Lump on Penis, Shaft, Head, Foreskin, Pictures, Causes, Treatment & Home Remedies
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Lump on Penis, Shaft, Head, Foreskin, Red, White, Pictures, Std, Causes, Treatment & Home Remedies

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A lump on penis can appear at the base of the penile shaft, on penile head or foreskin. Penile lumps may be painful or painless, itchy or not itchy and are usually red or white. They are often an indication of various health conditions, including cancer and some STDs. Explore facts, pictures, causes, signs, and symptoms bumps on penis. Also, learn how to get rid of them with medical treatments and home remedies.

Signs and Symptoms of Lump on Penis

Lump on the penis is a common condition that occurs in men. A bump on your penis is a private condition that might appear worrisome. Whether they are painless or painful, a penile lump can stress your mind and even embarrass you to your sex partner.

Usually, a strange bump on your penis might appear alarming to you and causes some worry. It is naturally normal for every man to develop worries once you notice a strange bump on your penis. However, most of the penile bumps are not symptoms of a serious health problem.

Generally, a lump on your penis can appear in different forms depending on the causal agents. The lump may range in size from small to large bump. Also, the color of the bump can vary as red, pink, brown, yellow or white depending on your skin color.

A lump on the penis can manifest in various signs and symptoms. It is quite useful for you to be conversant with the possible symptoms that are associated with penile lumps. This can help you to get a clue about your health condition.

The common possible signs and symptoms of a lump on penis include:

  • Small or large bump on the shaft and head of the penis
  • Single or numerous lumps on glans, penile shaft, and foreskin
  • Painful soft sores, blister, or open wound of penis
  • Hard lump on penis that is either itchy or not itchy
  • Red, brown, pink, yellow or white raised spots on glans, foreskin and on penile shaft
  • Difficulties in passing out urine due to burning sensation or irritation

A lump on your penis can also accompany other strange symptoms such as fever, penile discharge, itchy testicles, skin rash and others. In case you notice others strange symptoms that are associated with a lump on your penis, you can consult your medical doctor.

Causes of Lump on Penis

Your penis can develop lumps due to various causes. These causes can lead to either benign or more serious health condition that needs medical treatment. A benign bump on your penis cannot interfere with normal functioning of your penis.

The common causes of a lump on the penis include:

1. Fordyce spots

Fordyce spots or granules are small white or yellow bumps that might appear on head or shaft of your penis. These types of bumps are totally painless and harmless to you. However, Fordyce spots have a scared appearance.

This type of lump may develop from sebaceous glands that are located near your skin surface. You can also develop Fordyce spots on your lips and cheek. These bumps often occur in adults. There is no need to treat or remove Fordyce spots from your penis because the condition is absolutely harmless.

2. Pearly penile papules

A pearly penile papule is also called hirsutoid papillomas. They are small painless bumps that appear like pimples on glans of the penis. These bumps typically develop near the groove of the glans and they usually take the color of your skin.

The pearly papule on your penis is a harmless condition that is not correlated with any sexually transmitted infection or cancer. Your penis can develop these bumps due to poor hygiene around the penis or because of the genetic factors.

3. Lymphocele

Lymphocele is a small hard lump that can appear on your penis after sex or masturbation. These bumps are caused temporal blockage of lymph vessels inside your penis tissue. Lymphocele lump on base of shaft of the penis can go away after few days.

4.  Genital warts

Genital warts are small fleshy lumps that may appear on head or shaft of your penis. The can also develop under the foreskin. These bumps are caused by human papillomavirus that is sexually transmitted.

5. Folliculitis

Your penis can develop red painful lumps as a consequence of folliculitis. This condition is caused by the bacterial infection of the hair follicle. Usually, folliculitis occurs on penile shaft and also on other parts of the penile area that has hairs.

6. Ingrown hair cysts

Ingrown hairs or razor bump are common types of bumps that can appear on your penile shaft and scrotum after shaving the hair. These bumps can occur when the hair curls or grows sideways inside the hair follicle leading to raised spots.

7. Molluscum contagiosum

A lump on penis can appear due Molluscum contagiosum. This condition is usually characterized by small painful bumps on foreskin that are filled with pus. The condition is caused by viral infection of the private area.

8. Genital Herpes

This is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). The infection can lead to the development of fluid-filled blister or sore on your glans, foreskin, penile shaft and scrotum.

9. Boil

Boil, furuncles or carbuncle are red painful large lumps that might appear on your penis. The large bump turns into yellow lump when they are filled with pus. You can treat this condition by drain out the pus from the lump and use the prescribed antibiotics from your doctor.

10. Septic spots

Septic spots are small pus-filled bumps that can develop on your foreskin, penile shaft, and scrotum. The condition is caused by the accumulation of skin bacteria. The bacteria that cause septic spots are highly contagious and they can spread to other parts of your body and cause more skin damage.

You can control the condition of septic spots on your private area by seeking the help of your doctor to assist in diagnosis and treatment.

11. Injuries

Physical injuries to your penis can lead to the development of swollen lump to the affected area. a hit or a bunch of your penis can result in a swollen bump.

12. Peyronie’s disease

Peyronie’s disease is a rare condition that can lead to the development of hard lump or plaque on your penis. The condition can make your penile shaft to bend when erect than normal. It is advisable to seek the help of the doctor for treatment if you develop this condition.

13. Lichen planus

Lichen planus can also cause the development of an itchy lump on penis. This condition can occur anywhere on your body parts including on your penis.

14. Cancer of the penis

Cancer of the penis is a rare condition that can result in the development of a chronic lump on penis. The growth of tumors usually occurs at the head of the penis. The cancerous condition is usually characterized by hard lumps that can bleed easily if something touches them.

Lump on Penile shaft

A lump on your penile shaft could be symptoms of either harmless or more serious health condition. Harmless bumps on the penile shaft are usually painless or not itchy. Occasionally, you can develop a painful or itchy lump on penile shaft. This could be symptoms of a more serious health condition that needs medical treatment.

The common possible cause that can lead to bumps on the penile shaft includes Fordyce spots, Lymphocele, Genital warts, Folliculitis, Molluscum contagiosum, Injuries, Peyronie’s disease, Genital Herpes, boils, and cancer.


Lump on Penile Head

The head of your penis is a prime spot that can develop various types of lumps. This is because it has a soft tissue with a thin skin layer that makes it more vulnerable to be affected by penile bumps.

The common causes the may lead to bumps on your penile head include Pearly penile papules, Genital warts, genital herpes, lichen planus, and cancer of the penis.

Lump on Foreskin

The foreskin is common parts of the penis that can develop bumps due to various health conditions. The natural structure of foreskin can encourage the accumulation of bacteria that can lead to septic spots or boil infection.

The possible causes that can lead to bumps on your foreskin include genital herpes, genital warts, septic spots, boils, folliculitis, ingrown hairs cysts, cancer and Fordyce spots.

How to Get Rid of Red Lump on Penis

You can get rid of lumps on your penis using various treatment methods depending on the condition of the bump. For the case of few, small and mild bumps on your penis that cannot advance into health complications, you can use home remedies.

However, medical treatment is another method you can go for in case your penis has chronic bumps that are likely to advance to more serious health problems.

Home Remedies

Here are some of the natural home remedies you can try that can help to remove small, few and mild bumps from your penis. They include:

1. Aloe Vera

You can use Aloe Vera cream, gel or juice as a home remedy that can help to remove bumps from your penis. Aloe Vera has antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to treat different types of penile bumps.

How to use:

  • Wash your penis with warm water and pat dry it
  • Apply the Aloe Vera cream or gel to the affected area
  • Allow it to stay on your skin for the whole day or night
  • Repeat to apply it twice daily until the lump on penis clear away

2. Hot compress

Hot compressing your penis with warm water can help to relieve swollen bump. The warm temperature of a hot compress can help to stimulate an increase of blood circulation to the affected area. The can help to ease swollen bumps.

How to use:

  • Place two cup of warm water in a basin
  • Soak a washcloth into the warm water
  • Hot compress the affected area for few mines
  • Repeat this procedure three times daily until a lump on penis go away

3. Baking soda

Baking soda has natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to treat a red lump on penis. The reagent can also help to soothe itchy blister or bumps on your penis.

How to use:

  • Add few drops of water to one teaspoon of the baking soda to create a fine paste
  • Apply the paste to the affected area of your penis that has a lump
  • Allow the paste to dry before you wash it off
  • Repeat this steps three times daily until a lump on your penis clear away

4. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an effective home remedy that you can use that can help to remove bumps from your penis. This reagent has the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory abilities that can help to ease swollen bumps on your penis.

How to use:

  • Get 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar
  • Soak a cotton ball in the solution
  • Apply it to the affected area of your penis
  • Repeat this steps three times daily until a bump on your penis go away

5. Coconut oil

Coconut oil has medicinal value that can help to treat various skin problems including a lump on penis. The oil has antiseptic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nature that can cure lumps your penis. Also, the oil can help to soothe itchy red spots in your private area.

How to use:

  • Wash your penis with warm water and pat dry it
  • Apply the coconut oil to the affected area
  • Allow it to stay on your skin for the whole day or night
  • Repeat to apply it twice daily until you notice an Improvement

Medical Treatment

You can visit your doctor to help in medical treatment. Your doctor will determine the cause of bump on your penis using a suitable diagnosis method before give you the appropriate medical treatment that can help to solve your health problem.

The common treatment methods that your doctor might use to treat your health problem include:

  • Prescription of oral medication that includes antibiotics and anti-viral drugs that can help to treat the underlying condition that causes a bump on penis.
  • Prescription of medicinal creams and gel that can help to clear away bumps from your private parts.
  • Surgical incision to remove chronic or malignant lump on your penis

When to See a Doctor

You can see you doctor over a lump on penis if you notice the following condition that includes:

  • When the lump on your penis has persisted for more than three weeks without clearing away
  • When a bump on your is causing severe pain or itchiness that you cannot tolerate
  • If the lump on your penis is associated with others strange symptoms such as penile discharge, fever and other
  • When a lump on penis affect proper functioning of your penis
  • If the lumps on your penis have a characteristic of a hard bump that can bleed easily

Sources and References

[showhide type=”links” more_text=”Show Sources and References” less_text=”Hide Sources and References”]

  1. Lump on the penis:
  2. Signs and symptoms a lump on the penis:
  3. Causes of bumps or lumps of the penis:
  4. Causes of a Lump of the penis:
  5. How to get rid of a bump on penis:
  6. Home remedies for a bump on the penis: [/showhide]

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