Castle and Lesser Town Map - Prague, Central Bohemia, Czech Republic

Castle and Lesser Town

Both in district Prague 1, Castle district of is the highest part of the city while the Lesser Town of is the lower area on the left bank. The Royal Garden in autumnLesser Town from the Castle…
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Castle and Lesser Town Map
Castle and Lesser Town

Notable Places in the Area

Photo: A.Savin, FAL.
is a medieval stone arch bridge that crosses the river in , .

is a castle complex in , serving as the official residence and workplace of the president of the Czech Republic.

Localities in the Area

The right bank section of District Prague 1, the oldest settled area, consists of the Old Town of and the Jewish Town.

The West of is to the west of the Castle district.

The New Town of is in the east bank area to the east and south of the Old Town.

Castle and Lesser Town

50.0861° or 50° 5' 10" north
14.4023° or 14° 24' 8" east
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Castle and Lesser Town Satellite Map

Castle and Lesser Town Satellite Map
© OpenStreetMap, Mapbox and Maxar

Also Known As

  • English: Prague/Castle and Lesser Town
  • Hebrew: רובע המצודה והרובע הקטן
  • Italian: Hradčany e Malá strana
  • Russian: Градчаны

In the Area

Castle and Lesser Town is situated close to the locality and the suburb .

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About Mapcarta. Thanks to Mapbox for providing amazing maps. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, excluding photos, directions and the map. Description text is based on the Wikivoyage page Castle and Lesser Town. Photo: Ludvig14, CC BY-SA 4.0.