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Abbreviation for quality control.
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References in periodicals archive ?
While the Quebec legislation does not single out any religion by name, Muslim headwear have long been a source of public debate in Quebec.Quebec's minister for the status of women drew condemnation from opposition politicians earlier this year after she said the hijab is a symbol of female oppression.
Les Quebecois ont confie lundi les renes de la province a la Coalition avenir Quebec (CAQ) de Francois Legault.
Additionally, even more of Quebec's promising technology entrepreneurs and knowledgeable representatives will be showcased at one of SXSW's scheduled Meet Ups:
[37] Centre hospitalier universitaire de Quebec, University Laval, Quebec, QC
Quebec remains the only province that does not allow spouses in common-law or de facto unions to seek spousal support when they split up.
Many issues were discussed about the economic and political implications of a 'yes' vote, including what would become of the territory of Quebec and its share of the national debt.
He worked on his French, spent a lot of time in Quebec and, when he became Prime Minister, placed several Quebec-oriented policies in the window, such as fixing the "fiscal imbalance" and recognizing the Quebecois as "a nation within Canada." For a while it seemed to be working, as the Conservatives won ten seats in Quebec in 2006 and were on track to win as many as 30 seats there in 2008.
Currently before the Supreme Court of Canada a Quebec couple from Drummondville, Quebec, is seeking to have their children exempted from the province's mandatory Ethics and Religious Culture (ERC) course.