(WYTV)- Pink eye is extremely common in kids.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says public schoolchildren in this country miss three million school days each year because of pink eye.

The medical term is conjunctivitis. Pink eye is an inflammation of the transparent
membrane that lines the eye and eyelid. A virus causes it most times but it can also come from a bacterial infection. It’s also highly contagious.

“Most patients may be at risk for contracting this if they touch someone who has the pink eye, rubs their eye, maybe touches their face, doesn’t wash their hands consistently,” said Dr. Tina Arden of the Mayo Clinic.

Because pink eye is often viral, antibiotics usually won’t help. The treatment usually just deals with relieving the symptoms. Get comfortable and use a warm compress to help feel better and rest, those are helpful.

As far as other symptoms go, pink eye shows that it’s irritated and the patient shows symptoms such as a tearing of the eye, itchiness, and sometimes pain and discharge.