How to search for an address or postcode using Postcode Finder
How to search for an address or postcode using Postcode Finder
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How to search for an address or postcode using Postcode Finder

  1. Start typing a postcode or any part of an address and results will start appearing
  2. The more information you provide, the more you'll narrow your search
  3. You can then scroll through the results to select the address you need

Please note: you can only search for UK addresses using our Postcode Finder.

Please let us know if you see an address which looks wrong or needs updating.

Search for business addresses

You can also search for business addresses in the same way. If the company name is very common (for example, 'Tesco'), you may need to provide more details such as the town or street name.

Search for a building name

Some homes or business addresses use a name instead of a street number. This name is an 'alias' but every property still has a street address, even if it isn't commonly used. You can use either to search for an address.

For example, 'Media House, London' or '32 Coin Street, London' will give you the same result.

Search for Welsh addresses

Postcode Finder will search for Welsh addresses if you're searching in English or Welsh. If you prefer, you can change the language to Welsh by clicking 'Fersiwn Cymraeg'.

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