Twitter Users Mock RNC Chairwoman's 'Internal Polling' Showing Trump Surge

Ronna McDaniel claimed that the Trump campaign's data showed a popularity surge for the president, but she declined to release actual proof.

If patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, it’s possible “internal polling” is the penultimate one.

That seems to be the reaction of many Twitter users to a post by Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel claiming that the president’s popularity is surging based on “internal polling.”

The surge that McDaniel is touting comes from a vague release sent out by the GOP on Halloween that claims Trump’s approval has increased by three points in “17 target states” since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced her impeachment inquiry.

But the memo doesn’t mention which 17 states were targeted or the actual percentage the president increased by three whole points.

In McDaniel’s defense, she’s probably correct that impeachment doesn’t poll great in battleground states. But it’s generally good advice to be skeptical of claims about internal polling that contradicts all other polling.

Polls aggregated by FiveThirtyEight show that American voters are four percent more likely to support impeachment than they were two months ago.

In addition, the website said opinion polls of Trump’s approval rating are currently a lowly 41 percent, with a disapproval rating of 54 percent.

No internal polling was needed to determine McDaniel’s less-than-transparent claim would attract a lot of Twitter snark:

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