mud brick

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mud brick

A term occasionally used for adobe that has been shaped in a brick form and then sun-dried.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The most important new tomb discovered, according to Hawass, belonged to a man named Idu and the statement described it as rectangular in structure, with a plaster covered mud brick outside casing.
At least 2,900 people were killed when the quake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale flattened mud brick housing in poor communities near the ancient city of Yogyakarta in the early hours.
The mud brick buildings of Bam, including the 2000-yearold city fortress, collapsed.
Meanwhile, Hanson Brick, the UK's second largest brick manufacturer has acquired a soft mud brick factory at Measham, Leicestershire.
The wood poles in the mosque give structure to the building, and so do the wooden spikes in other mud brick constructions in Djenne.
According to the archaeologists, a small village of mud brick houses currently sits on one of the slopes, a cemetery is one the crest, and the surface of the area is littered with shards of ancient pottery exposed by water run-off.
People only began abandoning their traditional stone and mud brick houses for new concrete buildings in the past couple of decades.
From his investigation in 1962, Schmid determined that the "core" of the ziggurat was preserved only 2 to 2.20 m high, above which was no mud brick rubble but only fine debris, sherds, and brick fragments.
On the walls of buildings ranging from alabaster factories to mud brick farmhouses they found brilliant murals depicting icons of the pilgrim's faith and scenes from the Koran.
Waziri stated during a press release, "The hall was built from mud brick, and the entrances of two burial chambers were found in its northern wall," further explaining, "On top of which, two other chambers were found which include a number of human skeletons, clay lamps, as well as pottery vessels."
Excavations in the area started in 2008 when the mission discovered remains of a fifth-century church built of mud brick as well as a shrine, the statement read.