Flight from Helsinki to Frankfurt from 162 €

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Great airfares for your flight from Helsinki to Frankfurt

Use our best fare finder to search flights from Helsinki to Frankfurt. Take a look at our offers and you are guaranteed to find the best flight deals. Choose what suits you best from the attractive offers for flights to Frankfurt (FRA) in October 2024 from 162 €.

Whether it’s a business meeting in Frankfurt or the best holiday destination in Germany, a flight booked on lufthansa.com takes you on a comfortable journey from Finland to your desired flight destination. Your comfort and well-being are top priority on every single flight for the entire time you spend on board.

Our best fare finder can help you search for the best value to your holiday destination. The most inexpensive flight from Helsinki to Frankfurt is available for 162 € in October 2024.

*Please note: To provide you with the widest possible selection of flight destinations, some of the direct flights or connecting flights on lufthansa.com are operated by our partner airlines, which may result in a different flight experience than with Lufthansa.

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