Definition of Science: Quiz & Worksheet for Kids |

What is Science? - Lesson for Kids - Quiz & Worksheet


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question 1 of 3

To use science to figure out why the sky is blue, you would need to perform _____ and _____.

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1. Kelly noticed that every time she runs in gym class it feels like her heart is beating fast in her chest and her cheeks get red. Using her observations, Kelly came up with the explanation that exercise causes a person's heart rate to increase. In the process of science, Kelly's explanation is called a(n) _____.

2. To prove that a person's heart rate increases after exercise, a scientist could set up an experiment to measure a person's heart rate when they are resting and compare it to their heart rate after they run a mile. The measurements from this experiment are called _____ because they are collected and used to prove or disprove the scientist's original explanation.

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About This Quiz & Worksheet

The quiz and worksheet help you figure out what you know about science. Different science terms are on the quiz.

Quiz & Worksheet Goals

You will be tested over:

  • Descriptions of science
  • A system in science that helps scientist study things
  • Steps in the scientific method used to answer questions
  • The scientific term for an initial guess
  • Measurements from an experiment

Skills Practiced

  • Reading comprehension - pick out the most important information from the lesson on science and its meaning
  • Interpreting information - read and understand information about measuring things in science
  • Information recall - remember the information you learned about how to answer questions using science

Additional Learning

To learn more, use the lesson called What is Science? - Lesson for Kids. This lesson can help you:

  • See why science is important
  • Review different science terms
  • Figure out how science works