Map of Oswego County, NY and surrounding area
City Miles
Albany, NY 160
Baltimore, MD 360
Bangor, ME 563
Boston, MA 330
Buffalo, NY 160
Burlington, VT 230
Cleveland, OH 345
Hartford, CT 275
Montreal, Canada 245
Newark, NJ 284
New York, NY 275
Ottawa, Canada 185
Philadelphia, PA 280
Pittsburg, PA 388
Portsmouth, NH 385
Quebec, Canada 386
Rochester, NY 74
Syracuse, NY 40
Toronto, Canada 230
Washington, DC 410

Direction to Oswego County

From the South

Take Interstate 81 north to go to the following areas: Central Square (Exit 32), Parish (Exit 33), Mexico (Exit 34), Pulaski (Exit 36), and Sandy Creek (Exit 37). To go to the Phoenix, Oswego, or Fulton areas, take the State Route 481 exit from Interstate 81 and go north.

From the North

Take Interstate 81 south to go to the following areas: Central Square (Exit 32), Parish (Exit 33), Mexico (Exit 34), Pulaski (Exit 36), and Sandy Creek (Exit 37).

From the East

Take State Routes 49 or 13 directly into Oswego County, or take the NYS Thruway to the I-81 North exit and proceed to Oswego County.

From the West

Take State Route 104 directly into Oswego County, or take the NYS Thruway to the I-81 North exit and proceed to Oswego County.