
  • Ella Purnell has evolved from a small role in Kick-Ass 2 to a major star in TV and film, showcasing her talent and versatility.
  • Purnell's standout role as Lucy MacLean in Fallout demonstrates her ability to balance humor and drama, adding depth to the show.
  • Looking ahead, Purnell's potential return to Kick-Ass in a new role would not only be a full-circle moment but also a draw for audiences.

In the last five years, Ella Purnell has become a major television star, taking on unique roles from various different genres and proving her skills as an actress, which makes one of her earliest roles in Kick-Ass 2 even better. Ella Purnell's acting career first began in 2010 when she appeared as Young Ruth in the British dystopian film, Never Let Me Go. In the intervening years, she continued to appear in a variety of films, but she really began to garner fame with her TV appearances in 2018 and beyond. Now, Purnell is a recognizable and lovable star.

One of Purnell's series that is particularly outstanding at the moment is Fallout. Based on the video game franchise of the same name, Fallout earned immediate acclaim from fans and newcomers alike. In the Fallout cast, Purnell plays Lucy MacLean, a young woman who grew up in the Vaults, and now decides to go out on her own in the apocalyptic ruins of the world. There are many reasons why Fallout is doing so well, and one of them is undoubtedly Ella Purnell. Her performance and dedication to the role prove that she deserves to be as popular as she is.

Kick-Ass 2 Is Even More Horrible In The Comics

Kick-Ass 2 is a pretty R-rated film, but it is actually toned down compared to the original comics, with one controversial scene being even worse.

Rewatching Ella Purnell's Kick-Ass 2 Appearance Is Hilarious Now That She's A Major Star

Purnell's cameo has much more meaning now

Ella Purnell as Dolce in Kick Ass 2

These days, Ella Purnell is a pretty recognizable actress, but back in 2013, she didn't have the amount of clout she does now. At that point, she had only appeared in three feature films. Therefore, when she took on a small role in Kick-Ass 2 as mean girl Dolce, it didn't really mean much to audiences watching at the time. She was likely just another face in the crowd, especially compared to other Kick-Ass 2 actors like Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloe Grace Moretz, Jim Carrey, and John Leguizamo. Nowadays though, it is a huge delight to see Purnell in this role.

The Kick-Ass movies are based on comic books of the same name.

Now that audiences know how talented and dynamic Ella Purnell is as an actress, it is truly amazing to see her in a film as fun and silly as Kick-Ass 2. Over the course of her career, Purnell has taken on films and series of various different genres, but arguably, Kick-Ass stands in a genre of its own. Furthermore, this is one of the only funny projects Purnell has ever been in. Therefore, it is very exciting to see Purnell in this atmosphere alongside this star-studded cast, even if it is only for a few scenes.

Ella Purnell's Fallout Role Pays Off Kick-Ass 2's Comedy

Fallout is Purnell's second funny role

Although Kick-Ass 2 was, for a long time, the only funny role on Ella Purnell's resume, her most recent part in Amazon Prime Video's Fallout is changing that. Fallout may be a dystopian drama series, full of violence and existential dread, it is also quite funny. In fact, that is one of the reasons why Fallout is so popular, both in its video game and television versions.

Fallout successfully balances the horror of a nuclear disaster with the humor that comes from simply being human, no matter the cirumcstances.

Luckily, Purnell gets to enjoy this benefit as well.

More than 10 years after Kick-Ass 2, Ella Purnell finally gets to use her comedy skills again. Although her role as Dolce in Kick-Ass 2 is much different than that of the brave Lucy MacLean, there are definitely still some similarities in terms of their humor. In the face of violence and potential death, both Kick-Ass and Fallout manage to include uniquely human humor that is not only funny, but makes their distinct worlds much more realistic and relatable. Ella Purnell is key to this, especially in Fallout, where she must be the courageous adventurer and the naive outsider.

Why Kick-Ass 3 Should Bring Back Ella Purnell

Purnell's story could come full circle

Matthew Vaughn has given several vague hints about the future of Kick-Ass, but regardless of whether it's a reboot, a remake, or a sequel, Ella Purnell should be involved. First and foremost, this would be great because it would bring Purnell's career full circle. Though she only played a small role in Kick-Ass 2, she could come to the forefront in a new Kick-Ass movie, proving how her fame has grown since 2013. Furthermore, the world of Kick-Ass is flexible enough that Purnell could return as Dolce or as someone entirely different. Fallout has proven Purnell plays a great hero.

Matthew Vaughn has revealed that a new Kick-Ass movie called School Fight has already been written and filmed. Alledgedly, it's sequel is also on the way.

Another big reason for including Ella Purnell in the new Kick-Ass is that she could bring in audiences. It is unclear whether Aaron Taylor-Johnson or Chloe Grace Moretz would be willing or able to come back for a new Kick-Ass, but if they are out of the project, adding Ella Purnell to the main cast could make up for this loss. Purnell could carry the mantel for her former co-stars, starting a new generation of Kick-Ass. And even if Johnson and Moretz did return, it would still be a very cool dynamic.

Kick-Ass 2 Shows How Far Ella Purnell Has Come (& How Far She Can Still Go)

Purnell's resume has gotten better and will only continue to improve