Free Afrikaans Language Quiz - Test Your Language

How Well Do You Know Afrikaans Vocabulary?

Answer 60 questions and find out how well you know your Afrikaans vocabulary.

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Why take our Afrikaans Vocabulary Quiz?

Afrikaans is such a beautiful and incredibly easy language to learn. Besides its easy sentence structure and grammar (there are only 3 tenses), the spelling is also almost purely phonetic, and there is no gender. Learn Afrikaans and communicate with native speakers all around the world.

Languages Related to Afrikaans

Below are a few languages that are related to Afrikaans in that they also belong to the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family:

Alsatian Icelandic
Danish Jeirriais
Dutch Luxembourgish
Faroese Norwegian
Flemish Scots
Frisian Swedish
German Yiddish
Did you know?

Imagine the iconic Table Mountain overlooking Cape Town, the birthplace of Afrikaans. Afrikaans is the daughter language of Dutch, and the term “Afrikaans” is actually Dutch for African. Nearly 90–95% of Afrikaans vocabulary is of Dutch origin! One of the easiest Germanic languages, it is spoken mainly in South Africa and Namibia.

How it works

  1. Take the Quiz
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  1. Get your results After taking the quiz, you will receive your results by email. And for a small fee, get your own personal certificate!
  1. Share your results Let your boss know, invite your friends, post on social media… Show off your skills, it’s okay to brag!