Sociology Of Childhood Final Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
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Sociology Of Childhood Final Exam

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Terms in this set (18)
Conscious experiences are seen as influenced by an unlimited number of experiences a human being has had, including events that are subconscious.
racial etiquette
strict rules of behavior emplaced on a race through constructions of societal measures.
The social construction of race
the process by which people come to define a group as a race based in part on physical characteristics, but also on historical, cultural, and economic factors
The Doll test
psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark designed and conducted a series of experiments known colloquially as "the doll tests" to study the psychological effects of segregation on African-American children. Drs. Clark used four dolls, identical except for color, to test children's racial perceptions.
White Privilege
White privilege refers to the inherent chances that white individuals in a society receive due to racial inequality amongst other minorities.
The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class and gender.
Individuals whose gender identity corresponds to their biological sex
Individuals with behaviors that may be listed as ; strange, eccentric and differing from gender norms by a society.
Doing Gender
The performance of task and completing gender roles based on the biological gender assigned at birth.
Gender privilege
A term for the social and economical advantages a gender has over another.
Bejing, Havannah and Riyadayh guidelines
Forms of juvenile justice. 1. The Beijing Rules affirm member States' commitments to "endeavor to develop conditions that will ensure for the juvenile a meaningful life in the community, which, during that period in life when she or he is most susceptible to deviant behavior, will foster a process of personal development and education that is as free from crime and delinquency as possible." 2. The United Nations rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty, or the Havana Rules, was adopted by the General Assembly in 1990." 3. The Riyadh Guidelines affirm the importance reducing juvenile delinquency plays on reducing crime, the necessity of implementing the guidelines according to a child-centered approach, and the communal responsibility for children's well-being from the earliest ages onward.
Disintigrative Shaming
Disintegrative shaming seeks to shame not only the act which was committed but the individual as a whole, to attempt to restructure their values or future choices.
reintegrative shaming
Reintegrative shaming communicates disapproval within a continuum of respect for the. offender; the offender is treated as a good person who has done a bad deed. Stigmatization.(Allows for real human conversation and solutions to occur)
restorative justice
punishment designed to repair the damage done to the victim and community by an offender's criminal act (allowing discussions with victim/etc.)