Oregon Department of Forestry : Burning & smoke management : Fire : State of Oregon

Burning & smoke management

Prescribed forest burning

Prescribed forest burning is a valuable tool for maintaining a healthy forest and reducing risks to public safety. Prescribed forest burning reduces forest fuels. By reintroducing periodic fire to fire-adapted landscapes, it has also been shown to reduce the potential for high-intensity wildfires and the huge volume of smoke produced by them. Fire suppression is safer, more effective and costs less in areas with a recent history of controlled burning. Prescribed forest burning also helps prepare logged sites for replanting, recycling nutrients back into the soil and reducing pests and disease. These planned fires are lit when fire danger is low and weather conditions are favorable for protecting smoke sensitive receptor area (SSRAs) communities from smoke.

​​​​​​​​Complaints shall be investigated, appropriately treated, recorded, and the complainant informed of the investigation results in a timely (consistent with other workload), courteous, and professional manner. Data gathered through complaint investigation shall be reported periodically in accordance with OAR 629-048-0450

A complaint is any report of smoke alleged to be from forestry activity that may adversely impact public health or protected visibility. Any grievance, tip, information, or inquiry which (1) calls into question forest prescribed burning practices such that an onsite investigation is deemed necessary, or (2) appears likely to be a recurring problem such that documentation seems necessary should be treated as a complaint.​

​Complaint form instructions:

  • ​Note:​ Th​e form does not work from iOS platforms (iPhones/iPads). If using Mac OS, download the form with Adobe Acrobat Reader.​
  • Access the form using the button below, down​​load to your computer, and complete the top portion.
  • Once completed, use the submit button provided on the form or email the completed form to stacy.mccarter@odf.oregon.gov​, or print and return to: 
    Oregon Department of Forestry
    Stacy McCarter
    2600 State Street
    Salem, OR 97310

Slash pile smoke complaint​ form​

​For smoke complaints other than slash or timber burning, visit Oregon Department of Environmental Quality​.​

Outdoor burning

Check with your local ODF district, forest protective associations or local fire department before burning debris. Burn permits are required on all ODF-protected lands during fire season. Many areas prohibit all burning when fire danger increases.

Map of smoke-regulated areas

map of SSRA