Utah County Clerk/Auditor - Voter Registration Questions & Answers


Utah County Clerk/Auditor

Amelia Powers Gardner

Utah County Clerk


Can I register to vote online?


You may now register to vote online if you have a current Utah Driver's License or State ID Card. Visit vote.utah.gov to access this service.

How do I register to vote in person or by mail?



You may mail or submit in person the voter registration form, before the registration deadline, to the address shown below.

Utah County Clerk, Elections Office
100 East Center Street, Rm 3100
Provo, Utah 84606



How do I obtain a voter registration form?


Voter registration forms are found at the following locations in Utah County:

You may also contact the Utah County Elections Office at 801-851-8128




What are the eligibility requirements to vote in Utah?



To register to vote in Utah, you must :

  • Be a citizen of the United States of America
  • Have resided in Utah for 30 days before the election
  • Be at least 18 years old on or before the next election
  • Not be a convicted felon currently incarcerated for the commission of a felony

How can I find out if I am already registered to vote?



You may check your voter registration status online at the following location:


Please check your record for accuracy and your party affiliation.

Contact the Utah County Elections Office, 801-851-8128, with any questions.

If I have moved since I last registered, do I need to re-register?



Yes. You will need to submit a new voter registration form. If you have moved from another state, be sure to fill out the portion of the form requesting "Name and Address on last Voter Registration." This ensures your last registration record will be cancelled.

What if I am a student in Utah and plan to return to my home state upon graduation?



Out of state students who register in Utah will give up their home state residency. Students planning to return to their home state after completing their studies in Utah may consider voting absentee in their home state as an alternative to registering to vote in Utah.





How do I obtain proof that I'm registered to vote?



If you have been asked to provide certified proof that you are registered to vote, our office can provide you with a Voter Certificate during regular business hours. We can issue you a certificate so long as you are registered at your current address in Utah County; there is a $5.00 fee.

If my name has changed since I last registered, do I need to re-register?



Yes. You will need to submit a new voter registration form.

Do I need to declare a political party in order to register?



Yes and No. Declaring a political party is optional unless:

  • You want to become a delegate for a particular party, then you must register for that party.
  • A particular party is having a closed election. You must register for that party if you want to vote in their closed election.

The party you declare is public information.

NOTE : You will need to contact the respective political party to obtain information about political caucuses, dates and places.

How can I change political parties if I have already declared a party?



If you want to change political parties, you can fill out another voter registration form declaring the new party.

If I submit a voter registration form, how will I know if I am registered to vote?



You may check your voter registration status online by visiting the State Elections web site or you may contact the Utah County Elections Office at (801) 851 - 8128.


If you are not qualified or the information on your form is incomplete, your application will be returned to you with instructions for completion. (For this reason it is a good idea to include your daytime telephone number on your registration form).

What are the dates of the upcoming elections and by what date must I register?



Primary Election will be held on August 13, 2019

General Election will be held on November 5, 2019



If I previously registered to vote, do I need to re-register in order to vote in the next election?



You will only need to re-register if you have moved to a new address, changed your name or you wish to change your party affiliation.