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Pennsylvania White Pages

Find people in Pennsylvania using our white pages. Search for someone by name, phone number, zip code or address. Find who you're looking for, and immediately see their name and address for free. For a premium, you can also see their phone number and run a background check to get ahold of criminal records, bankruptcies, marriage and divorce history, liens against them, and more.

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Use Addresses’ massive database to search for anyone living in the state of Pennsylvania. Addresses provides some of the most accurate information available. Our information is updated frequently using public records; this includes:

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Notable People from PennsylvaniaNotable Work/Position
Joe BidenVice President of the United States (2009 to 2017). U.S. Senator from Delaware (1973 to 2009).
Pete ConradAn American NASA Astronaut. During the Apollo 12 mission he became the third man to walk on the moon.
Benjamin FranklinScientist, diplomat, teacher, and founding father of the U.S. Inventor of the lightning rod, bifocals and Franklin stove.
Andy WarholAn American artist, director and producer who was the leading figure in the visual art movement, known as Pop Art, in the 1960s.
Arnold PalmerAn American professional golfer regarded as one of the greatest and most charismatic players in golf history.
Fred RogersT.V. personality and host of the preschool television series “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” (1968 to 2001).
Taylor SwiftBorn and raised in Pennsylvania. Singer, songwriter, record producer and actress. Taylor Swift is the one of the best-selling music artists of all time.
Joe NamathFormer American professional football player. Namath was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985. He subsequently became a nighclub owner, talk show host, advertising spokesperson and sports broadcaster.

Searching for Someone in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is the 5th most populated state in the U.S. with a total population of over 12.8 million residents and 5 million households. The average household size is 2.47 (based on 2018 census data). To refine your search for someone in Pennsylvania, consider the age, gender, and demographic of your subject to ensure that you’re on the right track.

The predominant race in Pennsylvania is white, making up 76.5% of the state’s population. The median age is 40.8 years with 51.0% of the total population female and 49.0% male. The most populated city in Pennsylvania is Philadelphia with over 1,580,863 people.

Those persons under age 25 make up 29.9% of the population of Pennsylvania and people over 65 make up almost 17.7%. Pennsylvania experienced a small increase of 0.16% in its population between 2016 and 2017, and has a workforce of about 5.8 million. If Pennsylvania were an independent country, its economy would rank as the 19th largest in the world. The median annual household income of $59,195 grew 4.02% between 2016 and 2017.

Top 3 SchoolsCity# of GraduatesGraduation RateAcceptance RateMost Popular Degrees
Pennsylvania State UniversityState College13,34586%56%Public Research
University of PittsburghPittsburgh9,84382%55%Medicine
University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia9,05396%9%Research

Pennsylvania Real Estate

Use Addresses to find information on a home you’re interested in. Whether you’re planning on living at that address or intend to rent from the owner, you can find out more information about who your next door neighbors are (or might be).

The median home value in Pennsylvania has gone up 4.08% from 2016 to a median home value of $181,200 in 2017, with the median price per square foot at $110. The median rent price is $885, which is lower than the national average. The median listing price for homes statewide is $220,000, while the median price of homes that sold is $169,200.

The city in Pennsylvania with the highest median home value is West Chester with a median home value of $338,800 as of 2017.

CityAvg. Home ValueAvg. Household Income
West Chester$338,800$55,313

Pennsylvania Facts

Official Name: Pennsylvania

Name Meaning: The state’s name means “Penn’s Woodlands.”

Nickname: Keystone State or Quaker State

Statehood: December 12, 1787 (2nd State)

Capital: Harrisburg

Total Number of Counties: 67

Largest City: Philadelphia

Largest County (by population): Philadelphia

Population (as of 2018): 12,807,060

History: Pennsylvania is one of the original 13 founding states of the U.S. The state came into being in 1681 as a result of a royal land grant from King Charles II to William Penn, the state’s namesake. The Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia in 1776, and Pennsylvania became the 2nd state to ratify the U.S. Constitution in 1787. Pennsylvania’s economy in the 20th century centered on steel production and other forms of industrial manufacturing. It is the 5th largest state by population and ranked 33rd in size at 46,055 sq. miles. The state is 283 miles in width and 170 miles in length.

Fast Facts:

  • The Battle of Gettysburg, the turning point of the Civil War, was fought in Philadelphia.
  • Pennsylvania is the only state of the original 13 colonies that does not border the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The Philadelphia Zoo is the nation’s first public zoo. The zoo was founded by Benjamin Franklin.
  • Pennsylvania has nearly one million licensed hunters, and is considered one of the finest wild turkey hunting states in the U.S.
  • Hershey, Pennsylvania, is the center of the U.S. chocolate industry with Mars, Godiva and Wilbur chocolate companies.
  • Pennsylvania was the 2nd state to ratify the U.S. Constitution on December 12, 1787. Because one-third of the State’s population spoke German, at that time, the U.S. Constitution was also presented in German.
  • The first daily newspaper was published in Philadelphia on September 21, 1784.
  • In 1775, Johann Behrent, of Philadelphia, built the first piano in America calling it the “Piano Forte.”

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