
Lady Gaga Goes Lo-Fi for “Perfect Illusion” Music Video

A no-frills approach for the clip for her first single.

We all remember the “Bad Romance” music video, right? There was a period of time when it was near impossible to attend a party that didn’t evolve, by the end of the night, into a group viewing of the “Bad Romance” music video. It was over-the-top and strange and wild and—in its excess and sheer weirdness—unlike anything that had come along recently on the pop scene. Lady Gaga had a string of such videos—“Paparazzi,” “Telephone”—that became almost bigger than the songs themselves.

Well, it is many years later now, and Gaga has returned to the pop scene, and we, as of late Tuesday evening, now have our first music video from this new “era.” Gaga’s “Perfect Illusion” is a video befitting of the song—which features Gaga at her most elemental, visceral, and Springsteen-y. It features the star—wearing jean shorts and a black T-shirt—riding in a jeep, writhing in a desert, and moshing at a concert. It’s frenetic and—by Gaga standards—quite low-key: it does not feature any of the frills (introductions, credits, extended dialogue breaks) of previous videos, and it clocks in at just over three minutes.

It’s hard to imagine this Gaga showing up to an awards show in a meat dress, or even wearing a colored wig. The pop star’s aesthetic, in this album cycle, is stripped down, raw, and straightforward: she seems to be indicating that she is all about the music.

Her next album, Joanne, is out October 21.