Birth Certificates

Birth Records Less Than 100 Years Old

Connecticut birth records less than 100 years old are not open to the general public. To be eligible to receive a copy of a birth certificate, you must be able to document that you are:
  • A member of an incorporated genealogical society authorized to conduct business in the State of Connecticut (please visit the Connecticut State Library History and Genealogy Unit website for more information)
  • An attorney at law representing the registrant or the registrant’s parent, guardian, child, or surviving spouse
  • A state or federal agency employee and with an authorized release from the registrant, who is 18 years of age or older
  • The chief elected official of the town / city where the birth occurred
  • The child or grandchild of the registrant and 18 years of age or older
  • The local director of health of the town / city where the birth occurred or where the mother was a resident at the time of the birth
  • The parent, guardian, grandparent, or spouse of the registrant
  • The registrant and 18 years of age or older

Birth Records More Than 100 Years Old

Birth records more than 100 years old are open to any person over 18 years of age.

See Connecticut General Statutes 7-51 and 7-51a.


Download the Birth Certificate Request form.