Dark Shadows: The Ghost of Sarah Collins | Headhunter's Horror House Wiki | Fandom
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"The Ghost of Sarah Collins"
DS 256 005
Title: "The Ghost of Sarah Collins"
Series: Dark Shadows
Season: 1967
Airdates: June 16th, 1967-November 17th, 1967
Episodes: 255-365
Setting: Collinwood, Collinsport, Maine, 1967
Major characters: Sarah Collins; David Collins; Maggie Evans; Barnabas Collins
Minor characters: Willie Loomis
Previous: "The Abduction of Maggie Evans"
Next: "1795 Flashback"

"The Ghost of Sarah Collins" is a storyline that ran through episodes of the 1967 season of the daytime Gothic soap opera, Dark Shadows. It began with episode #255, which is the introduction of the character of Sarah Collins, and continued intermittently until episode 365, which is the character's final appearance in the series as a ghost. Not all episodes of Dark Shadows which took place in between episodes 255 and 365 necessarily relate to this storyline. "The Ghost of Sarah Collins" began in the middle of a larger story-arc, which this database refers to as "The Abduction of Maggie Evans" storyline. The story is immediately followed by the "1795 Flashback" storyline.



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