NASA Picks UF Mission for Enhanced Earth Water, Ice Tracking | Mirage News

NASA Picks UF Mission for Enhanced Earth Water, Ice Tracking

University of Florida

NASA has selected a team of University of Florida aerospace engineers to pursue a groundbreaking $12 million mission aimed at improving the way we track changes in Earth's structures, such as tectonic plates and oceans.

The mission, titled "GRATTIS" (Gravitational Reference Advanced Technology Test in Space), was the sole proposal selected in a national competition.

GRATTIS will demonstrate the performance of state-of-the-art sensors that measure nanometer-scale gravitational changes from space to monitor movements on the Earth's surface and interior.

"UF is committed to being a leader in space exploration, and this is a perfect example of how our researchers are advancing humanity's understanding of the world and the larger universe," said UF President Ben Sasse. "We're thrilled to support our research team as they push the limits of human curiosity and innovation."

Over the next few years, the team led by principal investigator John Conklin, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, will focus on finalizing the sensor technology and integrating it into the spacecraft. The launch is anticipated to occur around 2027 aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, with subsequent operations managed by UF's mission operations team.

"Our technology will provide vital insights into the movement of water and ice across the planet," Conklin said. "This data is essential for monitoring droughts, assessing groundwater reserves, and understanding the impact of melting ice sheets on sea levels."

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