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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a people living along the banks of the Nile, in the northern part of the Republic of Sudan, and in the Arabic Republic of Egypt north of the Aswan Dam. Total population, 1.5 million (1970, estimate). A small number of Nubians also live in the hills of Kordofan. Nubians speak both Nubian and Arabic. They are Sunni Muslims by religion.

The modern Nubians are direct descendants of the population of ancient Nubia. They have long been engaged in irrigated farming (durra, wheat, barley, vegetables, cotton) and the cultivation of the date palm. They raise bulls, camels, horses, donkeys, and a small number of goats and sheep. A considerable number of Nubians have settled in the large cities of Sudan, where they are engaged in crafts and trade or work in enterprises and state cotton plantations.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Through the Nubian Rights Forum, the community accused the government of unfairness when vetting minority groups in the country, saying most of its members have waited for more than 15 years to get national identification cards.
Respondents cite the early 1920s as the initial appearance of the Nubians in Kisii Town in which they have lived, as a small ethnic community, to date.
In addition, the new Upper Egypt Development Agency bill passed in June 2018 mandates that a government agency be created to develop a plan to jump-start comprehensive economic development for the southernmost parts of Upper Egypt, including most of the Nubians' ancestral territory not already flooded, sold off, or declared a military zone.
The activists had considered the closure of the Mahas community's club in Khartoum as another "new conspiracy" against the Nubian community.
Although 99% of Nubians are adherents of Islam, their culture and social structure have been described as a mosaic of Nubian and Arab-Islamic cultural patterns which borrows from and synthesizes Islamic, Arabic, Christian, and other much older beliefs into a single system of values and normative models of behavior (Kennedy and Femea iv-ix).
According to An Introduction to Heritage Breeds, the same thing happened to the Spanish goat, "effectively eliminating the purebreds in a single generation." Apparently, though, enough of us stuck with our full-blooded Nubians to ensure their continuing survival.
The group from Cairo are in South Wales to take part in the Damned Nations Project, where they are uniting with Welsh musicians on stage to recall the fates of the flooded village of Capel Celyn in North Wales and the drowned Nubian homelands in Aswan, Egypt.
Nubia is widely regarded as having been Africa's oldest civilisation, so it seemed fitting that the Nubians should visit Spiller's - the world's oldest record shop - during their time in Wales.
Khartoum, Feb 10, 2013 (SUNA) - The Swiss Archaeological Mission in collaboration with the Sudanese antiquities service discovered an ancient Nubian city which is completely new in terms of architecture and unknown to the world before.
At the five-hour event, Nubians also displayed their accessories, clothes and drinks.
mansoni-the first proof that the ancient Nubians, or any ancient civilization, were afflicted by schistosomiasis.
Despite triumphalist Egyptian declarations, Nubians, including Medjay, continued to be active in the Egyptian military in all struggles and on all sides; their rewards included gold.