Piazza Torquato Tasso Map - Square - Sorrento, Campania, Italy

Piazza Torquato Tasso

Piazza Torquato Tasso is a square in , , . Piazza Torquato Tasso is situated nearby to the churches and .
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Piazza Torquato Tasso Map
Piazza Torquato Tasso

Notable Places in the Area

is a church situated 120 metres northwest of Piazza Torquato Tasso.

The Cathedral of Saints Philip and James, commonly known as the , is a Roman Catholic cathedral located on Via Santa Maria della Pietà in , . is situated 270 metres southwest of Piazza Torquato Tasso.

Localities in the Area

or Valle dei Mulini is a historic valley in Sorrento, Italy.

is in the province of Naples in the region, and is 49 kilometers from the city of .

is an Italian village, the major hamlet of the municipality of in the , region.

Piazza Torquato Tasso

40.62617° or 40° 37' 34" north
14.37577° or 14° 22' 33" east
Open Location Code
Open­Street­Map ID
way 806378057
Open­Street­Map Feature
Wiki­data ID
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Piazza Torquato Tasso Satellite Map

Piazza Torquato Tasso Satellite Map
© OpenStreetMap, Mapbox and Maxar

Also Known As

  • Italian: Piazza Torquato Tasso
  • Piazza Tasso

Other Places Named Piazza Torquato Tasso

In the Area

Piazza Torquato Tasso is situated close to the town hall and the health club .


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About Mapcarta. Thanks to Mapbox for providing amazing maps. Data © OpenStreetMap contributors and available under the Open Database License. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, excluding photos, directions and the map. Photo: NorbertNagel, CC BY-SA 3.0.