The Latymer School - Meet the senior team
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Meet the senior team

The Senior Leadership Team

Alongside her senior colleagues, the Headteacher works determinedly to ensure that the needs of every member of the Latymer School community are met. While showing great esteem for the School’s rich traditions and history, Senior Leaders are committed to pushing the School forward in terms of pedagogy, values and policy. 

With Senior Leaders responsible for areas including the curriculum, teaching and learning, the Sixth Form and wellbeing, every area of school life is overseen by an experienced and accomplished member of staff. The Senior Leadership Team is supported further in the day-to-day running of the Latymer School by Heads of Department, Heads of Learning, teaching and support staff. 

Maureen Cobbett


Neil Grassick

Deputy Head (Curriculum)

Chris Wakefield

Deputy Head (Sixth Form)

Simon Pashley

Senior Assistant Head (Care, Guidance and Support)

Oriana Cornejo Gutierrez

Assistant Headteacher (Behaviour, Attendance and Enrichment)

Nicola Kelsall

Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning)

Maureen Cobbett


BA French and German (University of Liverpool)

After graduating from the University of Liverpool, Maureen moved to Madrid, where she spent a short period of time teaching English as a foreign language. Enamoured with teaching, she went on to begin her career as a Languages teacher at a challenging state comprehensive school in South Yorkshire. Having worked in a number of secondary schools in the north of England and progressed through the ranks, she began her second role as a Headteacher at the Latymer School in 2015. Throughout her career Maureen has been committed to nurturing strong, independent thinkers, with the aim of helping students from all backgrounds to reach their full potential at university and beyond.

Neil Grassick

Deputy Head (Curriculum)

BA Geography (University of Liverpool)

Neil spent two years working for a large firm of chartered accountants in London after graduating from the University of Liverpool. Having gained valuable experience in industry and travelled widely, he then decided to pursue a career in teaching and school leadership. Neil has since worked in a number of different secondary schools around the North London area, ranging from partially selective schools to faith comprehensive and secondary modern schools. He progressed through the curriculum route to senior management and, as an enthusiastic geographer, enjoyed supporting language trips and exchanges around Europe. As part of the Going for Great scheme, he has visited numerous London schools, and has demonstrated his dedication to helping students to achieve to the best of their ability.

Chris Wakefield

Deputy Head (Sixth Form)

BSc Economics (University of Loughborough)

Having graduated from Loughborough University with a degree in Economics, Chris worked for a year in industry, before moving to London to complete a PGCE at the Institute of Education. He taught at a number of state comprehensive schools and a Sixth Form College before joining the Latymer School in 1997. He has always been involved in pastoral and progression roles at the School and in 2007 became Head of Sixth Form. During his substantial time at Latymer, Chris has seen many students achieve above and beyond their potential, and he continues to take pleasure in assisting young people to secure places at their chosen universities. 

Simon Pashley

Senior Assistant Head (Care, Guidance and Support)

BSc Exercise and Sport Science (University of Exeter)

Simon graduated from the University of Exeter, choosing then to work as a Graduate Trainee in Corporate Finance for the Bank of Scotland. Having reflected on job satisfaction, Simon decided to make a career change and pursue a career in education. He took up his first teaching job at the Latymer School in 2001 and has worked here ever since. Having worked in a number of roles within the School, including Head of Learning in the Sixth Form and teacher in charge of Initial Teacher Training, Simon is now responsible for pastoral care in Years 7-11 and is the Designated Safeguarding Lead. 

Oriana Cornejo Gutierrez

Assistant Headteacher (Behaviour, Attendance and Enrichment)

BSc International Relations (Manchester University), MSc Latin American Politics (UCL). 

Oriana began her career as a Politics and Spanish teacher in 2013. Since then, she has carried out various middle leadership roles such as Head of Politics and Head of Year 12/13 in schools in North London. She joined the Latymer School as Assistant Headteacher (Behaviour, Attendance and Enrichment) in September 2023

Nicola Kelsall

Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning)

BA English Literature (Manchester Metropolitan), MA English Literature (UWE).

Nicola began her teaching career at the Latymer School in 2007 and has had various roles at the school including Head of Learning and more recently Head of English.Assistant She beame Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning) in September 2023.