How rich is Martyn LeNoble in 2024? - Net Worth Roll

How rich is Martyn LeNoble in 2024?


Martyn LeNoble Net Worth

How rich is Martyn LeNoble? For this question we spent 20 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post.

The main source of income: Musicians
Total Net Worth at the moment 2024 year – is about $139,9 Million.



Martyn LeNoble information Birth date: April 14, 1969 Birth place: Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands Profession:Composer, Music Department, Soundtrack

Height, Weight

:How tall is Martyn LeNoble – 1,60m.
How much weight is Martyn LeNoble – 71kg


Martyn LeNoble Net Worth
Martyn LeNoble Net Worth
Martyn LeNoble Net Worth
Martyn LeNoble Net Worth


Martyn LeNoble (Dutch: Martijn LeNoble, born 14 April 1969, Vlaardingen, Netherlands) is a Dutch bassist and founding member of Porno for Pyros.LeNoble started his musical career by playing bass in a Dutch punk rock band when he was 14. In 1989, he moved to Los Angeles and played with the likes of Thelonious Monster and The Too Free Stooges. In 1992, he joined Peter DiStefano, Stephen Perkins and Perry Farrell to form Porno for Pyros.Throughout his extensive career, LeNoble has worked, recorded, toured or performed with artists including Janes Addiction, The Cult, Dave Gahan, Scott Weiland, Mark Lanegan, Soulsavers, Daniel Lanois, Maria McKee, Sarah McLachlan, Layne Staley, Tom Morello, Mike Martt and Josh Klinghoffer. He is currently composing for film and television.
The information is not available


Wikipedia Source: Martyn LeNoble

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