along with Prince Iulia has caused gossip among the court.

Brother_Adalbert.jpgBrother Adalbert of Sankt Georgen, Seneschal of Kronstadt (11th gen. Ventrue, childe of Wiprecht von Lübben)- Presenting as a mysterious, solemn, and forbidding priest of the Benedictine Order, this ancilla has earned a good name for his organisational flair, his wise counsel, and his capacity to serve multiple masters with adroit alacrity. In addition to his role in Kronstadt, he is known to serve as a confessor to the Teutonic Order as well, including the knights of the Black Cross. Indeed, if it were not for the weak blood that forever condemns him to a subordinate role, it is thought that he would make a fine prince in his own right. Like his companions, Adalbert was a pilgrim of the Bitter Crusade, though his role in it is less noted than the other members of the Concord. His main concern on this crusade was the need to get it moving quickly, so that the poor start and resulting mistakes of the last campaign is not repeated.

Armis_2.jpgArmis of the Gangrel, the Mysterious Stranger (9th gen. Gangrel, “more than 100 years old”)- A masked warrior, unknown to seemingly everyone but the Concord (with whom he arrives) and the court of Prince Dávid. Mayhap owing to a terrible scar, or perhaps simply just the curse of his clan, Armis apparently chooses to wear his mask at all times. His accent is French, specifically the langued’oil of the northern counties, and despite his reluctance to speak concerning the movements of the Crusade, his knowing eyes seem to indicate at times that he would very much like to. By his own admission, however, Armis is on the pilgrimage more to do penance than make war, and he offers instead his skills as a chirurgeon for the wounded. Despite his apparent wish to be a self-sufficient loner, Armis craves company, and will respond to friendly small talk. For those savvy in Latin, his name simply means “swordsman,” and together with his mask, this name inspired curiosity in the gathered vampires. Perhaps realising that the mask was counterproductive, Armis discarded it shortly before temporarily taking his leave of the crusade at Haifa.

Theophanos_of_Epirus_2.jpgTheophanos Apovkapos, the merchant-prince (9th gen. Brujah, childe of Bardas)- An Epirote merchant possessed of a charm to match even that of the legendary Veceslav Basarab, Theophanos is responsible for providing the fleet to move much of the Hungarian army to the Holy Land. This herculean success prevented the dissolution of the king’s crusading efforts, and as a result most of the pilgrims of the Cainite Crusade hold him in deep respect, if not even a little awe, despite his status as a Greek belonging to a nation that is emphatically the enemy of the Latin Empire of Byzantium. Indeed, he might have been offered a seat on the primogen council if not for this last. For his part, Theophanos is happy for the boost to his status, and secretly much more pleased to make sure that a crusading army did not see fit to disrupt the fragility of his land by marching through it. He has no interest at all in the crusading movement, but he has made friends among the Concord, whom he now assists in their efforts to settle the pressing needs of Dietrich von Steyer.

Dietrich2.jpgDietrich von Steyer, irascible Graverobber (6th gen. Cappadocian, childe of Kyros of Antioch, e. 780)- Having arrived at Zagreb only an hour or two before the proceedings, Dietrich was a surprising addition to the crusade. Throughout the journey to Spalato, and then the voyage across to Haifa, he remained aloof and cantankerous, as well as dismissive of queries regarding his interest in the pilgrimage. In addition to his allies among the Concord, he gravitated towards Konrad von Babenberg, but also displayed a pronounced prference for the company of educated Ventrue.

Cainite Pilgrims of the Fifth Crusade

The Concord of Ashes Haligaunt