How to open up admin on ORANGE Livebox 4? -

Open Admin Page on ORANGE Livebox 4

How to open ORANGE Livebox 4 admin page:

To change ORANGE Livebox 4 settings you need to open ORANGE Livebox 4 admin page. To do that you need to check what is ORANGE Livebox 4 IP address. You will also need ORANGE Livebox 4 password and default router login.

  1. The first thing you need to do is to connect to ORANGE Livebox 4.
  2. Next, find router IP, you can check ORANGE Livebox 4 IP here.
  3. Then open a web browser and enter the router IP address in the address field. ORANGE Livebox 4 Default IP in web browser
  4. You will see ORANGE Livebox 4 login page.
    ORANGE Livebox 4 Default password
  5. Enter ORANGE Livebox 4 factory login :: admin; and default router password :: (blank)
  6. Fantastic! You should see ORANGE Livebox 4 settings main page, where you can change customize ORANGE Livebox 4 Wi-Fi name and WiFi password.

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