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Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

king noun

volume_up US /kɪŋ/volume_up UK /kɪŋ/
1. (ruler) rey (masculine)Christ the King Cristo Reythe Book of Kings (Bible) el Libro de los Reyesthe king of jazz el rey del jazzthe king of the castle el amo y señorMonolingual examplesSubsequently, Akbar assimilated cultural patterns from earlier rulers, including sultanate kings and Rajput rulers.IndianAt one time, traditional societies greatly recognised people born to their positions as chiefs, kings or emperors.South African2. (in cards, chess) rey (masculine)(in checkers) dama (feminine)Monolingual examplesThe first king to move must therefore step back from his pawn, leaving him no longer able to protect it (the rules of chess forbid the kings moving within one square of each other).BritishYet by touching the king first, the player might be obligated to move the king to another square if he can legally do so.British


the king of beastsa king's ransom

king {sustantivo}

1. general
In November 2004 the King visited the Conference of Presidents in Brussels.
En noviembre de 2004, el Rey visitó la Conferencia de Presidentes en Bruselas.
It is Belgian weapons suppliers that protect the King against the insurgents.
Los proveedores de armas belgas protegen al rey contra los insurgentes.
Remove cards by making a complete stack in descending order (king to ace).
Quite las cartas creando una pila completa en orden descendente (del rey al as).
2. "in checkers"
king (también: dame, lady)
When a checker reaches the opposite side of the board, it gets crowned and becomes a king.
Cuando una dama llega al lado opuesto del tablero, es coronada y pasa a ser un rey.

medio de King {masculino}

1. biología
medio de King

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "king" en Español

Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. no es responsable de su contenido.

Before making any decision, Martin Luther King used to ask himself: ‘Is it right?’
Antes de cualquier decisión, Martin Luther King solía preguntarse: ¿es justo?
Remove cards by making a complete stack in descending order (king to ace).
Quite las cartas creando una pila completa en orden descendente (del rey al as).
In November 2004 the King visited the Conference of Presidents in Brussels.
En noviembre de 2004, el Rey visitó la Conferencia de Presidentes en Bruselas.
Against this background, the reasons given by the King appear somewhat unconvincing.
Sobre este trasfondo, las razones dadas por el rey parecen poco convincentes.
It is now due to be ratified by the Constitutional Council and King Norodom Sihanouk.
Ahora debe ser ratificada por el Consejo Constitucional y por Rey Norodom Sihanouk.
King Gyanendra’s intervention on 1 February has done little to alleviate poverty.
La intervención del Rey Gyanendra el 1 de febrero no ha servido para aliviar la pobreza.
It is Belgian weapons suppliers that protect the King against the insurgents.
Los proveedores de armas belgas protegen al rey contra los insurgentes.
How do we find a sensible answer to the real threat from this tyrannical Sun King?
¿Cómo podemos encontrar una respuesta razonable a la amenaza real de este tiránico Rey Sol?
When a checker reaches the opposite side of the board, it gets crowned and becomes a king.
Cuando una dama llega al lado opuesto del tablero, es coronada y pasa a ser un rey.
This really is to put pressure on the King and the government to restore democracy in Nepal.
Así se presiona al Rey y al Gobierno para que restauren la democracia en Nepal.
The government lacks any democratic legitimacy; power rests with the King and the army.
El Gobierno carece de legitimidad democrática, el poder recae en el Rey y el ejército.
It rightly criticises Ali Abdullah Saleh and Bashar al-Assad, but not the King of Bahrain.
Critica con razón a Ali Abdullah Saleh y Bashar al-Assad, pero no al rey de Bahréin.
The success of the American market is basically due to 'king dollar '.
El éxito del mercado norteamericano se debe esencialmente al " rey dólar ".
I commend King Canute to the House and hope that his report is accepted.
Encomiendo al Rey Canuto a esta Cámara y espero que se acepte su informe.
(IT) Mr President, Mr Trichet, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, the king has no clothes!
(IT) Señor Presidente, señor Trichet, señor Comisario, Señorías, ¡el rey va desnudo!

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West End
Wellington 0680
Srta. L. Marshall
Aquatechnics Ltd.
745 King Street
West End
Wellington 0680
I urge this House to support the King's mission in this tricky area.
Animo a esta Asamblea a que apoye la misión del Rey en este difícil ámbito.
This makes the contrast with King Gyanendra, seven years later, appear all the starker.
Ello hace que el contraste con el rey Gyanendra, siete años más tarde, sea aún más fuerte.
The success of the American market is basically due to 'king dollar' .
El éxito del mercado norteamericano se debe esencialmente al "rey dólar".
The consumer is not being made king, but once again taken for a fool.
No hacemos un consumidor rey, sino, una vez más, un consumidor engañado.
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English Cómo usar "king" en una frase

He could not understand on what charges the king wanted to punish them for mere demotion of 2-3 ranks would be already excessive.
She will once again come to the rescue, teaching the king and her courtiers through example.
Ten thousand kings endeavour to lift the bow together but are not able to.
He administered for the king a large proportion of the vacant ecclesiastical offices.
The king is able to overcome his grief and soup and rats are allowed back in the kingdom.

English Cómo usar "kingly" en una frase

He has been forced to give up his jewels, losing his kingly appearance.
And the book teems with proverbs, folklore, legends, and a genealogical account of his kingly ancestry.
The governor's mansion -- a kingly abode for the governor and his family, right?
His crown serves as a symbol of his royal power and is of more concern to him than his actual kingly duties.
Here the chef's special is shahi mooli do pyazza translated as kingly radish in onions.

English Cómo usar "kings" en una frase

He is one of the show's all-time immunity challenge kings.
And you're protected by the club -- the history of the institution, past kings, royalty from other nations.
The tradition stalled in 1925 and 1926 when no kings were named.
Tennis has been called the game of inches, of kings, of poets, of love, of errors, of endurance, of a lifetime.

English Cómo usar "king cobra" en una frase

The manager had been away from home when his wife spotted a king cobra atop a giant silver oak tree near the gatepost.
A snake species called the king cobra helped drive the theory home.
Bill distracted the king cobra with one hand while grabbing it swiftly behind the head with the other.
They got tiger for almost an hour, fishing cats and king cobra.

English Cómo usar "king crab" en una frase

The chicken and tofu dishes were good, as was the broccoli with king crab sauce and stir-fried egg noodles with vegetables.
King crab prices this year have reached a record high and the market is certainly noticing.
The salmon, trout, king crab, and halibut fisheries are extremely lucrative.
For gravlax, king crab, smoked salmon and hamachi, call 5240006.
King crab is typically caught at the southern end of the continent.

English Cómo usar "digno de un rey" en una frase

Ni hay otra cosa alguna creada que haga al hombre feliz ni pueda estimarse premio digno de un rey.
Puedo hacer que un plato de lechuga se vea como un festín digno de un rey.
El oro era un regalo digno de un rey; el incienso, un regalo para una divinidad; la mirra, una especie para un hombre mortal, que iba a morir.
Cuando cumplió 16 años, el rey preparó a su hijo en todas las habilidades dignas de un rey.
En consecuencia ningún bien terreno puede hacer al hombre feliz, de modo que pueda ser recompensa digna de un rey.

English Cómo usar "reyes" en una frase

Reyes en todo caso hablaba desde adentro y con conocimiento de causa.
Grischuk recién aceptó las tablas cuando sólo los reyes se encontraban en el tablero.
Son los reyes entre los humanos, de la misma forma que los leones son los reyes en el reino animal.
Reyes no iba a dejar pasar la oportunidad.
La cancha se llenaba la arena cuando jugaban los reyes.

English Cómo usar "cangrejo real" en una frase

De noche se pueden ver pulpos, langostas, cangrejo real, que salen de sus escondrijos bajo el coral y buscan su comida por la arena.
Debido a que por lo general no posee cangrejo real, puede conseguirse kanikama kosher (siempre que no tenga derivados del cangrejo algunos).

"king-size bed" en español

king-size bed
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"king-sized bed" en español

king-sized bed
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"crowned king" en español

crowned king
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Sinónimos (inglés) para "king":

  • B. B. King
  • Billie Jean King
  • Billie Jean Moffitt King
  • Martin Luther King
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Riley B King
  • kinglike
king cobra
  • hamadryad
  • Naja hannah
  • Ophiophagus hannah
king crab
  • Alaska crab
  • Alaska king crab
  • Alaskan king crab
  • European spider crab
  • horseshoe crab
  • Limulus polyphemus
  • Maja squinado
  • Paralithodes camtschatica
  • Xiphosurus polyphemus