Weather Lékati II, Congo (Brazzaville) today - current weather forecast Lékati II -

Weather Lékati II today

sunrise 5:44 am
sunset 6:00 pm

Weather forecast Lékati II Nov. 27, 2023

Interactive map weather Congo (Brazzaville)

Flag Congo (Brazzaville)
GPS: -2.7228; 13.8425
altitude: 564 m
local time:
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Weather forecast Lékati II, Congo (Brazzaville) extended forecast


Lékati II, Congo (Brazzaville) - information

State: Congo (Brazzaville)
GPS coordinates: -2.7228; 13.8425
Time zone: Africa / Brazzaville

Altitude: 564 m
The administrative part:

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Weather Lékati II, Congo (Brazzaville). Weather forecast Lékati II.

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Weather forecast for Lékati II is supplied by MET Norway Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK.

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Astronomical information Lékati II

data are always in the local time

Sun and light

 Nov. 27, 2023 
Sunrise: Sunset: 
5:44 am 6 pm
Noon: Length of day: 
11:52 am12:16
Start of civil twilight*: End of civil twilight*: 
5:21 am6:22 pm
Start of nautical twilight*: End of nautical twilight*: 
4:56 am6:48 pm
Start of astronomical twilight*:  End of astronomical twilight*: 
4:30 am7:14 pm
* What is Twilight?

Moon and moon phases

Moonrise: Moonset: 
11/26/2023 5:16 pm 11/27/2023 5:33 am
Next new moon: Next full moon: 

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