Kinematics | Definition, Graphs & Theory - Lesson |
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Kinematics | Definition, Graphs & Theory

Rochelle Enrera, David Wood, Matthew Bergstresser
  • Author
    Rochelle Enrera

    Rochelle has a bachelor's degree in Physics for Teachers from Philippine Normal University-Manila and has completed 30+ units in MS Geology at University of the Philippines-Diliman. She is a licensed teacher and has taught Grade 10 Physics for three years. She has been a science content writer and copywriter for over three years now.

  • Instructor
    David Wood

    David has taught Honors Physics, AP Physics, IB Physics and general science courses. He has a Masters in Education, and a Bachelors in Physics.

  • Expert Contributor
    Matthew Bergstresser

    Matthew has a Master of Arts degree in Physics Education. He has taught high school chemistry and physics for 14 years.

What is Kinematics? Learn the theory with definitions and formulas of the various terms in kinematics. Understand the graphical representation in kinematics Updated: 11/21/2023
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Kinematics Graphs

Kinematics is a branch of physics that deals with motion. It doesn't venture into explaining why motion happens, or how it happens, but only predicts components of an object's motions through the use of mathematical formulas. Often times data from an object's motion is plotted on an x-y grid, and a graph of the object's motion is generated. Typically the x-axis is time and the y-axis could be the position of the object, velocity of the object or acceleration of the object.

If the plot is position versus time, the slope of the graph is velocity. If the plot is velocity versus time, the slope of the graph is acceleration. The slope of an acceleration versus time graph is called jerk, but it isn't a common concept that is dealt with in introductory kinematics. Let's gather some position versus time data and plot a graph.

Materials Required

  • stopwatch (smart phones have stopwatches)
  • meter stick or tape measure
  • pen and paper
  • a few 3 or 4 assistants
  • small toy


  1. Use the meter stick or tape measure to measure out 0.5 meter increments for a total of 2 meters. You can use any distance you wish.
  2. Put a person with a stopwatch at every 0.5 meter mark.
  3. Instruct the people with the stopwatches to start the stopwatch when you give the command and to stop their stop watch when the object passes them.
  4. Have a person or a rolling toy (ball or toy car) move past each person.
  5. Record the time data. Write down the position of the moving object and the time if took for it to get to that position.
  6. Plot the position and time data points on an x-y grid. Connect the dots with a smooth line.

Follow Up Questions

  1. Was the line connecting the dots straight or curved?
  2. What does the slope of the line on this graph represent?
  3. If the person/object moved backwards what would happen to the slope?


  1. Depends on data.
  2. The slope represents velocity.
  3. The slope would be negative.

How do you explain kinematics?

Kinematics is the study of motion without considering its causes. It includes the object's position, how fast it moves, and how its movement varies per unit time. It is also called as "geometry in motion."

What are the basic concepts of kinematics?

Kinematics is the study of motion. There are different terms or concepts involved in kinematics. Some of these terms are distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration. Distance and displacement describes the position of an object, while speed, velocity, and acceleration represents how fast an object is moving and how quick its motion variation occurs.

What is the meaning of kinematic?

Kinematics is the study of motion without considering its causes. It describes how an object moves, and is also called as "geometry in motion". It does not describe how much force is applied to make an object move or how an object's mass affects its motion.

What is kinematics and why is it important? Kinematics is one of the subdivisions of classical mechanics in physics. Specifically, it is the study of motion without considering its causes, and can also be described as the "geometry of motion." Based on kinematics definition, it solely aims to describe an object's motion such as its position, how fast it is moving, or how its movement varies as time passes by. However, it does not describe how much force is applied to make an object move or how an object's mass affects its motion.

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  • 0:04 What Is Kinematics?
  • 1:01 Motion Graphs
  • 2:57 Lesson Summary

There are different terms used to describe the motion of an object in kinematics theory. Some of these motion descriptors are distance, displacement, speed, velocity, and acceleration. Each one will be discussed in detail in the next sections.

Reference Frames

Before describing an object's motion, one needs to clearly set the reference frame. A reference frame is a set of coordinates or reference points used to describe the position, motion, and other properties of the object. Most of the time, the position of an object is described relative to a stationary object present in that same reference frame.

How does a reference frame help describe an object's motion? When an object is said to move at a speed of 3 m/s, it is automatically understood that this speed is relative to the Earth. This speed would be different when viewed in a different reference frame, for example, from the Moon, where the speed of the Earth's rotation in addition to the object's motion needs to be considered.

Setting the reference frame is also important when describing an object's position. Consider an object said to cover a distance of 3 m. Without any reference point, it is impossible to determine where the 3-m distance starts and which specific direction it is headed to. In choosing the reference frame, one needs to specify the starting point, x = 0, as well as the negative and positive directions. Any reference frame is valid as long as it is used consistently. The use of consistent reference frames is highly essential in describing the displacement and velocity of the object.

Distance and Displacement

It is impossible to describe motion without considering an object's position. Distance and displacement are two motion descriptors that specify position.

Distance refers to the total path covered by an object. It is a scalar quantity, and thus, only requires magnitude. Displacement, on the other hand, describes the object's change in position. It refers to the straight path from the object's initial to its final position. Unlike distance, it is a vector quantity, which means that it requires both magnitude and direction.

To differentiate distance from displacement, consider the following example: Suppose a person walks from point A to point B, as shown in the diagram below. To move from its initial to starting point, the person moves 7 m east, then 5 m west. The total path covered is 12 m, regardless of the person's direction. However, the straight path from position A to B is only 2 m, directed toward the east. The 12-m path is the distance, while the 2-m, east vector is the person's displacement.

Fig 1: Distance quantifies the total path covered by an object while displacement describes the change in position.

diagram showing the difference between distance and displacement in kinematics

Speed and Velocity

The next two terms commonly encountered in kinematics are speed and velocity. Speed refers to the distance covered by an object per unit time. It is a scalar quantity and only deals with magnitude.

The speedometer of a car, located on its dashboard, displays its speed at an instant.

speedometer on a car dashboard

Velocity, on the other hand, describes the displacement per unit time. It is a vector quantity and requires both magnitude and direction to be quantified. Average velocity is expressed as {eq}v=\frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t} {/eq}, where v is the average velocity, {eq}\Delta x {/eq} is the displacement, and {eq}\Delta t {/eq} is the time elapsed.

Consider again the example provided in the previous section. Suppose that it took 60 seconds for the person to move from point A to point B. Using the expression {eq}v=\frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t} {/eq}, the speed of the person is 0.2 m/s, while his velocity would be 0.03 m/s, toward the east direction.

The example above shows that speed and velocity have different values, but in some cases, their magnitudes are the same, especially when an object or a person moves in only one direction. Although these two quantities differ from one another, they are commonly interchanged and velocity is simply defined as the speed with direction.


Acceleration is a vector quantity that refers to the change in velocity per unit time. It describes how fast the velocity changes. Acceleration occurs when an object either changes its direction or its magnitude. For example, acceleration occurs when a car moves in a straight line but the magnitude of its velocity varies per unit time. The car is also accelerating when it moves at a constant speed but follows a circular path. As it moves along the curved path, its direction constantly changes. Since it is the change of velocity per time elapsed, it is mathematically expressed as {eq}a=\frac{\Delta v}{\Delta t}=\frac{v-v_{0}}{t-t_{0}} {/eq}. It has an SI unit of m/s{eq}^2 {/eq}.

In kinematics, the terms instantaneous acceleration, average acceleration, and deceleration are commonly encountered. What is the difference between each term?

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Kinematics is the study of motion without considering its causes. Based on kinematics meaning, it can also be described as "geometry in motion." When describing the motion of an object, a reference frame needs to be clearly set. A reference frame refers to a set of coordinates or reference points used to describe the position, motion, and other properties of the object. Kinematics involves various motion descriptors, which are defined as follows:

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Video Transcript

What Is Kinematics?

Kinematics is the study of motion, without any reference to the forces that cause the motion. It basically means studying how things are moving, not why they're moving. It includes concepts such as distance or displacement, speed or velocity, and acceleration, and it looks at how those values vary over time.

Kinematics can be studied in one dimension, like a bus driving along a straight road; in two dimensions, like a canon being fired with a side-on view; and even in three dimensions. Things just get a little more complicated as you add dimensions.

Kinematics has many equations associated with it: equations for objects moving at a constant speed, equations for objects that are accelerating, even complex equations for objects where the acceleration rate is changing. But sometimes it's easier to use graphical representations of kinematics quantities or, in a word, graphs.

Motion Graphs

There are three main motion graphs that tend to be studied in kinematics: displacement-time graphs, velocity-time graphs, and acceleration-time graphs. Remember that

  • displacement is how far you are form your starting position. Think of it as being really similar to distance.
  • velocity is like speed, but with a direction. For example, five miles per hour is a speed, five miles per hour north is a velocity.
  • acceleration is the rate at which the velocity is changing.

Here is an example of a displacement-time graph:

Distance-time graph
Distance-Time Graph

It shows an object moving at a constant speed away from its starting position and then slowing down to a stop.

To plot a velocity-time graph of this motion, we can either think conceptually about what's happening, or find the slope of the displacement-time graph. The slope of the displacement-time graph tells you the velocity. A velocity-time graph of the same motion looks like this:

Velocity-Time Graph
Velocity-Time Graph

We see a constant velocity at first and then the object slows down to a stop. Or in other words, we have a positive velocity where the slope of the displacement graph was positive, and a velocity decreasing to zero where the slope of the displacement graph was flattening off to zero.

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