Political Parties in the United States Flashcards | Quizlet

Political Parties in the United States

The era from 1816 to 1828 when attention was centered on the character of individual running for office rather than on party identification is referred to as

a- the era of good feeling
b- factional politics
c- personal politics
d- democratic politics
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The era from 1816 to 1828 when attention was centered on the character of individual running for office rather than on party identification is referred to as

a- the era of good feeling
b- factional politics
c- personal politics
d- democratic politics
In the United States, political parties started

a- in most colonial legislatures by 1742
b- after the Civil War
c- After the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828
d- in the 1790's
Reform Party was initiated by

a- Ross Perot
b- John C. Fremont
c- Henry Clay
d- James Madison
The United States has a

a- two party system
b- multi-party system
c- one party system
d- two party plus system
The basic or primary unit of the party in the United States called

a- precinct
b- ward committee
c- city/ county committee
d- congressional district committee
The highest organization of the party called

a- state central committee
b- national committee
c- national convention
Military people in the U.S. vote for the

a- Democratic Party
b- Republican Party
c- Libertarian Party
d- Communist Party
Cubans in the U.S. vote for the

a- Republican Party
b- Democratic Party
c- Socialist Party
d- Green Party
If every American had to join a political party

a- political parties would be more liberal
b- Political parties would be more conservatives
c- Political parties would be more extreme
d- Political parties would be more moderate
American political parties are usually viewed as weaker than European parties because

a- they do not have a dues structure
b- they have a weak relationship with their members
c- they allow anyone to join
d- a and b
American political parties tend to concentrate on

a- singing up large members of deeply committed members
b- Winning elections
c- Collecting dies from party members
d- Developing ideas that are ideologically correct for the party, regardless of electoral outcome
The first American political party division in the United States was between

a- the Democratic Party and Republican Party
b- the Whigs and the Democratic
c- the Federalist and Anti Federalist
d- the Liberty and Free Soil Party
The Federalists were

a- led by Hamilton and Adams
b- supported the adoption of the U.S. Constitution
c- Wanted a Bill of Rights
d- a and b
A major reason for the collapse of the Wing Party was

a- the growth of the Democrats
b- their loyal to Great Britain during the Revolutionary War
c- their inability to maintain a common ideological base
d- the Eighteenth Amendment which allowed female the right to vote
American Political parties are composed of the party

a- in electorate
b- organization
c- in government
d- all the above