Page 2 — Northern Neck News 12 July 1901 — Virginia Chronicle: Digital Newspaper Archive

Northern Neck News, Volume 23, Number 9, 12 July 1901 — Page 2

w $u»Acrn ilcrb MmZ V ?7M « CO., MlUrm »»4 rroyrlflor* F KID A Y, J U LY 12,1901. When one remembers that we are the people who one hundred and twenty-five years ago indicted, in our Declaration of Independence, King George the third of England for this, that te bad—“refused his assent to laws the moit wholesome and necessary for the public good, and bad “made judges dependent ou his will alone for the tenure of their offices and the amount and payment j of their salaries,” and that he had “erected a multitude of new offices | and sent hither swarmq of officers to hirrass our people, and eat out their , substance,’” and had—“kept ainoug us in times of peace stauding armies without the consent of our legislatures.” and had—“combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution.and un acknowledged by our laws, Ac, aud had “imposed taxes ou us without our consent;” aud when one also reuitmbers that for these and other kindred reasons we declared him a . tyrant, and declared ourselves free aud independent States, then one is tilled with wonder as we yiew wur q- posiiiou to the Filipinos, Cubans m t> II* __ m 4. I/— ....

j|. alia I uuu nitauo w-mwj. count enumerated above is true agaiust the McKinley administration as to some one or ail ot the different peoples above referred to. We have taxed the I’orto Ricans without their consent, and then the Supreme Court has decided that 1‘orto Rica is a part of the l uited States to be governed inside or outside of the guarantees of the Constitution as Congress sees tit. As Mr. Dooley remarked, “The coustitutioa may not follow the Ihg, but the Supreme Court follows the eleetiou returns, and that’s no jok»!” Iu Cuba and iu the Rhilipiues we have quartered standing aiuiies iu times of peace. Iu Cuba and in the I'hilipiues we have erected uew c dices and sent swarms of carpet baggers to till them and po'st-ottice peculations have already resulted iu Cuba. We have allowed McKinley to uarne aud appoint Judges whose tenure of office aud amount of pay is subject to his sovereign will. We have kuocked th.* stuffing out of the Cuban Constitution with the I’latt Amendment. Yet on the glorious fourth of July just i assed, the American Ragle pruned himself just as proudly the orator orated just as buucombely as when that day really meant souurhiug. There was as much pratiug * of the glories of liberty as when we really were a nolle example of freedom, asking nothing iu the way of conquest, yielding nothing iu the wav of liberty. Dur broken pledges aid badly crippled philanthropy

w is draped iu the stars aud stripes and covered over with big words and so unding phrases. -Mark llauna ; n l McKinley and certain elements of the Supreme Court have “blue pencilled” the declaration of Indepeudtnce aud the Constitution to suit the money powtr of this country. We hope Thomas Jefferson's rest has not been disturbed. A CORRESPONDENT of this paper recently suggested the name of Mr. Lloyd T. Smith in eonnectiou with the Attoruey-Ceneralship nomination, and straightway oue or more of the machine organs, iu pursuance of a policy which they luvw persistently followed for some time past, seized upon the opportunity, which they preteud to believe was thus afforded them, to create the false impression that that gentleman is secretly harboring a purpose to become a candidate for that nomination, and that his friends are contemplating spnugiug his name upon the Norfolk Convention. Mr. Smith would doubtless scorn to notice such malevolent insinuations, and to those to whom he is personally known, or who know him by reputation, it is wholly unnecessary that he should do so. His splendid ability as a lawyer was testitied to,and his conspicu- * ous services to his party recognized, when, four years ago, every county in the First Congressional District, unanimously urged his nomination for Attorney-Cent ral. Then he was an open and avowed candidate for

toe mgn uonor—now is is weuknowo that he is not a camlidate and could not t>e induced to become oue. Verily, the balked and disappointed followers of a crushed and repudiated political organization are in a pitiable couditiou when they must resort to such means to accomplish their detestible and very thinly disguised ends. The proposition to ehauge our organic law as to do away with so many elections scorns to meet with general approval, and no doubt some step looking to this end will be takeu. The News is not iu favor ef making fewer elections by makirg offices appointive, for we believe m > choose their own public servants, but we are in Jfavor of so adjusting the terms and. tenure of offices as to do away with the almost constant re* ccr.ence of elections. We are not,

so sure that it is a bad thing to keep the people stirred up on public questions. In fact we believe nothing u so dangerous as political apathy. But, from an economical point of view, so many elections are certainly objectionable, and many of these elections do not involve any new questiou of public interest which could uot be settled as well, once in four, as once m two years. For instance, we can see no necessity for having to re-elect a constable, magistrate or supervisor every two years, any more than there is to elect a treasurer, Commonwealth s attorney, or sheriff every two years. Elections are costly things, and in so far .8 they can be rendered infrequent without injuring the public interest, we approve the move. The repeal of the twc-cent stamptax on checks, the tcn-cent stamp tax on certificates, aud the stamp-tax on deeds whose consideration is less tbau §2500, is generally hailed with exceeding great joy by the general public. The ptople in rural coiumunittea have not been so much worried about the amount of the tax on these various papers, as they were about getting the stamps. It was a decided over-sight that no public local depositaries of these stamps were provided for when the law wms

passed, Ilau every pose-master ueeu provided with a cert-in number of stamps of certain denominations, or had the clerks tf courts even been authorized to hold th.ui aud sell them for a certain remuneration much of the difficulty would have been obviated. As it was, it was often impossible to secure such stamps as were required, aud the people aud business of rural communities suffered :u constqtience. The repeal therefore of certain portions and the modulation of certaiu other portions of the War Keveuue Hill is a great relief. CALUO. On Wednesday last, July 3rd, Mrs. T. E. Ashburn, of Call-o, \ a., tendered to her brothers and sisters a reception and reunion. The family consists of nine children, all married aud residing in different parts of this State and Maryland, and have not met together for twenty jears. The afternoou was devoted to childhood reminiscences, and the pleasures of the afternoon was one that will never be forgotten. At noon the hostess invited them to a sumptuous dinner, tfte cuisine consisting of all tiie delicacies of the seasou. In the evening music and recitations were furnished by the Misses Ashburn and Miss Lula Winstead, after which wine, cream and fruits were served. The brothers aud aisttrs pr<sent, with their husbands, wives and children, were as fed low t: Mrs. T. E. Ashburn, Mr* Cnatavus Hudson.KinsaU: Mrs.

Henry Bock, Faro ham; Mrs. Archa Hall, Lot .oarg; Mr. Frank Winstead, Baltimore; Messrs. Oetavus Wmst ad. Ber j mune Winstead, Wa!ton Winstead, of Lodge; Mr.Cburlie Winstead, Cherry Point. Mr. W. F. White was in Baltimore the past week, returning Sunday, bringing with him his mother, Mrs. II. K. lliggius, and Miss Velma Sprague, to spend the summer. Mr. Frauk Winstead and family boarded the steamer Northumberland Monday morning, to return to Baltimore afttr spending some time visiting relatives and friends iu this neighborhood. Mrs. John liradiey U speuding some time in Baltimore with her sister. Mr. Jimuiv Jones paid a Hying trip to the Monumental City the past week, he reports a delightful time. Mss Annie lludsou is spending some time in Washington. Miss Addie Turner has returned to her parental home at Lodge to spend the summer. Miss Kula Holliday has returned from Baltimore, briugiug with her her frieud, Miss Kuiory, to spend the summer. >; Mrs. B. F. French wi(k the recipient of a handsome present from her brother, Mr. Tom Holliday, now residing in the Philippine Islands—a beautiful ludia silk shawl, handsomely hand embroidered and heavily fringed, and two sili embroidered handkerchiefs. Miss Edith Chambers is in Washington. The steady hum and sharp whistle of the wheat thresher is still heard in our ueignborhood: wheat turning out from 15 to 21 to 1. Elaine.

Mlmaraock Dramatic Club Returrs Thanks. Editors Xortkem Xeck Xttcs: 1 wish to use your columns to express our many thanks for the courteous and hospitable manner io which we were entertained while at Sharp’s Wharf, July 4th, 1001. We regretted very much wheu the time came to depart, and as we stood on the deck of steamer Richmond, and looked back we deplored the fact that we were leaving a people, to whom we bad become endeared during our short stay in their town, and we sincerely hope that the entertainment proved a success in every way, aud as time wings itself away we pray that Gcd may bless the people and church fcr which the entertainment was given, aud if it is our good fortune to be with them again we shall be glad, and to qnote the language of Henry Grady in his famous speech, “The latch string hangs cn the outside of onr doors to von a .d yours.” Very sincerely, Kilmarnock Dramatic Troupe. Kilmarnock, Va, July 6,1001.

COLONIAL BEACH. Yacht Kace—Nates ©a the Foarth— Persoaals. Tbe Colonial Beach yacht clnb held it* fi'st rac«> here on July 4tb. Ten boats were entered for the race, but only eight started. Tbe contestants were “Minnie May,” Captain R. C. Miller, who sailed the fifteen mile coarse in 1 hoar 35 miuutes 5 seconds; “Martha,” CapL Lester Lee, 1 hour 18 minutes 20 seconds; “Rosa Chilton,” CapL Edward Cox, 1 hour 36 minutes; “E. S. Croswell,” CapL Alexandria Carley, 1 hoar 33 minutes 35 seconds; “Lola,” CapL Francis Miller, 1 hour 43 minutes 50 seconds; “Milcha Parks,” Capt. Joe Miller 1 hoar 50 minutes 10 stconds; “Greyhound,” CapL Clarence Rome, 1 hour 44 miuutes 15 seconds “Edna Earle/ Capt. Watt Lee, 1 hour 32 minutes. Capt. C. F. Bryan, G. F. Fewell and V. F. Lee were the judges, and the first friz? which consisted of the Hag of the C. B. Y. C., and onefourth of tbe prize money, was awarded to tbe “Martha,” the second prize which was one-half of the prize money was awarded to the“Edi a Earles.” and tie third prize, which was one-fourth of the prize money, was awarded to the “E. 8. Croswell.” The race was wituessed by a large crowd ou the pavillian, along the front and from the excursion boat. Tbe judges and time-keeper C. S. Rowley occupied the music staDd ou the pavilion. At 8 30 the club held a tanquet iu the dining hall of tbe pavillian, covers were laid for 140. The club cous-sta of forty members with Capt. C. F. Bryan, President. P. 8nvder. Treasurer. V.

F. Lee, Secretary and C. S. Rowley tirue-keeper. The club proposes to hold a senes of races during the summer. The Xtws feels indebted to .he officers aud members for the courtesies showii its cot respondent. The fourth found an unusual large crowd here which had been arriving for seveial weeks past, and was so greatly augmented by the large number of country people that came in to spend the day aud the excurs oniste from Washington that our town preseuted a gala appearance witn its hundred of yards of bunting and other decorations, aud the tri-jolors were boating everywhere. All tne hotels aud boarding bouses were oeaulifully decorated during the day, and brilliantly illuminated during the night, but none presented a finer display than the Johnsou House ou the frout where the patriotism and artistic taste of the mauug- r was brought iu. This house was tilled to its utmost capacity aud crowds aud crowds that would liked to have shaded the hospitality of this hospitabl: hostelry and beeu fatiued ou its broad piozzos by the tool I’otoiuae bretze were compelled to srek accommodations elsewhere, but all did a good busiuess. The day was right warm, but Dr. Kell mauaged to keep the temperature of the crowd down to the normal with bis delicious ice-crtom teda, ice cream and other refreshments. The very best of order prevailed daring the day and night, and we think tne town should be complimented for its efficient police force. A large number of country people remainad over to witness the pyrotechnic display at night which was the grandest ever seen here, and the illuminations could be seen for many miles out iu the country aud ou the water. Mrs. X. B. Miller has opened the Ceutral House on the corner of Boundary street and Bancroft ave. Councilman Stant and not excouncilman. as we inadvertently re

ferred to him some time ago is entertaining his friends as usual iu the Cushing cottage with fried oysters, deviled crabs and spring chickens. Mrs. M. B. Grasuau is receiving her share of the patronage and looking after the interest and comfort of her guests while the old Doc. is enjoying his cigars aud dozing in the hammock. The Doc is right stout aud the hot weather makes him “pant.” Capt. B. E. Jones spent a few days with his family here last week. The big hotel is lilling rapidly with boarders. Tory. KING GEORGE. A Few Items Gleaned by the News Man on a Moon.Light Ramble. A B. Y. 1*. U. has been organized at Hound llill Baptist cbuicb witb a large membership and the following officer*: President, Capt. J. U. Redman; Vico President, R. V. Suttlt; Secretary, Miss Lena Armstroug; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Leua Sutth; Treasurer, Miss Blanche Dishmae; organist Miss Etta Treakle. The tir6t regular meeting will be held on Wednesday evening ot this week at 8 o’clock when a definite program for the work will be arranged. Pastor Newbill is a sincere believer in, and a live B. Y. P. U. man and the indications are that this organizuion will meet witb marked success. Miss Annie Winir, of Nottoway county, is visiting her friends Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Redman. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown, of Alexandria, are visiting friends near their former home. Right much damage wes done throughout King George by the bail and wind on Tuesday evolving of last week. A hue peach orchard at lhe old Redding homestead was almost completely destroyed. Mr. Henry Howling, of upper King George, is visiting friends at “Ridgeway” this week. Dr. Frank L. Costenbader, of WestmorrUud, expects to locate at Colonial Beach during the summer and his King George friends hope to ste him quite often, but uot always ou professional business. The protracted meeting will begiu at SLiloh Baptist church ou the Grat Sunday in August, aud at Round Hill on the thud Sunday. The following delegates have been elected by Round Hill church to the Rappahannock Baptist Association which will meet at Salem Baptist church in Caroline county, on August 14: Messrs. R. A. Car pen

ter, W'm. McD-ioiel and W. A. Weed en. Mr. W. K. Disbinan, of Washington county, is expected to pay his King George friends a visit during the present month. Mrs. Lena Suttles will leave Saturday for a few days visit to friends in Norlhumbir and, after which she will join her friend Miss Clara Nelson in Washington and spend several weeks visiting friends in Kent county, Md., and at the summer resorts on the bay shore. OAK GROVE. Death of Hon. G. J. Gonldnun—Other Notes. Hon. G. J. Gouldman, memb r of the House of Delegates and chairman of the Democratic County Committee, died at “Shellfield,’’ his home on Friday evening, after a short illness of typhoid fever. His remains were interred Sunday in the old familv grave yard in thcgaiden ol his home. Mr. Gouldman was <oo well known to need any aplogy from such a feeble peu as tlm and hi1 jss will be felt for a lonf time. H* was a life long Democrat, aud for « number of years past has been oui County Chairman, and as a leadei and aggressive worker he was almosi without a peer. For several yean he has been a strong advocate of »• new Coaslitutiou and was one of the few in this county, that worked to secure a majority in the election for the Constitution. As a citizen he was loved, respected and honored by all the community, as a public otticial he was pure, honest and fearless and one that would listen to the Detitiou of the humblest as quick as

the petition of tne greatest, lie served with distinction iu the confederate army, and was a member ot the Westmoreland Company. Tbe farmers are busy threshing wheat and some very good yields are reported. Mr. F. E. Omohundro made a yield of thirty-one from most of his field, ani J^Vph, his brother, who is u*w tbTeshing, is doing equally as well. They made an average of forty-OE« busfcjli of oats per acre. R. 0. Pendleton made a fine crop of wheat (750 bushels,) but the yield per acre was not quite as large as he expected. Squire Gutridge is recovering from his sick spell. W. C. Vaulioru is on a visit to friends in the western part of the state. There will be an all days seiviee at the Baptist church here on the third Sunday in July, at which time a collection w ill be taketi to raise funds to help pay for repairing the church. Come and bring your pocket-bock. \ou couldu’t help a better cause. Toitv. POTOMAC MILLS Rev. J. II. Thomas preached at Pope’s Greek Baptist church Saturday and Sunday. The members of this church are looking forward with pleasure to the time when our special meetings begin. We are disappointed that Rev. II. li. Myers caunot be with us again this year, but our pastor assures us that we will like Rev. Frank Farley, of New Jersey, equally as well. T5?e meetings will begin ou the Grst Sunday in August. Brother Farley will be with us from the beginning. We hope to be able to give our friends who attend this year, good water to drink, or at least better than tht'y have had heretofore. The well is being dug in the church yard this week, by a Mr. Mothersheud.

Tne entertainment which we mentioned in your- paper several weeks ago, will take place on the church grounds, Wednesday, July 24th, beginning in tthe iffternonn of that day, at 2 o’clock. We hope to have a large attendance. Will baye supper, ice cream, lemoade, confectionaries, etc. Miss Erdine Spilmun Iris returned from au extended trip to Richmond, Va., and Washington, 1). U. She was accompanied by her little sister, Emily. Mrs. William C. Marmaduke has teturned from a visit to relatives in Washington. Miss Rhoda Jean Quesenberry, of the above city, is visitiug her aunt, Mrs. William C. Marmaduke. Miss Allie Trew is at home at Baynesville for the summer. Miss Leila Nash is also wiih her parents for the summer. Mr. Howard R. Bayne and little daughter, Mary Ashby, of New York, made a short visit at the homes of R. B. Spilman aud William U. Marmaduke recently. Y'our correspondent was glad to shake hands with our beloved Judge R. H. Beale at Mortroes last Saturday. This county is highly honored in having this good maa to preside over their public tffairs. CORRESl’OXDKNT. KILMARNOCK. T. 0. Smither, W. 0. Eubank, John Ficklin, S. W. Eubank, N. B. Treakle and S. F. Eubank attended the ordination services at Lebanon church Sunday. Our barber bad a close shave ty coming in violent contact with a base-ball, while engaged in a match game on the fourth, betwteu the Irvington aud Millenbeck clubs. The troupe, which reproduced the Dlay “Ten nights in a bar-room,” at Sharp’s recently, report a pleasant time. S. F. Eubauk left this week for Baltimore on a business trip. Miss Victoria Stillwell is visiting friends in town. Business is now being transacted in the new bank. Maynord Yerby left Friday last for Baltimore. The safe to be aged in 4he bank at Tappahanaock was taken from here Tuesday, by R. D. Carter, who contracted to move it. An election is being held to decide who is the laziest man in town. The warmest fight seems to be for second place, since it is a conceded walk over for our gentleman. Preparations are being made for the camp meeting at Wharton Grove. Xa

FONESWOOD. Mrs. Mary S. Fones. wife of Mr. Richard P. Fones, died Saturday, the 6th inst. She hud bet n nfffceted for over six years, having lost almost ■•the rniire use of hfr left eid«* but up to a few days previous to her death was iu her usui I hadib. and was, in constant attendance at the brd-side of her husbuid, wkihts been Very ill for several weeks and ministered to him every a'trn'.ii n in her power. She was suddenly slricheii speechless and helpless, and passed away quietly aud peacefully, a i4k »*• t apparently any suffering. II r remains were laid to rest in the f nniij yard on Sunday. Upe deceased was in hT 47th yeir a'wl a member of Ephesus Chrasiim church. She leaves seven children and a sorrowing husband. May Cod be with them aud comfort them, and “Hut his arm unfailing around them.” Miss Emily Hinson, sister of Mr. P. L. Hinson, of this place, died very suddenly last week. She was ia W H. Coates’ store, making «onu purchases and attending to some bu si I ness matters, when she suddenly feiforward and expired instantly. She was apparent v in her usual health. Mrs. B. F. Waller and children, of Richmond, Va. are visiting her mother, Mrs. Julia A Fones. Miss Rosa Fones, who usually spends her winters teacluj® i c..r Richmond, is at home for Bfc*Stonier. Miss Daisy L Peed, of Washington ton, is visiting relatives near litjpfc. Mr. Baldwin M. Reamy. who has been critically i.l for several rufr'ks, still continues so. His daivgaftjye, Misses liUt'V and Mauile, an# nth him now, having been sunjiM^ied from Baltimore by telephone. The extreme he it of last w<^ In s caused a great deal of iudispdT ion among our people. Occahoxa!.

ADMITTED id THE BROTrtBRBUOD An ecclesiastic council eaijrt! by Beulah Baptist church convent in council this day, June JO, 1‘JOi,, at ;J o’clock p. til., organiz'd by nominating brother J.iS. C. Hall as onfderator and brother Oilio K ick secretary. Prayer was offered by Rev. fV >. Mouds. The letter by w_hieh the council was called and the rtieord-s of the church in reference therein i'll were read, stating tlie object hii* council. Tile purpose for whtoh it met was to consider the pruurialv of rcorgauieiug tile church. The #erk of the church was instruct!d tv» K'.id church covenant and cotsti nlioi. Short addresses to the counuil relative to reorgaa.z ition and adniftsioii of the ■church lr. tile Rappahsjhio k Association were given by bnrther J. C. Hall, Rev. K. t>. Monds, liev. (1. j M. Couuellee aud the clerk, ufter which brother Monds offered thfi* following resolutioi: Resolved: That we, the cuuu« 1 met I this day with Beulah church lb consider the propriety of endorsing them as a regular Baptist church, do heri-oy recotnm old that the orgm:zition noiv known as Beulah Baptist church be admitted into the Baptist Brotherhood. The following churches wer« »epresented iu the council: Menokir, : Rev. R. S. Monds, brother J. C. Hal ; ! Cobh »in Park, brothers Robert S itin- ■ ders. Win. Delano and R v. ifk. M. | Conuellei; Jerusalem, no representj tion. The council dissolved after ■ piayer by brother Monds. J. 0. 1I.VI.L, Moder.V<ftr. 0. B. Rock, Secretary.

rRUIT PLAIN. Mr. Luther McKennoy, of Balti- ; more, spent a-few days kat w»ek i v/ith Ins parents, Mr. and Mrs 0. Ii. Mclvenney. Mr. and Mrs. L M. Dawaou's iit1 iL- son, Wesley, is very ill of whoop- ! iug-cough. Miss I’eail Ueyuolds, one of the accomplished daughters of Joseph Reynolds, who has been visiting her cousin, Miss Eva Lewis, of Locust Grove, has returned to her heme a’ Yaiilttield, near Kinsale. llerirlauds miss her, for she scatters sun-shine wherever the goes. Capt. Tom Uichardsou, who iTves uear Muudy’s Point, has bedvi tfck for a long time and is no bett*. Rev. W. E Wright is improving, we are glad to report. Mrs. Emma Spraner and ber interesting lit;ledaughter,Carrie J .i! a, who has been visiting her paremtg, has returned to her homa in Biiti more. Mrs. Thomas Lewis is on the sick list this week. We welcome Mr. Dawsy B£yaii home again. Mrs. Ann Self, near bore, who has been sick for a long tifti*\ is t:o better. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McBLen^v and little sou and daughter, Wrs!4>n and Dwight, spent SuuJay wH*h Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. McKenney. VlRCf^PIA. Deaths. Weaver.— Died at the residence of her sou, II. IL Weaver, July 1 <», 1901, Mrs. Jane P. Weaver i.u bfce ( 81st year of her age cons <rt of James A. Weaver. * * . I * Richardson.—Air. T. A. Richardson, a highly respected citizen of Northumberland county, died at his home near Mundy Point, vtstfcrday morniog, aged 84 ye.«rs. Local Readers. No developments as yet in the J. W. Brasse murder, which occurred on Juue 29, near HeatteviUe1 | Mr. J. II. Kirkp.itiick. quaUfind at Heathsville, Monday as Constable for Fairfields District. Notice. The public is hereby notitied tlmt 1 liave this day sold to L. ,1. Warner my entire stock of merchaiulise at thiapLw*. Sir. Warner will hereafter conduot the business. W. Y. Mono**. Warsaw, Va., June 25, 1901. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, bo pay. Price 25 cents. ‘'j

NOMINI GROVE. Mr. \V. M. Edwards,of this place, htt« a I jvelv li- Id of corn. Mr E 1. Hull. <*f Lveli’s lost a very Valinb «i »«« meiitly, by its get in/ entangled in a tr.'pe vine. * Klwin Sanford r-ne;v d <j tile an ugly wound «ni nts font a few dnvs pince, by a epppi ig ca a sharp ob j-.t Mr II. II. H.U. a student of William & Muy College, has arrived ar. hn< home near here. Mr J. U C-nnpltd*. of XewUnd. conducted tt'e s- rvires 1 Beulah cliurt:li Sunday night. \\ >• are a 1 id M ki ow Mrs. Lucy Pa reel I has implOVed in In-aUb. Miss Francis Scorr, of Washinglon. I) l’., is \Biting her paietital hnm • near Old it nil’s. Mies Dallas M itiiershead. of the city, is also visiting In-r parental home near Lyell’s, ami attending the bedpide of her faith r, Mr. Wa'ker Motlurshead, who is reported to oe v« rsick. Hardin Edward*. « f Washington, is visit'ng his father, Mr. lv B Edwards, of Lyell’s. Mrs. 0. M. Lewis after a- monto’s vimt to relatives and friends in the country, b is returned to her borne in t be city of Baltimore. Miss Eva Smith h-•« retained from a two weeks trip to V\ashington city and Rockville, Md. Mi s Co.a Remolds, i f Ivinsnle, recently visited lu*r ca-idpaients, Mr. and Mrs. U- W. Slepln in'. 1C. D. C.

Marvin Grove Camp. 24tli Annual Meeting Begins August 2. I TAKE PLEASURE in announcing to the public that wo will have charge of with HOTELS at MARVIN GROVE, this encampment, which begins on Friday, August 2, to continue ten days. Every comfort and convenience possible will In* provided, and our Taisi.ks will lie daily provided with the very host that the market can a Hurd, which will he furnished at an exceedingly liberal price, such as will he in reach of all. White us for our prices and we will take pleasure in giving your letters prompt attention. Respectfully, II. II. HALE A CO.. Litwalion, Va. T? s. RANDALL, II#. l’OTo.MAC l{IVKU LINK O', r?. *A>",TTr> L Daily, except Friday, at 7 a in, lor l'otomac River Landings," STKAMKK WAKKFIKLD. MONDAYS for Alexandria, Port Foote, River view, Kort Washington, Marshall Mall tilymont, Indian Mead, Liverpool Point, I’lilion Reacii. Stiffs, Somerset Reach. Stuart's, Swan’s Riverside) Mathias Point, Hrent'a, Dill’s Wilkersoii's. Colonial Death, Knshwood, Rock Point i Lane stcr’s >, Oilton’s Otrrioman. Henderson's Reale’s, Thotnpson’s, Deep Point, Ml. Holly, Nomiiii.

( Returning, Reave Annum inesuavs d.dt) a III., making all (lie :.bu\e landing, and arriving in Washington about J p m. WKDXKsDAYS fm Alexandria, Fort > Foote, River View, Fort Washington, Marshall Hall, 'dj’inont. Indian Head, ; Liverpool Point. Clifton Reach, Stiff's, | Somerset Reach, Stuart’s, Swan’s ( River- ! side; Mathias Point.Chapel point,Rrenl's {.Dill's, Wilkerson's, Colonial Reach, Rush { \;ood. Rock Point i Lancaster's! Colton’s, : Curriomeii, Henderson’s, Reale s,Thompson’s, D'?cp Point, Alt. Holly, Nomini; Kdgwater, arriving Thursday a at, Parra ns, arriving Thursday a m. Returning, Leave Nomini Thursday, d j). m., making all landings except Chape! Point, Rient's, and ali landings above Liverpool Point, arriving in Washington, about ii a in. Friday. SATURDAYS lor Alexandria, Fort Fobte, River View, Fort Washington, .Marshall Hall, tilymont, Indian Head Liverpool Point, Clifton Reach, Stiff's, Somerset Reach, Stuart’s,Swan's (Riverside i.Mathias P<»int,Cuapei P>>int, Rrenl's. Ddl's, WiLker-on’s,Colonial Reach,Rushwood, Rock Point t Lancaster's i,Colton’s, Citrrion e i, Henderson's, Reale's. Thom] - son’s, Deep Point, Alt. Holly, Nomini. Returning, Leave Nomini Sunday, ddO a. in., making all the abave landings txcej>t ('Impel Point and Rreut's, and arriving in Washington about d dO p. in.

MEA.MEK KEN I. SFNR\Y> for Alexandria, Fort Foote, River View, Fort Washington, Mai shall Hall, liunstoii, (ilyniotit, Indian Head, Grinder's. l’osey’s Wharf, Liverpool Point, Clifton Reach, Stiff’s wharf, Somerset Beach, Stuart’s wharf, Riverside, Mathias Point, Dill’s wharf Wilkerson’s wharf. Colonial Bench, Massey’s wharf, Wirt’s wharf. Returning, leave Wil ts Monday, J> a in, making the above landings except Grinder’s, including Rrick House and Ferrell’s anp arriving m Washington about-4 p. in. XCESDA YS for Alexandria, Fort Foote River View, Fort Washington, Marshall Hall, Giiustou, Glyiuont, Indian Head, Posey’s Wharf, Liverpool Point, Clifton Beach, Stiff's wharf, Somerset Beach, Stuart’s wharf, Riverside, Mathias Point, Dili’s wharf, vVilkersoii’s wharf, Colonial Beach, Massey’s wharf, Wirt’s wharf. Returning, leave Wirt’S Wednesday 5 a m, making the above landings, including Brick House and Ferrell’s, and arriving in Washington about 4 p. in. TliL'RSDAYS for Alexandria, Fort Foote, River View, Fort Washington, Marshall Hall, Gunston, (ilymoiit, lud:au Hoad, Posey’s Wharf, Liverpool Point, Clifton Reach, Stiff s wharf, .•Somerset Beach, Stuart’s wharf. Riverside, Mathias Point, Dill's wharf, (\ ilkerson’s wharf, Colonial Beach, Massey’s wharf, Wirt’s w half. Returning—Leave Wirt’s Friday, 5 a m., making the above landings, including Chapel Point, Brent’s and Grinder's arriving m Washington about 4 p. in. X. B.—.Special Trips. Steamer i.stclle Randall t.s Chapel Point every .Sunday at ■Ja. m. Returning, leaves Chapel Point at o p. m. Passenger acconuno^l it ions tiret-class Freight received to hour of sailing. The above se.'iedules are subject to tide and weather—all schedules subject to change without notice. E. rf. RAN'DALL, General Manager. W. M. REARDON’, Agent, Alexandria, Va. G. O. CARPENTER, Agciit, Washington, D. C.j

Notice Camp Goers. [WILL again conduct the hotel business at Kirkland Grove Camp at tint meeting which begins Friday,-Inly l‘> Would be pleased tt» have your pam.nng^ __I. ». MARSH. The Cheapest Thing on Earth. OXKTF.N HORSEPOWER ENGINE. in perfect order, to be sold #t onee. First come lirst served. Price only §100.00. K. F PORTER. Montross, \ a. or W. Y. Morgan. Rooms For RentI BURNISHED ROOMS torrent at my ^ cottage at Marvin Grove. Camp begins August 2 .. MRS J. H. BOOKER.. Lottsburg, N a. For Sale. LWILL SELL AT A HA ltd AIN i» FISH Tit A PS, comparatively new—Itt* and 70 feet deep, with everything combined that one needs to enter the fisli business. For terms apply to 0. M. WHALEY, 7-12 Wicomico Church, Ya. Drill For Sale. iWILL sell Cheap for ('ash a good second-hand Bickford & Huffman I ill ILL. A great bargain. L. A. KHWARHS, 7-jo Nomini Grove, \a. Teachers, Take Notice. riHIKRK will be a meeting of the L School Board of (’ople Histriet at the Hague, Saturday, August '1, at o’clock. i>. m., to appoint teachers. All applications must be accompanied by certificates. By order of the Boanl of Trustees. W. .1. CAREY. Secretary of Board.

Commissioner’s Notice. CM >.M MISSIONHU’S ( M'Ht ’K, j Warsaw, Va., July IO1I1, ltXU. I'd National Hank of Commerce, A. M. Nash, J. W. Chum, Ji., Trustee, A. W. Coniiekjitiiser Mainfucturing Company. Victor Safe Company, J. W. Chinn, Jr., pedal Commissioner, Merchants ami Mechanics lVrpetual building and Loan Association, W. Judsoti brown, Chesapeake LiiiuLt Company, A. H. Martin Sons, K. It. Ilnntit.g »V Co., A. W. Saunders, guardian of lb W. Saund.::., Lilia C. Nash and all persons who have claims against said A. M. Nash for labor or materials, or otherwise, or who are, or may be interested in this suit, w hose na vies arc unknown: You are hcrebv notified that I have fixed upon Friday, the‘Jib day of August next, between the hours of 10 a. m., and li p. in., ol that day, to take at my olli’c at Warsaw, Va., a further account of the debts due bv A. M. Nash to the plaintiff and petitioning creditors in the consolidated chancery causes ol National Hank oi Commerce vs. Chinn, trustee and a’s., anil same vs. Lclia (i. Nash anil als., and also an account of tin* debts due by said A. M. Nash to the creditors secured under the deed of tru-t of Nov 1 lilt, lS'JO, from said A. M. Nash to J. W. Chinn, j Jr., trustee, required to he taken by a decrc.* of the Circuit Court of Richmond county, rendered on the -Mb day of June, I'JOl, in the above named causes defending in said court, at which time mid place you are required to attend, and if for any reason the taking of the said account should not be commenced, or if commenced be not concluded on t hat day, the taking thereof will be adjourned from time to time at the same place and between the same hours until it shall be completed. (iivett under my hand a* (oitimissioncr in Chancery of tin*said court the day and vear first aforesaid. J. W. C II1NN. SR. COOL. 15Y HI' Y INC your goods ol' me, (hereby getting rid of till high profits and at the same time getting the top of the market for what you have t(*sell. My stock is complete with mid-summer goods, which were bought for cash. Let me supply your wants. Ilow about a good barrel of Flour. GEORGE P. HAILEY, K insale, - - Virginia. ___I

TllOltOFGllLY It ELIA Itl,E. Made by workmen whose lives have been spent in r Uuo-inaking; made of the best materials niouev and experience can buy. Are-iurpassed by no other make In tone durabllicy and f tulticss const<-uctlon. Kasy terms. Catalogue and boox of tug gestluns cbeer'ully given, Itepalrlng. Tuning and Moving, Fecundhand Plauos of various makes here for mighty little money. Terms to suit. ( HAS. 31. STIEKF, Warercouis-U North L'berty 8t. Factory—block or K Lafayette Ave , Aiken ami Lanvale streets. BALTIMORE, MD. is rr"right For an Editor to Itccoiiiiiicnd 1'utciit M<‘dirim<s. It may boa question whether the*editor of a newspaper has the right to publicly recommend any of the various proprietary medicines which Hood the market, yet as a preventive of suffering we fell it a duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea Rcmcdy. We have known and used this medicine in our family for twenty years and have always found it reliable, in many cases a doge of this remedy would save lmurs of suffeting while a physician is awaited. We do not believe in depeiiuing implicitly on any medicine for a cure, hut we do believe that if a bottle of Chamberlain’s Diarrhoea Remedy were kept on hand and administered at the inception of an attack much suffering might he avoided and in very many cases the presence of a physician would not be required. At least this has been our exjMTience during the past twenty years. For sale by <i. Al . vdnor, Warsaw. An Epidemic of Diarrhoea. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoanut drove, Fla., says theie has been quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there, tie had a severe attack and was cured by four doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says he -Iso recommended it to others anu thev s.iv it is the best medicine they have evei Used. For sale by( i. .Milton fndnor VV ars.nv, Va. "In ll':, I’ Wa siw, Va..J. K Guilaioi, L'.u. is toned for jig flr*t c ,i?> aivoiuuiud itui'is. Tab'e calls ,.:nu -Up. 41 .1 %.-*iti the beit. An addit ;on 1 wi.l he . made fur uvals .t-aiil ou side uf HuU I. *

For Sale. s,,l,ndid horn- J^SFffrSEY. c‘,eap’ . llnndy Point, Va. Bids Wanted. SEALED BIDS will bo received by the Bight r«er.edl..M«.j»nv.i,d»ll)l»d.. _ - - Warsaw, Va. 4 ->. ' __ Crimson Clover Seed For Sale. Ill WE for sale, fora short while. Sew Crimson Cloyor Seed, at #•><•*• per bushel, or UV. jht lb Can be had at sydnor y Drug store, Warsaw, or from me at Km.m rtmi. ( Dr. i A. ( . r IM11*.Iv. Farnham Academy. riAHETENTH SESSION ol FAHNII AM ACADEMY will commence f-ept. Itiili linn, and close June 1 .'>th B<>. WILLIAMSON, I’ntH.-ipal. For Sale / 1 HUMAN CI.nVEU SEED. *..I I I new stock, just threshed. >'» '*1 J» r bushel. I*JEmmerti'ii, \ a. For Ren’>. VEAUM OF 200 ACHES, more <>r 1,4s, on salt water, in N«*rthninl;« rlami coil lit v, Virginia. For information • address ' MBS. F. C. IIAUDIN s:>7 N. I*ult,>n Avc . Baltimore. Md. Farm, Horses, Cows, &c., For Sale. VFAUM.,- miles from Village, Northumberland county, emu umng 7'> acres, with three room dwelling ami kitchen, large barn, nice young orchard, is offered for sale. Also I lows. Faun Wagon, Bnggv. Estev • trgan, M'.weraml Cow?. ’ Will Ire sold at a great s;u mice. Possession given at once. Addie-s I. W. Til BUT, •M-l-’tU. Village, Va. For Hire. THE SCIIOONEB (IMA >"N Effyy capacity ‘M tons. Will mn freights oil the Bappahaiinoek. Potomac and Hreal Wicomico Biv rs |,. or from nearby cities, or river t-rallic. All freights’ promptly and carefully handled. Bates low. Write or telephone W- M. B.H Noll. \ Miilellheek, Va.

Lumber For tfaie VT Ol'U SAW.MM.I. at a i.-.ln.* •{ price Apple to II. I*« H*S* >\, ..r HENRY IJI.I'NI»<»N. I’ll! LI.IPS «V MIX'S For Sale. 11IAYE for sale Nine Thorough-hied Setter Puppies registered pedigree, sold at S-J.oti each. Apple to J. s. LF.MoINF. I vomlajc, Va. Hotel ForFterit. rpiIK desirable HOTEL, .it [ known as the Hardwick Hotel is oifered for rent, tor ensuing year. Abo Liei ry. A excellent stand lor the righ: iiian. II. <'. U A Rl' v\ It 'K, K insale, V.i. Sale of Three Canning Factories in Essex County, Va. VT THE KKol lXr of tin- owners, I shall sell, at public aiietimi, in TAPPAIIANNOCK. YIRtilNIA. in front of Scott’s Hotel, on .MONDAY, JLLY K», COl RT DAY. at 12 in., those three valuable Canning Factories owned h_v the latelirinoi E. \\ kiiete ik Co., one of said I actoiies he:iig situated at Tappa ban nock anoiher at Dnnitsville, and the third at Hathurst <>n Rappahannock River. Tin* Factories are situated in a I INI! TRUCK I Nt i sLt "I It r.N, and are supple d with necessary «*tpiipuiei<is foi fanning all kintls of Fruits ami Ycg. tables; tin v arc soltl for the purpose of settling i p tin* pirtriorship (transaction the said partnership ) having Uni dissolved by the death of one of the partners. Snllicient ground is sold with Fact..lies for nettls of same, not to exceed ouefoiirth acre with each. Terms.—Ouc-foiirili cash and balance upon a credit of one and two years, tic purchaser to execute notes with approved security for deferred payments and the title to be retained until ail purchase* money is paid. For further particulars applv to ILL LEWIS, West Point. Ya.

ARK DAILY MAKIXC Til KIR xX Flight and ho many then* are ut.o do not know of it yet some an* con.-inntl v deriving the beneiits that are to lie had from i he bargains at T. II. FALUN'S, (JOAN, VA. MFX’S, YOI TH’S, HOY’S. LA DIFs' AND BA INKS' MlOKS. Styles to suit tlie Fancv, and makes t.> suit the Feet of liveryhodv, I'm-.-thrown in. A specialty of CL<)TI 11X< i in tlu* lai. .-t styles and at various prices sure to suit anyone. A complete stock of LADIES Furui>liing goods. LXDERWKAK for tvervbodv .it l XDEK FRICKS. Large lot of CYFRESS SWINDLES on l.and prices from $ to^s.oO per m. THE OFFICIAL VERBATIM REPORT —or the— YIROIXIA COXSTITI'TJOXAL COX EXT I OX —CAN in: EolXP 0X1.Y IX— THE thinking people of the monwealth cannot afford to mi-s aiiv l«srt of the deliberations. Tiik Dimamii prints the proceedings without charge t.. tire State, word for word bv contract w it h the Convention. Send for the paper to-day. * Subscript ion Price. Six Months, Cash in advance, ,v; <m Three Months, “ “ I One Month, “ “ The Best of Fruit Trees And Plants. 1AM FOR THE THIRD SEASON' representing that most excellent and reliah e Nursery Firm of .1.0. llarrison, of Maryland. The best of fruit and shad*’ trees as w ell as plants. Have never had a complaint as to prices and stock. Full line of Spray Fjflips. \V«>ul«I U> pleased to serve \<#r? JMijcctfiillv, .. At J. o. s'axkord, 4"> jr Kinsale, Ya. Cure a Cold in One Day take Laxative ilromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. K. W. (irove’s signature is on each box. 25c.