I am trying to figure out what version of Boost my code thinks it's using. I want to do something like this:


but the preprocessor does not expand BOOST_VERSION.

I know I could print it out at run-time from the program, and I know I could look at the output of the preprocessor to find the answer. I feel like having a way of doing this during compilation could be useful.


15 Answers 15


I know that this is a long time after the original query, but this may still be useful.

This can be done in GCC using the stringify operator "#", but it requires two additional stages to be defined first.

#define XSTR(x) STR(x)
#define STR(x) #x

The value of a macro can then be displayed with:

#pragma message "The value of ABC: " XSTR(ABC)

See: 3.4 Stringification in the gcc online documentation.

How it works:

The preprocessor understands quoted strings and handles them differently from normal text. String concatenation is an example of this special treatment. The message pragma requires an argument that is a quoted string. When there is more than one component to the argument then they must all be strings so that string concatenation can be applied. The preprocessor can never assume that an unquoted string should be treated as if it were quoted. If it did then:

#define ABC 123
int n = ABC;

would not compile.

Now consider:

#define ABC abc
#pragma message "The value of ABC is: " ABC

which is equivalent to

#pragma message "The value of ABC is: " abc

This causes a preprocessor warning because abc (unquoted) cannot be concatenated with the preceding string.

Now consider the preprocessor stringize (Which was once called stringification, the links in the documentation have been changed to reflect the revised terminology. (Both terms, incidentally, are equally detestable. The correct term is, of course, stringifaction. Be ready to update your links.)) operator. This acts only on the arguments of a macro and replaces the unexpanded argument with the argument enclosed in double quotes. Thus:

#define STR(x) #x
char *s1 = "abc";
char *s2 = STR(abc);

will assign identical values to s1 and s2. If you run gcc -E you can see this in the output. Perhaps STR would be better named something like ENQUOTE.

This solves the problem of putting quotes around an unquoted item, the problem now is that, if the argument is a macro, the macro will not be expanded. This is why the second macro is needed. XSTR expands its argument, then calls STR to put the expanded value into quotes.

  • 10
    I'm curious as to why it requires two stages Jan 22, 2015 at 13:34
  • 8
    @VincentFourmond Without the XSTR stage, the macro isn't expanded. So if you did #define ABC 42 \n STR(ABC) you'd get "ABC". See gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Stringification.html
    – rob05c
    Feb 12, 2015 at 22:22
  • This also works great with Xcode 8, e.g. replacing ABC with __IPHONE_9_3.
    – funroll
    Oct 11, 2016 at 19:50
  • GCC terminology seems to have changed, and with it the URL, which is now https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Stringizing.html#Stringizing Aug 29, 2019 at 11:14
  • 2
    I was having trouble getting this to work with gcc 9.3 when the macro was defined as #define METHODDEF static type. What did work was to add #define METHODDEF causing a 'redefined' error that showed the actual expansion and where it was set, which was kinda nice.
    – erco
    Oct 22, 2021 at 17:44

BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE seems a excellent solution for C++, but not for regular C.

Here is my solution for GNU CPP:

/* Some test definition here */
#define DEFINED_INT 3

/* definition to expand macro then apply to pragma message */
#define VALUE_TO_STRING(x) #x
#define VAR_NAME_VALUE(var) #var "="  VALUE(var)

/* Some example here */
#pragma message(VAR_NAME_VALUE(NOT_DEFINED))
#pragma message(VAR_NAME_VALUE(DEFINED_INT))
#pragma message(VAR_NAME_VALUE(DEFINED_STR))

Above definitions result in:

test.c:10:9: note: #pragma message: NOT_DEFINED=NOT_DEFINED
test.c:11:9: note: #pragma message: DEFINED_BUT_NO_VALUE=
test.c:12:9: note: #pragma message: DEFINED_INT=3
test.c:13:9: note: #pragma message: DEFINED_STR="ABC"

For "defined as interger", "defined as string", and "defined but no value" variables , they work just fine. Only for "not defined" variable, they displayed exactly the same as original variable name. You have to used to it -- or maybe someone can provide a better solution.

  • excellent! Any experiences in ARM RVCT? it seems has no "Stringification" feature as GCC infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.dui0491c/…
    – xdan
    May 28, 2013 at 7:07
  • 2
    Great solution. However, if I wish to display the size of a compile-time calculated value, e.g. the size of a complex struct, can this be done? The method suggested in this answer seems to generate DEFINED_INT=(sizeof(MY_STRUCT)), without the sizeof operator being evaluated.
    – Carl
    Mar 16, 2015 at 12:12
  • (Comment addition: not unexpected, since it is the compiler rather than the pre-processor that will evaluate sizeof, however, still curious if there's a clever way of achieving this.)
    – Carl
    Mar 16, 2015 at 12:21
  • @xdan Good solution, unfortunately is doesn't cater for things like #define masks {0xff, 0xaf, 0x0f} Aug 20, 2019 at 10:35
  • 1
    @Carl, here's how to do that: How can I print the result of sizeof() at compile time in C?. The size of the struct gets put into a crazy compile-time error message, but it works. Dec 20, 2023 at 23:23

If you are using Visual C++, you can use #pragma message:

#include <boost/preprocessor/stringize.hpp>

Edit: Thanks to LB for link

Apparently, the GCC equivalent is (not tested):


As far as I know '#error' only will print strings, in fact you don't even need to use quotes.

Have you tried writing various purposefully incorrect code using "BOOST_VERSION"? Perhaps something like "blah[BOOST_VERSION] = foo;" will tell you something like "string literal 1.2.1 cannot be used as an array address". It won't be a pretty error message, but at least it'll show you the relevant value. You can play around until you find a compile error that does tell you the value.

  • That didn't work, since BOOST_VERSION is an integer, but I got to see it with this statement: std::vector<BOOST_VERSION>; in gcc 4.4.1. Thanks! Oct 13, 2009 at 19:38
  • Note that with Visual C++, you would have to use Bojan Resnik's answer. Oct 13, 2009 at 19:48
  • I tried to get this to work, but the error message GCC gave me were sadly undescriptive. But +1 for mentioning it.
    – Chris Lutz
    Oct 13, 2009 at 23:40

Without boost :

  1. define same macro again and compiler HIMSELF will give warning.

  2. From warning you can see location of the previous definition.

  3. vi file of previous definition .

ambarish@axiom:~/cpp$ g++ shiftOper.cpp
shiftOper.cpp:7:1: warning: "LINUX_VERSION_CODE" redefined
shiftOper.cpp:6:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition

#define LINUX_VERSION_CODE 265216

int main ()

  • This one is easier and straightforward.
    – Tmx
    Nov 8, 2018 at 18:22
  • 4
    itself : compilers have no gender
    – Sky
    Nov 14, 2018 at 19:21
  • 1
    This does not work with predefined macros, such as __cplusplus. Nov 22, 2019 at 9:55

In Microsoft C/C++, you can use the built-in _CRT_STRINGIZE() to print constants. Many of my stdafx.h files contain some combination of these:

#pragma message("_MSC_VER      is " _CRT_STRINGIZE(_MSC_VER))
#pragma message("_MFC_VER      is " _CRT_STRINGIZE(_MFC_VER))
#pragma message("_ATL_VER      is " _CRT_STRINGIZE(_ATL_VER))
#pragma message("WINVER        is " _CRT_STRINGIZE(WINVER))
#pragma message("_WIN32_WINNT  is " _CRT_STRINGIZE(_WIN32_WINNT))
#pragma message("_WIN32_IE     is " _CRT_STRINGIZE(_WIN32_IE))

and outputs something like this:

_MSC_VER      is 1915
_MFC_VER      is 0x0E00
_ATL_VER      is 0x0E00
WINVER        is 0x0600
_WIN32_WINNT  is 0x0600
_WIN32_IE     is 0x0700
NTDDI_VERSION is 0x06000000
#define a <::BOOST_VERSION>
#include a
MSVC2015: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '::106200': No such file or directory


  • Works on builtin macroses
  • Works even if preprocess to file is enabled, even if invalid tokens are present:
#define a <::'*/`#>
#include a
MSVC2015: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '::'*/`#': No such file or directory
GCC4.x: warning: missing terminating ' character [-Winvalid-pp-token]
#define a <::'*/`#>


  • Sometime fails because of invalid characters in the include file path. Can be fixed by change a prefix (see update section below).


For GCC 4.7.x and lower the output throws the error:

error: #include expects "FILENAME" or <FILENAME>

To fix that you can change the prefix:

#define a <.__cplusplus>
#include a
fatal error: .201103L: No such file or directory
  • Mine just says Build error: #include expects "FILENAME" or <FILENAME>. Sigh.
    – endolith
    Nov 9, 2018 at 21:02
  • @endolith what compiler and version?
    – Andry
    Nov 12, 2018 at 2:19
  • DP8051 Keil 9.51 :)
    – endolith
    Nov 12, 2018 at 4:27
  • @endolith Seems this compiler is very limited on preprocessing: keil.com/support/man/docs/c51/c51_pp_directives.htm But, on mine side it almost works as expected, i've just removed some of invalid characters like ': *** WARNING C318 IN LINE 2 OF test.c: can't open file '::*/`'
    – Andry
    Nov 12, 2018 at 10:25
  • Thank you, this saved me because the pragma message stuff wasn't implemented in the compiler I was using.
    – CodeMonkey
    May 17, 2019 at 8:08

You could also preprocess the source file and see what the preprocessor value evaluates to.


Looking at the output of the preprocessor is the closest thing to the answer you ask for.

I know you've excluded that (and other ways), but I'm not sure why. You have a specific enough problem to solve, but you have not explained why any of the "normal" methods don't work well for you.

  • This is probably the correct answer to the general problem.
    – jww
    Mar 28, 2016 at 5:54

You could write a program that prints out BOOST_VERSION and compile and run it as part of your build system. Otherwise, I think you're out of luck.

  • For the case of a software version defined in a header you're probably safe (and it's a good answer). But as a general solution, a possible downside would be in getting your test app and your real app to have the same value of the #define - depending on their include paths, other #defines that may be used to set the value of that one, the CFLAGS passed to the compiler, etc.
    – KeyserSoze
    Oct 13, 2009 at 18:57
  • Print it out from your real program. If graphical, put it in the "about" dialog. If command-line, make it an option (part of --version, maybe). If a daemon, write it to a log file. If embedded, find some other way.
    – divegeek
    Oct 20, 2009 at 15:29
  • @swillden - The OP wanted it at compile time, not at runtime.
    – Chris Lutz
    Oct 20, 2009 at 22:26
  • This also tends to break cross-compiler based builds Dec 21, 2015 at 3:24
  • This is what I'm ending up doing, even though I'm cross-compiling for the AVR CPUs from LINUX. All the preprocessor calculations are in the header file, it it's easy enough to write a short program to test the values. I might use the accepted solution as well but both are better than trying to read an object dump file.
    – Deepstop
    Dec 20, 2020 at 21:03

Are you looking for

#if BOOST_VERSION != "1.2"
#error "Bad version"

Not great if BOOST_VERSION is a string, like I've assumed, but there may also be individual integers defined for the major, minor and revision numbers.

  • I think the submitter doesn't want to (just) enforce a particular value, they want to see what the current value is.
    – KeyserSoze
    Oct 13, 2009 at 19:00
  • This is the only thing that works for me. I can change the #if VARIABLE == 123 statement on the fly and the syntax highlighting tells me whether it's the value I think it is or not...
    – endolith
    Nov 9, 2018 at 21:04

BOOST_VERSION is defined in the boost header file version.hpp.


Take a look at the Boost documentation as well, regarding how you are using the macro:

In reference to BOOST_VERSION, from http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_37_0/libs/config/doc/html/boost_config/boost_macro_reference.html#boost_config.boost_macro_reference.boost_helper_macros:

Describes the boost version number in XXYYZZ format such that: (BOOST_VERSION % 100) is the sub-minor version, ((BOOST_VERSION / 100) % 1000) is the minor version, and (BOOST_VERSION / 100000) is the major version.


Print expanded macro values at compile-time

This is an extension of @Jackie Yeh's answer here.

The magic helper macros, with my minor tweaks:

// Helper macros to print the value of a macro at compile-time
#define VALUE_TO_STRING(x) #x
#define PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME(var) #var "=`" VALUE(var) "`"

To use them:


A word of caution: if the macro is not defined, its name will just be printed out again! So, if your macro is called MY_MACRO, but you never define it, then doing this:


...will print out something like this:

../main.c:1000:63: note: #pragma message: MY_MACRO=`MY_MACRO`

So, look for MY_MACRO=`MY_MACRO` type output when compiling as a clear sign that MY_MACRO is not defined!

This threw me off for a while and I lost a lot of time not realizing this.

I want to show that this works with code blocks too. So, here's my full example:

macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c from my eRCaGuy_hello_world repo:

///usr/bin/env ccache gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -O3 -std=gnu17 "$0" -o /tmp/a -lm && /tmp/a "$@"; exit
// For the line just above, see my answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/75491834/4561887

#include <stdbool.h> // For `true` (`1`) and `false` (`0`) macros in C
#include <stdint.h>  // For `uint8_t`, `int8_t`, etc.
#include <stdio.h>   // For `printf()`

// Various macro definitions to test
#define MY_INT 3
#define MY_STR "ABC"
#define MY_CODE_BLOCK           \
    do                          \
    {                           \
        printf("Hi 1.\n");      \
    } while (0)
// NB: the `#pragma message` output of the above macro is substantially different if I define it as
// `MY_CODE_BLOCK()` instead, and call it as such inside `main()`! Try it out and you'll see.
#define MY_CODE_BLOCK2          \
    {                           \
        printf("Hi 2.\n");      \

// Helper macros to print the value of a macro at compile-time
#define VALUE_TO_STRING(x) #x
#define PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME(var) #var "=`" VALUE(var) "`"

// Example prints at compile-time

// int main(int argc, char *argv[])  // alternative prototype
int main()
    printf("Hello World.\n\n");

    return 0;

Build and run commands, and output, in both C and C++:

In C:

eRCaGuy_hello_world/c$ ./macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c
./macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:74:9: note: ‘#pragma message: NOT_DEFINED=`NOT_DEFINED`’
      |         ^~~~~~~
./macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:75:9: note: ‘#pragma message: DEFINED_BUT_NO_VALUE=``’
      |         ^~~~~~~
./macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:76:9: note: ‘#pragma message: MY_INT=`3`’
   76 | #pragma message PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME(MY_INT)
      |         ^~~~~~~
./macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:77:9: note: ‘#pragma message: MY_STR=`"ABC"`’
   77 | #pragma message PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME(MY_STR)
      |         ^~~~~~~
./macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:78:9: note: ‘#pragma message: MY_CODE_BLOCK=`do { printf("Hi 1.\n"); } while (0)`’
      |         ^~~~~~~
./macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:79:9: note: ‘#pragma message: MY_CODE_BLOCK2=`{ printf("Hi 2.\n"); }`’
      |         ^~~~~~~
Hi 1.
Hi 2.
Hello World.

Or, in C++:

eRCaGuy_hello_world/c$ g++ -Wall -Wextra -Werror -O3 -std=gnu++17 macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c -o bin/a && bin/a
macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:71:63: note: ‘#pragma message: NOT_DEFINED=`NOT_DEFINED`’
   71 | #define PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME(var) #var "=`" VALUE(var) "`"
      |                                                               ^~~
macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:74:17: note: in expansion of macro ‘PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME’
      |                 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:71:63: note: ‘#pragma message: DEFINED_BUT_NO_VALUE=``’
   71 | #define PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME(var) #var "=`" VALUE(var) "`"
      |                                                               ^~~
macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:75:17: note: in expansion of macro ‘PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME’
      |                 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:71:63: note: ‘#pragma message: MY_INT=`3`’
   71 | #define PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME(var) #var "=`" VALUE(var) "`"
      |                                                               ^~~
macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:76:17: note: in expansion of macro ‘PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME’
   76 | #pragma message PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME(MY_INT)
      |                 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:71:63: note: ‘#pragma message: MY_STR=`"ABC"`’
   71 | #define PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME(var) #var "=`" VALUE(var) "`"
      |                                                               ^~~
macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:77:17: note: in expansion of macro ‘PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME’
   77 | #pragma message PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME(MY_STR)
      |                 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:71:63: note: ‘#pragma message: MY_CODE_BLOCK=`do { printf("Hi 1.\n"); } while (0)`’
   71 | #define PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME(var) #var "=`" VALUE(var) "`"
      |                                                               ^~~
macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:78:17: note: in expansion of macro ‘PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME’
      |                 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:71:63: note: ‘#pragma message: MY_CODE_BLOCK2=`{ printf("Hi 2.\n"); }`’
   71 | #define PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME(var) #var "=`" VALUE(var) "`"
      |                                                               ^~~
macro_print_macro_values_at_compile_time.c:79:17: note: in expansion of macro ‘PRINT_MACRO_AT_COMPILE_TIME’
      |                 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi 1.
Hi 2.
Hello World.


  1. My answer on Printing the size of (sizeof()) a type or variable in an error message at compile time in both C and C++

Instead of #error, try redefining the macro, just before it is being used. Compilation will fail and compiler will provide the current value it thinks applies to the macro.

#define BOOST_VERSION blah

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