Hypothesis Lesson for Kids: Definition & Examples - Lesson | Study.com
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Hypothesis Lesson for Kids: Definition & Examples

Lesson Transcript
Mona Lisa Wimmer
Expert Contributor
Elaine Chan

Dr. Chan has taught computer and college level physics, chemistry, and math for over eight years. Dr. Chan has a Ph.D. in Chemistry from U. C. Berkeley, an M.S. Physics plus 19 graduate Applied Math credits from UW, and an A.B. with honors from U.C .Berkeley in Physics.

Learn about a hypothesis in science and what it means. Discover how to create a hypothesis as a step in the scientific method and how to test a hypothesis to see if it is correct.

When food goes bad, mold can grow on it. Gross! If you put a piece of bread, a fresh strawberry, a bar of chocolate, and an open cup of yogurt in a dark cupboard for a few days, which one do you think would grow mold first?

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  • 0:01 What Is a Hypothesis?
  • 0:42 How Do You Develop a…
  • 2:09 Which Hypothesis Is Correct?
  • 2:43 Lesson Summary

Jessica and Roman are going to do the mold experiment. Before they start the experiment, they need to make a hypothesis about what they think will happen, in this case, which food they think will grow mold first. So, they think about what they already know about the items they're going to test: the yogurt, bread, chocolate, and strawberries. This helps them make their educated guess, or hypothesis, about which food item will get moldy first when it is left in a dark cupboard.

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Once you've made your hypothesis and predicted what you think is going to happen, it's time for the science experiment.

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Before you do your next science experiment, remember to make a hypothesis first. Think about everything you know about the items in your experiment, then make an educated guess about what you think will happen. After you make your hypothesis, do your science experiment carefully to see if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect. You could even do an experiment like Jessica and Roman's to find out which food gets moldy first.

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Problem 1:

Some people are shown four swinging pendulums of the same mass with various lengths and notice that the longer the pendulum, the slower the swing. What is the best hypothesis ?

a) There is a positive relationship between the length of a pendulum and the period of the pendulum.

b) If I increase the length of a pendulum by 0.3 meters at a time, beginning at 0.3 m and ending at 1.2 m, swinging each different pendulum with the same beginning angle, then the number of seconds it takes the pendulum to make one pass through its arc will also increase and might even be linear.

c) Pendulums periods can vary.

d) There is an inverse relation between the length of the pendulum and the period.

Problem 2:

At the University of Naples, researchers evaluated the blood pressure lowering effects of extra virgin olive oil compared to sunflower oil, in hypertensive patients over a six month period. Diets enriched with olive oil produced blood pressure readings significantly lower than those in the sunflower oil group. Those taking olive oil were able to reduce their anti-hypertensive drugs by 48 %. The sunflower oil group could only reduce their medication by 4 %.

What is the best hypothesis?

a) Sunflower oil is not healthy.

b) Olive oil is healthy.

c) Diets enriched with olive oil produced blood pressure readings significantly lower than those in the sunflower oil group.

d) Those taking olive oil were able to reduce their antihypertensive drugs by 48%. The sunflower oil group could only reduce their medication by 4%.


Problem 1

a) There is a positive relationship between the length of a pendulum and the period of the pendulum. This is a prediction that can be tested by various experiments.

Problem 2

c) Diets enriched with olive oil produced blood pressure readings significantly lower than those in the sunflower oil group. This is the main prediction that was to be tested. It could produce side effects.

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